See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/234073692 Can slab melting be caused by flat subduction? Geology Article in Geology · June 2000 DOI: 10.1130/0091-7613(2000)28<535:CSMBCB>2.0.CO;2 CITATIONS READS 428 1,167 4 authors, including: M.-A. Gutscher René C Maury Université de Bretagne Occidentale Université de Bretagne Occidentale 164 PUBLICATIONS 5,573 CITATIONS 356 PUBLICATIONS 11,783 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Erwan Bourdon CFG Services 38 PUBLICATIONS 1,092 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: ACTIVEMARGINS View project Eastern Indonesian Geodynamic Evolution View project All content following this page was uploaded by M.-A. Gutscher on 20 May 2014. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Can slab melting be caused by flat subduction? Marc-André Gutscher* Laboratoire GTS, UMR 5573, Université Montpellier II, F-34095 Montpellier, France René Maury IUEM/Université Bretagne Occidentale, Place Nicolas Copernic, F-29280 Plouzané, France Jean-Philippe Eissen IRD Centre de Bretagne, B.P. 70, F-29280 Plouzané, France Erwan Bourdon ABSTRACT tion of adakitic magmas for these cases, related to Slab melting has been suggested as a likely source of adakitic arc magmas (i.e., andesitic an unusual subduction geometry known as flat and dacitic magmas strongly depleted in Y and heavy rare earth elements). Existing numerical subduction (Fig. 3) (Sacks, 1983; Pennington, and petrologic models, however, restrict partial melting to very young (<5 Ma) oceanic crust 1984; Cahill and Isacks, 1992; Abbott et al., (typically at 60–80 km depth). Paradoxically, most of the known Pliocene-Quaternary adakite 1994; Gutscher et al., 1999a, 2000). Of the 10 occurrences are related to subduction of 10–45 Ma lithosphere, which should not be able to melt known flat slab regions worldwide (Fig. 1), 8 are under normal subduction-zone thermal gradients. We propose an unusual mode of subduction linked to present or recent (<6 Ma) occurrences known as flat subduction, occurring in ~10% of the world’s convergent margins, that can pro- of adakitic magmas (Table 1). duce the temperature and pressure conditions necessary for fusion of moderately old oceanic crust. Of the 10 known flat subduction regions worldwide, eight are linked to present or recent GEODYNAMIC MODEL (<6 Ma) occurrences of adakitic magmas. Observations from Chile, Ecuador, and Costa Rica Comparative observations from several well- suggest a three-stage evolution: (1) steep subduction produces a narrow calc-alkaline arc, typi- constrained flat slab regions along the Andean cally ~300 km from the trench, above the asthenospheric wedge; (2) once flat subduction begins, and Central American margin suggest a three- the lower plate travels several hundred kilometers at nearly the same depth, thus remaining in stage evolution illustrating how a reduction of a pressure-temperature window allowing slab melting over this broad distance; and (3) once flat slab dip can lead to episodes of slab melting. In subduction continues for several million years, the asthenospheric wedge disappears, and a vol- the normal situation, a narrow calc-alkaline arc canic gap results, as in modern-day central Chile or Peru. The proposed hypothesis, which (volcanic line) develops above a steeply dipping reconciles thermal models with geochemical observations, has broad implications for the study slab, commonly between the 100 and 150 km iso- of arc magmatism and for the thermal evolution of convergent margins. depth contours to the subducted plate (Fig. 3A). When the dip of the downgoing plate flattens, Keywords: flat subduction, thermal structure, slab melting, adakites. in response to a change in buoyancy (i.e., sub- duction of overthickened oceanic crust), the INTRODUCTION doxically, of the ~20 known occurrences of arc typically widens, extending much farther Petrologic models suggest that formation of adakites worldwide, only 5 occur near Pliocene- (≥400 km) from the trench (Fig. 3B and 3C). trondhjemite-tonalite-dacite (TTD) by partial Quaternary spreading center–trench triple junc- During this transitional stage, lasting several melting of the subducted slab was widespread tions, where very young oceanic lithosphere is million years, adakitic melts are generated during Archean time, and these rocks represent a being or was recently subducted. The remaining across a wide volcanic arc. This corresponds to major component of Precambrian gneiss terranes occurrences involve subduction of moderately modern Ecuador (arc 250–400 km from trench) (Martin, 1986; Drummond and Defant, 1990). old (10–45 Ma) lithosphere, which is not ex- (Monzier et al., 1997; Gutscher et al., 1999b; However, given the cooler mantle temperatures pected to melt under normal subduction-zone Bourdon et al., 1999) and to central Chile at during the Phanerozoic, these processes should pressure and temperature conditions. We present 10–5 Ma (arc 250–800 km from trench) (Kay be uncommon today (Martin, 1986). Recent a new geodynamic model to explain the forma- and Abbruzzi, 1996). Due to the unique set of models of magma genesis emphasize the role of fluids released via dehydration reactions from the Figure 1. Global distribu- subducting plate, thereby causing melting in the 8 tion of flat slab regions 60°N YB overlying mantle wedge (Schmidt and Poli, (labels correspond to 1998). In the past decade, numerous occurrences Table 1) and adakitic mag- AS of Cenozoic adakites (andesitic and dacitic mag- mas (stars). Filled stars Em 7 mas characterized by strong depletion in heavy are modern occurrences, 9 Sh unfilled stars are 1–6 Ma He rare earth elements and high Sr/Y ratios) have old occurrences. Principal 30°N Ha been documented and discussed as possible oceanic plateaus, hotspot 6 tracks, and subducting PK IB examples of slab melting (Fig. 1) (Defant and MP 5 Drummond, 1990; Morris, 1995). These include arcs are shaded gray: Co 4 Hk—Hikurangi Plateau, ER OJ Li Mount St. Helens (Defant and Drummond, 1993) 0° Mh 3 Lo—Louisville Ridge, Mq GC 2 and the recent major eruption of Mount Pinatubo 10 Au—Austral Plateau, Tu— Tu (Prouteau et al., 1999). Tuamotu Plateau, Mq— Nz Marquesas Plateau, Mh— Au Numerical and petrological studies of pressure- 30°S 1 temperature-time (P-T-t) paths in subduction Manihiki Plateau, Li—Line Lo JF Islands, OJ—Ontong Java zones suggest that this process can only occur for Plateau, ER—Euripik Rise, Hk subduction of very young (≤5 Ma) lithosphere PK—Palau-Kyushu Ridge, 150°E 180° 150°W 120°W90°W (Peacock et al., 1994) (Fig. 2A, solid lines). Para- IB—Izu-Bonin Arc, Sh— 55°S Shatsky Rise, MP—Mid- Pacific Mountains, He—Hess Rise, Ha—Hawaiian Chain, Em—Emperor Chain,YB—Yakutat *Current address: GEOMAR, Marine Geodynamics, Block, AS—Alaska Seamounts, Co—Cocos Ridge, GC—Galápagos-Carnegie Ridge, Nz—Nazca Wischhofstrasse 1-3, D-24148, Germany. E-mail: Ridge, JF—Juan-Fernandez Ridge. [email protected]. Geology; June 2000; v. 28; no. 6; p. 535–538; 3 figures; 1 table. 535 varying age of subducting lithosphere (in m.y.) narrow calc-alkaline arc A A Central Chile (20-12 Ma) Ecuador (6 Ma) v = 3 cm/a 0 0 2 τ 300 Moho 300 = 0 MPa 5 Moho 4.0 600 600 wet solidus steep slab 10 900 900 P-T-t paths 10 50 20 20 flat slab 1300 3.0 50 [km] 1300 50 P-T-t paths P (GPa) partial melting in Hb out 100 asthenospheric 2.0 asthenospherewedge asthenosphere Ec 150 1400 1400 1.0 Ga out Am 0 0 100 200 300 [km] 400 500 600 0 200 400 600 800 1000 ° T ( C) broad "adakitic" arc B Central Chile (10-7 Ma) Ecuador (0 Ma) P-T-t paths based on isotherms in Figure 3 0 B 300 300 Moho v = 6 cm/a 600 600 900 25 m.y. old lithosphere 50 900 4.0 1300 melting in "tongue" flat slab [km] 1300 steep slab (points from 100 3.0 (points from wet solidus slab melting Fig. 3B,C) asthenosphere asthenosphere P (GPa) Fig. 3A) Hb out 150 2.0 1400 1400 Ec 1.0 Ga out 0 100 200 300 [km] 400 500 600 Am final pulse of "adakitic" volcanism 0 C Central Chile (6-4 Ma) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 ° 0 T ( C) Moho 300 300 Figure 2. Pressure-temperature (P-T ) meta- 600 Moho 600 900 50 900 morphic reaction diagram showing expected 1300 P-T-t (t = time) paths for varying conditions. [km] 1300 Ec—eclogite, Am—amphibolite, Ga—garnet, 100 slab melting Hb—hornblende. A: P-T-t paths for normal 27° asthenosphere subduction dip (solid lines), with varying litho- spheric ages, and subduction velocity of 150 1400 3 cm/yr, with no shear heating, according to finite difference models (Peacock et al., 1994, 0 100 200 300 [km] 400 500 600 Fig. 8B). P-T-t paths for flat subduction (dashed) transcurrent faulting and/or are calculated using analytical solution for D Central Chile (0 Ma) no active volcanism block fault uplift (Sierras Pampeanas) 0 slab thermal structure (Davies, 1999) beneath Moho 70 km depth.These paths are much flatter and 300 300 Moho intersect slab melting field (shaded) at 700 °C 600 600 50 900 900 and 2.5 GPa for 10–50 Ma subducted litho- 1300 no asthenospheric wedge sphere. B: P-T-t paths for steep (circles) and [km] 1300 flat (diamonds and squares) subduction 100 based on isotherms in Figure 3 sampled every asthenosphere 50 km along slab surface. 150 1400 isotherms and P-T-t paths involved in flat sub- 0 100 200 300 [km] 400 500 600 duction, slab melting can occur (Fig. 2).
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