
Answer to the Call for a Medium-size mission opportunity in ESA’s Science Programme for a launch in 2022 (Cosmic Vision 2015-2025) EuropEan VEnus ExplorEr An in-situ mission to Venus Eric chassEfièrE EVE Principal Investigator IDES, Univ. Paris-Sud Orsay & CNRS Universite Paris-Sud, Orsay colin Wilson Co-Principal Investigator Dept Atm. Ocean. Planet. Phys. Oxford University, Oxford Takeshi imamura Japanese Lead-Investigator sanjay Limaye US Lead-Investigator LudmiLa Zasova Russian Lead-Investigator Steering Committee K. Aplin (UK) S. Lebonnois (France) K. Baines (USA) J. Leitner (Austria) T. Balint (USA) S. Limaye (USA) J. Blamont (France) J. Lopez-Moreno (Spain) E. Chassefière(F rance) B. Marty (France) C. Cochrane (UK) M. Moreira (France) Cs. Ferencz (Hungary) S. Pogrebenko (The Neth.) F. Ferri (Italy) A. Rodin (Russia) M. Gerasimov (Russia) J. Whiteway (Canada) T. Imamura (Japan) C. Wilson (UK) O. Korablev (Russia) L. Zasova (Russia) Sanjay Limaye Ludmilla Zasova Eric Chassefière Takeshi Imamura Colin Wilson University of IKI IDES ISAS/JAXA University of Oxford Wisconsin-Madison Laboratory of Planetary Space Science and Spectroscopy Univ. Paris-Sud Orsay & Engineering Center Space Research Institute CNRS 3-1-1, Yoshinodai, 1225 West Dayton Street Russian Academy of Sciences Universite Paris-Sud, Bat. 504. Sagamihara Dept of Physics Madison, Wisconsin, Profsoyusnaya 84/32 91405 ORSAY Cedex Kanagawa 229-8510 Parks Road 53706, USA Moscow 117997, Russia FRANCE Japan Oxford OX1 3PU Tel +1 608 262 9541 Tel +7-495-333-3466 Tel 33 1 69 15 67 48 Tel +81-42-759-8179 Tel 44 (0)1-865-272-086 Fax +1 608 235 4302 Fax +7-495-333-4455 Fax 33 1 69 15 49 11 Fax +81-42-759-8575 Fax 44 (0)1-865-272-923 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] European Venus Explorer – Cosmic Vision 2015 – 2025 List of EVE Co-Investigators NAME AFFILIATION NAME AFFILIATION NAME AFFILIATION AUSTRIA Migliorini, A. IASF-INAF UK Bentley, M. IWF Palomba, E. INAF Aplin, K. Univ. of Oxford Firneis, M. G. Univ. of Vienna Piccioni, G. INAF Aylward, A. D. Univ. Coll. London Leitner, J. J. Univ. of Vienna Stefani, S. IASF-INAF Ballentine, C. J. Univ. of Manchester Schwingenschuh, K. IWF JAPAN Barber, S. J. Open Univ. Zhang, T. IWF Imamura, T. JAXA Bargery, A. Lancaster Univ. BELGIUM Murata, I. Tohoku Univ. Bowles, N. Univ. of Oxford Karatekin, O. Roy. Obs. Belgium Noguchi, K. Nara Woman's Univ. Busemann, H. Univ. of Manchester Rosenblatt, P. Roy. Obs. Belgium Taguchi, M. Rikkyo Univ. Calcutt, S. Univ. of Oxford CANADA Takahashi, M. Univ. of Tokyo Coates, A. Univ. Coll. London Whiteway, J. York Univ. Takahashi, Y. Hokkaido Univ. Cochrane, C. Imp. College London CHILE Yamamoto, Masay. Kochi Univ. Cockell, C. Open Univ. Villard, E. ALMA/ESO Yamamoto, Masar. Kyushu Univ. Cullen, D. Cranfield Univ. DENMARK PORTUGAL Dartnell, L. Univ. Coll. London Merayo, J. M. Tec. Univ. Denmark Luz, D. Obs. de Lisboa Dorrington, G. Univ. of London Merrison, J. Aarhus Univ. Roos, M. Lightcurve Films Fraser, G. W. Univ. of Leicester Vennerstrom, S. Tec. Univ. Denmark RUSSIA Galand, M. Imp. College London FINLAND Barri, N. Lomonosov Univ. Ghail, R. Imp. College London Aittola, M. Univ. of Oulu Basilevsky, A. Vernadsky Inst. Griffiths, A. Univ. Coll. London Kallio, E. Finnish Meteo. Inst. Beliyaev, D. IKI Grinrod, P. Imp. College London Kostama, P. Univ. of Oulu Cheremukhina, Z. TsNIIMASH Horsfall, A. Newcastle Univ. Molera, G. Aalto Univ. Dolnikov, G. IKI Juanes-Vallejo, C. M. Cranfield Health Raitala, J. Univ. of Oulu Duev, D. Lomonosov Univ. Kelley, S. P. Open Univ. Törmänen, T. Univ. of Oulu Ekonomov, A. IKI Leese, M. Open Univ. FRANCE Fedorova, A. IKI Lewis, S. R. Open Univ. Allemand, P. Université Lyon 1 Gavrik, A. Inst. Radio Electr. Morse, A. D. Open Univ. Berthelier, J.-J. LATMOS/UPMC Gerasimov, M. IKI Mueller-Wodarg, I. Imp. College London Bézard, B. LESIA/Obs. de Paris Grechnev, K. IKI Patel, M. Open Univ. Blamont, J. CNES Grigoriev, A. IKI Sawyer, E. STFC, RAL Chassefière, E. IDES/Univ. Paris-Sud Gritsevich, M. Lomonosov Univ. Schonbachler, M. Univ. of Manchester Christophe, B. ONERA Gudkova, T. Inst. Lithosp. Phys. Sheridan, S. Open Univ. Cours, T. GSMA/Univ. Reims Ignatiev, N. IKI Sims, M. Univ. of Leicester Dahoo, P.-R. LATMOS/UVSQ Ivanov, M. Vernadsky Inst. Smith, K. Univ. of Manchester Drossart, P. LESIA/Obs. de Paris Khatuntsev, I. IKI Talboys, D. Univ. of Leicester Durry, G. GSMA/Univ. Reims Korablev, O. IKI Waltham, N. STFC, RAL Forget, F. LMD/UPMC Ksanfomality, L. IKI Warner, M. Imp. College London Ghysels, M. GSMA/Univ. Reims Linkin, S. IKI Wilson, C. Univ. of Oxford Gomez-Martin, L. GSMA/Univ. Reims Lipatov, A. IKI USA Hirtzig, M. LMD/UPMC Lomakin, I. Lavochkin Assoc. Atreya, S. Univ. of Michigan Joly, L. GSMA/Univ. Reims Lyash, A. IKI Baines, K. H. JPL, CalTech/UW-Madison Leblanc, F. LATMOS/UVSQ Maiorov, B. IKI Balint, T. JPL, CalTech Lebonnois, S. LMD/UPMC Marov, M. Inst. Appl. Math. Banfield, D. Cornell Univ. Lellouch, E. LESIA/Obs. de Paris Maximenko, S. IKI Bullock, M. A. Southwest Research Inst. Määttänen, A. LATMOS/UVSQ Mikhailov, V. TsNIIMASH Burke, J. JPL, CalTech Marty, B. CRPG/Univ. Nancy Mitrofanov, I. IKI Campbell, B. Smithsonian Inst. Massol, H. IDES/Univ. Paris-Sud Moshkin, B. IKI Chin, G. NASA Goddard Mimoun, D. ISAE Rodin, A. MIPT Crisp, D. JPL, CalTech Montmessin, F. LATMOS/UVSQ Sanko, N. Roscosmos Dauphas, N. Univ. of Chicago Moreira, M. IPGP Shakun, A. IKI Delory, G. T. Univ. of California Occhipinti, G. IPGP Skalsky, A. IKI Esposito, L. W. Univ. of Colorado Rannou, P. GSMA/Univ. Reims Smirnov, V. Inst. Radio Electr. Forbes, J. M. Univ. of Colorado Sabroux, J.-C. IRSN Stulov, V. P. Lomonosov Univ. Gierasch, P. Cornell Univ. Sarda, Ph. IDES/Univ. Paris-Sud Svertilov, S. Lomonosov Univ. Goldblatt, C. Univ. of Washington Seran, E. LATMOS/UVSQ Vinogradov, I. IKI Grimm, R. Southwest Research Inst. Szopa, C. LATMOS/UPMC Zasova, L. IKI Grinspoon, D. Denver Museum Touboul, P. ONERA Zelenyi, L. IKI Heggy, E. NASA/JPL Trotignon, J. G. LPCE/Univ. Orléans SPAIN Ingersoll, A. JPL, CalTech Widemann, T. LESIA/Obs. de Paris Lopez-Moreno, J. CSIC Izenberg, N. R. JHU/APL GERMANY López, I. URJC Kerzhanovich, V. JPL, CalTech Arnold, G. DLR/Univ. Münster Martin-Torres, F. INTA Krasnopolsky, V. Cath. Univ. America Auster, H. U. IGEP Molina-Cuberos, G. Univ. of Murcia Kreslavsky, M. Brown Univ. Flohrer, J. DLR Sanchez-Lavega, A. Univ. Pais Vasco Kurth, W. S. Univ. of Iowa Guicking, L. IGEP SWEDEN Limaye, S. Univ. of Wisconsin Hartogh, P. MPS Barabash, S. IRF Lorenz, R. JHU/APL Helbert, J. DLR Wahlund, J.-E. IRF Luhmann, J. Univ. of California Oberst, J. DLR Weng, M.-H. Royal Inst. of Technology McGovern, P. LPI Pätzold, M. RIU-Planetary Research Zetterling, C. M. Royal Inst. of Technology Nagy, A. Univ. of Michigan Tellmann, S. RIU-Planetary Research SWITZERLAND Nock, K. Glob. Aerosp. Corp. Tokana, T. Univ. of Cologne Altwegg, K. Univ. of Bern Pankine, A. Glob. Aerosp. Corp. Woch, J. MPS Josset, J.-J. Space-X Pertzborn, R. Univ. of Wisconsin HUNGARY Whitby, J. Univ. of Bern Rafkin, S. C. R. Southwest Research Inst. Bodnar, L. BL Electronics Ltd. Wieler, R. ETH Zurich Renno, N.O. Univ. of Michigan Ferencz, Cs. Eötvös Univ. Wurz, P. Univ. of Bern Russell, C. T. Univ. of California Lichtenberger, J. Eötvös Univ. NL Schulze-Makuch, D. Washington State Univ. ITALY Cimò, G. JIVE Smith, M. NASA Goddard Bellucci, G. INAF Fridman, P. ASTRON Smrekar, S. JPL, CalTech Colosimo, S. F. IFSI-INAF Gurvits, L. JIVE Stofan, E. R. Proxemy Research Ferri, F. Univ. of Padova Pogrebenko, S. JIVE Tsang, C. Southwest Research Inst. Grassi, D. IFSI-INAF Stam, D. SRON Yokochi, R. Univ. of Chicago Komatsu, G. IRSPS Acknowledgments : We are grateful to the CNES study team led by S. Potteck, then E. Hinglais, for their help in the technical work of mission definition and cost assessment. Cover Page credits : EVE logo by Romain Chassefière and Artwork by Tibor Balint. 1 European Venus Explorer – Cosmic Vision 2015 – 2025 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................2 1. SCIENCE CONTEXT.....................................................................3 2. SCIENCE OBJECTIVES ...............................................................6 3. SCIENCE PAYLOAD ....................................................................18 4. MISSION OVERVIEW....................................................................24 5. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS AND SPACECRAFT ISSUES............27 6. SCIENCE OPERATIONS AND ARCHIVING..................................34 7. KEY ENABLING AND ENHANCING TECHNOLOGIES................34 8. EUROPEAN AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATIONS ...............34 9. PRELIMINARY PROGRAMMATICS AND COST...........................37 10. SCIENCE COMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC OUTREACH ..........38 The clouds of Venus, seen by Venus Express (top: REFERENCES ..................................................................................39 upper clouds in UV [VMC, MPS/ESA]; lower left: low LIST OF ACRONYMS .......................................................................40 clouds as seen in near-IR [VIRTIS, LESIA/INAF/ESA] EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AAnn iiinn--ssiiitttuu mmiiissssiiioonn tttoo uunnddeerrsstttaanndd ttthhee eevvoollluutttiiioonn oofff VVeennuuss aanndd iiitttss ccllliiimmaatttee Of all our planetary neighbours, Venus should be the most Earth-like: it s size, bulk composition and distance from the Sun are very similar to those of the Earth. Its original atmosphere was p robably similar to that of early Earth, with large atmospheric abundances of carbon dioxide and water. While on Earth a moderate climate evolved, Venus experienced runaway greenhouse warming, which led to its current hostile climate. Where did it all go wrong for Venus? What lessons can we learn about the life story of terrestrial planets in general, including our own Earth? While ESA’s Venus Express mission is answering many questions about Earth’s sibling planet, several key questions require in situ investigation, in particular relating to the noble gas isotopic signatures of past history and the complex cloud-level atmosphere.
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