Admissions Profile Fall Term All Undergraduates

Admissions Profile Fall Term All Undergraduates

Admissions Profile Fall Term All Undergraduates Freshman, Transfers, Readmitted and Post Bac 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Applied 1,973 1,759 2,107 3,336 2,802 Accepted 1,090 1,026 1,160 1,538 1,265 % Accepted 55.2% 58.3% 55.1% 46.1% 45.1% Enrolled 568 489 592 576 625 % Enrolled 52.1% 47.7% 51.0% 37.5% 49.4% Total first time, first year women who applied 1,255 1,056 1,209 1,810 1,642 Total first time, first year men who applied 718 703 898 1,526 1,160 Total first time, first year women accepted 691 641 637 789 724 Total first time, first year men accepted 399 385 523 749 541 Total full time, first‐time, first‐year women who enrolled 274 238 268 263 264 Total part time, first‐time, first‐year women who enrolled 66 53 45 55 44 Total full time, first‐time, first‐year men who enrolled 203 176 251 224 295 Total part time, first‐time, first‐year men who enrolled 25 22 28 34 23 Prepared by: The Office of Institutional Research Admissions Profile Fall Term New Undergraduates Office of Admissions Final Fall Figures 2010 ‐ 2014 Freshman Year Applied Accepted Enrolled % Enrolled 2010 1,006 489 215 44.0% 2011 912 477 168 35.2% 2012 1,250 620 282 45.5% 2013 2,394 998 273 27.4% 2014 1,855 706 313 44.3% Transfer Year Applied Accepted Enrolled % Enrolled 2010 873 519 297 57.2% 2011 757 474 274 57.8% 2012 775 474 266 56.1% 2013 880 489 267 54.6% 2014 892 519 287 55.3% Readmitted Year Applied Accepted Enrolled % Enrolled 2010 73 61 45 73.8% 2011 70 55 37 67.3% 2012 62 49 32 65.3% 2013 58 47 32 68.1% 2014 48 33 20 60.6% Post Bac Year Applied Accepted Enrolled % Enrolled 2010 21 21 11 52.4% 2011 20 20 10 50.0% 2012 20 17 12 70.6% 2013 4 4 4 100.0% 2014 7 7 5 71.4% Total Year Applied Accepted Enrolled % Enrolled 2010 1,973 1,090 568 52.1% 2011 1,759 1,026 489 47.7% 2012 2,107 1,160 592 51.0% 2013 3,336 1,538 576 37.5% 2014 2,802 1,265 625 49.4% Prepared by: The Office of Institutional Research Admissions Profile Fall Term New Undergraduates Acceptance Type of New Undergraduates Enrolled New Undergraduates by Acceptance 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 % Regular Admit Accepted 1,007 860 1,100 1,425 1,230 97% Enrolled 516 438 557 541 601 96% 557 541 601 516 438 Conditional Admit Accepted 83 166 60 113 35 3% Enrolled 52 51 35 35 24 4% 52 51 35 35 24 TOTAL Accepted 1,090 1,026 1,160 1,538 1,265 Enrolled Enrolled Enrolled 568 489 592 576 625 Regular Admit Conditional Admit Acceptance Type of New Freshman Undergraduates Enrolled New Freshman by Acceptance 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 % Regular Admit Accepted 430 336 570 899 677 96% 294 255 248 Enrolled 183 131 255 248 294 94% 183 Conditional Admit Accepted 59 141 50 99 29 4% 131 Enrolled 32 37 27 25 19 6% 32 37 27 25 19 TOTAL Accepted 489 477 620 998 706 Enrolled 215 168 282 273 313 Enrolled Enrolled Regular Admit Conditional Admit Acceptance Type of New Transfer New Transfer by Acceptance Undergraduates Enrolled 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 % Regular Admit Accepted 504 452 465 480 513 99% 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 285 282 Enrolled 285 262 258 260 282 98% 262 258 260 Conditional Admit Accepted 15 22 9 9 6 1% Enrolled 12 12 8 7 5 2% TOTAL Accepted 519 474 474 489 519 12 12 Enrolled 297 274 266 267 287 8 7 5 Enrolled Enrolled Regular Admit Conditional Admit Prepared by: The Office of Institutional Research Admissions Profile Fall Term New Undergraduates DOMESTIC STUDENTS INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS New Undergraduates by Acceptance New Undergraduates by Acceptance 2013 2014 % 2013 2014 % Regular Admit Accepted 996 1,093 97% Regular Admit Accepted 429 137 99% Enrolled 445 478 96% Enrolled 96 123 98% Conditional Admit Accepted 74 33 3% Conditional Admit Accepted 39 2 1% Enrolled 34 22 4% Enrolled 122% TOTAL Accepted 1,070 1,126 TOTAL Accepted 468 139 Enrolled 479 500 Enrolled 97 125 New Freshman by Acceptance New Freshman by Acceptance 2013 2014 % 2013 2014 % RRlegular Admit Accepted 508 561 95% RRlegular Admit Accepted 391 116 98% Enrolled 161 184 92% Enrolled 87 110 98% Conditional Admit Accepted 60 27 5% Conditional Admit Accepted 39 2 2% Enrolled 24 17 8% Enrolled 122% TOTAL Accepted 568 588 TOTAL Accepted 430 118 Enrolled 185 201 Enrolled 88 112 New Transfer by Acceptance New Transfer by Acceptance 2013 2014 % 2013 2014 % Regular Admit Accepted 444 497 99% Regular Admit Accepted 36 16 100% Enrolled 252 270 98% Enrolled 812100% Conditional Admit Accepted 961% Conditional Admit Accepted 000% Enrolled 752% Enrolled 000% TOTAL Accepted 453 503 TOTAL Accepted 36 16 Enrolled 259 275 Enrolled 812 Prepared by: The Office of Institutional Research Admissions Profile Fall Term New Undergraduates New Undergraduates by Residence County 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 % TARRANT COUNTY Applied 1,068 885 880 1,213 1,307 47% Accepted 624 581 485 557 643 51% Enrolled 352 302 286 309 329 53% OTHER TEXAS COUNTIES Applied 733 626 637 1,160 990 35% Accepted 391 367 337 448 404 32% Enrolled 182 154 165 139 140 22% OTHER STATES Applied 135 129 191 209 172 6% Accepted 59 55 90 65 79 6% Enrolled 24 21 27 31 31 5% OUT OF COUNTRY Applied 37 119 399 754 333 12% Accepted 16 23 248 468 139 11% Enrolled 10 12 114 97 125 20% TOTAL Applied 1,973 1,759 2,107 3,336 2,802 Accepted 1, 090 1, 026 1, 160 1, 538 1, 265 Enrolled 568 489 592 576 625 New Undergraduate Enrollment by Residence 400 New Undergraduates 350 TARRANT CEnrolled 300 OTHER TEXEnrolled 250 OTHER STAEnrolled 200 OUT OF COEnrolled Enrolled # 150 100 50 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 TARRANT COUNTY Enrolled 352 302 286 309 329 OTHER TEXAS COUNTIES Enrolled 182 154 165 139 140 OTHER STATES Enrolled 24 21 27 31 31 OUT OF COUNTRY Enrolled 10 12 114 97 125 Prepared by: The Office of Institutional Research Admissions Profile Fall Term New Undergraduates New Freshman Undergraduates by Residence County 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 % TARRANT COUNTY Applied 450 392 436 718 730 39% Accepted 227 224 188 253 275 39% Enrolled 114 98 104 106 122 39% OTHER TEXAS COUNTIES Applied 459 361 395 880 748 40% Accepted 224 207 194 285 276 39% Enrolled 87 57 71 71 68 22% OTHER STATES Applied 75 74 103 131 103 6% Accepted 28 31 41 30 37 5% Enrolled 10 8 13 8 11 4% OUT OF COUNTRY Applied 22 85 316 665 274 15% Accepted 10 15 197 430 118 17% Enrolled 4 5 94 88 112 36% TOTAL Applied 1,006 912 1250 2394 1855 Accepted 489 477 620 998 706 Enrolled 215 168 282 273 313 New Freshman Undergraduate Enrollment by Residence 140 TARRANT CEnrolled OTHER TEXEnrolled 120 OTHER STAEnrolled 100 OUT OF COEnrolled 80 Enrolled 60 # 40 20 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 TARRANT COUNTY Enrolled 114 98 104 106 122 OTHER TEXAS COUNTIES Enrolled 87 57 71 71 68 OTHER STATES Enrolled 10813811 OUT OF COUNTRY Enrolled 4 5 94 88 112 Prepared by: The Office of Institutional Research Admissions Profile Fall Term New Undergraduates New Transfer Undergraduates by Residence County 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 % TARRANT COUNTY Applied 549 423 384 488 542 61% Accepted 334 300 247 303 343 66% Enrolled 191 171 151 177 190 66% OTHER TEXAS COUNTIES Applied 251 243 225 232 231 26% Accepted 150 142 129 117 120 23% Enrolled 86 85 82 60 66 23% OTHER STATES Applied 58 54 84 74 66 7% Accepted 29 23 48 33 40 8% Enrolled 14 12 14 22 19 7% OUT OF COUNTRY Applied 15 37 82 86 53 6% Accepted 6 9 50 36 16 3% Enrolled 66198124% TOTAL Applied 873 757 775 880 892 Accepted 519 474 474 489 519 Enrolled 297 274 266 267 287 New Transfer Undergraduate Enrollment by Residence 250 TARRANT CEnrolled 200 OTHER TEXEnrolled OTHER STAEnrolled 150 OUT OF COEnrolled Enrolled 100 # 50 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 TARRANT COUNTY Enrolled 191 171 151 177 190 OTHER TEXAS COUNTIES Enrolled 86 85 82 60 66 OTHER STATES Enrolled 14 12 14 22 19 OUT OF COUNTRY Enrolled 6619812 Prepared by: The Office of Institutional Research Admissions Profile Fall Term New Undergraduates New Undergraduates by Ethnicity Ethnicity ‐ Undergraduates 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 % White Applied 676 593 648 763 715 26% 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Accepted 429 408 447 399 450 36% Enrolled 248 202 236 173 223 36% Black or African American Applied 558 485 520 855 732 26% Fall Term Accepted 228 224 222 279 215 17% 248 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Enrolled 115 120 119 121 102 16% 236 White 91 248 202 236 173 223Black or Af 101 115 120 119 121 Hispanic/Latino Applied 449 492 464 876 884 32% Hispanic/La 118 129 121 121 143 Accepted 256 289 226 340 393 31% 202 Asian 16 15 8 13 69 Enrolled 129 121 121 143 161 26% American I 77742 173Native Haw 01001 Asian Applied 48 45 86 484 244 9% Two or Mo 0161 18153433 Accepted 36 25 36 348 128 10% Unknown 159 35 16 65 34 143 Enrolled 15 8 13 69 95 15% 129 120119121 121121 American Indian or Alaska Native Applied 18 14 13 13 9 0% 115 Accepted 12 12 6 3 5 0% 102 95 Enrolled 774230% Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Applied 715660% 69 65 Accepted 202210% Enrolled 100110% 34 35 34 33 29 18 Two or More Races Applied 71 53 138 128 96 3% 15 13 15 16 8 7 7 11 Accepted 42 33 70 66 36 3% 4 2 3 1 0 0 1 1 Enrolled 18 15 34 33 11 2% Unknown Applied 146 76 233 211 116 4% Accepted 85 35 151 101 37 3% Enrolled 35 16 65 34 29 5% Total Applied 1,973 1,759 2,107 3,336 2,802 Accepted 1,090 1,026 1,160 1,538 1,265 Enrolled 568 489 592 576 625 Prepared by: The Office of Institutional Research Admissions Profile Fall Term New Undergraduates New Freshman by Ethnicity 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 % Ethnicity ‐ Freshman White Applied 295 269 337 433 359 19% 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Accepted 183 185 235 194 216 31% Enrolled 91 72 118 64 90 29% Black or African American Applied 296 236 285 589 470 25% 118 Accepted 92 79 91 145 95 13% Enrolled 36 26 38 45 35 11% Hispanic/Latino Applied 276 308 310 668 662 36% Accepted

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