E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 160 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 2014 No. 89 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was Motion to proceed to the consideration of The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Objec- called to order by the President pro S. 2432, a bill to amend the Higher Education tion is heard. The bill will be placed on tempore (Mr LEAHY).. Act to provide for the refinancing of certain the calendar. Federal student loans, and for other pur- Mr. REID. Mr. President, this is land- poses. PRAYER mark legislation. I so compliment Sen- SCHEDULE ators SANDERS and MCCAIN for coming The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- Mr. REID. Mr. President, following to this agreement. I hope we can move fered the following prayer: my remarks and those of the Repub- this bill expeditiously. Let us pray. lican leader, if any, there will be a roll- Majestic God, forever wise, we are call vote on the confirmation of Han- BOULWARE NOMINATION grateful this day and thankful for new nah Lauck, who will serve in the State Later today the Senate will vote to mercies. We are invigorated by Your of Virginia. Following that vote the confirm a man by the name of Richard love, patience, and grace. We praise time until noon will be equally divided Boulware to be a district court trial You even for the trials that draw us between the two leaders or their des- judge for the State of Nevada. A re- closer to You. ignees. markable man he is, extremely smart, Help our lawmakers to remember At noon there will be two rollcall and he is a very talented lawyer from that without You they will labor in votes on confirmations that come from Las Vegas. His father was the first neu- vain. As they seek to serve You today, the Judiciary Committee. One is a rologist to come to Las Vegas—a fine give them Your peace. O God, receive judge who will preside in Massachu- man—and his mom was very politically honor, glory, praise, and thanksgiving setts by the name of Sorokin, and one active in a lot of matters for so many from our mortal lips, for You are wor- will preside in the State of Nevada by years. thy. And, Lord, comfort the families of the name of Boulware. Richard F. Boulware has impeccable the five American soldiers killed in Af- Following the vote on the Boulware credentials. He grew up in Las Vegas ghanistan. nomination, the Senate will recess and attended Harvard University. He We pray in Your merciful Name. until 2:15 p.m. for our weekly caucus went out on his own after graduating Amen. meetings. At 2:30 p.m. there will be from Harvard. He had a consultancy, f three cloture votes on Federal Reserve and he was watching the impeachment nominations: first, cloture on the nom- proceeding that took place of President PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ination of Lael Brainard to be a mem- Clinton and he said to himself: I should The President pro tempore led the ber of the Board of Governors of the be involved in understanding this stuff Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: Federal Reserve System, then cloture more. So he applied to Columbia. It I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the on the nomination of Jerome H. Powell wasn’t a walk in the park for him to United States of America, and to the Repub- to be a member of the Board of Gov- go. It was extremely expensive. But he lic for which it stands, one nation under God, ernors of the Federal Reserve System, is so smart. He got scholarships almost indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. and finally, cloture on the nomination all the way. He graduated very high in f of Stanley Fischer, who is already a his class at Columbia. member of the Federal Reserve but he Upon graduation, he worked at Cov- RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY ington & Burling in New York, one of LEADER will be elevated to be Vice Chair of the Board of Governors. the premier law firms in the country. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The MEASURE PLACED ON THE CALENDAR—S. 2450 He also became a Federal public de- majority leader is recognized. Mr. REID. Mr. President, I under- fender in New York. Since 2007 he has f stand S. 2450 is at the desk and due for been a Federal public defender in Ne- vada. If confirmed, Richard Boulware BANK ON STUDENTS EMERGENCY a second reading. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The will become the first African American LOAN REFINANCING ACT—MO- man to serve on the U.S. district court TION TO PROCEED clerk will read the bill by title for the second time. in Nevada. Mr. REID. Mr. President, I move to The bill clerk read as follows: I had the pleasure and good fortune proceed to Calendar No. 409, S. 2432, the A bill (S. 2450) to improve the access of vet- to put the first woman on the Federal Warren college affordability legisla- erans to medical services from the Depart- bench in Nevada. She was a black tion. ment of Veterans Affairs, and for other pur- woman. She was so good. Her name is The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The poses. Johnnie Rawlinson. She was so good clerk will report the motion. Mr. REID. Mr. President, I object to that in a very short period of time she The bill clerk read as follows: any further proceedings at this time. was elevated to become a member of ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S3511 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:12 Mar 21, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\JUN 2014\S10JN4.REC S10JN4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S3512 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 10, 2014 the Ninth Circuit. During Obama’s cans make loan payments on time, the EXECUTIVE SESSION presidency, she has always been on the staggering amount of those install- short list. ments precludes young Americans from Richard Boulware will be just as good NOMINATION OF M. HANNAH buying houses, beginning families or LAUCK TO BE UNITED STATES as any member of that bench we have going into business. The legislation be- in Nevada. I am impressed with his DISTRICT JUDGE FOR THE EAST- fore the Senate will give borrowers a dedication to the State of Nevada. He ERN DISTRICT OF VIRGINIA has already distinguished himself as a fair shot in investing in their families public servant. So I look forward to his and their financial well-being. As young Americans are able to purchase NOMINATION OF LEO T. SOROKIN confirmation today. TO BE UNITED STATES DISTRICT new homes and invest in their futures, STUDENT LOANS JUDGE FOR THE DISTRICT OF it will inject much-needed capital into Mr. President, we have all seen the MASSACHUSETTS old cowboy western movies that saw our economy. some unfortunate character getting Unfortunately, not all Senators agree into quicksand—either pushed or fall- that allowing borrowers to refinance NOMINATION OF RICHARD FRANK- en—and they try everything they can LIN BOULWARE II TO BE UNITED their student loans is a good idea. I was to get him out. It is always the same STATES DISTRICT JUDGE FOR scene in the movies. An unsuspecting disappointed to learn my colleague the THE DISTRICT OF NEVADA Republican leader doesn’t support this person winds up in quicksand, panics, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under legislation. It wasn’t long ago that he flails around, and each time he does the previous order, the Senate will pro- that he gets deeper and deeper into this referred to this proposal we are taking ceed to executive session to consider earthy liquid. up here today dealing with student the following nominations, which the Fortunately, a hero always comes to loan debt—$1.2 trillion or $1.3 trillion clerk will now report. the rescue. Sometimes it is with a rope debt and 45 million people it affects— The bill clerk read the nominations or branch or something to pull him out he called it a fake fight. of M. Hannah Lauck, of Virginia, to be of the quicksand to safety. That hap- United States District Judge for the For 25 million Americans, or even pens once in a while but not very often Eastern District of Virginia, Leo T. in real life. more, who stand to benefit from this Sorokin, of Massachusetts, to be In America today millions of Ameri- bill, I assure my friend there is nothing United States District Judge for the cans are caught in financial quicksand fake about helping working families District of Massachusetts, and Richard and looking for a helping hand to pull pay off debt and save money. Franklin Boulware II, of Nevada, to be them to safety. About 45 million Amer- I so admire what the President did United States District Judge for the icans have student loans. As their debt yesterday. He said that if you are con- District of Nevada. mounts, they sink deeper and deeper Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, into financial hardship. There is more tinuing to refuse to legislate—and we today we vote to confirm nominees to student debt today than there is credit know there has been obstruction after District Courts in Virginia, Massachu- card debt.
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