17036 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 21, 2005 nor is it the numerous accolades he has re- home to four factories, five support buildings, Washington, where he served as a special as- ceived from such notables as the D.C. Medical a Cultural and Diversity Center, and the dedi- sistant to the governor and was the first black Society, Providence Hospital and President cated men and women of UAW Local 599, candidate to run for lieutenant governor or any Bill Clinton. Rather it is the work that has re- which has represented its members for 66 statewide office. In 1969, President Nixon ap- ceived no recognition that makes Dr. Barnes a years. pointed him assistant secretary of wage and truly special individual. Mr. Speaker, Flint, Michigan is still known to labor standards in the Department of Labor. Over the last 30 years, Dr. Barnes has many as ‘‘Buick City.’’ This name signifies the There he became best known for devising the acted as a dedicated servant to one of our na- level of pride GM employees, UAW members, ‘‘Philadelphia plan,’’ which set and enforced tion’s most disadvantaged communities. As and Flint residents have in the Buick name, equal opportunity employment standards for the only Board Certified Cardiologist in Ana- their product, and the community in which they companies with federal contracts and their costia, Dr. Barnes has devoted his career, his have invested much of their lives. I have a labor unions. talents and his long list of credentials to fight- personal reason to be proud of Powertrain Given Congresswoman LEE’s history as a ing the number one killer in our nation, heart Flint North’s centennial; my father was a small business owner, we can personal attest disease. Over three decades, Dr. Barnes has founding member of Local 599, joining the to the positive impact of Mr. Fletcher’s work to stood for dedication, service and compassion UAW in the 1930’s. From my own family’s ex- extend federal contracting opportunities to Afri- in an environment that rarely affords either. perience, I know the impact the site’s pres- can Americans has had on the minority busi- For his steadfast work through adversity and ence has made in the quality of life for many ness community. As a federal contractor in the breakthrough accomplishments in the field of Flint households. As the Member of Congress SBA 8A program in the 1980s, Congress- cardiology, I call upon my colleagues to join representing the City of Flint, home of woman LEE was able to directly benefit from me today in rising to honor this truly great Powertrain Flint North and as the proud owner his vision and foresight with regard to getting man and praise not simply his individual of a Buick LeSabre, I again ask my colleagues minorities involved in business, as have count- deeds but the body of his work. Dr. Barnes is to join me in congratulating General Motors less others. a remarkable physician and a credit to his and the UAW. In 1972, Mr. Fletcher became the Executive field; I thank him for his service, and thank his f Director of the United Negro College Fund, where he fought to extend equal educational lovely wife of decades, Bernadine and their HONORING ARTHUR A. FLETCHER two precious daughters, Tamera and Bridget, opportunity to African Americans, and coined for sharing Dr. Barnes with us. HON. BARBARA LEE the slogan ‘‘a mind is a terrible thing to f waste.’’ Known as ‘‘the father of affirmative ac- OF CALIFORNIA tion,’’ he was later asked to serve on the U.S. RECOGNIZING THE 100TH ANNIVER- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Commission on Civil Rights under Presidents SARY OF GM POWERTRAIN Thursday, July 21, 2005 Ford, Reagan and Bush as a commissioner, FLINT NORTH Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, Mr. WATT, CBC and later as chairman, until 1993. Prompted chairman, and I rise today to honor the ex- by a series of attacks on longstanding affirma- HON. DALE E. KILDEE traordinary life and achievements of Arthur A. tive action policies in the mid–1990s, Mr. OF MICHIGAN Fletcher of Washington, DC. Known for his Fletcher ran for president in 1996, and later IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lifelong commitment to advancing civil rights became president and CEO of Fletcher’s Learning Systems and publisher of USA To- Thursday, July 21, 2005 and increasing educational and professional opportunity for African Americans and other morrow/The Fletcher Letter, Mr. Fletcher Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I am very minorities, Mr. Fletcher was a true pioneer in served as a delegate to the United Nations pleased to rise before you today to ask my the movement for racial and socioeconomic and as the chairman of the National Black colleagues in the 109th Congress to join me in equality in America. He passed away at his Chamber of Commerce, and spent a great celebrating a milestone happening in my home in Washington on July 12, 2005 at the deal of time speaking at venues across the hometown of Flint, Michigan. On Thursday, age of 80. country on the benefits of affirmative action July 21, civic and community leaders will join Mr. Fletcher was born in Phoenix, Arizona in and equal opportunity, General Motors and the United Auto Workers 1924, but grew up in California, Oklahoma, Ar- Many have benefited from the affirmative to commemorate the 100th anniversary of izona and Kansas due to his father’s career in action policies and Mr. Fletcher’s unyielding GM’s Powertrain Flint North plant. the military. While attending high school in commitment and work for equal opportunity, Originally a tract of farmland owned by the Junction City, Kansas, he organized his first Clearly, this giant of a human being has paved Durant-Dort Carriage Company, William Crapo civil rights protest after being told that African the way for the success of countless individ- Durant and J. Dallas Dort used the site to cre- American student photographs would only be uals. For this, we are deeply grateful. ate a network of factories with the intention of included in the back of the yearbook. Remain- During a time when bipartisanship coopera- maintaining all aspects of carriage production ing in Kansas for college, he attended tion is badly needed for addressing the critical in close proximity. This network was the basis Washburn University in Topeka, earning de- issues of our time, Mr. Fletcher stands out as on which General Motors was formed. On grees in political science and sociology, and one who truly embodied this spirit. We person- September 4, 1905, a construction contract later went on to earn a law degree and a ally remember his efforts at working ‘‘both was signed for the creation of Buick Factory 1, Ph.D. in education. sides of the aisle,’’ never forgetting what was and the company broke ground on November Mr. Fletcher served in World War II under fair and good for Black America was good for 1 that same year. Other factories followed, in- General George Patton, earning a purple heart our Nation. We owe Mr. Fletcher a tremen- cluding the Weston-Mott Axle Factory and the after being shot while fighting with his Army dous debt of gratitude for setting this excep- Imperial Wheel Building, among many others tanker division. He went on to become a pro- tional standard of leadership. that added to the history of General Motors, fessional football player in 1950, joining the On July 21, 2005, Mr. Fletcher’s wife and the City of Flint. Los Angeles Rams and later the Baltimore Bernyce, his three children and the rest of his The Buick site, where my father worked, be- Colts, where he was one of the team’s first Af- family and friends will gather in Washington, came one of America’s greatest contributors rican American players. DC to celebrate his extraordinary life. Mr. during both World Wars, producing many en- Mr. Fletcher entered politics in 1954, work- Fletcher’s work as a presidential adviser and gines and parts used by the United States and ing first on Fred Hall’s gubernatorial campaign a champion of civil rights and affirmative ac- the Allied Forces. Following World War II, the in Kansas, and later taking a post working for tion shaped the course of countless individual site experienced a period of growth and pros- the Kansas Highway Commission. Central to lives. Mr. Fletcher’s tireless advocacy for perity, with the development of new onsite his work in that position and in subsequent equal opportunity made higher education and foundries and factories, as well as several ad- ones was his determination to use his knowl- professional success possible for entire sec- ministrative and support buildings. The site edge of government contracts to encourage tors of our society that otherwise would not was also home to Buick City, a multi-million African Americans to bid on contracts and have had those chances, and the effects of dollar manufacturing project that garnered grow their businesses. his activism will continue to be felt for genera- international attention. Today, under the name Mr. Fletcher lived in the San Francisco Bay tions to come. On behalf of the Congressional of GM Powertrain Flint North, the site remains Area during the late 1960s and later moved to Black Caucus, we thank Mr. Fletcher for his VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:12 Feb 16, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00274 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK12\N0-SSN\BR21JY05.DAT BR21JY05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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