JANUARY 1964 MAKING OF A MOYIE ( S ~c page") 60 CENTS Sub,criptio. Rote ,ojE YEAR $6.50 1 White to move and win 2 Black to move and win Heuben Fine has said that Irving CherneI' has said: START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT! every combination involves Combinations are the hea!', a double attatk. Hight 01" of chess. 1'\0. we aro not With an extra modicum of effort, you ought to be wl"ong? \Ye won't commit committing ourselves on that able to win every game this year! Ever think of it ourselves at tile moment. It one today either. When the that way? Well, start. now by selecting 10 correct Is likely, however, that any hurly-burly's done, though, double attack you succeed and you ha\'e wrought the solutions for this quiz for an excellent score. Of in getting may win. So lay winning idea in this simple course, we'll allow good for 8, and fair for 6. But on: and cllrsed be him who position, you'll find it tUl"US try for 10! Solutions, page 31. cries: "Hold, enough." on a combination. 3 White to move "nd w in 4 Black to move and win 5 White to move and win 6 Black to move and win J. S. C. Purdy has said: Fred Reinfeld has said a Teichmann. peering out of I. A. Horowitz has said a :\Iethodlcal thinking Is of lot more than we can hope to his one good eye. has said large number of things. too. more use in chess dUIlI in­ remember in more books Ihal ("he~~ is 99% tactics. A propos of this pOSlllon spiration. You judge If he than we can guestlmate f01" As to true or false, once and quite probably of all ten is right or wrong. But use any logical total. But. If you more we sha!! dodge the is· 011 this page is his apt either methodical thinking will dig up his statement ~ue. We do grant, however. "Su'ike the sockdalager! " or inspiration on this posi­ a propos here. you'l! rind that the solution to this po· True. that expression does tion to overcome your sad the win. Or take a cI'ack at sition is just about 100<;~ not tell you how. but iI can material minus ami fi nd the sl)Ouing a nmy little com· tactics. APt)ty rOIlI' extnt be inspiring. So go ahead; Will. • bo for yourselL modicum of effort and win) be ins pired) 7 White to move and win 8 Black to move and win 9 White to move and win 10 Black to move and win The great Emanuel Lasker John W. Collins has said: Rudolf Spielmann has said And Abell Rudy has said: has said: The combination Consider eyer)! move on the that the beauty or a game In Spain. they say. the chess player thinks forward; he board. Take this good ad­ of chess is usually appraised reigns plainly in the main. starts from the given posi­ vice. and you may see why according to the sacrifices That olle slipped by us : if tion. and tries the fOI"ceCu] 1 . BxQ will not avail at it contains. Whoops! we it hell)s YOII to soh'e this moves in his mind. JUst this lime. With an Exthange mny have given you a bit pOSItion, though. be our \ look for !4rceful moves in down, you neell something­ of a clue there. Rem(>mber, guest! Hain ta('lips 011 lhe this J lo~itkm (,md 'ware Omt will avail to take tli i~ though. not to sacrifice yom' problem, anti "Ii e Xlra 1IlOoli· the oPlJonents'}. Olmy, look \!osition out of the vale of King! You can win thi~ ~ lnn of eHon will !"tow ard forward! tears. Apply the effort! one- hoW? you with a win. CHESS FISCHER GOES REVIEW Un ited States Championship 1963.4 Round 3 December 18 Round 1 December 15 DOUBLE KING FIANCHETTO ,", ,.,CfU.f CHISS ..... 0 ..:&,,", Robert Byrne Robert J , Fischer volume 32 Number 1 January 1964 Gluoeo PIANO 1 P_Q4 N -KB3 8 KN_K2 N_B3 EDITED &. PUBLISHED BY Edmar Mednis Robert J. F ischer 2 P_QB4 P- KNl 9 0-0 P- N3 I. A. HorowlU Whit e mil (' k 3 P_KNJ P-B3 10 P-N3 B-QRS , P-K4 P-K4 32 R_B8 N_N3 4 8- N2 P_Q4 11 B-QR3 R_Kl 2 N-KB3 N-QB3 P-KAl 33 K-Q4 5 PxP PxP 12 Q_Q2 P_ K4 3 B-84 B-B4 Table of Contents 34 R-Kat K-B2 Ii N_QBl B_N2 13 PxP N,P 4 P-QB3 N_B3 35 R_QB8 N-B5 7 P- K3 0-0 14 KR_Ql N- Q6 Belgrade's 1963 Chess F estival ... .. 18 IS P-Q4 p,p 36 P- KR4 P-Nl 15 Q-B2 • • • • Chessboard Magic! .. ... ... ..... 29 6 P x P B-NSf 37 R_KRS P-B4 Chess Caviar ............. ........ 2S 7 B-Q2 BxBt 38 R-R7t K_K 3 Chell Club Directory . ..... ...... 21 8 QNxB NxKP 39 RltR K,R European Zone 1 Tournament .... ... 16 9 Q_ K2 P-Q4 40 N-B3 K,P Finishing Touch .... ... .. ... ... 13 10 NxN 0-0 41 N- N5t K-Q2 Game of the Month . .... .. .. ... a 11 0-0-0 B-N5 42 NxP N_N7 Games from Recent Events .... ..... 26 12 P-KR3 B,N 43 K - K5 N,P Grandmaster Boris Kostich Dies .... 19 13 PlIS P,B 44 K - B4 P-N4t On the Cover .............. .. ..... 4 14 QxP Q-R5 45 K - N3 N-N3 Postal Chess .. .. ..... ... .. ...... 22 15 K_ Nl Q-B5 46 P_ R4 P-B5t Problemart ... .... .... .. ... 18 16 P-Q5 N-K4 47 K - N2 P-N5 Solitaire Chess . ... .... .. ... ..... 32 17 QleP QR-Bl 4g N_N5 N-K4 Spotlight on Openings .. ... ....... 10 18 Q_Q6 QR_Ql 49 N_B3 K-K3 Tournament Calendar . ......... .... 5 19 Q_ B7 1;-81 50 P-N4 N-B3 51 P-B3 P-R4 U. S. C hampionship . .. ..... ... ... 3 20 Q-Q6 KP.-Ql 15 • • . NxP ! 18 Q_Q2 NxB! 21 Q-K7 52 P_N5 World of Chess ... ... .... ... 3 N,P N-K4 16 KxN N-N5t 19 KxN P-Q5! 22 P-Q6 N_K4 53 PxP P.P 17 K_Nl NxKP 20 NxP B- N2t 23 K R_ Kl R_Q2 54 K _ B2 N-Q6t 21 K_Bl • • • EXECUTIVE EDITOR 24 Q-N5 Q,Q 55 K-N2 N_B4 H e re the gn\l t(lm;\~t e l' ;\nalyst~ just Jaek Straley Dutell 25 NxQ P-B3 56 K-B1 K_B4 FInis hed explaining Diudl \\'a~ 11\ bad 26 N- K4 N-N3 57 K - N2 K_K4 CONTRIBUTING EDITORS II"C1uble on the wa llboard in the adjoin­ 27 R-QSt RxRt 58 K- B2 N-Q6t A. B . DI8l;uler. I. Chernev, J . W . Collins. Jn g room whe n the ne xt message was T. A. Dunlt. Dr. M. Euwe , Ha nl Kmoch. 28 Rx A P-N3 59 K_K2 P-N6 W. K orn. Fred Relnfeld. Dr. P. Trlfunovlch. 29 R_B7 N-Bl 60 K_B3 N-Kat 21 . Q-Q2 Staff Photographer R. Ec.heverrla.. 30 K-B2 K-B2 6 1 K-K2 P_N7 Resig ns COR RESPONDENTS 31 K-Bl K-K3 62 K_B2 P-B6 Alabama E. M. Cockrell. Resigns Alaska S. H. O'Neill. California Dr. H. Ralston, M. J. Roye r. Colorado J . J. Reid. Round 4 December 19 Distrlet of Columbia R. S. C41lltwell. Florida R. C. Eas twood. Round 2 December 16 R UV LOPEZ Georgia Oras"'oll Deen. K I NG' S GAM B I T Robert J. Fischer Arth .... r B. Bisguier Ida ho R. S. Vandenberg. llii noil J . O. Warren. Robert J. Fischer Larry Evans 1 P-K4 P-K4 18 N_K3 P- B3 Indiana O. C. ti m". O. E . Rhet\d . 1 P_K4 P_K4 19 N_Bl Q-K2 2 N- KB3 N-Q93 19 N-Q5 Q- N2 Iowa J. M. Osness. p ,p 3 B_N5 P- QR3 20 Nx6f Q,N Kansas I<. R ~1(\eDonald. 2 P_KB4 2{) NxRP R_Nl 4 B-R4 N _B 3 21 N-R2 N_N2 Loui,ian;o. ,\. L. ~teAuJey. 3 6 _ B4 Q- R5f 21 N/l- N 3 R-N3 B_ K2 Maine l,. Eldridge. 4 K_Bl P_Q3 22 N_B4 R-N4 5 0 - 0 22 N_ N4 P-B5 Maryland Charles l3arasch. 6 R-Kl P_QN4 5 N _Q63 6-K3 23 B_K3 N-B2 23 Q-B3 B,N Masuchuntts R. 13. Good$peed. 7 B- N3 0-0 24 QxB N_ K3 Miehigan R. 13us ka!;er. 6 Q_K2 P-Q63 24 Q_Q2 R_Nl K_Rl Minnesou H. C. Gove. 7 N-B3 Q_K2 25 N/ 4-K2 P-B3 8 P- B3 P-Q3 25 P-R5 N_QR4 26 K _ N2 Miu lssippi E. A. Dumin&". 8 P _Q4 B,B U PxP Q,P 9 P- KR3 P- N4 Missouri Ii:. A. ·ralley. 10 B- B2 P-94 27 B-K3 N- B5t Nebruka 13. E . Ellsworth, Jack Spe nce. 9 Qxa P-KN4 27 BxN B-Q3 11 P_Q4 Q- B2 28 K_R2 N- Q6 Nev~da It. L. Wheeler. 10 P_ K5 p-Q4 28 R- KBI Q-K3 N_ B3 29 9xN P,B New Ham pshire Ralph M. Gerth. 11 Q-Q3 N-QR3 29 B_ 6 4 QR_Kl 12 Q N-Q2 New Yo rk Edwa rd Lasker, H. M. Phillips. 13 P",BP p,p 30 KR-Ql R-Q2 12 N- K2 N_N 5 30 R-R6 B,B North CarOli na 0,·.
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