rh aitr».m i91S (S aka) Tenth series, Vol. XX No. 28 Tuesday, 20 April, 1993 Chaitra 30, 1915 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Sixth Sessioh (Tenth Lok Sal;ha) V.. ; n L:iUm ‘ > , 0 . / g ........................, .............. • < D a te i? . ' .......... ^ (Vol. XX contains Nos. 21 to 30) L O K SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Price: Rs. 6.00 [ORiqiNAL English PRocnnniNcs iNCLUDnn in English Vhrsion and Original Hinoi Proceedings included in Hindi Version wiij, be treated as autiioritativi! At NOT TIIE tran slation TIIHRnOF.] CONTENTS [(TenthSeries, Vol. XX, Sixth Session. 1993,1915(Saka)] No. 28. Tuesday. April 20.1993/Chaitra 30.1915 (Saka) C olumns Oral Answers to Questions 1 -34 •StarredQuestionNos. 661to664 1-26 Welcome to the Surinam Parliamentary Delegation 9-10 Written Answers to Questions 34-513 StarredQuestionNos. 665to680 34-88 Unstan^Question Nos. 5941 to6142 88-257 Papers Laid on the Table 513-518 Matters Uncfer Rule 377 519-524 (i) Need to set up L PG out tls in all the towns of Raigarh district. Madhya Pradesh Kumari Pushpa Devi Singh 519-520 (ii) Need to check the spread of thalassemia disease in the country ShriGopiNathGajapanathi 520 (iii) Needforclearancefrom Forest Department for earty start of Arunawati Inigation project in Yavatmal District. Maharastra ShriTejsinghraoBhonsle 521 The Sign -»• maritedabovethe nameof a Member indrcates that the question was actually askedon the floor of the House by that Member. (ii) (iv) Need to enact legislation to give Hindi and other Indian Languages precedence overforeign languages in commercial advertisements Dr. Lai Bahadur Rawal 52 -522 (v) Need to formulate new Agriculture Policy ensuring . remunerative prices to the farmers for their produce ShriJanardanMisra 522-23 (vi) Need for eariy commissioning of electronic system in Bhavani Kumarapalayam Telephone Exchange of Periyar district in Tamil Nadu ShriP.G. Narayanan 523-24 (vii) Need for a separate railway zone at Muzzafarpur in Riharfordevelopment of North Bihar ShriNawalKishoreRai 524 Cine -Workers Welfare C ess (Amendment) Bill 525 Motion to Consicer Shri Paban Sing Ghatowar 52S526 ShriMahesh Kanodia 527 Prof. K.V. Thomas 527-529 fs ShrimatiGirjaDevi 529-5: ShriRupchand Pal 530-532 Shrimati Geeta Mukherjee 532 Shri Anna Joshi 533-534 Shri Ramesh Chennithala 534-536 Shri Chitta Basu 536-538 Shn Mohan Singh 538-540 COlUMNS Shri TejsinghnBO Bhonsle 540-541 ^ ShriP.C.TIionnas 541-543 Shri YaiPTka Sing Yomnarn 543-545 ShriS.M.Laljan Basha 545^546 Shri Ramashray Prasad Singh 546-548 Clauses 2 and 1 550-551 Motion to Pass, as amended Shri Paban SIngf'i Ghatowar 550551 General Budget, 1993-94 - General Discussion 551-584 Shri Jaswant Singh 552-575 Dr. Debi Prosad Pal 575-580 Bussiness Advisory Committee 585^586 Twenty-Seventh Report - Presented LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA (b) the total subsidies paid to the rail­ ways therefor by the Government under the said obligations during each of the last three Tuesday April 20,1993, ChaitraSO, 1915 years; and (Saka) (c) the estimated cut in the said subsi­ dies likely to be saved by the Railways in The Lok Sa tia met at 1993-94? Eleven ot tno Clock THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE [MR. SPEAKER in the ChaifJ MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI K.C. LENKA): (a) to (c). A statement is laid on the ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS table of the Sabha. lEnglishi STATEMENT Subsidies to Railways on "Social Obligations” (a) The losses accuring from canying of commodities below the cost of operation for 661. SHRIAMALDATTA: meeting wider socio-economic objectives SHRIRUPCHAND PAL are temrad as "Social Obligations’. Such losses on the movement of essential com­ Will the Minister o( RAILWAYS be modities carried at concessional rates have pleased to state: been assessed at Rs. 245.27 crores in 1992-93 (Revised Estimate), Rs. 322.77 (a) the details of the ‘Social Obligations* crores in 1991-92, Rs. 405.75 crores in of the Railways in transportation o4 essential 1990-91’ and Rs.284.11 crores in 1989-90. commodities; Details are as under:- Amount in Crores of Rupees Commodity 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1. Foodgrains 89.85 167.70 158.02 156.08 2. Salt 37.69 41.69 56.38 32.45 • 3. Fodder 25.31 33 73 12.72 . Oral Answers APRH.20,1993 Oral Answers • Amount in Crores of Rupees Commodity 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 (RE.) 4. Sugarcane 15.17 19.84 24.80 24.57 5. Fruits and Vegetables 11.74 7.07 11.32 10.25 6 . Iron ore for export 43.23 75.34 - - 7. Other ores 9.27 7.06 5.36 - 8 . Other commodities 51.85 53.32 54.17 21.92 9. Total 284.11 405.75 322.77 245.27 (b) No subsidy is provided by the Gov­ SHRI K.C. LENKA: «n the past certain ernment to Indian Railways on account of commodities were exempted from increas­ social obligations arising out of carriage of ing the freight *rate The value of this essential comnnodities exemption worked out to be Rs. 688 crores per annum. Due to this exemption on four (c) Does not arise. commodities the Railway is eaming addi­ tionally about Rs. 423 crores. Even after the SHRI AMAL DATTA: The statement withdrawal of exemption on four commodi­ which has been laid on the Table of the ties the remaining 12 commodities will con­ House, unfortunately, is incomplete. The ‘C’ tinue to enjoy the concession as given in the part of the question tjas been answered past. using the simple expression, very frequently used by the Ministry, ‘does not arise’ The SHRI ANIL BASU; in the list you have Minister has to say whether the Ministry has mentioned only 9 commodities. What are made a saving by cutting the subsidy or not. the other commodities? {Intermptions) othenA/ise how do I ask my supplementary? It is impossible to ask a supplementary until SHIR K.C. LENKA: Let me speak. The and unless the Minister answers as to whether value of the concession works out to be Rs. there is any cut in the subsidy and if so, how 265 crores per annum approximately. The much saving the Ministry has made by this 12 commodities will continue to enjoy this cut. This is a very funny way of answering the exemption. question. SHRI AMAL DATTA: When no subsidy SHRI K.C. LENKA; As regards Part ‘C’ was withdrawn, the total amount on this of the question is concerned, during 1993- subsidy in the year 1992-93 was assessed at 94 Budget the exemption of four commodi­ Rs. 245 crores and in the year 1990-91 it ties, namely foodgrains, HSD, Sugar and oil was Rs. 405 crores. which Is the highest cake, was withdrawn. The additional eam- over. How is it that he is claiming that had the ing due to this withdrawal of exemption is subsidies not been withdrawn, it would have estimated at Rs. 425 crores. amounted to more than Rs. 600 crore? Is it that they have increased the fright rate and SHRI AMAL DATTA: Just because of then they are calculating the subsides? They this additional eaming of Rs. 423 crores, are saying that in spite of the exemption; all what will be the expenditure on account of subsidies given to the commodities, they are the subsidy on essential commodities? making losses to the tune of more than Rs. 5 Oral Answers CHAITRA30. 1915 (SAKA) Oral Answers 6 200 crdre. Let him explain how he could ways have social obligations to carry essen­ come to that figure. tial commodities below the cost of operation. In the past, it was decided to term 16 com­ SHRI K.C. LENKA: I have already modities as essential commodities and these mentioned that, annually, the value of this commodities were carried below the cost of exemption for 16 items works out to Rs. 688 operation. I have alreadytold that due to this crore. During 1993-94, due the exemption how much loss the Railways had incurred. on four commodities, the Railways had an additional eaming of Rs. 423 crore. So, still, SHRI RUPCHAND PAL: Sir. he has not there is a loss worth Rs. 265 crore incurred replied to my first question. Why did the by the Railways for transportation of essen­ decline the foodgrains continue from 1991 to tial commodities. 1993? SHRIAMALDATTA: How do you come SHRI K.C. LENKA: The decline de­ to the figure of Rs. 688 crore? ( Interruptions) pends upon the foodgrains being transported. But, there was no Increase in freight rates. MR. SPEAKER: No. DR. KRUPASINDHU BHOI: Mr. SHRI AMAL DATTA: This is my second Speaker, Sir, the hon. Minister has just now supplementary. replied about meeting wider socio-economic objectives. They are termed as social obli­ SHRI NIRMAL KANTI CHATTERJEE: gations. I want to know whether these things Sir. you should help him to understand the are prevailingt In other developing nations question. meeting the social objectives, whetherthose Governments are getting any funds from the SHRI K.C. LENKA: I have understood Budget for the social obligations through the his question. (Intenvptions) Railway Ministry. MR. SPEAKER : Once you breach the Secondly, I want to know whether any rule, then you will only suffer. Railway Reforms Committee had been formed to go into the details of social obliga­ SHRI RUPCHAND PAL: Sir, from the tion. How will Railways compensate? I also answer given by the hon. Minister, it is found want to know whether any Report had been that from 1990-91 to 1992-93, there was a submitted to the Ministry or not. decline in the amount of concession given particularly for foodgrains by the Railways.
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