Happy Valentine’s Day USPS 485200 Published OUR 44TH YEAR – ISSUE NO. 07-44 Periodical – Postage Paid at Scotch Plains, N.J. Thursday, February 14, 2002 Every Thursday (908) 232-4407 FIFTY CENTS SP-F BOE Remains Hopeful Of Contract Settlement By DEBORAH MADISON The Fact Finder conducted the first negotiations has been disagreement Specially Written for The Times meeting on February 2 and the next over the health benefits package, Mr. Negotiations with a state-ap- fact-finding meeting will be held on Porter said. The board’s position has pointed mediator, over the course of February 20. been that it is unrealistic for the six months of meetings, have failed “The district came to this point teachers to expect that the district to bring about an agreement in Scotch three years ago, with the same Fact can continue to afford to contribute Plains-Fanwood between the Finder, and the contracts were re- 100 per cent for a traditional-type Teacher’s Association union and the solved by him at this point in the health insurance plan. Board Presi- Board of Education. process,” Mr. Porter stated. dent, Dr. Donald Sheldon told The “The protracted teacher contract The major conflict in settling the CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 negotiations in the Scotch Plains- Fanwood school district will hope- fully come to a resolution in the near future,” Board of Education Con- Delay In State Budget tract Committee Chairperson, Lance Porter, told The Times of Scotch Plains - Fanwood. Union leader, Edward Leonard of To Have Local Impact The Scotch Plains-Fanwood By HORACE CORBIN for his signature and enactment into Teacher’s Association (SPFEA), did Specially Written for The Times law. The Governor is expected to not return calls to The Times when In an apparent move to obtain more sign it soon. sought to comment on the stalemated time to cope with the New Jersey This state delay of budgeting has talks. state budget shortfall and to deal resulted in several local ramifica- Many parents have expressed their with impacts of administration tions. Particularly, the date for sub- concerns, both in “Letters To The changes, the Legislature has passed mission of state aid details to local Editor” of The Times and at board Senate Bill S-671 on an emergency public school systems has been de- Nermene Simaika for The Times meetings that the quality of educa- basis. layed. The delay will cause post- PARTY PRIDE…On Tuesday evening, the Union County Republican Party held its traditional Lincoln Day celebration tion falters when teachers’ contracts The bill gives Governor James E. ponement of school board elections at The Westwood in Garwood. Several Republican state leaders were in attendance. Pictured, above, former Acting remain unsettled. Several parents McGreevey until Tuesday, March 26, and school budget votes. Governor Donald T. DiFrancesco accepts the spirited gift of a ceramic elephant, the party’s mascot, while Union County have encouraged both sides to settle to transmit his first state budget to Candidate filings for school board Republican Chairman Ron Frigerio looks on. quickly, at any cost. Other residents the Legislature. Current law provides elections were due on Monday, Feb- in the district have expressed con- that the budget message must be ruary 25. School board budgets can- cern over the rapid rise in property transmitted to the Legislature by not be prepared at this time without taxes, driven primarily by the esca- February 15 in gubernatorial inau- knowledge of the state aid figures. George Washington and History lating cost of public education. guration years. No revised schedule is known at this According to Mr. Porter, the next On Monday, February 11, the State time. step in the process has been the hir- Assembly passed the bill by a vote of School board elections and a pub- ing of a professional Fact Finder, 47 to 29. The bill was passed in the lic vote on the annual school budgets Are On Trial With The NJEA with more expertise in settling this State Senate on January 15 by a vote were scheduled for Tuesday, April of 36 to 0. type of situation. If the Fact Finder’s 16. The statutory deadline for school By DEBORAH MADISO tive example to set for the rest of the torical figures, which children should attempts to negotiate a settlement Senate Bill S-671 was sponsored districts to submit their 2002-2003 Specially Written for The Times nation for New Jersey to participate also learn about.” fail, he will then write a non-binding by Senators Wayne R. Bryant and budgets to the County Superinten- A controversy over the best meth- in his proposal. “There are better ways to teach recommendation. Both sides will Robert E. Littell, Co-Chairmen of dent of Schools for review is Mon- ods of teaching traditional American A spokesperson for the NJEA, history and the whole notion of spend- have an opportunity to accept or the Senate Budget and Appropria- day, March 4, of this year. This re- history has been heating up as the Karen Josephs, told The Westfield ing this money for portraits is frivo- reject that recommendation, Mr. tions Committee. The bill has been quirement cannot be met due to the result of a movement to place por- Leader and The Times of Scotch lous,” she stated. Porter explained. presented to Governor McGreevey CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 traits of General George Washington Plains–Fanwood that the NJEA op- Mr. Sanders said that this type of in every classroom in New Jersey poses Mr. Sander’s project for sev- egalitarianism fails to recognize the schools. eral reasons. greatest leader of America’s history Council Names Capt. Domanoski As innocuous and positive for edu- First, she contended that merely and the origins of our great nation. cation as this proposal sounds, it has hanging portraits in a building would He claimed that Ms. Joseph’s posi- drawn criticism and unlikely oppo- have no educational value. Secondly, tion reflects a recent trend in educa- nents from the educational sector. she stated that the money could be tional curriculum to water-down, Acting Police Chief of Fanwood Mountainside resident William spent in better ways, especially tak- exclude and change significant his- Sanders has been attempting to get a ing into account New Jersey’s bud- torical facts in the interest of being By KIMBERLY MERZ governing body’s Tuesday, March with,” Chief Carboy remarked. getary crisis. politically correct. Specially Written for The Times bill passed that would allocate 12 regular meeting. Mr. Bard, who recently moved to $135,000 in state monies to fund one Finally, she pointed out that sin- “Our Founding Fathers are being Captain Donald Domanoski was Applause broke out among Toms River, resided in Fanwood for 41 portrait of George Washington for gling out one individual was “insult- excluded from the history books in appointed as Fanwood’s Acting Chief Fanwood police officers at the meet- years. The longtime resident’s many each of New Jersey’s 600 school ing to other, equally important his- CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 of Police, longtime Fanwood resident ing after the council unanimously volunteer activities included serving districts to honor the 200th anniver- Richard Bard was honored, and “Free appointed Captain Domanoski as on the Scotch Plains-Fanwood Board sary of the First President’s death. Enterprise Week” was proclaimed dur- Acting Police Chief by a 5-0 vote. of Education and the Long Range Mr. Sanders explained that his in- ing the Fanwood Borough Council’s The current Chief of Police, Rob- Planning Committee and as a volun- tentions were to stimulate a revival regular meeting Tuesday night. ert Carboy, will retire on Monday, teer at the Fanwood Recycling Center. of honoring the Founding Fathers However, the public hearing on an July 1, and will be away from head- “He was a terrific asset. I think he and serve to remind us of “the ideals, ordinance supporting a redevelop- quarters as of Tuesday, February 19. viewed himself as a curmudgeon from devotion and love of country that ment plan for a 6.5-acre block of To preserve the continuity, Mr. time to time, but relished the role,” were so strongly exemplified by our downtown property was postponed Whitaker said it was necessary to Councilman Whitaker said, while ex- nation’s first President.” His plans until next month. appoint a Chief for the interim. pressing his gratitude to Mr. Bard for were to then fund additional por- The Borough Council is awaiting “I am sure he (Captain Domanoski) his contributions to the community. traits, one for every classroom, a resolution from the Fanwood Plan- will do a superb job as Acting Police “Dick, thank you very much and a through private sector and corporate ning Board, confirming the board’s Chief and I am sure he will do a great lot of the success of the Recycling donations. January 23 endorsement of the rede- job as Chief, but we haven’t gotten to Center is because of you,” said Coun- After the bill passed through two velopment plan, according to Coun- that point yet,” Councilman Whitaker cilwoman Katherine Mitchell. committees of the State Assembly, cil President Joel Whitaker. commented. Representing the Scotch Plains- the Educational Committee of the The Planning Board is expected to Chief Carboy said he was very Fanwood High School chapter of New Jersey Senate voted against the respond to the council with its reso- pleased with his replacement. DECA, students Naor Chazan and bill proposed by Mr. Sanders. He lution at its Monday, February 18 “I want to thank the council for Michael Hessemer were presented believes that the bill was squelched agenda session, Mr.
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