Oak Ridge National Laboratory ! ev·e VOLUME 13 NUMBER 2 SPRING 1980 1 Sa .e of the La a tory THE COVER: The past year has seen the culmination of a five-year trend at the ORNL as Consultant Laboratory toward increasing interaction By HERMAN POSTMA with other agencies and the private sector. Both in the management of subcontracts and in the offering of staff expertise outside and across its own disciplines, ORNL has 19 With A Deliberate Assurance made growing contributions to the nation's QA at ORNL technology. This direct contact and transfer of science formed the theme, ORNL as By C. S. LISSER Consultant, of Herman Postma's State of the Laboratory address, delivered last January. 24 Remem ranees of an Accelerator Past By WILFRED M. GOOD Editor BARBARA LYON 30 es a ch lmpac s of Environmental Assessments By CAROLYN KRAUSE Staff Writer CAROLYN KRAUSE Consulting Editor 40 Ch omo ome Rep · e e r ice ALEX ZUCKER (Based on an interview with Walderico Generoso by LaRue Foster) Art Director BILL CLARK DEPAR 1\IENTS Publication Staff: Technical Editing/ 18 Books Carolyn Andrews, Myrtleen Sheldon; Typography/Linda Jeffers; Makeup/ 22 Information Meeting Highlights Ginger Turpin; ORNL Photography and 28 Lab Anecdote Reproduction Departments. 39 Take a Number 44 Awards and Appointments The Review is published quarterly and distributed to employees and others asso- . ciated with the Oak Ridge National Lab­ oratory. The editorial office is in Building 4500-North, Oak Ridge National Labora­ tory. P.O. Box X, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830. Telephone: Internal 4-7183; com­ OA RIDGE AL ORA 0 mercial (615) 574-7183; FTS 624-7183. OPERATED BY UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION FOR THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ORNL as Consultant By HERMAN POSTMA f, at the outset of this new How successful we and the rest of that will greatly affect the Labora­ decade, we pause to take stock the technical community are in tory for years to come. of events in the headlines both here wrestling with the problems of In only one respect was 1979 an and abroad, at least one theme energy supply, demand, and con­ ordinary year for ORNL. That becomes evident and will become servation-in 1980 and throughout was in the expected extraordinary more evident to all of us with each this decade-will be a crucial factor scientific achievements, exciting passing year. This recurring theme in our national well-being and technological results, and quality is that energy-its availability, world stability. I feel that no task accomplishments. However, as is cost, and control-is having an is more urgent or compelling than usual in this address, I can only increasing impact on national the one we are facing. The chal­ give you a small sample of those affairs and on the global political lenge and the opportunity are technical highlights. order. Where and how we go from ours. Mainly because of events such as here will obviously depend to no This past year was not just Three Mile Island (TMI), 1979 was small extent on how successfully another year for ORNL or for a most unusual year for ORNL. We we as a nation can manage our anyone. It was a year of events in were called upon to be consultants, energy future. energy and politics that continue to catalysts for decisions, and, in As a mission-oriented laboratory astound and influence us all. Many some cases, brush fire artists. Even whose primary focus is on energy, of those events set a course in the though 1979 was unusually active, ORNL has a unique opportunity to commitment of this country to responding in the above capacities help shape that national destiny. research and development areas is an accustomed role for ORNL SPRING 1980 and one that serves the Depart­ to demonstrate and pave the way tivities in fossil energy, conserva­ ment of Energy (DOE) and the for commercial application of R&D tion, biotechnology, and solar re­ country well. I will expand on this developments. The goal is to create search. It will allow our research role later, as it forms the theme for liaisons, extend our strengths, and staff to work in areas more this address. provide for better use of Laboratory appropriate to their outstanding In 1979 there emerged the matur­ resources. Such movement has accomplishments. ing and culmination of a number been aided by new technical pro­ Finally, in this first year of the of important directions that had gram management responsibilities 1980s, our operating budget will been established in the mid-1970s. assigned by DOE. We are increas­ exceed $300 million, thus continu­ Although at times somewhat dis­ ingly involved in the technical ing the steady climb that began in quieting, these changes have pre­ direction of major R&D programs the mid-1970s and indicating once pared ORNL for new missions, new in areas where we have expertise. again the confidence that is placed roles, and new ways of doing Many of our important tech­ in ORNL. things that will be characteristic nology development and demon­ The Laboratory has fared well of DOE's approach to solving stration initiatives now involve recently in anticipating technical national energy problems. industrial partners, as evidenced problems and being appropriately The major technology-oriented in the fusion program with the involved in activities that are programs (fission, fusion, fossil, Engineering Test Facility Design most meaningful for attacking the and conservation) grew rapidly Center, the ELMO Bumpy Torus nation's energy problems. How­ during the 1970s. Fossil energy proof-of-principle experiment, and ever, in contrast with previous and conservation grew from em­ the Large Coil Test Facility; in the years, the President's FY 1981 bryonic efforts to full-fledged, fossil program with the atmo­ budget carries the bad news that mature companions to our tradi­ spheric fluidized-bed test facility; the budgets for the Liquid-Metal tional areas of expertise. We anti­ and in the familiar areas of nuclear Fast Breeder Reactor (LMFBR) cipate that the fusion and fossil fuel reprocessing and low-level and gas-cooled reactor programs energy programs, in particular, waste management. will be seriously cut in the coming will continue to increase in the In the sciences our major facili­ year. Not only does this cut coming decade. ties and unique capabilities are represent a major change in energy On the other hand, I am con­ becoming more and more the focus direction for the country, it could cerned that the applied technology of user-oriented activities. These also have serious implications for programs grew much faster than increase our interaction with out­ ORNL. those for the basic sciences, thus side researchers and broaden not The now traditional confronta­ disrupting the balance I believe only our contacts, but also our tion between Congress and the necessary. In the coming years the contributions. administration on the Clinch River balance must be restored through Whereas the 1970s saw national Breeder Reactor has been extended concerted efforts by all of us. policies evolving, I trust that the to the heretofore-protected LMFBR The new missions assigned to 1980s will be a time when more base technology program and as­ the Laboratory beginning in 1975 decisive actions are taken to meet sociated reprocessing as well as to allowed both strong growth and our energy problems. Hesitation the gas-cooled reactor develop­ substantial changes in program­ and debate will hopefully be re­ ment. Whereas the impasse be­ matic directions. Now, with a placed by major new initiatives tween Congress and the adminis­ maturing of those programs, over­ and commitments to go forward tration only indirectly affected all personnel levels will show only aggressively with key develop­ ORNL before, this year we will slow growth. Even within that ment and demonstration efforts-a be caught in the midst of that constraint, however, substantial strength of ORNL. debate. Major uncertainties will change will be necessary and As was announced in the probably persist until September, possible because of the flexibility President's budget, we also expect and, although I have every hope and breadth of the Laboratory's to see construction of ORNL's that Congress will restore the research staff. first major general-purpose facil­ original DOE request, this will be a We have by intent begun to ity since the early 1960s, the time of uncertainty for us all and a interact increasingly with the Energy Systems Research Labora­ time for contingency planning. Tennessee Valley Authority, in­ tory. This long-awaited and badly Already, through our institu­ dustry, and universities to build the needed addition will house the tional planning effort, many of you broader base that will be necessary Energy Division and various ac- have been involved in defining and 2 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Review The forthcoming Energy Systems Research Laboratory, to be sited on the corner of Central Avenue and Fifth Street, will house the Energy Division and activities in fossil energy, biotechnology, conservation, and solar research. developing some of the major direc­ tively when called upon, have is wrong with the nuclear regula­ tions our programs will be taking created numerous opportunities to tory process, we can see some very in the 1980s. Ialsorecommendthat work with others and to solve clear examples of what is right. you read the brief staff version of important problems. Particularly evident is the payoff our long-range plan, ORNL Trends Three Mile Island. The events at from the long-term, high-quality and Balances, 1980-1985. TMI are an outstanding example of R&D that provides the technical this role. More than 75 staff foundation for reactor regulation 0 .l 8 (, members, as listed in the fall issue and the capability to respond when The primary theme that I have oftheORNLReuiew, wereinvolved things go wrong.
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