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(s12) TABLE OF CONTENTS Balin the Dwarf, 29 Grinnah the Goblin, 11 Bifur the Dwarf, 13 Kili the Dwarf, 14 Bilbo Baggins™, 4 Lindir of Rivendell, 15 Bilbo Baggins™, 32 Nori the Dwarf, 28 Bofur the Dwarf, 17 Oin the Dwarf, 16 Bolg, 20 Orc Bowman, 10 Bombur the Dwarf, 27 Orc Swordsman, 6 Dori the Dwarf, 18 Ori the Dwarf, 19 Dwalin the Dwarf, 9 Radagast, 23 Elrond, 25 Saruman, 24 Fili the Dwarf, 12 Thorin Oakenshield, 7 Fili the Dwarf and Yazneg, 21 Kili the Dwarf, 30 Fimbul the Hunter, 8 Galadriel, 26 Gandalf™, 5 Gandalf™ and Thorin Oakenshield, 31 Gloin the Dwarf, 22 Gollum™, 33 ©2012 WizKids/NECA LLC. © WBEI ™ Middle-earth Ent. Lic. to New Line. (s12) 001 BILBO BAGGINS™ Hobbit, Ringbearer, Thorin & Company BURGLAR (Stealth) THERE AND BACK AGAIN (Leap/Climb) JUST TRYING TO STAY ALIVE (Willpower) LUCKY, INDEED! (Super Senses) The Lucky Number Bilbo Baggins can use Shape Change. Bilbo Baggins can use Probability Control, but only when he is not the attacker or a target of the attack. STING! (Exploit Weakness) POINT VALUE: 45 © 2012 WIZKIDS/NECA, LLC. © WBEI ™ Middle-earth Ent. Lic. to New Line. (s12) 002 GANDALF™ Mystical, Ringbearer, White Council WIZARD’S STAMINA (Regeneration) I am Gandalf, and Gandalf Means Me! As you PRACTICAL ADVICE (Perplex) reveal your force, you may choose 1 keyword possessed by another character on your force. Gandalf possesses that keyword this game in addition to his other keywords. Let’s Have the Contract Gandalf can use Outwit and Perplex. If Gandalf uses Perplex to target another friendly with whom COMES AND GOES AT WILL (Phasing/Teleport) he shares a keyword, he may use it normally, or he may modify any combat value by +2 or -2 except damage. NUDGE OUT THE DOOR (Telekinesis) GLAMDRING, THE FOE-HAMMER (Exploit Weakness) DAWN TAKE YOU ALL (Pulse Wave) WIZARD’S TENACITY (Willpower) WIZARD’S SENSES (Super Senses) POINT VALUE: 131 © 2012 WIZKIDS/NECA, LLC. © WBEI ™ Middle-earth Ent. Lic. to New Line. (s12) ORC SWORDSMAN ORC SWORDSMAN Dol Guldur, Monster, Warrior Dol Guldur, Monster, Warrior 003b 003a CREEP UPON THEM (Stealth) KILL THEM! (Charge) DIRTY FIGHTING (Poison) NO ESCAPE (Plasticity) COWARD (Combat Reflexes) HACK AND SLASH (Blades/Claws/Fangs) THICK SKINNED (Toughness) FOR BOLG (Willpower) INTELLIGENT (Perplex) DANGEROUS UP CLOSE (Combat Reflexes) THROAT SLIT (Exploit Weakness) BRUTAL FISTS (Close Combat Expert) FRENZIED RAGE (Battle Fury) POINT VALUE:40 POINT VALUE: 40 © 2012 WIZKIDS/NECA, LLC. © WBEI ™ Middle-earth Ent. Lic. to New Line. © 2012 WIZKIDS/NECA, LLC. © WBEI ™ Middle-earth Ent. Lic. to New Line. (s12) (s12) 004 THORIN OAKENSHIELD Ruler, Thorin & Company, Warrior ORCRIST, THE GOBLIN CLEAVER (Exploit Weakness) We Must Away ‘ere Break of Day Thorin Oakenshield can use the Carry ability. When he does, he may carry two friendly characters if they both share a keyword with him. Thorin Oakenshield’s speed value is not modified by Carry ability. DWARF OF EREBOR (Charge) HOLD AGAINST THE GOBLINS (Blades/Claws/Fangs) OAKENSHIELD (Toughness) STERN WARRIOR (Combat Reflexes) KING UNDER THE MOUNTAIN (Leadership) POINT VALUE: 86 © 2012 WIZKIDS/NECA, LLC. © WBEI ™ Middle-earth Ent. Lic. to New Line. (s12) 005 FIMBUL THE HUNTER Monster CAN’T PIERCE MY ARMOR (Toughness) ORC CHAMPION (Outwit) Stalking From Cover On the Hunt Fimbul the Hunter can use Charge and Stealth. TWIN SWORDS (Flurry) I CAN FIGHT LEGIONS (Quake) CURVED SWORDS (Blades/Claws/Fangs) BE FASTER, DWARF! (Super Senses) POINT VALUE: 81 © 2012 WIZKIDS/NECA, LLC. © WBEI ™ Middle-earth Ent. Lic. to New Line. (s12) 006 DWALIN THE DWARF Thorin & Company, Warrior NIMBLE (Combat Reflexes) RAZOR SHARP BLADE (Exploit Weakness) SPRINT ATTACK (Charge) Uhklat & Umraz Dwalin the Dwarf can use Flurry. When he does, modify his attack value by +1 for the second attack if he targets a different character from the first attack. DWARVEN MAUL (Quake) DWARVEN AXES (Blades/Claws/Fangs) DWARVEN ARMOR (Invulnerability) BATTLE-HARDENED (Toughness) POINT VALUE: 61 © 2012 WIZKIDS/NECA, LLC. © WBEI ™ Middle-earth Ent. Lic. to New Line. (s12) ORC BOWMAN ORC BOWMAN Dol Guldur, Monster, Warrior Dol Guldur, Monster, Warrior 007b 007a TRACKING THEM DOWN (Leap/Climb) STRIKE FIRST, WIN (Running Shot) REMEMBER, WE WANT THEM ALIVE (Incapacitate) RETREAT! (Stealth) DODGE (Energy Shield/Deflection) FLAMING ARROW (Energy Explosion) THE HUNT (Willpower) PIERCING SHOT (Penetrating/Psychic Blast) SHOOT TO KILL (Ranged Combat Expert) THICK HIDE (Toughness) DODGE (Energy Shield/Deflection) LAYING THE TRAP (Perplex) POINT VALUE: 50 POINT VALUE: 50 © 2012 WIZKIDS/NECA, LLC. © WBEI ™ Middle-earth Ent. Lic. to New Line. © 2012 WIZKIDS/NECA, LLC. © WBEI ™ Middle-earth Ent. Lic. to New Line. (s12) (s12) 008 GRINNAH THE GOBLIN Monster SMASH YOU (Close Combat Expert) Have Your Scent At the beginning of the game, choose an opposing character. If Grinnah the Goblin ends a move action adjacent to the chosen character, “, he may make a close combat attack against the chosen character as a free action. WINDED (Earthbound/Neutralized) SERRATED CLAWS (Blades/Claws/Fangs) THICK SKIN (Toughness) BEYOND PAIN (Invulnerability) NEVERENDING RAGE (Battle Fury) POINT VALUE: 89 © 2012 WIZKIDS/NECA, LLC. © WBEI ™ Middle-earth Ent. Lic. to New Line. (s12) 009 FILI THE DWARF Thorin & Company, Warrior CANNY WARRIOR (Perplex) INTERCEPT ENEMIES (Plasticity) DWARVEN RESOLVE (Flurry) WAR HAMMER (Quake) SPIKED HAMMER (Blades/Claws/Fangs) PROTECT THE KING! (Defend) SON OF DIS (Toughness) POINT VALUE: 56 © 2012 WIZKIDS/NECA, LLC. © WBEI ™ Middle-earth Ent. Lic. to New Line. (s12) 010 BIFUR THE DWARF Thorin & Company, Warrior SPRING INTO ACTION! (Running Shot) KEPT AT SPEAR’S LENGTH (Incapacitate) HARD TARGET (Energy Shield/Deflection) HALE AND HEARTY (Toughness) DWARVEN SPEAR (Ranged Combat Expert) POINT VALUE: 56 © 2012 WIZKIDS/NECA, LLC. © WBEI ™ Middle-earth Ent. Lic. to New Line. (s12) 011 KILI THE DWARF Thorin & Company, Warrior RE-POSITION (Leap/Climb) DWARVEN SWORD (Blades/Claws/Fangs) HARD TARGET (Energy Shield/Deflection) SON OF DIS (Toughness) DWARVEN BOW (Ranged Combat Expert) Defend the King! Kili the Dwarf can use Defend. When a friendly character named Thorin Oakenshield is adjacent to Kili the Dwarf, that character modifies his defense value by +1, if not already modified by this effect. POINT VALUE: 55 © 2012 WIZKIDS/NECA, LLC. © WBEI ™ Middle-earth Ent. Lic. to New Line. (s12) 012 LINDIR OF RIVENDELL Mirkwood SONGS… (Enhancement) …STORIES… (Perplex) BEHIND THE SCENES (Stealth) …AND WINE (Support) MOVE WHEN I HAVE TO (Leap/Climb) ARTIST, NOT A FIGHTER (Incapacitate) KNOW WHEN TO LEAVE (Super Senses) MISDIRECTION (Energy Shield/Deflection) OLDER THAN THE FOREST (Willpower) POINT VALUE: 60 © 2012 WIZKIDS/NECA, LLC. © WBEI ™ Middle-earth Ent. Lic. to New Line. (s12) 013 OIN THE DWARF Thorin & Company, Warrior RESOUNDING BLOW (Close Combat Expert) INTO THE FRAY! (Charge) DOUBLE-TAP (Flurry) DWARVEN BATTLESTAFF (Quake) DURIN’S LINE (Invulnerability) STURDY (Toughness) STRIKE FIRST, STRIKE FAST (Exploit Weakness) POINT VALUE: 75 © 2012 WIZKIDS/NECA, LLC. © WBEI ™ Middle-earth Ent. Lic. to New Line. (s12) 014 BOFUR THE DWARF Thorin & Company, Warrior WE’LL SAVE YOU, BILBO! (Charge) OBSTINATE SCRAPPER (Flurry) Dwarven Mattock When Bofur the Dwarf makes an attack, if his attack total is at least 3 greater than his target’s defense value, you may choose that the attack causes knock back. WATCH EACH OTHER’S BACKS (Defend) HEARTY & HALE (Toughness) UNPREDICTABLE FIGHTER (Perplex) POINT VALUE: 62 © 2012 WIZKIDS/NECA, LLC. © WBEI ™ Middle-earth Ent. Lic. to New Line. (s12) 015 DORI THE DWARF Thorin & Company, Warrior TWO-WEAPON FIGHTING STYLE (Flurry) DWARVEN SWORD (Blades/Claws/Fangs) BATTLE-HARDENED (Toughness) DWARVEN TENACITY (Willpower) Dori, Ori, and Nori When Dori the Dwarf is adjacent to a friendly character that has no action tokens and is named Ori the Dwarf or Nori the Dwarf, he can use the Duo Attack ability. When he does, modify his damage value by +1 and the adjacent friendly character can’t be given a non-free action this turn. DWARVEN FLAIL (Close Combat Expert) POINT VALUE: 52 © 2012 WIZKIDS/NECA, LLC. © WBEI ™ Middle-earth Ent. Lic. to New Line. (s12) 016 ORI THE DWARF Thorin & Company, Warrior HIDDEN VANTAGE POINT (Stealth) PRECISION SHOT (Penetrating/Psychic Blast) QUICK AND AGILE (Super Senses) RESILIENT (Toughness) Ori, Nori, and Dori Ori the Dwarf can use Perplex. Ori the Dwarf can use Perplex a second time during your turn, but must be given a power action instead of a free action to use it and may only target friendly characters named Dori the Dwarf or Nori the Dwarf. POINT VALUE: 60 © 2012 WIZKIDS/NECA, LLC. © WBEI ™ Middle-earth Ent. Lic. to New Line. (s12) 017 BOLG Dol Guldur, Monster, Ruler RUTHLESS (Combat Reflexes) CUNNING STRATEGIST (Perplex) MASSIVE ARMS (Plasticity) BRINGING THE FIGHT CLOSER (Charge) TWIN ATTACK (Flurry) PIERCING CUTS (Blades/Claws/Fangs) BATTLE ARMOR (Invulnerability) HARDENED (Toughness) POINT VALUE: 84 © 2012 WIZKIDS/NECA, LLC. © WBEI ™ Middle-earth Ent. Lic. to New Line. (s12) 018 YAZNEG Dol Guldur, Monster, Ruler GO DOWN SWINGING (Combat Reflexes) DECAPITATION (Exploit Weakness) BLOODTHIRSTY (Charge) HOLD YOU HERE (Plasticity) TOOTH AND CLAW (Blades/Claws/Fangs) YOUR DEATH MAKES ME STRONGER (Steal Energy) DO YOUR WORST (Invulnerability) I AM A CHAMPION (Toughness) POINT VALUE: 84 © 2012 WIZKIDS/NECA, LLC.
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