A meeting of the HUNTINGDONSHIRE COMMUNITY SAFETY PARTNERSHIP EXECUTIVE will be held in THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, PATHFINDER HOUSE, ST MARYS STREET, HUNTINGDON on THURSDAY, 24TH AUGUST 2006 at 10:00 AM and you are requested to attend for the transaction of the following business:- Contact (01480) APOLOGIES 1. MINUTES AND MATTERS ARISING (Pages 1 - 4) To receive and note the Minutes of the meeting held on 25th May A Roberts 2006. 2. MEMBERSHIP (Pages 5 - 6) To consider a request from Huntingdon Business Against Crime to S Lammin join the Partnership. 3. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT (a) Quarterly Crime Report (Pages 7 - 24) To consider the Huntingdonshire Community Safety Partnership D West Quarterly Crime Report April to June 2006. (b) Working Group Reports (Pages 25 - 34) To consider reports by Working Groups. C Waters (c) Performance Against Targets To receive a verbal report on the Partnership’s performance C Waters against its targets. 4. ANNUAL SEMINAR/NEIGHBOURHOOD PANELS (Pages 35 - 42) To receive feedback from the Annual Seminar and an update on T Guinea Neighbourhood Panels. L Hunt P Griffin 5. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (a) Data Sharing To receive an update on the alignment of health and crime data. C Waters (Report to follow). (b) Women's Safety Unit To receive a verbal report on proposals to establish a women’s G Webb safety unit for domestic violence 6. DRUG AND ALCOHOL ACTION TEAM To receive a verbal update on the Drug and Alcohol Action Team. E Pawson P Pescud 7. ALCOHOL HARM REDUCTION (Pages 43 - 56) To consider a report on Alcohol harm reduction. J Owens 8. NEIGHBOURHOOD CRIME AND ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR (Pages 57 - 62) To consider a report by the Audit Commission entitled N Finney Neighbourhood Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour. 9. FUNDING To receive an update on progress made by the Working Group G Webb looking at strategic funding issues. 10. HUNTINGDON BUSINESS AGAINST CRIME EXCLUSIONS (Pages 63 - 64) To receive feedback on the progress of discussions on exclusions by S McRitchie HBAC. K Sismore 11. TESCO CAR PARK, ST NEOTS (Pages 65 - 74) To receive an update on the introduction of crime reduction K Sismore measures at the Tesco car park, St Neots. C Waters 12. CCTV To receive a verbal update on CCTV in Alconbury. C Waters 13. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Partnership is scheduled to be held on 23rd November 2006. Dated this 18th day of August 2006 Chief Executive Please contact A Roberts, Democratic Services Officer, Tel No 01480 388009/e-mail: [email protected] if you have a general query on any Agenda Item, wish to tender your apologies for absence from the meeting, or would like information on any decision taken by the Committee/Panel. Specific enquiries with regard to items on the Agenda should be directed towards the Contact Officer. Emergency Procedure In the event of the fire alarm being sounded and on the instruction of the Meeting Administrator, all attendees are requested to vacate the building via the closest emergency exit and to make their way to the base of the flagpole in the car park at the front of Pathfinder House. This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 1 HUNTINGDONSHIRE COMMUNITY SAFETY PARTNERSHIP EXECUTIVE MINUTES of the meeting of the HUNTINGDONSHIRE COMMUNITY SAFETY PARTNERSHIP EXECUTIVE held in MEEETING ROOM 1, PATHFINDER HOUSE, ST MARYS STREET, HUNTINGDON, PE29 3TN on Thursday, 25th May 2006. PRESENT: S Lammin – Chairman. J Bennett, T Bracken, H Caulfield, N Finney, J Fountain, P Griffin, D Hankin, S Hansen, C Howlett, S McRitchie, A Roberts, P Sharpe, K Sismore, C Waters and G Webb APOLOGIES: Apologies for absence from the meeting were submitted on behalf of A Ajoni, M Bastin, B Harding, A Jarvis, J Owens, E Pawson and R Tristram 132. MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting held on 30th March 2006 were received and noted. 133. HUNTINGDON BUSINESS AGAINST CRIME The Partnership received a presentation by Katy Sismore, Manager, on the work of Huntingdonshire Business Against Crime (HBAC). HBAC covered Huntingdon, St Ives and St Neots and operated on behalf of businesses in partnership with other agencies to tackle business crime. Its specific aims were to reduce stock losses, exclude persistent offenders and protect staff. Mrs Sismore also reported on the tools HBAC used to achieve its aims and on recent iniatives. Mrs Sismore went onto to refer to exclusion notices. She outlined the protocol and procedures involved and the individuals that took decision on behalf of HBAC. Seven individuals were currently the subject of exclusion notices. Details of one individual whose exclusion notice had been suspended were reported. Mrs Sismore concluded by providing members with statistics on the success of HBAC in reducing shop theft and by putting forward plans to develop HBAC by increasing membership. In the ensuing discussion members expressed concern at the inability of those who had been excluded to obtain everyday essentials and to become rehabilitated. In response Mrs Sismore pointed out that only certain stores operated exclusion orders and that only seven individuals had been excluded. It was agreed to undertake further work on whether a protocol could be established for the removal of exclusion notices. In response to questions by members, Mrs Sismore confirmed that 1 HBAC did not have direct links with Pubwatch or the Drug Intervention Programme. 134. ANNUAL SEMINAR Members were informed that the Huntingdonshire Community Safety Partnership annual seminar would be held on 13th June 2006 at Huntingdon Race Course. The theme would be Neighbourhood Panels and the programme would include problem solving sessions. 135. NEIGHBOURHOOD PANELS Paul Griffin of the Police provided the Partnership with an update on Neighbourhood Panels. A division-wide Steering Group had been established, chaired by Laura Hunt. The Steering Group was working on, amongst other things, aligning neighbourhood boundaries with police beats. 136. SAFER CAR PARKING Consideration was given to a report on vehicle crime in the Tesco car park, St Neots. The report highlighted the number and type of vehicle crime incidents in the car park and outlined concerns at the lack of co- operation by Tesco in tackling vehicle crime. It was suggested that to do this Tesco should adopt Safer Car Parking and install CCTV and perimeter fencing. Following discussion, it was agreed that the Chairman should write to the Area Manager seeking assistance with this matter and report back to the Partnership. 137. GOVERNANCE AND TERMS OF REFERENCE A report setting out changes to the governance and funding arrangements for Community Safety Partnerships in Huntingdonshire was received and noted. Terms of Reference for the Cambridgeshire Community Safety Strategic Partnership were appended to the report. The Terms of Reference for the Huntingdonshire Community Safety Partnership would be reviewed in due course. 138. BASIC COMMAND UNIT SPENDING PLAN Consideration was given to the Central Division 2006/07 Basic Command Unit Spending Plan. Having noted that the amount for Targeted Policing Costs of Public Order Patrols Linked to Licensed Premises had been changed to £15,000, the amount of a Contribution Towards Funding of the Second Year of Fusion, a Youth Project that runs in the Huntingdon Area during School Holidays had been changed to £20,000 and the amount for Huntingdonshire Business Against Crime had been changed to £5,000, members were informed that the weighting of funding between Fenland and Huntingdonshire would be reviewed for 2007/8. RESOLVED that the Central Division 2006/07 Basic Command Unit Spending Plan be endorsed. 2 139. PERFORMANCE DATA Consideration was given to the Huntingdonshire Community Safety Partnership Quarterly Crime Report January – March 2006, which revealed that, with the exception of criminal damage, performance was in line with expectation. It was hoped to report on a resolution to a problem associated with different recording systems between the Police and the crime research team at the next meeting. In response to a question by N Finney, C Waters agreed to refer the Partnerships performance in relation to criminal damage to the Anti- Social Behaviour Problem Solving Group. 140. ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR FORUM The Partnership considered a proposal by Nigel Finney for the Executive to assume the role of the Anti-Social Behaviour Forum. The proposal was made in light of changes to the structure of Community Safety Partnerships in Cambridgeshire and, in his view as Chairman, the Forum had run its natural course. A robust framework of Partnership working had been established, which meant that the partnership would only be required to monitor progress. However, two outstanding matters also needed to be addressed, namely developing incentives for individuals to modify their anti-social behaviours and engaging health in anti-social behaviour work. While the Forum would not be disbanded, it would become dormant pending the need for it to be reactivated. Having received the approval of the Partnership for his proposal, Mr Finnie thanked the members of the Forum for their work on its behalf. 141. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Having drawn members’ attention to a shortage of knowledge on domestic violence in Huntingdonshire, the Chairman outlined a proposal to augment Police data with data collected through health services. To this end a Data Sharing Working Group had been established which included the Director of Public Health. Potential sources of data included existing data sets, the Public Health Network, data on deprivation, accident and emergency records and a health visitor audit of domestic violence. To this it was suggested that similar work involving Addenbrookes Hospital should be taken into account. A report on this subject would be submitted to the Partnership’s next meeting. 142. ALCOHOL HARM REDUCTION Having noted a report on Alcohol Harm Reduction, it was agreed to defer further consideration of it to the next meeting.
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