l Mr. Howa:rct M. Chapin R. I. Historical Society 68 Waterman st. Providence, R. I. THE HOME NEV/SPAPER OF RHODE ISLAND AND SOUTHERN MASSACHUSETTS Vol. X, No. 7 PROVIDENCE, R. I., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1934 5 Cents the Copy Propose Central Council Unique Dedication GERMANS MAD, for Exchange of Data, Series Tonight at SAYS DR.BUTLER Information Plans Temple Emanu-El AT COLLEGE RITE Trend to East Side - I SCHENECTA DY. K. y_ (JT.-\)-T he S5.000 extens ion to the pres· Everyone is ,velcomed to Dr. :\'ich olas 1\l urra y Butler, p res i- ent g y mnasium building and t h e for­ Unveiling of Stained­ d ent of Columbia Unive rs itv. s aid to- 11:1 a tion of an_ educational and recrea­ day that the people of Ger~any haYe t,onal council and the extension of Glass Windows gone "sta rk. r a ,·ing mad." the ~enter pro¥'ram to the South . IPrond ence s ection of the city were .-\ Service which promis es to be . Speakm_g at cerem~m1es marking the highlig hts of the s urvey m ade unique in the history of th.is J ewish inauguration of Dr. Dixon Rya.n Fox br the J ewish Welfare Board of community will be held at Temple as the 12th president of Union Col- New York and presented by Ema.n u·El tonight. when 13 stained· l~ge, Dr. Butler de~lared that "no Louis Kraft, director of J ewish Cen. RABBI LE\'! A . OLAN REV. EVERETT M. BAKER gla s windows will be dedicated at hght and no leadership can be. ~ooked I ter _acti vities, to the J ewish Com­ the opening ser vice which wi11 also for from Germany for some time to mututy Center Board meeting held Two differ ing viewpoints about American Unitarian Association and mark the first celebration in the come." las t ni ght at 65 Benefit s treet. the great social experiment now in of the Religious Education Society. Tenth AnniYersa ry Year program. "Those people must regain their The survey, which covers more progress in Soviet Russia will be He visited Russia twice "7th the I Rabbi Goldman will preach a spe- senses, turn their backs upon the than 100 type,v,·itten pages, deals presented at the meeting of the S_her":ood Eddy. party and _has con- cial sermon for the Dedication Ser- silly and reactionary slogans which exhaustively with J ewish communitv Men's Club of Temple Beth-El to s1st~~tly champion~? ..\me_rica n rec- vice, entitled " \Vindows of the Soul.JI are now hurled at them, to be re- l1fe in Providence and presents 3. be held in the vestrv of the house ogmtion of the So, iet Umon. Music will be rendered by Cantor ceived wit h such highly emotional brief ~urvey of ever y J ewish organ- of wors hip Tuesday · evening, Octo­ Rabbi Le\i ..\. Olan is rabbi of Bettman and the full Temple enthusiasm/' the noted educator as- ization in the community ,vith par- ber 30. Temple Emanuel in \Vorcester, Mass. Emanu-El choir under t he direction serted1 ,:befor e they can resume the It icular reference as to the effective- Eminently qualified to offer opin- During his fi ve years in t hat com- of Arthur Einstein. Address- intellectual leadership \vhich they ness of t he J ewish Center program. ions at once intelligent and unbiased munity he has establi!;; hed himself as es will be made by Mrs. H enry Has· had so well won." Another recommendation made by are Rev. E Yerett M. Baker of the a fearless and effective J ewish lead- senfeld, chairman of the Stained- L d B T h F h Mr. Kraft involves the extension of Westminster Uni tarian Church who er. Few communal or civic functions Glass 'Window committee; Judge au 5 rt is · renc the present Center facilities so that is impressed with the promise and in t hat community take place with- Philip C. Joslin, president of the He said, however , that "the world modern quarters may be provided the p rogress of the Soviets and Rab- out him. He is, among other t hings, Congregation; Samuel M. :Ma- cannot do wit hout Germany, no mat· for a gro,ving membership. b. L · 0 the president of the Jewish F edera· gid, vice president of t he Congre- ter how preposterous and reaction- A di t th 1 · Wor~~t~~' 1: ,ra~:.,Te~h~e ~~~~~-~:~ tion of Worcester , and t he chairman gation and cha.irman of the original ary may be its ruling policies and · cco\ n1 c t surveyb on fu mrye 1 a few months ago with the feeling of the board of the h 11;ah. bui lding committee; and Henry Keck, doctrines at the moment." f~; i~ildr~n's ~o~~ ~e~~ ~rr~nf s::. that while definite gains have been I . F or year~ ~e had ad,~ocated -~mer- of Syracuse, N. Y., noted architect Paying t ribute to the Bricish, Providence, an d Mr. Kraft and Dr. made in race relations the wide-, ican recogm tion of Son et Russia and who designed the windows. French, Dutch and Scandinavians as Charles Bernheimer, who assisted spread tyranny, pove/ty and in- 1 hailed t he news of accomplishments At a desi gnated point in the Ser· "~ie happy and fortunate :~w. wh~ hin~ in t he report, made th ';? obse_r­ equality more than cancel t he there. Last summer he went to vice, fl ood li ghts from t he outside ~ i_ll Bhold _fas_~_to sound pimciple, vat1on that hundreds of J ewish chil- achievements scored. Russia to establish contact wit h rel- lawns will be illuminated so that the 1._ utle1 sa.i · . dren can be served by the Center ath·es and J ews to whom he had let- stained-glass windows may be seen "Almost everywhere else 111 the through the organization of clubs, The Re,·. E,·erett :iI. Baker is min­ ters of introduction. even at night in the interior of the I world troublesome a_n~ dangero~s I classes and ~ game 1:oom . The plan ister of the Westminster Unitarian Ability to speak Yiddish, as well A~ditorium. O[ t he ~3 stained:glass Ife rment_ - 1:1or~l, political, ~cononuc as prop?~e_d ~lll_volves the u~e of pres­ Church on Adelaide Avenue. During as avoidance of official guides en- wrndows. one 1s a circular w1ndow a nd social- is v.-ell under " ay. ent fae1lit1e~ 111 that section of the his five years in ProY idence he has abled hi m to gain an intimate in- behin_d the ..\ rk. ~·epr~senting "The "Unhappiest of all~ the great Ger· I c~~y so tha~ on addi!~on~l expense forged to the forefront as a carrier sight into conditions prevailing there. Burmng Bush." Sn:: wmdows on the man people, whose literally colossal "ill be entailed by th1:; type of pro­ of the social message of Christian­ ity. He is chairman of the 1nterde­ These two leaders will give their right side express the theme "The accornplishments in philosophy and gram. nominational Commission on Social viewpoint on Russia as it is today. Institutions of Judaism /' and the re-I in science, in literature and in the Aim to Serve Mo re People Action, the president of the League After a question period ref resh· maining windows on t he the other fine arts, in industry and in c~m- 'T'he organizing of the Education- of ).;"ations Association, a director of ments and cigars will be served. side represent themes u nder the merce, h~n-e played so commandltlg al and Recreational Council was re- the Providence Weliare Society, of .A rthur J. Levy and Irving L. heading "The Ideal~ of Judais1n ." a part in t ~1e world's history for two commended because a large number the Consumers League, of the ~a­ Shein are co-chairmen of the eve- The windows are of l\iloorish design full centuries, have gone stark, rav- (Continued on Page Six) tional Ministerial Union of t he ning's program. and each window contains two em- ing mad under the pressure and blems expressing some organized temptation of t hose r igid and dis- UnderPraduates to • B ' form or ethical ideal of J ewish life. heartening conditions which attend· b A F f L P N t h . 0 . to ress aZI oycott 1 " cordial welcome is extended to :~iii~:. writ.ing of e Treaty of Ver-1 be Guests at Temple Backed Unanimously at Meet aAnll. IM t" £ Brmrn Univ. Award Beth Israel Tonight nua ee mg o Given Hyman Israel Temple Beth Israel. enlarging its SAN FRA NCISCO (JTA) - The cent when our brothers in other H f A d t scope of adfrities for the Bar Mitz· A ~ eri<:a n F'~der~tion of Labor, lands arc being prosecuted because Offie Or ge O Hyman A. lsrnel has been awai-d- vah )'Ca r of its existence. is reach­ wh1ch 1s holding its annual conven· they demand freedom." he said. b H Id Q 28 ed a university scholarshiv in Psy- ing out to serve spiritually the stu­ tion. here, s tood committed to JH0SC· "\Ve can aJ)prcciatc our ow n free. e e Ct. chology for the year 193.1-35 by the dent body of our community. The cute with a ll the vigor a t its com· dom when we learn about the suffer· IGradua te Counci l of Brown Univer · ~·emp1e is proud to number among mand the boycott of N a zi Germany.
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