DIRECTORY.] WHITKIRK. 485 ~tained east window was given by Major Waud, in r856; by James I. on Esme Stuart, Duke of Lennox K.G. who all the other windol'·s are stained, several being memorials : sold the estate to Sir Arthur Ingram kt. and it is now held the pulpit is of Caen stone, and the brass eagle lectern was by the Hon. Mrs. Meynell Ingram, widow of Hugo Francis presented in memory of Joshua Wilkinson esq. by his widow: MeJnell Ingram esq. (d. r87r), who resides at the manor there are several important and interesting memorials, in- house, Temple Newsam, a late Elizabethan building of red eluding an ancient alabaster monument ";th two recumbent brick situated in an extensive deer park. The entire area figures, representing Sir Robert Scargill, knighted rszs, and of the township is 4,o86 acres, including 973 in Leeds; the his lady, former occupiers of Thorpe Hall; a magnificent rateable value of the whole township is [,z2,o65; the entire and elaborately carved monument to Edward Ingram, 2nd population of the township in r88r was 2, r8o in Whitkirk Viscount Irvine, who died I6thSeptember, r688, erected by and 481 in Leeds; area of district ecclesiastically attached his widow; another t{) Charles, roth and last Viscount Ir- to Whitkirk, 2,699 acres. vine, who died at Temple Newsam, 27th June, 1778, and AusTHORPE is a wwnship in Garforth and '\\"hitkirk: Frances (Shepherd) his wife, erected at the beginning of the parishes. 5 miles east-by-north from Leeds, in Tadcaster present century by their daughter, Isabella Anne, Mar- union. Austhorpe Lodge, the seat of Mrs. Wilkinson, was chioness of Hertford : on the north wall of the chancel is the birthplace (28th May, I724) of the celebrated engineer, a mural tablet to John Smeaton F.R.S. the builder of the John Smeaton. The principal landowner is John Wilson Eddystone lighthouse, who was born at Austhorpe Lodge esq. J.P, D.L. who is also lord of the manor. The entire 28th May, I724, and died there 28th October, 1792: there population of the township in I881 was 290, including 35 in are also several memorials of the Ingrams, including a Barrowby; area, 842 acres, including 232 in Barrowby; rate­ marble slab inscribed to Sir Arthur Ingram, knight, ob. 4th able value, [,z,569; ecclesiastical area, 558. July, 1655, and a fine alabaster monument of three trefoil- THORPE STAPLETON is a township in the parish of Whit­ headed niches in the Early English style, erected by the kirk, 3~ miles east-south-east from Leeds, near the Aire, in Hon. Mrs. Meyncll Ingram in memory of the late Hugo the Hunslet union. It is chiefly noted for the ruins of old J<'rnncis Meynell Ingram esq. who died in r87r, as well a8 w 1 Thorpe Hall, a mansion of the fifteenth century, and other members of the Ingram family; in each niche is a formerly the residence of the Scargill family ; not much of brass tablet with inscriptions. The registers date from the the ancient structure is now standir.g, but one of the towers year r6o:1 and are in good condition. The living is a vicar- is still occupied as a labourer's cottage. The population age, tithe rent-r-harge £54, net yearly value [,2oo, including ( r88r ), 29; the area is 294 acres ; rateable value, £55 I 32 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Trinity Col- IIB. 4d. lege, Cambridge, and held since I863 by the Rev. Gcorgc HALTON is a large village 3t miles east from Leeds, on the Moreton Platt :M.A. of that college. There are "\\'esleyan road to Selby. chapels at Halton and Colton. The charities are about[, roo CoL TON is Ii miles south-east of Whitkirk church. yearly. The principal landowner is the Hon. Mrs. Meynell PosT OFFICE, Halton.-William Bell, sub-~stmaster. Ingram, of Temple Newsam. The soil is sandy; subsoil, Letters arrive from Leeds at s.so a. m. & 4-IS for callers; gr-avel. The chief crops are potatoes and grass. The en- dispatched at I 1. so a. m. & 7· 55 p.m.; sundays at 7-55 p.m. tire area of the parish is 5,638 acres, and the population of The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Crossgates the entire parish in I88r was 3,85I; the nrea of the ecclesi- WALL LETTER Box, near Whitkirk church, cleared at 7 p.m. astical parish, 3,551; population, 2,424. week days; 9·I5 a.m. sundays Parish Clerk, John Gibson. PosT OFFICE, Colton.-Mrs. Emma. Overton, receiving TEMPLE NEWSAM, 4! miles east from Leeds, is a town- office. Letters arrive from Leeds at B. so a.. m. ; dis- ship in ·whitkirk and Leeds parishes, and Hunslet union, patched at 6. so p. m.· The nearest money order & tele- partly within the municipal and parliamentary borough of graph office is at Crossgates, Manston Leeds, and includes the villages of Whitkirk, Halton, Colton Medical Officer, A. T. Wills, Halton and Osmondthorpe, and the hamlets of Newsam Green and Rate Collector, R. T. Bowman, Halton Waterside. In "Domesday Book" it is called "Newhusum," INSURANCE AGENT.-Norwich Union Fire, W. Child and acquired its additional appellation from a settlement ScHOOLS :- here in n8r of the Knights Templars. The manor was The School Board, formed in I874, for Temple Newsam & granted in the twelfth century to the Knights Templars by Austhorpe United District, consists of 5 members; clerk William de Villers, who founded a preceptory here : after- to the board, Wm. John Green, Halton the suppression of the order it was granted by Edward Ill. Board, Halton (mixed & infants'); number on roll, mixed to Sir John D'Arcy kt. in whose family it remained until the schooi 224, infants' 120; average attendance, mixed reign of Henry VIII. when Thomas Lord D'Arcy was be- school I85, infants' 86; Joseph Ownd, master; Miss headed on Tower Hill, 2oth June, I538, and hi!l estates for- Dinah Lee, infants' mistress feited, for aiding the northern insurgents in "the Pilgrim- Board, Colton (mixed); number on roll, 110; average at- age of Grace," an attempt to compel the king to restore the tendance, Bo; John Moseley Fletcher, master dissolved monasteries; it then passed into the hands of CoNVEYANCE.-Crossgates station, North Eastern Railway, Matthew, Earl of Lennox, during whose residence here, is half-a-mile north of the village of Whitkirk. Omni- in I545• Henry, Lord Darnley, husband of Mary Queen buses leave for Leeds daily 9 a. m. & 2 p.m. returning of Scots, was born ; the manor was afterwards conferred from Briggate at I & 5 p. m Whitkirk. Tomlinson Chrisiophcr,joiner & builder, Atkinson Isaac Barker, saddler Child William, Ivy house Tomlinson James, carpenter Atkinson William, hay dealer Gibson John Townend Joseph, butter & egg dealer llatley Edwin Wm. auctioneer & vahwr Hick Mrs. Manor house ~'atson John, farmer Bell George, cowkeeper Legard Albert George, The Grange Wilson Edward, farmer I Bell William, grocer, beer retailer & Platt Rev. George Moreton M.A. [vicarJ f sub-~stmaster Roadhouse Robert Pinchin Austhorpe. Bickerdike :Matthew, frmr.Haltnn moor COliMERCIAL. Wilkinson Mrs. Austhorpe lodge Bowman Robert Thumpson, rate col- Child William, farmer COliMERCIAL. lector No. I district Gibson William, grocer Appleyard Hy. fJ.rmer, Austhorpe hall Briggs Caroline (Mrs.), Travellers P. H Sc.1.tchard John, Brown Cow P.H Watson John, shopkeeper Briggs Edwin Arthur, builder Whitfield Thomas, farmer Briggs George, bricklayer Colton. Wright Jeremiah, shopkeeper Burton John, shopkeeper Bray William, Ivy house I Daker James, shopkeeper Heap& Joseph Halton. Dobson Mary (Mrs.), greengrocer Tomlinson John, Buch house Crosthwaite John Wm. Chesnut grove Dudsworth Geo. Hy. chimney sweeper coMMERCIAL. Crosthwaite \\'alter George, Holme Lea Dodsworth John, shopkeeper Harraclough John, corn miller France Mrs. Roseville Elliott William, market gardener Crosthwaite Alfred, shoe maker Graveley John Freer Thomas, hay dealer Crosthwaite James, grocer Grea\"C!l Hcrbert Fryer George, Woodman inn Daws John, gardener to Hon. Mrs. Hart John Green William John, clerk w school Meynell Ingram Jacksun Mrs. Dial house board & assistant overseer J<'letcher John Moseley, schoolmaster King Mrs· Hoyle Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper Herbert James, commercial traveller McClure Andrew, Clifton house Hoyle .Mathew, plumber & painter Overton Emma (.Mrs.), grocer, & post Taylor George, Halton hall · Hoyle Samuel, plumber 1 office Wills Arthur Thomas 1 Jackson Caroline (Mrs.), farmer, Hal- Pease John, farmer CO.\IMERCIAL. ton moor Scott Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer k Ambler Emma, Annie & Kate (Misses), Jeffreys Frederick,commercial traveller machine owner I dress makers Killerby Rkhard, grocer .
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