fRI , IT Y COLl H L RARY 1 1 <1.1\I I> • tht 1957 =----- Vol. LV TRINITY COLLEGE, HARTFORD, CONN., MARCH 6, 1957 No. 17 Senat~ P~oposes Several Campus Seminary Day Offers ~~~,~~·,!h~S!~~~- al Changes Panel Discussions Tomorrow ing, the following amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws of the en­ ate were proposed. Theme Is Vocational: Amend ment to Article 1, Sec. 3 of the Dr. Louis Brand Berkelt>y Di inity chool Dr. Edward R. Hardy, Profc~.or of 'The Ministry Today' Constitution (To replace first sentence Church History. Dr. Elmer J. of 1. 3): Speaks on 'The 'ook, Professor of w Testament. Visiting theologians and students "Any senator absent without ex­ . orman atir, Trinity, '55; from cl ven s minaries and divinity cuse from the offices of the Senate E(Jisco(Jal Tht>ological 'chool­ schools will participate in tomorrow's NumherTheory' Richard Hennigar, Trinity, '54. from fou1· scheduled Senate meetings Campus S minary Day, a program of By DAVE SMITH Gcnt>ra l Theological St>minat·y­ during the term of office, regardless of The Reverend Arthur K lsey, pan I discussions and talks, under the Dr. Louis Brand, Whitney Visiting alternate r presentation, \Vill be sub­ Chaplin. Robert Hibbs, Trinity, auspices of the Chap I Cabinet. Lead­ ject to expulsion by a 2/ 3 minimum Professor of Mathematics, gave a '54. ing spokcsmt>n for the Christian and lecture last Wednesday on the sub­ Hartford S<>minary- Th ~ver­ vote." Jewish faiths will xamine the theme, ject of "Mathematics as an Experi­ end halmm-s oe, Associat Pro­ Amendment to A t·ticle II, Sec. I, o fessor in Practical Theology. Hen­ "Th' :\Jinistry Today." mental Science". that it shall read : ry Clement mith, 11, Hm·e1·ford, Two Panel Di cus ion Dr. Brand holds degrees in chem­ 49. "The new senators, at the meeting Two programs will be presented in Dr. Louis Brand ical and electrical engineering, and Harvard Divinity . chool - Dr. at which the incumbent Senate has the Chemistry Auditorium. The 4:00 physics, in addition to a Doctorate Krister Stendahl, Assistant Profes­ dissolved itself by formal motion, shall sor of ew T stament. Hanison p.m. panel discussion will include fac­ in Mathematics from Harvard. For elect their officers presided over by the Br wer, Colgate, '56. ulty and administration representa­ many years he has been the head of I. aac E lchanen Theological em- president of the previous Senate and tives of the divinity schools consider­ Hundred Men Collect a double department at the Univer­ inar y- Rabbi William ohen, Ad- attended by a ll the new Senators." ing "God's Call in Today's World." sity of Cincinnati, operating in both vi or t.o Hill el. Article I V, Sec, 3, amended to read: . For City Heart Fund, J ewish Theo logica.l S minary ­ Dr. Edmond Cherbonnicr, Associate the pure and applied fields of math- Professor of Religion, will be the "The new Senators shall take office Rabbi Seymour iegel, Teaching matics. Fellow m Talmud. Harold Whit , moderator. and elect its officers at the last meet­ Yields $725 to Drive Discussed Math. Concepts Wesl yan, '54. The 7:00 p.m. panel discussion will ing of the incumbent senate which With an exemplary community spir­ Philadelphia Divinity 'chool - Dr. Brand discussed several math­ have divinity school representatives shall be as soon after the second it, the I.F.C. collected $725 for the Dr. James L. Jones, Assistant P ro­ matical concepts which are based fessor of Biblical Literature. W. as panelists speaking on "Why I week in April as practicable." Heart Fund last Thursday night. wholly or partially on emperial find­ Michael Cassell, Jr., P nnsylvania, Chose th Full-time Ministry." An am ndment shall be added to Ar­ President Pierce congratulated the ings, thus illustrating the importance '55. Four Trinity alumni will b among ticle IV to r ad : freshmen on the worthy support given St. T homa. Seminary- Th Rev­ of experimenta.tion in mathematics. tho pan lists: Norman Catir, '55, S ction 7-"N ew senators shall be in canvassing. Pierce also expressed erend Robert allahan, Advisor to He began with what is probably the Newman Club. Th Rev rend Jo­ Richard H ennigar, '54, Rob rt Hibbs, requir d to attend incumbent Senate his pl easure in the brilliant perform­ mo. t important theonn in mathemat­ seph E. Vujs, Wcsl yan, '49. '54, and Rob rt Tsu, '50. meetings from the date of their lee­ ance r endered by the fratemities on ics-the Pythagorean theorm for nion Theological Seminary- Dr. Discussion Groups Arthur l\1. Ill-own, Assistant Dean lion until such time as they sha.ll Stunt ight. right triangles. The major part of At 8:15 p.m. following the student officially take office. St. Anthony Hall's letter was re­ of Students. Ri chard Lundy, Oc­ the lecture dealt with various solved cidental, '54. pan I, the four campus religious The purposes of this stipulation ar : read a nd tabled until after ratification and unsolved problems in number the­ Virginia Theological 'eminary­ clubs will form separate discussion J. To assure a period of participa­ of the new constitution. Bill Rich­ ory. Dr. Brand said, ". contrary Dr. harlcs l'I"ice, Associate Pro­ groups with their seminary leaders. tion and instruction in Senate ards repeated and tressed the idea in fessor of Th ology. H.ogt r Wa lke, to popular opinion, arithmetic is a far Princeton, '52. Robet·t Tsu, Trin­ Anglican discussion group in the Li­ affairs. last week's Tripod editorial that the more diffict.lt ~ubject than calculus." ity, '50. brary; J wish discussion group in El­ 2. To provide a period in which pledging average of fraternities be He often quoted Gibbs' theory that Yale Divi nity School- Dr·. Jam s ton Lounge; Protestant discussion leadership capabilities may be rais d to 70. The idea was to be dis­ "the whole is simpler than its parts." M. Gustafson, Instructor in Social group in Goodwin Lounge; and atho­ exercised in preparation for e­ cussed in chapter meetings and re­ This he showed from another point of Ethic . Frederick Taylor, Vander­ bilt, '54. lic di scussion group in Cook Loung . lection of n w Senate officers. fened to next week's I. F.C. meeting. view in a recent lecture to Sigma Pi A ew Dimention a. To assut·e a continuity of busi­ A proposal by the Class of '59 was Sigma on the subject of dimensional Comm nting on the enthusiastic re­ ness between successive Senates. tabled till next week for discussion. analysis. Heart Fund Benefits sponse which all divinity schools have Amendments to the By-Law ·: It proposed lhat there be a question giv n in the preparation of Seminary Article I. S c. B, sha ll bs amended and answer discu sion concerning fra­ Independents Plan From Theta Xi Dance Day, Chaplain Thomas said, "It is the to read: lemities between representatives of The F'ifth Annual Sw elheart Uall unit d witn ss of th visiting scholars " ... and for 'enators, hall be held the freshman and sophomor cia ses. Dance for Satur d ay sponsot·cd by the Theta Xi l~rdt rnity that every man can lind a new di­ as near as practicabl e after March 1, Th Pi Kappa Alpha representative "Modern Mayhem," a record hop, n tled over $1,000 for the Hartford mension-the dimension of God's will in the manner hereafter provided." was unable to tay for the entire will be sponsored by the Independents Heart Association. This brings the -in which to make all choices in­ Articlt> I, Sec. E, . ub ection 3, ·ha.ll meeting, in which the proposed con­ of the College on this Saturday, fiv year total well over $6,000. cluding his life work. The reality of read : stitution was examined. H gave his March 9 from 8:30 until 12:00 in ilill L arnard, '57 and G orgc Bax­ this approach in contrast to the ap­ "Senate elections shall be held at proxy to Psi Upsilon. Sigma Nu was Hamlin Hall. Free beer will be served tcr, '58 w rc 'o-chairmcn of this proach of sci (-direction and self gain lhe time provided in the By-Laws, Art. represented by a Sophomore. (See to this couples-only dance where the year's dan<·c which was hel d Febt-uary in choosing jobs or making a living, I, Sec. B, and in manner provided for Page 2 for a copy of th proposed tariff is only $1.25 and door prizes 22 at the Wamponoag Country lub. is the fact to look for." in the Constitution." f.F.C. constitution.) will be awarded. The high point of the evening came "It is the 'HOW' of choosing a The dance is open to freshmen and whcn Mt·s. Jos ph P . Spatt was life-work, not th 'WHERE' that the also to fraternity men if they wish crowncd Sw cthcat·t of Th ta Xi for afternoon and evening sessions will to come. 1957. present. It is vocation vs. careers." Spear Made Maiority Leader Intermission entettainment will be provided by student and faculty per­ Of House at CISL Convention formers. Ensemble Concert Friday Will "The purpose of this dance," said By CARL H. SH STER Chairman Tom Kratz, '57, "is to pro­ Delegates from seventeen Connecti­ vide an enjoyable Saturday evening Feature Varied Selections cu t colleges to the Connecticut Inter­ social function on a non-major party The College Band has announced the entit·e program fot· the Ens mble collegiate Student Legislature met in weekend." Concert to be held this Friday, March 8, in the hemistry Auditorium.
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