FORM-'A' FCi'm for seeking prior approval under section 2 of the proposals by: the State Governments .and other authorities PART-I (to be filled up by user agency) 1 , Project details i. Short narrative of the proposal To explore the hydro-potential of River Tawang Chu, and project/scheme for which Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh entrusted the development of the forest land is required hydroelectric projects in Tawang basin to NHPC for survey and investigation and preparation of PFR I DPR. The development envisaged utilization of water of Riv0f Tawahg Chu, formed by joining of two rivers - Mago Chu and Nyukcharong Chu. River Tawang Chu cruises i;;)Qut 45 km in India and just after the conflu<ll1ce 'Nith Nyamjang Chu, it enters Bhutan whare it ~;onf1u",n,)es with River Manas, Based on available topographical, geologic<:Il ?lnd hydp)­ meteorological data, it was envisaged the! ihe entire hydropower potential of Tawang Chu b3tween Nuranang Chu Power House and Bhutan border can be harnessed by contemplating two schemes viz" Tawang HE Project Stage I and Tawang HE Project Stage II in a cascade manner, Based on preliminary investigations a Preliminary Feasibility Report (PFR) of these projects in T awang basin was preparsd for preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) and development of hydropower potential of this basin, On establishment of the feasibility of the projects GO'I!. of Arunachal Pradesh entrusted implementation of Tawang HE Project Stage I and Tawang HE Project Stage II to NHPC by signing Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) on 21.09.2006. Revised MoA was again signed between NHPC and Gov!. of Arunachal Pradesh on 24.06.2007 for execution of these projects. After detailed survey and investigation, OPR of Tawang HE Project Stage II (800 MW) was prepared, Tawang HE Project Stage II is a run of the river s ~heme and envisag~s construction of 28 m high ReC Raft Barrage across Tawang Chu at Yusum I Kudung and Khet villages of Tawang District (15 km downstream of forebridge near Jang), diverting the water through 15.989 km long and 9 m diameter horseshoe shaped Head Race Tunnel for generation of 800 MW (4 x 200 MW) of power by utilizing gross head of 494 m and constructing an underground Power House on right bank of River Tawang Chu at village Kungba and about 300 m w/s of confluence of Tawang Chu with Nyamjang Chu near Bhutan Border, The water from turbines shall be discharged back to river through one 170 m long and 9 m diameter horseshoe shaped tail race tunnel. Area under submergence at FRL will be 6.19 ha. Nearest broad gauge railheads are at Guwahati & Nagaon and the nearest airport is at Tezpur. Salient features of the project are enclosed as Annex'A'. ii. Map showing the required Map placed as Annex 'B'. forest land, boundary of adjoining forest on a 1 :50,000 scale map iii. Cost of the project The project is estimated to cost Rs. 6247.99 crores including IDC cost of Rs. 1382.81 crores and financing charges Rs. 32.80 at June 2009 price level. iv. Justification for locating the Power is the most important and essential input for project in forest area economic development of state and country. Hydropower is essentially required for quality power i.e. for the grid stability. The greatest merit of hydropower is its suitability, durability, variability and economic viability. Tawang H.E. Project Stage II is one of the two projects for harnessing hydropower potential of Tawang Chu river in a cascade manner. The necessity for development of Tawang H.E. Project Stage II to contribute for the economic and social development of Arunacahal Pradesh has been well acknowledged by Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh. Location of the project Barrage and other components have been finalized after investigating various alternatives. The present site chosen for the barrage suits more as the river in this particular reach is quite flat and sufficient river width is available to pass the design flood. The geological investigation reveals that there is an overburden of the tune of 25-30 m in the river bed and nearly 5-10 m in the left bank whereas on the right bank the rock is expected at 20-25 m below the ground level. Only 62 families are likely to be affected due to land acquisition required for the construction of Tawang H.E. Project Stage II. The project· has been found commercially viable and generation from the project shall mitigate the miseries of power-starved industry and people in the eastern and north-eastern states of India. v. Cost-benefit analysis (to be Cost-benefit analysis placed as Annex 'C'. enclosed) vi. Employment likely to be The execution of Tawang H.E. Project Stage II wiU generated accelerate economic activities in the area, resulting creation of job opportunities for the benefits of local inhabitants as well as outside traders for around 43,80,000 man days. trnlilT~ '-"~';""i<'" ,-.... ,NHPC Ud I ...,.,. mo~,(>T\"'O . ·;T~O\l''-'''o. ' it t +;-;,.';;"" ~~ ~/Neh!uNlal c. ;M<' ·... r,~'-q\t:t"'~.. } . .\Ptad~~h,' .. } '; :v'l",,~ 1:f;W I Alunacha, .. Tawang H.E. Project Stage-II (800 MW) lo{ '.tion-wise requirement of land for the proposed roads , Length width Area Area SI.No. Proposed roads Location (m) (m) (sq. m) (Ha) " (I) Sakyur 1700.00 15 25500.00 . 2.55 1 Stage-II Barrage Complex to MDA-2 (Ii) Thrillam 442.00 15 6630.00 0.66 (I) Thrillam 1178.60 15 17679.00 1.77 2 MDA-2 to MDA-3 i (ii) Bulkyung 857.16 15 12857.40 1.29 MDA-3 to mangnam Nala for Adit-III 3 i and TWII-G4 Bulkyung 1135.74 15 17036.10 1.70 i 4 Mangnam nalato Adlt-III Mangnam 3214.00 15 48210,00 4.82 (i) Mangnam 1821.47 15 27322.05 2,73 5 Mangnam nala to TWII-G4 i (ii) Hoongla 642.87 15 9643,05 0,96 6 TWII-G4 to Hoongla nala Hoongla 700.00 15 10500.00 1.05 7 Hoongia nala to Adlt-IV Hoongla 720.00 15 10800.00 1,08 8 Hoongla nala to MDA-4 Poito 1450.00 15 21750.00 2.18 (I) Polto 580.00 15 8700.00 0.87 9 MDA-4 to MDA-S (ii) Dugumba 400.00 15 6000.00 0.60 (i) Saw 2035.76 15 30536.40 3.05 10 M DA-5 to Stage-II PH Complex (Ii) Kungba 1285.74 15 19286.10 1.93 11 Kungba road to Adit IV CFA Kungba 300,00 15 4500.00 0.45 12 Thrillam to Main Office and Colony Site Thrillam 1800,00 15 27000.00 2.70 Total;' 20263.34 303950.10 30.40 Length of the roads is based on the map submitted to Forest Dept!. 3, Details of displacement of people due to the project, if any i. Number of families No family will be displaced due to the project. However, about 62 families are likely to be affected due to land acquisition required land for the construction of Tawang H.E. Project Stage-II, ii. Number of Scheduled Casles I All the families belong to Scheduled tribe. Scheduled Tribe families iii. Rehabilitation plan,(lo be enclosed) R & R Plan enclosed as Annex '0' 4. Whether clearance under Yes Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 required? (Yes/No) 5. Undertaking to bear the cost of Undertaking attached as raising and maintenance of Annex 'E' & 'F' compensatory afforestation and/or penal compensatory afforestation as well as cost for protection and regeneration of Safety Zone, etc, as per the scheme prepared by the State Government (undertaking to be enclosed) 6, Details of Certificates/documents Annex 'A' - Salient features of project enclosed as required under the Annex '8' - A map on 1 :50000 instructions Annex 'c' - Cost·benefit analysis Annex '0' - R & R Plan Annex 'E' - Certificate of Undertaking for compensatory afforestation. Annex 'F' - Certificate of Undertaking for NPV Signature ~,'Ur . (A,K.Mishra) G neral Manager T awangt Basin Projects _ .~ NHPC Ltd" Nehru Market, ~~I",liljilr~ l!f.!lr'i1iI..m;J'~ .eg~in~roj.cIPO & Distl, Tawang -790 104. [r"loTJtfQ't)O~;ot1;J, , INNPCL tel.. (Arunachal Pradesh) Date: ~~ t~~. ,;.'rern lil1f"rut'IQ(lrK,e1. r~'N;)t~f Place: 1p',Jrrf,,'rq 1J79l': ~( J~~(:i l:';~ Pfd:t\(,tr:~\f.. i U1t. State serial Klo. of proposal 9JJ1 Fa IS/fIll (To be filled up by tl1e Nodal Officer with da! of (eceipt) Tawang H.E. Project Stage II TAWANG H.E. PROJECT STAGE-II (800 MW) SALIENT FEATURES 2.1 LOCATION II State Arunachal Pradesh II District Tawang I:t River Tawang Chu I:t Barrage Site Yusum Village. (15 km dIs of Forebridge near Jang) II Nearest BG rail head Guwahati & Nagaqn II Nearest airport Guwahati &Tezpur I:t Latitude 27°32'48" I:t Longitude 91°49'57" 2.2 HYDROLOGY II Catchment area 3419 sq.km. " Rainfed area 2535 sq.km. n Snowfed area. 884 sq.km. I:t Location of catchment o Latitude 2T27'30" to 28°22'00" o Longitude 91°47'30" to 92°27'00" I:t Average annual rainfall (at Yusum) 2665 mm II Maximum temperature 31.1 ·C I:t Minimum temperature -2.9°C II Max 10 daily discharge 344.3 cumee II Min 10 daily discharge 38.2 cumec ~~(£><'» iunJr ~ !!~ifTl!/Tawanp Projects 1 ll;'Io·~otftomo~o/:.. ; Ud. ~~, 1'imrr/Nehn,i.';, ;,ang ~I<>UJi'tlM tRw!Arunachal Pr.d~~iI·79()1 04 - '" ":c.'.
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