Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC December 1994 Daily Egyptian 1994 12-1-1994 The aiD ly Egyptian, December 01, 1994 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_December1994 Volume 80, Issue 66 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1994 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in December 1994 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Southern Illinois University al Carbondale ; .. , Thursday, 0C:ce·rfiber l, 1994, Vol. 80, No. 66, 16 Pages Center promotes ~~rid AIDS Day By Diane Dove Staff Reporter Living with HIV, AIDS focus:~of s~ial events un~!~~~a~~dth!u~er~~~ !~e~I~ · • .. · I"''"!'- because AIDS is the sixth leadinP. The SIUC Wellness Center is dinator. said today ha.~ been desig­ World H.:alth Organization," she soring events lo infonn SIUC SIU- cause of death for people betwec..i working wilh several local organi­ na tcd by lhe World Health said. "It's national, so it gives dents of the problems in dealing 15 to 24 years old. za1ions this week 10 sponsor events Organization as a day to focus national attention lo the disease.". with HIV infection, Mills said. "One million Americans are in connection with World AIDS attention on living wilh HIV and In addition to the Wellness ''This ycar'.s theme is AIDS and infected with HIV now and a lot of Day. AIDS. Center, the Southern Illinois families," she said. ·"We'n: doing people are gelling thh in Desiree Mills. the Wellness "This is something that was Regional Effort for AIDS and talks in residents halls to try to get Cenler"s sexuality education coor- started seven years ago by the Student Health Program~ are spon- at more students." '"AIDS,page5 ·:Su$picions, link· CIPS to oil spill By Aaron Butler "Our suspicion, although we Staff Reporter can't prove anything, is that the line was broken while some gas The cleanup of a large oil spill lines were being installed in the near Campus Lake is still in area," he said. "We know that progress. and those involved CIPS (Central Illinois Power express suspicion that responsi­ Service) was operating in the bility for the spill may lie with a area. and it is possible that the local power company line was broken at that time." James Tyrell. director of the Because any excavation of the Center for Environmental Health oil-soaked soil must be done and Safety, said the leak may under the supervision of a fire have been the result of careless marshal. the line has not yet been digging in the area. and that such replaced and one nearby building breaks do not normally occur as is still being serviced by an a result of t:mperature changes or natural wear-and-tear. see SPILL, page 5 Sen.f4lng letter home ---10 cost a·cents more The Washington Post mailers. Postal officials and large com­ WASHINGTON-The price mercial mailers expressed disap­ of a first-class letter will jump to pointment, but not surprise, at the Staff Photo by Shirley Gioia 32 cents Jan. I. commission's ruling. "We The independent Postal Rate expected it," shrugged Gene A. Boatman Commission Wednesday Del Polito, executive director of Shane Brown, a senior In Industrial design from Decatur, places a seat on one of three endorsed the proposed 32-cent the Advertising Mail Marketing deck boats undergoing assembly Wednesday afternoon In the Blue Barracks. The boats, stamp. declaring that the nation• s Association, whose members will troubled mail service would fur­ have to pay a"l extra S3 IO million built at omt•slxth scale, wlll be presented to Mariah Boats on Friday. The company asked a year under the commission's the class for designs to be considered for a sporty deck boat. ther deteriorate if the Postal Service were denied urgently decision. needed revenues. But the commission rejected a request for a 10.3 percenr across­ the-board increase on publica­ '93 flood cleanup continues tions. bulk mail and parcels that the Postal Service and mailers project where students will work be using the Chester High School had championed. Instead, the SIUC volunteers refurbishing homes on Kaskaskia facilities during the project. commission imposed higher Island and possibly Prairie du Steven Green. a junior in pre­ increases on those mail cate­ donate time off RochL-r. Studcnl~ will leave on Jan. I! medicine from Elgin. said he volun­ gories, accusing postal officials and n:tum by Jan. 14. teered for the flood relief project of continuing to attempt to foist Gus says. Pretty soon It will to refurbish cities Bryan Fulton. a member of because he enjoys helping people .. a disproportionate amount" of cost more than my tuition to VoluntL'Crs In Service To America. and realizes employers look at appli­ the agency's costs on first-class send a letter home. By Dean Weaver said he is helping to organize the vol­ cants who have had volunteer ser- Senior Reporter unteer effort t'1:.t will benefit the vice. community of Kaska.,kia. Lorentz said SIUC students can w;1ik manv SIUC students will .. Man) of the structures in this volunteer for the flood relief and Circuit court drops charges n:lum home f;ir the holiday L-clchr.i­ community have been dcva.,tated," after completing the five days they tion,. ~nme wiH he donating their he said ...We arc working lo help will receive a certificate, a resumc­ of stalking against student time to11elping Jllinois residents still people move back into the homes ~tyle transcript from the student By David Vlngren and shouting obscenities at her. rcw\'ering from the great 000<! of that arc lefL" development office outlining their Staff Reporter The stalking charges were 199J. Fulton said SIUC students may volunteer efforts IJld one credit hour. dropped by the Jackson County Ka1hie Lorentz. coordinator of stu­ also be working on refurbishing a Fulton said this opportunity pro­ Stalking charges have been Circuit Court Nov. 18 at the. den I development. said the nond 319-year-old church. which is lhe vides students with a good experi• dropped against an SJUC student request of State's Attorney Mike relief project is sponsored by the only community structure still being cnce and is helpful if they arc consid­ who still faces a charge of disor- Wepsiec. Saluki Vnlunleer Corps, a ~tudent used in Ka.,ka.,kia. ering can.-crs in social service or arc derly conduct. Wepsiec and Lambert declined community !'l!rvice gruup with over Lorentz !-aid the relief project will interested in joining the Pc.ICC Corps. Douglas A. Lambert, a ·senior to comment since a disorderly · I. IIKI memhcrs. cost students very little because Lorentz said students interested in in jownalism from Chicago, was conduct charges still being u1ren11. !-aid she hopes to have 20 meals. sleeping bags, transportation volunteering should contact her at arrested in March for allegedly ,tudent volunteers for the fivc-,lay and tools arc provided. Studcnl~ will 453-5714. ~!alking a female SIUC: s_t~d~~t .., ~ DR:OPP~D, page 5 SIUC professor Opinion Sport, ;~~ 1 : •:ff", claims to have -See page4 Comics SIUC hosti first Missouri \iall~•/C~fe~e ~~ the answer to -5eepago 13 the origin oflife. Classtfled · swimming and ~iving chci~p~_ships .\ -Seepage 11 'SuMy· . _, ,. <:.. , --~ ~-poge -Story on page 8 Hlghof80 !i" ,, , ~bel' •• 1994 • I ,II -HolidaiSllE:: ·; "WIEN_·_...·c·,,.;:_-:DliiNIO."-~-.-. from now'HH x-mas. ·· CILL · ~ .AFRIBID. ~1n-~Jor~.!_'!e~=-::,:,:_i;. w·o·- -r--1-,d· '-UIHc - .., - -- Drinking and riding can lead to a l ~ ._. ..__ O Accepled loss of license, a conviction, or ~ ~ ~ - even worse. When you drink, get PALESTINIAN AXES ISRAEU SOLDIER TO DEAlH- ---• car-llAIDadlllAllilaPII. aridew_ithafriend.lt's • •- · lhe best call you can make.w JERUSALEM-An ax-wielding PaJcstiman backed to dcadl an Israeli East ate Mall •Carbondale-• 529-1910 llllaffl&I... _wm,___ • ID1diel'~mshc-wailld.fcrab11SinlhencirdmlmmofAfula. "-iiiiiiiii,,i,llliii,,....,;,i,i,iii,.......,iiiiillllllllllii.,.iiiiiiii,........... ___ .. .-"'======·=====:::::__, lsmelip,licelepl'ICll, Tbeami!ant,idedifiedm'Wub:Aba•Rullb.25,cf &he \\bit Ba aown of Qaligilya. was sail 10 be a member of Hama.,, a _s:;;;;;~~=~-~-• militant Islamic mpnization dl8l 1w vowed ID sabolagc Israel's pca:e IKXXid widldlePlltslinians. Theuall!Ekcamejustonedayafterlhelsradi Anny arinounced it had aneslC:d 40 members or &he 17.1.e.din al-Qwem On-Campas Coatat: mitiay wing of Hamm. The Anny has arresied some 400 ~ members Jeff@ 549-6393 in &he plSt few l1IOlllm, a Army ~ said Tuesday. Among &he 40 Tllerc:isa @ 549-4009 Patrick @ 457-8085 medin a1-Qmsem membm aneslCd wcrcSC\'Clal men suspeaed cf~ IDplml &he bom!ing cf a bm in 1el Aviv last mmdJ dllllkillcd 22 peq,Jc. lhc Cancun from $399 spmmDIIJsaid. Jamaica from$439 HAmAN POLITICS COMPOUND AIDS PROBLEM­ Florida from$12, FOirr-AU-PRINCE. Haiti---1bc fight against lhc spead of AIDS mi any effort ID help dmc infectrxl wilh the virus in Haiti IR daunting laSb lhat ~-lhc Jl:IDUl'CCS of local aJlhorilics. In lhc havoc of.mili&my sicJn ml'ibeisolalion of inlanalima1 . officials have Ima~ bow _have died of AIDS ml bow~In lhccibcs.mili­ wy :t:agrim legacy. AIDS research and ue:atm=t were all but hal­ SMOKERS 120 N /UaoSl. ltaca. Hf 1481il led, laldi ol6cia1s ay; The Rgime smpndcd free lDV ll:Sling after an Be Paid For ............. ,..,.Tcl-1~. __..... ,.,. inlmladanll cmlmgo made it IDOle dil&cuJt ID import ICSl kils. An AIDS /ltllMl-==:.=:.c:--=:r---'... __ ..... bot&ie wmdivenedto lbc regime's 1& And lbcc:xlemivenctwodtofHai­ lial mqiro6t rdigim1 ml bmullitaisl gnq& 111111 tal been worting ID 1.
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