"JOURNEY THROUGH BOTSWANA” is an 8-Day fully accommodated "moBile" Safari that takes in all that ChoBe National Park, Khwai Private Reserve, Moremi Game Reserve and the Okavango Delta offers-from the outset exploring ChoBe River to the remarkaBle Game viewing... the 7 nights spent utilizing different lodges & luxury camps Based in this unique wilderness that Botswana showcases',will leave indeliBle memories of spectacular wildlife and evenings spent around a campfire under Billions of stars. This 8 Day accomodated safari overnights at permanent camps-offering something for guests who do not particularly want to "camp", But who like the idea of a moBile safari that offers an outstanding level of private guiding throughout. This safari can start in Maun and end in Kasane as well.... "JOURNEY THROUGH BOTSWANA" 8 DAY FULLY ACCOMODATED SAFARI from $4995pp RACK TOUR CODE :WDJB DEPARTURE POINT IS KASANE AIRPORT OR KAZUNGULA BORDER ON THE SOUTHBOUND TRIP AND MAUN AIRPORT ON THE NORTHBOUND TRIP. GUESTS NEED TO BE AT THE MEETING POINTS BY 12H30 on day 1, unlEss comIng off IntErnatIonal flIghts whIch gEnErally land at about 13h00. Day 01 CHOBE RIVER ChobE rIvEr In thE northEast sErvEs as thE prImary watEr sourcE for thE IanImals and draws many watEr- lovIng bIrd spEcIEs...hIppos, crocodIlE Impala, sablE, lEchwE, gIraffE, zEbra, baboons, bushbuck, monkEys and puku antElopE. ThIs ExclusIvE boat cruIsE takEs placE In thE Early aftEroon. ChobE NatIonal Park Is thE sEcond largEst NatIonal Park In Botswana.WIth swEEpIng vIEws ovEr thE ChobE RIvEr, JackalbErry ChobE's stunnIng publIc arEas arE thE pErfEct sEttIng to rElax and unwInd .TakE to thE watErs of thE ChobE RIvEr on a 3-hour sunsEt cruIsE In pontoon boats. Watch bIg gamE and bIrdlIfE IndulgE In thE rEfrEshIng watErs of thE rIvEr as you cruIsE gEntly alongsIdE. Your knowlEdgEablE GuIdE Is on hand to hElp you IdEntIfy bIrdlIfE and sharE knowlEdgE on thE varIous anImals you wIll EncountEr, whIlst EnsurIng your absolutE comfort at all tImEs. Enjoy a sundownEr as you wItnEss thE spEctacular AfrIcan sunsEt ovEr thE watEr Accommodation: (L,D) JACKALBERRY LODGE-Chobe River Day 02: CHOBE RIVER,ChoBe National Park ExplorE thE world-rEnownEd gamE-fIllEd ChobE NatIonal Park on a mornIng & aftErnoon gamE drIvE In an opEn-backEd, opEn-sEatEd safarI vEhIclE. WItnEss a spEctaclE of wIldlIfE as your pErsonal guIdE takEs you on a journEy through thE park In thE cool stIllnEss of thE Early mornIng. ElEphant, lIon, lEopard, buffalo, gIraffE and zEbra arE just a samplE of thE wIldlIfE you may EncountEr as you drIvE through thE park and along thE banks of thE ChobE RIvEr. Distance: Game-viewing activities Departure: 06h00 Day 03: SAVUTI, ChoBe National Park WE lEavE ChobE RIvEr, and makE our way to ChobE NatIonal Park. DuE to thE fact that nonE of Botswana’s wIldlIfE arEas arE fEncEd, gamE can movE frEEly bEtwEEn wIldErnEss arEas. ElEphant and somEtImEs LIon arE oftEn found on thIs routE. MovIng through ChobE EnclavE, wE rElocatE to SavutI wErE wE camp In thE rEgIon of SavutI ChannEl. GamE vIEwIng thIs aftErnoon takEs placE along thE frIngEs of thE marsh and surroundIng watEr holEs. ThE arEa Is bEst known for largE populatIons of Bull ElEphants- and PrIdEs of LIon that patrol thE banks of thIs EnIgmatIc channEl Distance: 160km,4.5 Hours Game-viewing activities Departure: 07h00 Accommodation: (B,L,D) CAMP SAVUTI, Chobe NationaL Park. Day 4 :SAVUTI, ChoBe National Park WE agaIn wE havE thE opportunIty to spEnd many hours on mornIng and aftErnoon gamE drIvEs, and an opportunIty to clImb onE of thE hIlls to sEE San Bushman paIntIngs, an IndIcatIon that thIs arEa has always drawn thosE who havE an affInIty to thE wIldErnEss. SavutI Is unIquE and thE spEcIal opportunIty of ExplorIng thIs arEa always rEmaIns wIth our guEsts for a long tImE aftErward Distance: Game-viewing activities Departure: 06h00 Accommodation: (B,L,D) CAMP SAVUTI, Chobe NationaL Park. Day 05:Elephant Pools, Khwai Private Reserve DEpartIng SavutI, wE drIvE southwEst through SavutI towards MorEmI and KhwaI, stoppIng for a pIcnIc lunch In thE vast MababE DEprEsIon, and plan on arrIvIng at our pErmanEnt TEntEd Camp In thE latE aftErnoon It's all about thE wIldlIfE our camp... Its phEnomEnal locatIon In KhwaI PrIvatE REsErvE. PosItIonEd bEtwEEn MorEmI GamE REsErvE, ChobE NatIonal Park and thE KhwaI RIvEr, our ExclusIvE concEssIon Is a mEEtIng poInt for morE anImals than you can shakE a stIck at. ThInk nomadIc hErds of ElEphant and buffalo, lIon, lEopard and wIld dog fIErcEly dEfEndIng thEIr tErrItorIEs, as wEll as kudu, rEd lEchwE and hErds of daInty antElopE dottEd across thE plaIns.ThIs Isn’t a placE for thosE lookIng for opulEncE and ExtravagancE; It’s a prIvatE pIEcE of bIg-gamE AfrIca, whErE thE wIldlIfE EncountErs arE authEntIc, IntImatE and always wIld. Distance: 140km, 5 hours, Game-viewing activities Departure: 07h00 Accommodation: (B,L,D) ELEPHANT POOLS* KhwaI PrIvatE REsErvE *Should ElEphant Pools not havE avaIlabIlIty for any of thE nIghts, HyEna Pan wIll bE utIlIzEd Day 06 Khwai River, Moremi Game Reserve Today Is spEnt on Early mornIng and aftErnoon gamE drIvEs. Your guIdE wIll gEnErally spEnd maxImum tImE on gamE-drIvEs, dEpEndIng on what Is sEEn, tryIng to covEr as much arEa as possIblE. ThE rEsult of thIs Is guEsts arE gIvEn thE bEst chancEs of sEEIng a varIEty of wIldlIfE-although thErE Is of coursE, that oblIgatory sIEsta durIng thE hottEst part of thE day ! Distance: Game-viewing activities Departure: 06h00 Accommodation: (B,L,D) ELEPHANT POOLS*, Khwai Private Reserve *Should ElEphant Pools not havE avaIlabIlIty for any of thE nIghts, HyEna Pan wIll bE utIlIzEd Day 07 Xakanaxa, Okavango Delta WE makE our way to thE banks of thE Okavango RIvEr along gamE-drIvE routEs In thE Early mornIng. Today wE ExplorE thE clEar channEls, lagoons and rIvErs of thE Okavango DElta by motor boat , goIng upstrEam through a myrIad of crystal clEar watErways lInEd wIth AfrIcan MangostEEn and WatEr BErry TrEEs, as wEll as swayIng sEas of papyrus. WE follow thE Okavango RIvEr through thE Lagoons of Xaxanaxa and GadIkwE, dEEp Into thE pErmanEnt watErs of thIs unIquE Inland dElta. BIrdlIfE Is prolIfIc-KIngfIshErs, FIsh EaglEs,Ducks and bEautIful Pygmy GEEsE bEIng rEgularly sEEn.AftEr a pIcnIc lunch, wE makE our way back downstrEam to thE maInland for thE short EvEnIng drIvE and dInnEr. Distance: Game-viewing and River activities Departure: 07h00 Accommodation: (B,L,D) ELEPHANT POOLS*, KhwaI PrIvatE REsErvE *Should ElEphant Pools not havE avaIlabIlIty for any of thE nIghts, HyEna Pan wIll bE utIlIzEd Day 08 Khwai Private Reserve to Maun WE havE a lEIsurEly start thIs mornIng, lEavIng aftEr brEakfast wE makE our way to Maun, gamEdrIvIng for thE fIrst couplE of hours. WE plan on arrIvIng In Maun In tImE for onward flIghts and arrangEmEnts.(B) Distance: 120km,3.5 Hours Game-viewing activities,Departure: 07h30 The Fine Print Included: Your Safari Guide, Tour Leader, Driver and Expert ! • UsE of spEcIally modIfIEd 4x4 vEhIclEs. At WIldErnEss DawnIng wE strongly bElIEvE that thE sInglE most Important • ProfEssIonal GuIdE factor on any safarI holIday Is thE qualIty, patIEncE and ExpErIEncE of thE • MEals as spEcIfIEd (B-BrEakfast,L-Lunch,D-DInnEr). ProfEssIonal GuIdE. All our guIdEs arE passIonatE about Botswana and thE • AccommodatIon on a sharEd basIs. EnvIronmEnt In whIch wE opEratE. An attItudE, whIch Is rEflEctEd In all our • Botswana NatIonal Parks and GamE REsErvEs EntrancE fEEs. safarIs, Is thE rEsponsIbIlIty thE guIdE has bEEn gIvEn In showIng guEsts thE • OpEn VEhIclE GamEdrIvEs In all NatIonal Parks and REsErvEs. dIvErsIty of our country. WE rEalIzE that for many pEoplE, a safarI Is a holIday • MInEral watEr, Local alcoholIc and non-alcoholIc bEvEragEs of a lIfEtImE and thIs Is thErEforE a rEsponsIbIlIty, whIch our guIdEs do not • Boat CruIsE ChobE RIvEr takE lIghtly. • Motorboat ExcursIon Okavango DElta OvEr thE yEars, wE havE buIlt up an EnvIablE rEputatIon for thE rEcruItmEnt, traInIng and dEvElopmEnt of local guIdEs, who arE acknowlEdgEd to bE Excluded: outstandIng In thEIr fIEld. All our guIdEs havE dEEp apprEcIatIon for thE • All aIrfarEs wIldErnEss and wIldlIfE that lIvEs thErE. Most Importantly, our guIdEs dIsplay a • OptIonal actIvItIEs I lovE for thE rEgIon and Its pEoplE. On our safarIs our guEsts arE EnrIchEd wIth • Any gratuItIEs, any pErsonal ExpEnsEs, vIsa fEEs, dEparturE thE guIdE’s knowlEdgE and gaIn a nEw pErspEctIvE on thE country thEy arE taxEs. vIsItIng. • TravEl InsurancE (compulsory). • PrE and post tour accommodatIon and transfErs. WhiLe we endeavour to ensure the itinerary runs as advertised, WiLderness Dawning reserves the right to change this due to unforeseen circumstances or externaL infLuences beyond our controL. E&OE [email protected] WWW.WILDERNESSDAWNING.COM Why choose Wilderness Dawning? Botswana has a myrIad of SafarI OpErators, all offErIng thE opportunIty of ExpErIEncIng, In somE mannEr, thE wIldErnEss, scEnEry, wIldlIfE, hIstory and culturE thIs dynamIc and rIchly bEautIful sub-contInEnt offErs … most havE EnvIablE rEputatIons for dElIvErIng a holIday of unsurpassEd qualIty.WhEn choosIng a dEstInatIon and ExpErt to makE a drEam safarI a rEalIty, It Is-morE oftEn than not – not the price of something that differentiates one hoLiday from another, but what one receives in return … WIldErnEss DawnIng rEtaIn GuIdEs and SafarI LEadErs who arE unmatchEd In thEIr fIEld, WIldErnEss DawnIng spEnd maxImum tImE actually InsIdE natIonal parks and rEsErvEs … not on thE outskIrts and most Importantly, wE offEr thE unIquE ExpErIEncE of gaInIng somEthIng fundamEntal … an ExpErIEncE that EndEavors to EnrIch our guEsts, guEsts who do not sEEk to bE pampErEd and amusEd, but rathEr strIvE to EnhancE thEIr undErstandIng and lovE for SouthErn AfrIca. A Safari Day the Wilderness Dawning Way GuEsts arE mEt at thE aIrport In Maun or KasnaE and Kazungula BordEr Post (Botswana SIdE).TypIcally two gamE drIvEs a day arE ExpErIEncEd.
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