No. 44 ··1193 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Published by Authority WELLINGTON: THURSDAY, 13 JULY 1967 ERRATUM A. R. P. Being 2 2 1.2 Part Takapuwahia Block; coloured red on plan. IN Gazette, No. 43, dated 6 July 1967, on page 1168, left o 0 0.68 Part Mahinawa No.1; coloured red on plan. column, for "Price Order No. 2051 (Wheat Grown in the o 0 1.22 Part 1c 2A, Mahinawa No.1; coloured blue on North Island 2015) (Woolpacks)", read "Price Order No. plan. 2049 (Amendment No. 1 of Price Order No. 2015) o 0 1.28 Part Section 125, Cemetery Reserve; Takapuwahia (Woolpacks) ". Township; coloured sepia on plan. o 0 3.3 Part Section 125, Cemetery Reserve; Takapuwahia Township; coloured orange on plan. o 0 1.52 Part Section 120A, Takapuwahia Township; coloured orange on plan. o 0 1.52 Part Section 119A, Takapuwahia Township; Land Taken for the Purpose of Parking Places in Block coloured blue on plan. VII, Town of Dunedin o 0 3.03 Part Section 105, Takapuwahia Township; coloured sepia on plan. o 0 0.37 Part Section 104, Takapuwahia Township; BERNARD FERGUSSON. Governor-General coloured blue on plan. A PROCLAMATION o 0 1.11 Part Section 103, Takapuwahia Township; PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Brigadier Sir coloured orange on plan. Bernard Edward Fergusson, the Governor-General of New o 0 1.35 Part Section 102, Takapuwahia Township; Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare that the land described coloured sepia on plan. in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for the purpose of o 0 1.21 Part Section 101, Takapuwahia Township'; parking places and shall vest in the Mayor, Councillors, and coloured blue on plan. Citizens of the City of Dunedin as from the date hereinafter o 0 1.21 Part Section 100, Takapuwahia Township; mentioned; and I also declare that this Proclamation shall coloured orange on plan. take effect on and after the 19th day of July 1967. o 0 1.21 Part Section 99, Takapuwahia Township; coloured blue on plan. o 0 1.21 Part Section 98, Takapuwahia Township; SCHEDULE coloured sepia on plan. o 0 1.21 Part Section 97, Takapuwahia Township; OTAGO LAND DISTRICT coloured orange on plan. ALL that piece of land s,ituated in the City of Dunedin con­ o 0 1.21 Part Section 96, Takapuwahia Township; taining 25.4 perches, being parts of Sections 71 and 72, coloured blue on plan. Block VII, Town of Dunedin; shown on Deposited Plan 4298, o 0 0.81 Part Section 95, Takapuwahia Township; and being all the land comprised in certificate of title, Volume coloured sepia on plan. 258, folio 78, Otago Land Registry. o 0 5.42 Part Section 95, Takapuwahia Township; Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ coloured orange on plan. General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this o 0 1.45 Part Section 94, Takapuwahia Township; 3rd day of June 1967. coloured orange on plan. o 0 1.33 Part Section 93, Takapuwahia Township; [L.S.] JOHN RAE, for the Minister of Works. coloured blue on plan. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! o 0 1.33 Part Section 92, Takapuwahia Township; (P.W. 53/377/0; D.O. 20/65/65/0) coloured sepia on plan. o 0 1.33 Section 91c, Takapuwahia Township; coloured orange on plan. o 0 1.48 Part Section 90, Takapuwahia Township; coloured blue on plan. o 0 3.03 Part Section 82, Takapuwahia Township; Land Taken for Street in the City of Porirua coloured orange on plan. o 0 3.22 Part Section 81, Takapuwahia Township; coloured blue on plan. BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General o 0 1.33 Part Section 60, Takapuwahia Township; A PROCLAMATION coloured sepia on plan. o 0 1.33 Part Section 59, Takapuwahia Township; PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Brigadier Sir coloured orange on plan. Bernard Edward Fergusson, the Governor-General of New o 0 1.33 Part Section 58, Takapuwahia Township; Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare that the land described coloured blue on plan. in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for street, and shall o 0 1.33 Part Section 57, Takapuwahia Township; vest in the Mayor, Councillors, and Citizens of the City of coloured sepia on plan. Porirua as from the date hereinafter mentioned; and I also o 0 1.32 Part Section 56, Takapuwahia Township; declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after the coloured orange on plan. 19th day of July 1967. o 0 0.85 Part Section 51, Takapuwahia Township; coloured sepia on plan. SCHEDULE o 0 1.21 Part Section 50, Takapuwahia Township; coloured orange on plan. WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT o 0 1.45 Part Section 49A, Takapuwahia Township; ALL those pieces of land situated in Block I, Belmont Survey coloured blue on plan. District, City of Porirua, Wellington R.D., and described as o 0 0.97 Part Section 48A, Takapuwahia Township; follows: coloured sepia on plan. :,t~94 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 44 A. R. P. Being A. R. P. Being o 0 1.21 Part Section 47, Takapuwahia Township; o 0 1.82 Part Sections 41 and 42, Takapuwahia Township; coloured orange on plan. coloured orange on plan. o 0 1.21 Part Section 46, Takapuwahia 'Township; o 0 1.82 Part Sections 41 and 40, Takapuwahia Township; coloured blue on plan. coloured blue on plan. o 0 1.21 Part Section 45, Takapuwahia Township; o 0 1.21 Part Section 39, Takapuwahia Township; coloured sepia on plan. coloured sepia on plan. o 0 1.47 Part Section 44, Takapuwahia Township; o 0 1.21 Part Section 18, Takapuwahia Township; coloured blue on plan. coloured blue on plan. o 0 1.21 Part Section 43, Takapuwahia Township; o 0 1.21 Part Section 16, Takapuwahia Township; coloured sepia on plan. coloured orange on plan. o 0 1.82 Part Sections 41 and 42, Takapuwahia Township; o 0 1.21 Part Section 15, Takapuwahia Township; coloured orange on plan. coloured blue on plan. o 0 1.82 Part Sections 41 and 40, Takapuwahia Township; o 0 1.21 Part Section 11, Takapuwahia Township; coloured blue on plan. coloured sepia on plan. o 0 1.21 Part Section 39, Takapuwahia Township; As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan coloured sepia on plan. marked M.O.W. 21403 (S.O. 25766) deposited in the office of o 0 1.21 Part Section 38, Takapuwahia Township; the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured as coloured orange on plan. above mentioned. o 0 1.21 Part Section 26, Takapuwahia Township; coloured orange on plan. T. J. SHERRARD, Clerk of the Executive Council. O. 0 1.21 Part Section 25, Takapuwahia Township; (P.W. 51/4518; D.O. 16/550) coloured blue on plan. o 0' 1.21 Part Section 24, Takapuwahia Township; coloured sepia on plan. o 0 1.21 Part Section 23, Takapuwahia Township; coloured orange on plan. Directing the Sale of Land in Block VI, Mewcastle Survey o 0 1.21 Part Section 22, Takapuwahia Township; Dlstrict, Raglan County coloured blue on plan. o 0 1.21 Part Section 21, Takapuwahia Township; BERNARD FERGUSSON, Governor-General coloured sepia on plan. 0.- 0 1.21 Part Section 20, Takapuwahia Township; By His Deputy coloured orange on plan. RICHARD WILD o 0 1.21 Part Section 19, Takapuwahia Township; ORDER IN COUNCIL coloured blue on plan. o 0, 1.21' Part Section 18, Takapuwahia Township; At the Government House at Wellington this 10th day of coloured blue on plan. May 1967 0, 0 1.21 Part Section 17, Takapuwahia Township; Present: coloured sepia on plan. o ,0 1.21 Part Section 16, Takapuwahia Township; HIS EXCELLENCY mE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL coloured orange on plan. PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, His Excellency the o ,0 - 1.21 Part Section 15, Takapuwahia Township; Governor-General, ,acting by and with the advice and ,coloured blue on plan. consent of the Executive Council, hereby directs the sale 0, -0' 1.21 Part Section 14, Takapuwahia Township; of the land described in the Schedule hereto, such land coloured sepia on plan. being no longer required ifor the purpose for which it was o ,0' 1.21 Part Section 13, Takapuwahia Township; acquired. coloured orange on plan. o 0' 1.21 Part Section 12, Takapuwahia Township; SCHEDULE coloured blue on plan. o '0 1.21 Part Section 11, Takapuwahia Township; Soum AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT coloured sepia on plan. ALL those pieces of land situated in. Block VI, Newcastle As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan Survey District, Raglan County, described as follows: marked M.O.W. 21403 (S.O. 25766) deposited in the, office of A. R. P. Being the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured o 0 16.2 Part Allotment 101, Waipa Parish; coloured orange, as above mentioned. edged orange, on plan. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ o 0 14.9 Part Allotment 103, Waipa Parish; coloured blue, General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this edged blue, on plan. 23rd day of June 1967. o 2 9.4 Pal1t Allotment 102, Waipa Parish; coloured sepia, [L.S.] PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. edged sepia, on plan. o 0 16.2/ Parts Allotment 100, Waipa Parish; coloured sepia, GOD SAVE mE QUEEN! o 0 0.2f edged sepia, ,on plan. (P.W. 51/4518; D.O. 16/550) As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan marked M.O.W.
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