50¢ JULY, 1962 ORGAN ORSE MR. ·.& MRS. GORD©N VOORHIS, owners BHDJlDWJlll f JJHJ1l SPECIAL OFFER All foals will be sold at the farm at reasonable prices . Make your selection now - take delivery this fall. We have some excellent foals now with more to come. * VISITORS WELCOME * * Mr. and Mrs. J. Cecil Ferguson SISSON ROAD, GREENE,RHODE ISLAND Express 7-3963 TABLEOF CONTENTS .f:ette'Lsto SPECIAL FEATURES Cutting - Special Feature on Na1ional Show . 7 Mississippi Valley Morgan Horse Show . 6 Togetherness With The Past . 10 Eastern States Show . 20 tlte ldilo'Ls What ls Morgan Color . 21 Children 's Services Horse Show . 22 Morgan Horses To Be Shown During Roundup . 23 Homecoming . 24 Kyova Field Day and Judging School . 37 Dear Sir: Silas Hale's Famous Green Mountain Morgan . 39 Pequot Benefit Horse Show . 39 We have been raising Morgans for P. H. A. Show Results . 39 some time and since the club has offered a cash sum for the first Morgan to REGULAR FEATURES reach the top 10 cutting horses, it has Le tter s to the Editor . 4 harpened our interest in Morgan cut­ Je s' Hoss in' Around . 6 ting horses. Mid-A tlanti c News . 7 Ce n tral States News . 9 New England News . 11 Morg a ns ln The La nd Of Enchant me nt . 12 Mid-Ame rica Morgan Ne ws . 13 North Cen tra l News . 14 Circle J Morgan Assoc iati on . 15 Mississip pi Valley News . 16 Jus tin Morgan Ass ociation . 17 Northern Ca lifo.mia News . 18 Ne w York State News . 19 Pac ific Northwest News . 20 Penn-Ohi o Morgan Horse Booste rs . 22 Sou thern Cal iforni a ... .. ·. 23 Southern News a nd Views . 24 Bucke ye Breeze . 24 Kyova Morgan Hors e Ass ociation . 37 Officers of The Morgan Horse Club President . GERALD F. TAFT CLASSY BOY - sire. Condo ; Amos Northville, Michigan Mosher up. Eastern Regional Vice -President . J, CECIL FERGOSON Greene , Rhode Island Mid-West Regional Vice -President . ... .. ..... .. .... J. ROY' BRUNK Rochester, Illinois The picture of. the horse enclosed Western Regional Vice-President . .. .. .... ... .. .. CLARENCE SHAW is Classy Boy, 3 year old, sired by Con ­ Walla Walla, Washington do. This hor se is an excellent cutting Treasurer . CHAUNCEY STILLMAN horse and is doing very well. Has won 230 Park Av e!l'lle, New York , N. Y. Secretary .... .. .... .. ... .... .... SETH P. HOLCOMBE everal novice cutting classes and shows P. 0 . Box 2157, Bishops Corner Branch, West Hartford 17, Connecticut a lot of promis e, he will not be 3 years old until June. The Morqan Horse Maqazine It seems as though the general public Vol. XXJI July 1962 No. 6 thinks the only horses that can cut A Month ly - The Off;c iol Publica tion of THE MORGAN HORSE CLUB, Incorporated cattle are Quarter Hors es. We feel the Secreta ry's Off ice, P. 0 . Box 2157 , Bishops Corner Branch, West Hartfo rd 17, Conn. Plea se send all correspondence regarding subscrip'tfons and adv ertising to publicat ion Morgans are good and have some office: The Morgan Horse Magoz lne , Leominster, Mass . - Dial KEystone 4-6506 . that can prove it. T hey are a good Please send all correspondence regarding subscripUons and advertising hor se. Would you please return the to publication office: The Morgan Horse Magazine , Leominster, Masa. pictures. Thank you. Publisher .. .. .. ............. .... ... .. .. .. Otho F. Eusey Sincerely, Special Features . Em Pedler Circulation . Rosalie McGuire Mosher Bros. CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Phyllis Barber Shirley Devis Peggy McDonold Renee Poge Lorrayne Byers Mimi Filer Jeanne Mehl Ayelien Richerds Louise Beckley Goll L. Green Jud Nee ley Ruth Rogers Carol Chevalier Doris Hodgin Eve Oakley Anne Taylor Barbaro Cole Dorothy Lockard June Osborn e Clolre West Dear Sir: Dorothy Colburn Phyllis Nelsen Mabel Owen Pauline Zeller Just a few words of. appreciation of The Publisher a nd staff of The Morgon Horse Mcgoz ine and the Morgon Horse Club, "Hints 'ti> Horsekeepers" by Mabel Inc., ore not responsible for op inions and statements expressed ln sign ed a rticles or pa id advert isements . These op inions ore not necessar ily the op inions of the staff of Owen in April issue. Having owned a this journa l. great variety of horses , ponies, don ­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES keys and other an imals for more than One Year S4.00 Two Years S7.SO Three Years SID.SO hal f. a centur y, I can apprec iate Miss Canada S4.SO Foreign Rates SS.SO per year Owen 's suggestio ns. Only a real lover The MORGAN HORSE MAGAZINE, published monthly except January by THE MORGAN HORSE CLUB, INC., Secretary 's Office, P. 0 . Box 2157, Bishops Corner Branch , West of. horses could write such an article. Hartford 17, Connec ticut . Printed by The Eusey Press, Leominster , Moss . Entered as If followed, her advise should enable second class matter at post office , Leominster , Moss. Closing dote for copy and adv er tising l st of month preceding dote of publication . ( Continued on Page 44) Copyright 1962 by The Morgon Horse Magaz ine . OUR COVER A Guest Editorial In the midst of another busy show season we were pleased to read tl1e following article in the Penn-Ohio Newsletter by their President Milford Fox . We are proud of the ex­ cellent reputat,"on our Morgans and their owners enjo}', May we all not only maintain, but enhance our enviable standing in the horse-world in the days ahead. There is a general knowldege of the feats, traits and characteristics of Morgan horses that have been respon­ sible for their reputation and their attainment of the niche they hold in American history and development. Morgan people, too have attained a desirable reputation ; they have been known for their integrity, hospitality , sports­ T his month we are pleased to fea­ manship , unselfishness and loyalty, both to the breed and ture Windsor 's Mr. Chapin at 2 weeks each other. ~how managers and committees have spoken of age, with Pat Niboli . This beauti· and written about Morgan exhibitors being the one group fol little colt is by Trailbrook Joel welcomed to the shows because of the cooperative attitude and &om the good mare Fire's Chigger and their ability to get along with everyone. Among Morgan owners, breeders and lovers there has been a very and is owned by Ted Niboli of Wind ­ noticeable lack of dissention. Of course there are always sor, Vt. Her full sister, Duchess of little disagreen1cnts, but generally speaking the overall pic­ Windsor , took the blue at last year's ture has been a harmonious one. The well-being of the National. Morgan horse has aways superseded the individual petty differences. THIS IS GOOD! Recently there has appeared to be a tendency to emulatr other breeds in the manner of showing Morgans; at about the same time there occurred incidents at shows that have been detrimental to the good reputation of the Morgan An EXhibitorsPrayer people. Some show circuits have dropped Morgan classes By A. 0. Dooo from their lists because of these difficulties ; some reputable judges have said they would refuse to judge Morgan classes in the future for the same reasons. THIS IS BAD! Dear Lord, help me to be a good sport so that I can forever enjoy show­ either the individual prestige nor the monetary gains ing horses, so that I can make and represented by the winner's blue could possibly warrant the keep horse-loving friends, and so that sacrifice of any part of the fine reputation of Morgan horses I will always be a good example to and Morgan people. the youngsters and new horse people. Morgans are experiencing a tremendous gain in popularity ; Help me, Lord, to look for and find they are commanding higher prices than in the recent past. good reasons why the horses placed so. Both the breed and the people can benefit from this, OR Help me to have faith in the com­ it could be quite disastrous. The good Morgan reputation petence of the judge, and to express was achieved while the Morgan was considered the "poor that faith kindly when others doubt. relation" by some breeds. A mark of good character is the ability to accept defeat or to enjoy success and prosperity Help me, Lord , to offer congratula­ with the same gracefulness. Morgan horses do this every tions to the winners, and help me to be day. Morgan people can, too, if they only will. sincere so that I may share in their joy and triumph. A good reputation is hard-won, but easily lost and on.:e Before I leave the show grounds, lost, doubly hard to rebuild . Just a little more effort and help me, Lord, to remember to look consideration throughout the show season will offset past up at least one member of the show mistakes. It's well worth the effort - let's do it!! committee so that I may thank him and tell him something I particularly liked about his show. This is his only recompense, so help me, Lord, to re­ member to pay my share. JULY, 1962 5 There is no garde n in yet this year. Pa says he is waiti ng for a good si"n Jes' Hossin' Around t? plant by. I think he means a si~n like no horse business . By DoROTHY LocKARD Doesn 't Mabel Owen make the most sense in her articles? Her ad­ vice is always good, and her humour This time of the year we are busy, winter? can't. I can't imagine it makes it pleasant reading.
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