I N N OVAT I V E PARTNERS The Rockefeller Foundation and Thailand the rockefeller foundation centennial series Innovative Partners 1 innovative partners the rockefeller foundation and thailand By William H. Becker, Ph.D. Innovation for the Next 100 Years Rockefeller Foundation Centennial Series Preface from Dr. Judith Rodin 22 Foreword – Prawase Wasi, M.D. 24 Introduction 28 1 Fighting Hookworm, 42 Promoting Public Health © 2013 by Rockefeller Foundation Images held by the Rockefeller Archive The Rockefeller Foundation Centennial Series Center have been deemed to be owned 11 The Prince, the Foundation, 62 All rights reserved. Books published in the Rockefeller by the Rockefeller Foundation unless Foundation Centennial Series provide we were able to determine otherwise. and the Transformation of Cover: case studies for people around the Specific permission has been granted Top: Dissecting room, world who are working “to promote the by the copyright holder to use the Medical Education Chulalongkorn University (1930). well-being of humankind.” Three books following works: Rockefeller Archive Center. highlight lessons learned in the fields Bottom: Boats along the of agriculture, health, and philanthropy. Steve McCurry: 6-7, 10-11 Mekong River near Mukdahan (2009). Three others explore the Foundation’s Harvard University Archives, 67 111 Thailand and the Green Revolution 88 Patrick de Noirmont. work in Africa, Thailand, and the United Patrick de Noirmont: 2-3, 14-15, 18-19, States. For more information about 60-61, 85, 86-87, 104-105, 109, 148-149, the Rockefeller Foundation Centennial Book design by Pentagram. 150-151, 154-155, 158, 161, 166-167, 172, initiatives, visit www.centennial. 176-177, 178 1v Education for Development 112 rockefellerfoundation.org. Innovative Partners: Estate of Bob Serating: 110-111 The Rockefeller Foundation and Thailand Ted Spiegel: 115, 130 Notes & Permissions The Foundation has taken all reasonable v Facing a World of “New Realities” 152 Printed in Canada. steps to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this book; any Published by errors or omissions are inadvertent. This Conclusion 178 The Rockefeller Foundation book is published without footnotes or New York endnotes. A manuscript version with United States of America citations and references for all sources Acknowledgments 182 used is available at www.centennial. In association with Vantage Point rockefellerfoundation.org. Historical Services, Inc. List of Illustrations 184 South Dakota Captions in this book provide information United States of America on the creator and the repository from which the images in this book were Index 189 ISBN-13: 978-0-9796389-3-0 obtained. The Foundation has made its ISBN-10: 0-9796389-3-3 best efforts to determine the creator and copyright holder of all images used in this publication. Innovative Partners 21 preface innovative partners Dr. Judith Rodin President, The Rockefeller Foundation n the world of development, partnerships that survive for ten years innovation and growth, we want to ensure that these communities have are rare. A collaboration that has flourished for nearly 100 years is the capacity to meet the needs of all of their residents. At the same time, extraordinary. The Rockefeller Foundation and the people of Thailand, we are working with our Thai partners to foster entrepreneurial and however, will soon mark the centennial anniversary of a highly inno- employment opportunities that provide secure livelihoods for urban Ivative partnership that has already become a model for development efforts in and rural communities throughout Thailand. other parts of the world. History matters to all of these initiatives. Past collaboration creates a When the Foundation’s first representative arrived in Bangkok, medical basis of trust that streamlines our present and future programs to build research and education were at the beginning of a profound scientific revolu- upon Thailand’s success. In this sense, all of us working today are indebted tion that led to new ways of understanding and treating disease and addressing to the vision and commitment of H.R.H. Prince Mahidol and the physi- public health. The first collaborative campaign—which included the Founda- cians and nurses of the Foundation in the 1920s who set the stage for our tion, the Siamese Red Cross Society and the government—sought to employ current initiatives. the tools and techniques of this scientific revolution to battle hookworm and When the Rockefeller Foundation first came to Thailand, the country other parasites to promote the well-being of the people of Thailand. occupied a unique position in Asia. Surrounded by the vestiges of other Today, we are at the beginning of another revolution. Digital technologies empires, the monarchs of Siam had successfully preserved Thailand’s have sparked a communications revolution that has globalized commerce independence. Today, Thailand offers a unique model for success in many and transformed our culture. In cooperation with the people of Thailand, arenas. It is also an active partner with other developing nations, providing the Rockefeller Foundation remains committed to sustaining our innovative expertise and assistance to other countries from Southeast Asia to Africa partnership to meet the challenges and opportunities of this new era. who are seeking their own path to permanent prosperity. At the same time, By supporting innovative thinkers and doers in a variety of disciplines, the partnership between the Rockefeller Foundation and Thailand has also we are working in communities like Chiang Rai to revalue ecosystems and evolved. Where once the Rockefeller Foundation and Thailand focused promote sustainable development in ways that build resilient communities. primarily on local concerns, a hundred years later our collaboration is To advance the health of the world’s poorest and most marginalized people, deeply committed to issues that are global in scale, but rooted in the experi- we are establishing disease surveillance systems along the borders with ences of a proud nation. On the occasion of the Rockefeller Foundation’s Laos and Vietnam and supporting research with public and private partners 100th anniversary in 2013, we are delighted to celebrate this strong and to address circumstances and diseases that contribute to ill health. As innovative partnership. cities like Bangkok expand and continue to serve as dynamic centers for 22 Preface Innovative Partners 23 foreword innovative partners Prawase Wasi, M.D. Chairman, National Reform Assembly Commission, Thailand o promote the well-being of mankind throughout the Conference brings together health policy leaders from around the world world” was and is a noble goal. Since its inception in 1913, and makes clear that Thailand is committed to participating in a global the Rockefeller Foundation has accumulated a wealth conversation about health policy. of experiences and knowledge in pursuit of that goal. In This humble progress would not have been possible without fundamen- “TInnovative Partners, Dr. William H. Becker has admirably revealed this tal investments in human and organizational capacity building. For nearly history with insight for everyone interested in learning about philanthropy a century, the Rockefeller Foundation and its Thai partners have been and development. heavily committed to a creative partnership focused on “interactive learn- Although it started out by fighting hookworm in the southern United ing through action.” These efforts depended on mutual respect and trust. States, the Rockefeller Foundation became a great proponent of public health For example, in the early days, when many Thai leaders were very sensitive and public health schools around the world. Along the way, it discovered that to European colonial intrusion, Siriraj Medical School agreed to have the promoting health and well-being must be integrated within broad efforts to Rockefeller Foundation’s American professors serve as dean and heads of improve human and social development. academic departments. This decision helped expedite organizational and As the Rockefeller Foundation discovered, development is extremely academic capacity building. Thai leaders believed that the Rockefeller difficult. Merely spending money or applying what is already known is not Foundation would bring value. At the same time, the Foundation found enough. Efforts carried out locally or with the assistance of international Prince Mahidol to be a man of virtue. He was knowledgeable, dedicated, organizations often lead to disappointment. For these reasons, the success humble, and esteemed by those who knew him. As everyone discovered, of the innovative partnership between the Rockefeller Foundation and shared values proved crucial for a successful partnership. Thailand is a topic of particular interest for readers interested in development. Later, the partnership between the Rockefeller Foundation and Thailand Although Thailand still faces many challenges, considerable progress evolved into other arenas, including agriculture and higher education. has occurred in the past 100 years, particularly in the fields of medicine, The Foundation’s Green Revolution and Education for Development initia- public health, and education. Health care infrastructure is thoroughly tives in Thailand reflected the same spirit of “interactive learning through distributed across the country, and universal health coverage has been action.” Again, mutual respect and trust prevailed. I personally
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