VOL. XXVII. No. 23- MANASSAS, VIRGINIA, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 21,*i^ $1.50 ADVANCB IMPORTANT MEETING OP MORE DIPHTHERIA IN fiPDICr VICTORY UTM JOURNEYS HAYMjtfUtET THE WOMAN'S AUyILIA|lY STATE OP VIRGINIA NOW IN NOVEMBER Miss Lulu D. Metz spent the day in Miss VirginU Carval Hall, who PASSES AWAY Washington Saturday. Prizea to Be Given for Best Ex­ Commissioner Issues Warning spent the summer at "Shirley," has hibit* at Community Fklra gone to Heulett, Long Island for ti>e I>emocratk Voters Urged to Miss Gretta Hopkins waa a Wash­ and Calls Attention to Pro­ WHLEASLEEP ington visitor Saturday. Held This Year. winter. Leave Everything and Go tection Offered by Board. Mrs. Joseph Tulloss and little sons, Sudden Death of Mr! Ernest Ut- to the Polls. Mr. R. S. HynsoB left for New York (Miss LillUn V. Gilbert, County Home have returned to New York after a on a business trip Wednesday night. Virginia in common with virtually stay of some months in Haymarket. Demonstration Agent) every oUier State is suffering this terback Shocks Reiativw Richmond, Va., Oct. 16.—With every A very important meeting of the Mr. and Mrs. Hugh T. Clarkson and Miss Nolie Nelson is visiting Major year from as unuauaLnumber of diph­ sons, of Clarendwi, spent Sunday with and Friends. indication from every section of the Woman's Auxiliary was held in ,th« and Mrs. A. A. Weedon, of Warrenton. theria cases. The sickness records Mrs. C. D. S. Clarkson. state presaging a sweeping democratic high school building Friday afternoon, for September make this fact only too Mr. Mrs. Bettie Payne, wife of Mr. Burr Ernest Utterback, one of our victory, caution is nevertheless the Miss Margaret McDonald, of Cul- October 14. -The president, Mrs. apparent. well known citizens, was found dead peper, la visiting her cousin, Mrs. S. Payne, who lives near Thoroughfare watchword among party leaders. The Round, was unavoidably detained at Dr. Ennion G. Williams, State in his stable at Laurel, Md., on Wed- rank and file of democratic voters ate T. Hall. home^ Mrs. Mae Dogan was unimi- was suddenly stricken with apoplexy Health Commmissioner, sends a mes­ when returning to her home on Wed­ nwday, October 19. He had been te being urged to allow nothing to pr«^ mously elected to flU the vacancy, and sage to the two classes of professional poor health for some time and more or vent them from casting their ballots Mrs. W. Fewell Merchant attended nesday afternoon of last week, and a ^natinee performance in Waahingten presided in her usitel attractive and people in Virginia who can make the less under a doctor's care. in the state election. The importance bustness-Hke manner. vras found in an unconscious condition Saturday. disease far less dangevous if they will by the.side of the road near Mr. Key- On Tuesday evening he did not go ta of tiiis acticm cannot be overeatimat«d. At tile request of the members pres- exert themselves to that end. ser's farm. She had left tiie home of Washington for the night as was Us A rebnhe must be administered to the ent the secretary called the roll, the custom, but deUrmined to remain at Mrs. Liszie iieetze left last week "If the Virginia teachars," said Dr. some friends only about half an hour rising ambitions of the. repoUican for Norfolk to spend the winter with following members answering to roll the park for the purpose of exercising Williams, "will insist upon the obser- before and was apparentiy in her us­ party in the South. her sister. call: Mesdames J. F. Dogan, Chas. one of his horses early in the morning. vance of our "health rule*," will put ual health. She was carried to her In tbe days ot Nelson, "England Lewis, Ashby Lewis, Hodge, Doak, into He retired at an early hour withoafe Mr. Thomas F. Coleman and family practice their knowledge . that home and medical aid summoned, but expected every num to do his duty!" Blottgb and Missea Osboom and Oil.diphtheri a cannot be conveyed from i she died early Thursday mol^r;iX any indications of illness. Just aboot In the days which are now upon us, attended the Confederate Bennion at bert One new member, Mrs. Beavers, daybreak, on Wednesday morning, one Charlottesville. -• one chUd to anotiier unless the child [out regaining consciousness. Her fu- "Virginia expects every democrat to was added to the roll. ^!v!. ""^i. !^°''? *''' secretiomi neral took place from St Paul's Church of his sons endeavored to arouse him and discovered that he had paaaad cast his vote!" Dr. B. P. Maphis, ofv^StraabUtg, The secretary read the minutes cf ftom anotiier, ti,e disease cannot be ion Friday afternoon. The service was away sometime in the night Virgrinla does not call alone to her spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. the July meeting which were duly ap­ spread; and tiie schoolr^m will be read by Oie Rev. T. M. Browne and sons, but her voice is lifted also to her Malon Bushong. proved; she also reported on the sue- Mr. Utterback was a native of Fair­ daughters. She desires to see the en­ cess of the joint county rally held the A '. ,Tt ^ " *°'' " ^^^'^ ^^ h" '"»• ^"^ ^ «»t ^ the church yarf fax County, having been bom near tire democratic" population within her Mrs. E. K. Mitchell left Monday to second Friday in August. At all times care should be exercised Beside her husband Mrs.Payne is sur- Centreville in 1869. He married Miaa confines on November 8th march to visit friends and reUtives in Waahipg- In order of business it waa decided that a common drinking cup should not vived by one son, Mr. James Payne Margaret L«e of tiiat County and the ballot box,- leaving plow and thea­ ton and Alexandria. 'that the next meeting of the auxiliary, be used by ti»e ehUdi-en, and they and a daughter and son-in-law, Mr. moved to Manassas about thirteen tre behind them, setting aside matters should be taught tiiat it ia dangerous and Mrs. SiUs Payne, all of near Hay. years ago. Mrs. n H H,.i.,-„~.. # D i« I **" »eco*l Friday in November, be alo r them to put their fingers or pencils market of personal and private interest, ded- ^.•a.s ti.Vn. ^-^*>^>'««'' o^ B*ltimore,;get-to-getiier one and tiiat the mem- into their mouths. If childrep could Mrs. John D. Bleight. Mrs. Mary Surviving him are his widow and ' icating and consecrating enough time Mrs. Ellas Woodyud. be kept from putting to Oieir lips or Bleight and Mr. John Scott, of Pred- five childlren—Ifrs. E. J. Bamey, o* on tbe day of election to regiiter their mto their moutijs anytiiing except erickAurg, visited relative, here this Warrenton; and fane, Bichard. LeOo. frill at the poll?. Mr, and Mrs. W. D. Young were tiie' ^*^ meeting will be in the nature of food or a tooth brush,> diphtheria weeW ard and Harry; altso three sisters, Mrs. The democrajic party next month guests at the home of Mr. 4nd Mra.' "^ «terhoon tea, and will be held in woi^d have very Uttie effect, tiie cases Mrs. F. Bowman Price, of Washing- Schwickardi and Mrs. Whaley, of will not be engaged in a "family qnar- Elias Woodyard on Sunday. (**** awembly room of the high school Washington, and Mrs. Wrenn, of ''"'l^, J^^^^f^'v « ton, and Lieut, and Mrs. Roswell Bls^ rel," it will not be concerned with mat­ „ « „ T ,. I*""* 2 to 5 p.m.; caKe and hot coffee Hemdon, and four brotfaoa, Messrs. ters of domestic, party or private pol­ Mrs. R. M. Jenkms and litae«on» will be served. The following commit- _ Unfortimately, however," added and baby son, of Aanapolie, wUl be Bobert Md Clinton, of Centoeville; J. icy. It will be in the fac« of the ene­ are visiting her sister Mrs. E. L. te' e was appointed to have charge Dr. Wiliiwns, "Jt IS not always easy «> visitors at "Shirley" for Ute week-end Jackson, of Alabama, and James B., «£ my. At such a time it ia proper that Graves, at Brandy Station. Mesdamft C. P. M. Lewis, Hod^ to mculcate swSh habits of cleanlinewi A weU ati;«nded and interesting South Dakota. the entire democratic strength of the and car* that tiiey will be foUowed meeting ofStPaal's Branch of tti Mrs. Bessie Eliot "left on Saturday Blough and Miss Gilbert. i outside tbe schoolhouse; Still that Woman's Auxiliary was held at the Tile funeral services and interment state rally to ^e colors. The party •Were held at Fairfax Court House this for Oiarlottearwille, to visit her sis­ Chairmanof the Rest Romn commit-j is'extremely important. There are rectery on Tuesday afternoon, being is no longer being confronted with a aftemooi^ the pallbearwra being C. J. ter, Mrs. Carroll, who is ill. tee reported that the county supori- many more casee of mild or unrecog- <>pened and conducted by the rector, theory, but with a condition. The Meetse, E. fi. Conner, Jas. B. Dc^rell. sora had appropriated |60 for the ben- nized dii^theria than there are active Rafv. T. M. Browne This was tiie party has never feared to meet an ia- Mr^Harr- _ _^y . ,Mnddiman , of B<»»y>Vf, efit^thsroom; tiiat the one-half bar-'cases; so anyone is a poeaUile source —. „ , .„r«» « meeonim la, t*. C. M, Laricia, Norman Stuart and W. C. Smith. sne, and while victory is assured, the a former ^dent of Manaasaf, waa a "^ «* fl»ur won by the Bethlehem of danger to anotiier; and it is impor- study of missions, which 3o ^h^ majority shonid be made impressive.
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