NEWS LIFE SPORTS Falwell affirms: Alum builds RV: Cross country up to the task: At the DeSales Invi- Liberty University President Jerry After he graduated from GCC tational, the cross country team finishes well in the rankings. Falwell Jr. says that he still stands in May, electrical engineering Page 12 behind Trump, even after the public major Nathan Bergey release of a 2005 video shows the constructed a tiny but fully ENTERTAINMENT nominee discussing sexually functional RV from his Honda Just the tenders: Every phenomenon at Grove City has a assaulting women. Page 2 Accord. Page 3 Facebook page. Even the chicken tenders. Page 5 TheCollegian Friday, October 14, 2016 The Grove City College Student Newspaper Vol. 103, No. 6 Trump’s nightmare week Caleb Harshberger room banter” and ac- Editor in Chief cused Former President Bill Clinton of saying Last Friday, the elec- much worse “on the golf tion took its ugliest turn course.” yet when the Wash- Almost immediately, ington Post released a Republicans began re- 2005 video in which scinding their endorse- Trump bragged about, ments of Trump. Mike among other things, Pence said he could non-consensually grop- not defend his running ing women. mate’s comments and “When you’re a star, Paul Ryan has said that they let you do it,” he will now only focus Trump is heard saying. on congressional elec- The video shows the tions, though he did not outside of a bus where rescind his endorse- Trump and Billy Bush, ment. then of “Access Holly- Grove City College PHYSICS CLUB wood” were talking as President Paul McNulty The Grove City College Physics Club carved pumpkins and used chemicals to blow them up on the quad. Dr. Wagner supervised they arrived to shoot knows Speaker Ryan the domlition of the fall fruits. Trump’s cameo on the personally and says he soap opera “Days of has great respect for Our Lives.” him. The audio was picked “I thought Paul Ryan, up on Trump’s mic, and even Vice Presi- which he apparently dential nominee Mike did not know was on. Pence, expressed ap- In the tape, Trump propriately the offen- Smashing casually brags about sive nature of those hitting on a married words and the fact that woman, objectifies a they thought they were woman on the set and entirely unacceptable,” talks about how his he said. “I share in that status as a star permits same sense of repug- pumpkins him to non-consensual- nancy of that language.” ly kiss and grope wom- Talks about replac- Kelleigh Huber for the pumpkin to ex- en. ing Trump on the ticket Life Editor plode, the bottle had to Trump had married briefly began to be re- be positioned as far into his current wife Mela- vived, and even Glenn Monday evening, the pumpkin as pos- nia, a few months be- Beck has said he has the Physics Club blew sible. fore. thought about voting Grove City students’ After carving, stu- Many across the na- for Hillary Clinton! minds with what dents headed out to tion have been quick McNulty, however is sounded like a gunshot the quad to watch the to point out what these skeptical whether such over the quad. explosions, as Dr. Fair comments amount to: a process is possible, Fortunately, the and Dr. Wagner filled bragging about sexual given that many have shot was loud, but the two-liter bottles assault. already voted and many only resulted in scat- with liquid nitrogen, The release of the ballots have already tered pumpkin pieces moving away from the tape immediately saw been drawn up. throughout the grass, pumpkins. In a few Trump on the defen- “It seems the prac- their weekly meeting Carving the pumpkin in part of a tradition the minutes, the pumpkins sive. He dismissed his ticalities are nearly in Physics Club enjoys in Rockwell, finding a traditional Halloween had swollen and put off remarks as “locker surmountable at this pre-Halloween. pumpkin and a two-li- style was not the plan. a loud noise to signal TRUMP 2 Students gathered for ter bottle to work with. However, in order their explosion. Rise of the Rainbow Robbery on Molly Wicker ally group on campus, National Coming lege will continue to Broad Street News Editor said. Out Day, observed practice an attitude of “We wanted to bring each Oct. 11 for the acceptance and love. Caleb Harshberger regardless of whether From a table in the awareness to the fact past 28 years, is a day “It’s important be- Editor in Chief they see or directly per- Student Union, wear- that there are LGBT- to “celebrate coming cause the church is ceive a weapon. ing a purple shirt, Lau- plus people on cam- out as lesbian, gay, bi- having the conversa- The FBI and Grove The man was ap- ren Shay ’19, handed pus and that they need sexual, transgender, tion as a whole right City Police are search- proximately 5’ 8”, 150 out rainbow stickers love as much as any- queer (LGBTQ) or as now,” said Jason ing for the man who pounds and was wear- Tuesday to willing one else.” an ally,” according Dauer ’16, a biblical robbed Citizens Bank ing tinted sunglasses, passing observers to The event’s Face- to the Human Rights and religious studies/ last Friday morning. jeans and a denim shirt. mark “Coming Out book page describes Campaign website. communications stud- The robber, who po- Police are asking any- Day.” it as an opportunity “It was encourag- ies double major who lice described as a 40 to one who has any infor- “Coming Out Day is to pick up a “rainbow ing to see a show of identifies as gay. 50-year-old white man, mation to call 724-458- important because ad- sticker and informa- support for National “We can’t pretend did not use a weapon 7925. dressing one’s sexual- tion about what it Coming Out day,” like it’s not happen- and walked out with an He was last seen driv- ity and coming out is means to be an ally.” said Claire Waugh ’16. ing. And when we have undisclosed amount of ing a late model Honda really hard for every- Despite their use of “That would have nev- these conversations, cash. Investigators said sedan, and was heading one, but it can be espe- an “unofficial table,” er happened during we need to be in- the man entered the in the direction of In- cially hard for those in Shay and other stu- my freshman year.” formed. It’s not about bank around 10:50 a.m. terstate 80. a Christian communi- dents hoped the event Students at the table being politically cor- Bank tellers are ex- Citizens Bank did not ty,” Shay, the student “helped to spread the said they are hopeful pected to comply with wish to comment at this leader of an unofficial love at GCC.” that Grove City Col- RAINBOW 2 a robber’s demands, time. Page 2 The Collegian Oct. 14, 2016 GCC Yesterday, Keith and Kristyn Getty were in- troduced at chapel by President Paul J. Mc- Nulty in Harbison Cha- pel. The Gettys played their signature hymanl hit “In Christ Alone” during the service. Both Gettys per- formed vocally, while Keith also played the piano. They also hosted a worship music work- shop. Later in the day, they played in the PLC are- na. Keith and Kristyn Getty are popular Christian hymnists, who have performed around the world. Their work has been well-received in Chris- tian circles in a wide range of denomina- tions. Falwell defends Trump RAINBOW rect — it’s about hav- Molly Wicker date unless Jesus Christ Dobson, who has de- ing fruitful dialogue.” News Editor is on the ballot,” he clined all media inter- Tuesday’s event was said. views, posted a state- the most recent ac- Liberty University “I’ve got a wife and a ment on his website knowledgement of the President Jerry Fal- daughter, and nobody on Monday, saying, LGBTQ population well Jr. has re-affirmed wants to hear their “First, Trump appears on campus. For the his support for Donald women talked about in to be tender to things past several months, Trump in the aftermath that manner.” of the Spirit. Do I know some professors have of a lewd recording Despite denouncing that for sure? No. Do affixed rainbow stick- from 2005 that recently the comments, he also I know the details of ers on their office surfaced. In it, the GOP described the conver- that alleged conver- doors as a sign that nominee brags about sation as “somebody sion? I can’t say that I it is a “safe space” for using his fame to prey bragging in a locker do. But there are many students who iden- on women. room-type environ- Christian leaders who tify as lesbian, gay, In comments made ment about something are serving on a faith bisexual, transgender to WBAC Radio in New they never did,” echo- advisory committee for CHIP SOMODEVILLA - GETTY IMAGES or queer. A lack of a York City, Falwell al- ing the candidates de- Trump in the future.” Jerry Falwell voices his continually support for Trump, sticker doesn’t indi- leged that the conversa- scription of the conver- He pitted Hillary Clin- despite the recent video release of the GOP candidate. cate a professor isn’t tion was intentionally sation. ton against Trump, say- leaked by GOP leaders The recording, which ing “Hillary scares me open to those students have inside information “I was told six weeks as a way to sabotage the was first reported by to death.” and their concerns, ac- about certain members ago they had a plan that campaign from the in- The Washington Post, Pat Robertson, cording to organizers of the Republican Party would guarantee that side.
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