PAIGNTON NEIGHBOURHOOD FORUM • Blatchcombe • Clifton with Maidenway • Goodrington, Roselands & Hookhills • Paignton Town • Preston DRAFT MINUTES OF A FORUM & STEERING GROUP MEETING held in the Gerston Chapel Hall, Torquay Road, Paignton at 6.30pm Thursday 18 February 2016 www.paigntonneighbourhoodplan.org.uk www.torbay.gov.uk/neighbourhoodplanning In Attendance: Adam Billings, Carole Box, Eileen Donovan, John Gibson, Alan Hill, Janet Jones, Nigel Jones, Helen Kummer, Maggie Loates, Leaf Lovejoy, Geoff Melbourne, Sam Moss, Melvyn Newbery, Mike Parkes (Minutes), Richard Parrish, John Phillips, David Pickhaver, Richard Stevens, Ann Waite, David Watts (Chairman), David Wootton. Apologies: Jim Bonfield, Pam Bristow, Roger Bristow, Anne-Marie Curror, Ian Curror, Cllr Ian Doggett, Karren Jemmett, Lorna Gardner, Paula Hermes, Cllr Adrian Sanders. AGENDA ITEM – 1. APOLOGIES RECEIVED AND WELCOME 1. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked Gerston Chapel for the use of their hall. Apologies received were as listed above. AGENDA ITEM – 2. DRAFT MINUTES OF THE LAST FORUM & STEERING GROUP MEETING AND MATTERS ARISING: 2.a. The draft minutes of the meeting held on 21 Jan 16 were agreed a true record. Proposed by Sam Moss and seconded by Ann Waite. The meeting was advised that a large number of matters arising needed to be raised, that were then considered: 2.a. (i) Letter from the Council 21 Jan 2016 re Appendix 4 draft. The Chairman reminded the meeting that this letter had been received a few hours prior to the last meeting but, nevertheless, had been read out and discussed at the meeting of 21 Jan 16 and, since then, circulated to all Forum members. The letter was next displayed on-screen together with a holding letter that the Chairman had been asked to send at the last meeting. Both letters were read on screen and members felt that all their points had been covered in the holding letter and supported the Chairman’s letter of response of 24 Jan 16 with a unanimous vote of agreement. (See also Item 3.a.(iii) below) 2.a.(ii) Torbay Motel site, Collaton St Mary. DW explained that a new residents group (mainly from Beechdown) had been formed principally to monitor the planning application that had been submitted for the old Torbay Motel site (Planning Application: P/2015/0709). DW said that he had been invited to one of their meetings on 30 Jan 16. Although there was support for this application in principle as redevelopment of a ‘brownfield site’, local residents had expressed concerns regarding appearance, access and drainage. There was a further meeting planned with potential developers on the evening of 11 Mar 16 in the Collaton St Mary Parish Rooms. He said that this was an open evening and DP was asked especially if someone from the Planning Department could also be in attendance. DP agreed to look into the request. DW displayed on screen a letter covering the above points that had been written to the Planning Department as an interim response from the Forum. Members unanimously supported the points made in the letter. 2.a.(iii) C.St.M Masterplan SPD - Full Council Meeting 25 Feb 16. Discussion on the Motel site above led members into a discussion on the CStM Master Plan. It was noted that this was down as an item for approval on the agenda for the forthcoming Council Meeting. DP was asked to ensure that Councillors were aware that this Master Plan did not, in law, have precedence over the emerging Paignton Neighbourhood Plan and could only ‘inform’ the Neighbourhood Plan. DP thought that all Councillors were aware of this point but would remind them. Page 1 of 3 2.a.(iv) Forum Budget Update. As at 18 Feb 16: Bank Balance = £2,032.00. DCLG & Locality money held on Forum’s behalf by the L.A. = £19,216.42. The Chairman reported that he had sent a letter to the Council for confirmation that the sum held on the Forum’s behalf remained correct and had received an interim email response to that effect from DP. DP was asked to confirm also by letter from the Council that this figure was correct to ensure there was a clear record in the Council’s respective Departments. He explained that the Finance Officer was currently on holiday and that he would be able to confirm the amount upon his return in a few days time. DP was also asked to confirm to the Finance Department that the previously agreed drawdown rules remained the same. On a related matter, DP explained that the L.A. would be able to print the Paignton Neighbourhood Plan for an amount estimated to be between £500 to £1,000. This could be done under a new ‘digital’ printing method. There followed discussion on who would hold the copyright of the Plan (DP thought it would be the Council) and technical problems thought to exist with overlaying the scales of Google Earth and the O.S. DP offered to investigate and clarify both points at the next meeting. The Chairman in consultation with the other Executive Committee members was authorised to progress further discussion on the proposal. 2.a.(vi) Royal Mail Letter Boxes: Referring to an earlier letter to English Heritage requesting special listing for two boxes in Paignton, DW read a reply from English Heritage explaining that they were unable to support the application because of the national policy agreement. DWn proposed the Chairman write a letter to Hannah David of EH thanking her for all her efforts. DW said he would be happy to do this and this action was supported unanimously. DP agreed to raise the request with the Conservation Officer for the two boxes to be added to the Local List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest in Torbay. 2.a.(vii) CPRE Devon – Spring Meeting. A ‘Devon Neighbourhood Planning Roadshow’ is being held at “Hannah’s” (formerly the old Seale Hayne College) near Newton Abbot on 18 March (1000 to 1400) and will include speakers from DCLG, Teignbridge Planning Dept, CPRE and Paignton Neighbourhood Forum. Admission is free and further information is available from Penny Mills, CPRE Devon. Tel: 01392 966737 email: [email protected] . 2.a.(vii) Liaison with DCLG . The Chairman has recently been asked to work with DCLG giving advice on Neighbourhood Planning and on a national basis. The first two days will be in Bristol in March. DWn offered his congratulations to DW and was supported unanimously. 2.a. (viii) Stoke Gabriel NP. DW was able to report that he had been invited to a meeting of the Stoke Gabriel Neighbourhood Planning Forum Steering Group on the evening of 17 Feb 16. AGENDA ITEM – 3 PROJECT PLAN PROGRESS – STAGE 3 3.a.(i) Paignton Neighbourhood Plan (PNP) – Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) / Screening. The Chairman reminded members that the PN Plan SEA Scoping Report previously produced had been paused temporarily until the publication of the Local Plan final outcome. (See previous minutes). As the PNP would not be adding to or substituting any of the job and housing sites, he had recently taken advice from ‘Locality’ and they supported the view that there should be the prospect of being able to ‘screen out’ the need for any further SEA to accompany the Neighbourhood Plan. ‘Locality’ is now able to re-start its advice with the Paignton Forum on this basis. The meeting noted that work had therefore commenced on producing a draft ‘Screening’ Report for the Forum’s consideration. 3.a.(ii) Torbay Reference Group . AB felt that it was disappointing that the L.A. had still not called a meeting of this Group for some considerable time and considered that this could be seen in a bad light by any Independent Assessor. He felt that such a meeting would be useful in ironing out the inconsistencies of the emerging Local Plan as it progressed towards final publication and could be seen as useful collaboration, especially as DCLG had recently acknowledged the value of DW. 3.a.(iii) Jobs and Housing sites. DW referred to the Council’s previous letter of 21 January 2016 (see item 2.a.(i) above) and displayed on-screen the Draft Detailed Comments by Torbay Council with Page 2 of 3 regard to the ‘Draft Insert to Compliance and Basic Conditions Statement: Appendix 4 General Conformity with the Strategic Policies of the Development Plan and other Development Documents’. 3.a.(iv) Each response proposed, coloured in red, and the draft covering letter to the Council as circulated to all Forum members prior to the meeting, were discussed in close detail. The observations made by the meeting included: • 59,000 jobs existed at 2012; now there are just 57,200. • The next ONS Population update is due at the end of May 16. • The pre examination Local Plan is different from the post examination plan. • The L.A.s position on housing numbers if employment and population numbers continue to go down is becoming unjustifiable. • DP requested that further information from DW on Greenfield sites being brought forward over Brownfield be included in the proposed Forum response. • The penultimate paragraph in red needs to show that bringing forward larger sites, especially Greenfield can bring with it community disbenefits. • The final paragraph in red would better be phrased if it included ‘various constraints’. 3.a.(v) Subject to the above observations, the comments and covering letter were unanimously approved by a show of hands with a request that they be submitted to the L.A. The amended Appendix 4 to the Compliance and Basic Conditions Statement was also approved unanimously by a show of hands.
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