Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin (Journal) Index V

Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin (Journal) Index V

Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin (Journal) Index v. 1 (1922) - v. 72 (1993) 5th Canadian Wheelchair Games; a triumph for individual skills [Title] (Grogono, Basil J.S.) [Photos],NSMB 52(1973):4:171-172 11th Report on Organization in Industry, Commerce and the Professions in Canada 1932, The [Title] [Editorial comment on usefulness of the report],NSMB 12(1933):VIII:462-464 43d Annual report of the Medical Superintent of the Nova Scotia Hospital for the Insane, 1899-1900 [Title] (Murray, T.J.),NSMB 55(1976):3:75-76 70th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Medical Association; a few notes from the general secretary, The [Title],NSMB 18(1939):8:467-68 95th Annual Meeting, The [Title] [Editorial],NSMB 27(1948):10:245-46 100% pasteurization, why and how obtained [Title] (DeWitt, C.E. Avery),NSMB 16(1937):1:22-25 102d Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, Chicago, May 27-30, 1946, The [Title] (Jones, Robert O.),NSMB 25(1946):10:333-36 350 Canadian doctors required during the next year for military service [Title] (Routley, T.C.),NSMB 20(1941):6:233 1000 Word Series (1): Back pain in Nova Scotia [Title] (James, R.H.),NSMB 40(1961):9:279-280 1000 Word Series (2): Treatment of urinary infections, The [Title] (Mack, Frank Gordon),NSMB 40(1961):10:313-15 1000 Word Series (3): Management of hypertensive disease, The [Title] (Roy, Douglas L.),NSMB 40(1961):11:341-43 1000 Word Series (4): Experience with chloroquin [TItle] (Snow, J. Murray),NSMB 40(1961):12:377-78 1000 Word Series (5): Intravenous fluids in infants and children [Title] (Cochrane, William A.),NSMB 41(1962):1:19-22 1000 Word Series (6): Genetic influences in childhood diseases [Title] (Roberts, Maureen H.),NSMB 41(1962):2:45-47 1000 Word Series (7): The medical use of radioisotopes [Title] (Filbee, F.J.),NSMB 41(1962):3:73-75 1000 Word Series (8): Thyroid tumours; current trends in diagnosis and treatment] [Title] (Murphy, Arthur L.),NSMB 41(1962):4:126-128 1000 Word Series (9): Early management of burns, The [Title] (Ross, James F.),NSMB 41(1962):6:182-187 1000 Word Series (10): Modern treatment on acne [Title] (Goldberg, Howard I.),NSMB 41(1962):7:223-224 1000 Word Series (11): Treatment of meningitis, The [Title] (Crosby, Joan M.),NSMB 41(1962):9:293-295 1000 Word Series (12): Radiotherapy [Title] (Cunningham, R.M.),NSMB 41(1962):10:324-326 1000 Word Series (13): Tuberculosis - 1962 [Title] (Hiltz, Joseph Earle),NSMB 41(1962):11:349-351 1000 Word Series (14): Obstetrical emergencies [Title] Tompkins, M.G.,NSMB 42(1963):2:45-48 1000 Word Series (15); Radiation therapy in children [Title] (Aquino, Jose A.),NSMB 42(1963):10:343-347 1000 Word Series (16): Use of hormones in abnormal menstruation, The [Title] (Flight, George Hubert),NSMB 43(1964):4:129-133 1000 Word Series (17): Congenital orthopaedic anomalies [Title] (Erdogan, M.),NSMB 43(1964):9:284-287 1000 Word Series (18): Acquired orthopaedic anomalies in children [Title] (Erdogan, M.),NSMB 44(1965):1:13-14 1000 Word Series (19): Venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism [Title] (Kinley, Cecil Edwin) (Dolan, F.G),NSMB 44(1965):2:44-46 1000 Word Series (20): Torsion of the testis [Title] (Barton, F.J.),NSMB 44(1965):3:61-62 1000 Word Series (21): Investigation of kidney stones, The [Title] (York, Samuel E.),NSMB 44(1965):5:120-122 1000 Word Series (22): Insulin in general practice [Title] (Nicholas, William Clyde),NSMB 44(1965):6:147-148 1000 Word Series (23):Standard bicarbonate; an easily interpreted measurement of acid-base disorders [Title] (Handforth, C.P.) (MacKenzie, Seymour Gordon),NSMB 44(1965):7:161-162;167 1000 Word Series (24): Ankle injuries [Title] (Erdogan, M.),NSMB 44(1965):8:197-198 1000 Word Series (25): Treatment of cardiac arrhythmias, The [Title] (Stewart, J.W.) (Anderson, R.N.),NSMB 44(1965):9:223-225 1000 Word Series (26): Hemolytic disease of the newborn; management in pregnancy [Title] (Morton, Bruce S.),NSMB 44(1965):10:255-256 1000 Word Series (27): Glaucoma [Title] (Keays, Claude F.),NSMB 44(1965):11:279-280 1000 Word Series (28): Lung cancer in Nova Scotia [Title] (Kinley, Cecil Edwin) (Nonamaker, Edgar Paul),NSMB 44(1965):12:290-291;309 1000 Word Series (29): Diagnosis and treatment of anemia, The [Title} (Ing, Vincent) (Langley, George Ross),NSMB 45(1966):4:99-102 1000 Word Series (30): Carrying the patient on steroids through surgery [Title] (Morse, William I.),NSMB 45(1966):7:185-197 1000 Word Series (31): Sinusitis [Title] (Shane, Arthur Gerald),NSMB 46(1967):7:148-150 1000 Word Series (32): Hoarseness [Title] (Murphy, Robert S.),NSMB 46(1967):8:177-179 1000 Word Series: Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome [Title] (Macneil, Arthur R.),NSMB 51(1972):4:122-123 1000 Word Series: Diet and cardiovascular disease [Title] (Haldane, James H.),NSMB 53(1974):2:67-68 1000 Word Series: Diet and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract [Title] (Williams, C. Noel),NSMB 52(1973):5:211;184 1000 Word Series: Diet and health foods; part II: vitamins, food refining, and food additives [Title] (Johnston, J.L.),NSMB 53(1974):3:115-118 1000 Word Series: Dysplastic lesions of the uterine cervix [Title] (Maxwell, Ian D.),NSMB 55(1976):1:24-26 1000 Word Series: Febrile convulsions in children [Title] (Tibbles, J.A.R.),NSMB 52(1973):4:162-163 1000 Word Series: Fetal malnutrition - a problem of parental detection [Title] (Reid, W.D.),NSMB 51(1972):5:151;153 1000 Word Series: Osteoporosis [Title] (York, Samuel E.),NSMB 51(1972):6:186-187 1000 Word Series: Problem of abnormal gait, The [Title] (Murray, D. Duncan),NSMB 53(1974):6:202-203 1000 Word Series: The problem of low back pain [Title] (Murray, D. Duncan),NSMB 54(1975):4/5:130-131 1000 Word Series: The treatment of Bell's Palsy [TItle] (Bleviss, M. ) (Murray, T.J.),NSMB 53(1974):3:105-106 1000 Word Series: Tracheal stenosis; Warning! Danger! [Title] (Macneil, Arthur R.),NSMB 52(1973):4:161 1000 Word Series: Warts and radiotherapy [Title] (Aquino, Jose A.),NSMB 51(1972):3:73 A Abbott, Barry "Why have a Disabled Individuals' Alliance?",NSMB 58(1979):5:145 Abbott, Carl E. [Marriage],NSMB 43(1964):1:30 [Received Medical Research Council of Canada fellowship for medical research],NSMB 44(1965):9:238 [Recipient of Schering Award Honourable mention],NSMB 36(1957):3:122 Abbott, Dane M. "Rectus sheath hematoma; a case report",NSMJ 68(1989):3/4:95 Abbott, E. Carl "Endocrine hypertension - diagnosis and management",NSMJ 69(1990):3:77-79 "Five years experience with pheochromocytoma",NSMB 65(1986):4:124-128 "Research in the Division",NSMJ 69(1990):3:95-97;88 “Sarcoidosis: An historic perspective”,NSMB 65(1986):3:85 Abbott Laboratories, Montreal [Opening of new plant and appointments to Board of Directors],NSMB 26(1947):10:287 Abdomen, Acute "Rectus sheath hematoma; a case report" (Abbott, Dane M.) (Zilbert, Arthur W.),NSMJ 68(1989):3/4:95 Abdominal aortic aneurysm: A literature review including recent experience at Halifax Infirmary with 116 patients [TItle] (You, C.K.) (Morris, I.R.),NSMB 62(1983):1:10-12 Abdominal aortic graft infection, does lymph contamination play a role? [Title] (Del Campo, Carlos) (Lam. M.) (Coles, J.C.) (McKenzie, F.N.),NSMB 65(1986):2:67-68 Abdominal injuries [Title] (Sodero, G. Watson),NSMB 36(1957):3:93-95 Abdominal pain as a symptom of emotional disturbance in children [Presented as a contribution to a Round Table Discussion "Abdominal Pain in Children", meeting of Halifax Medical Society, January 14, 1953] [Title] (Dunsworth, F.A.),NSMB 32(1953):4:105-107 Abdominal tumours in children [Rebecca Cohn Memorial Lecture, delivered at the 39th Dalhousie Refresher Course, Nov.25, 1965] [Title] (Ferguson, Colin C.),NSMB 45(1966):5:123-127 Abel, Robert B. [Obituary],NSMB 63(1984):3:94 Abel, Robert B.; Appreciation (Craswell, D.F.),NSMB 63(1984):3:94 Abercrombie, Alexander, [In "Pioneers of Medicine" (Campbell, Duncan A.)],NSMB 4(1925):VII.21-22 Abnormal bleeding at the menopause [Title] (Colwell, William Gerard),NSMB 12(1933):XII:675-677 Abnormal Pap smear, The [Title] (Bisson, Gilles E.),NSMB 59(1980):6:151-152 Abnormalities Of prominent men in history "Orthopedic Defects of the Great",NSMB 5(1926):VII.33 Abortion "Abortion" [Commentary],NSMB 49(1970):2:34 "Bacterial shock" (Johnston, Dennis W.),NSMB 41(1962):10:319-323 "Cervical tears following mid-trimester saline abortion" (Brodie, Glenn),NSMB 56(1977):1:13-14 "Inadequate prenatal care and toxemia of pregnancy" [Reprinted from Canadian Medical Association Journal, Aug.27, 1966, Vol.95, p.410],NSMB 47(1968):4:126-127 "Information for physicians in Nova Scotia regarding therapeutic abortion: a statement by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Dalhousie University",NSMB 53(1974):5:168 "Justice of miscarriage" [Editorial],NSMB 46(1967):6:115-116 "Legislation regarding abortion [cont.]" [Medical-Legal Enquiries],NSMB 47(1968):5:153-158 "Overview of psychiatric aspects of therapeutic abortion" (David, Charles J.),NSMB 52(1973):6:247-250 "Statement of the Catholic Bishops of Canada on abortion" [Brief to the Parliamentary Sub-Committee on Abortion],NSMB 47(1968):5:185-187 Abortion and Contraception [from Abstracts of Current Public Health Literature] [Title] (Walker, Smith Layton),NSMB 11(1932):VIII.461-462 Abortion, Therapeutic "Complications and maternal effects of therapeutic abortions. Victoria General Hospital, Halifax, N.S., 1974" (Robinson, S.C.),NSMB 56(1977):1:9-11 "Status of therapeutic abortion in Nova Scotia, The" (Robinson, S.C.),NSMB 56(1977):1:11 "Therapeutic abortion and its complications in Halifax, N.S.",NSMB 52(1973):2:67-70;75 "Therapeutic abortion and sterilization" [Medical-Legal Inquiries],NSMB 46(1967):6:116-117 "Therapeutic abortion -- should the law be changed?" (Smith, Donald F.),NSMB 46(1967):6:118-120 Abortion [Title] [Commentary],NSMB 49(1970):2:34 Abraham, Edward P.

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