$1.25 For the promotion of NEW TESTAMENT CHRISTIANITY We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Publication Assistance Program towards our mailing costs. Vol. 69, No. 10 BEAMSVILLE, ONTARIO October 2004 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualiti – his ernal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from at has been made, so that men are without excuse. Romans 1: 20 Forty years ago a small band of Christians began meeting for worship in their homes in Kelowna, BC. Over the years the Lord has blessed this congregation and they are planning a special day of celebration on November 7, 2004. (See page 8 for details.) Body Building 2 – Designer Genes Peter Morphy aul made it clear that we are messaging, paging, internet capabilities to complete them. Some like planning saved by the grace of God. There and taking and sending photographs. and process, others are hands on and Pis nothing that we can do to earn, They have signed a three-year, full ready to work. All of these varieties merit or repay the price that was paid service plan, with thousands of minutes of people are good. In fact, each per- for our salvation (Ephesians 2:8). It is and all the calling features. However, sonality type is necessary in the body a free gift from God. However, the Lord after talking with them about their of Christ. If we were all talkers, there has something great in mind for us to new cell phone, they tell us that they would be no one to listen. If we all were do. He is the Creator of all and He has only purchased it to tell the time. Yes, planners, there would be no one to do designed and formed us uniquely and most basic cell phones have an accu- the physical work. Paul illustrates the individually for a very special purpose rate clock, but that is not the primary necessity of each part in the body in 1 (see 2:10). It gives a whole new mean- purpose of the cell phone - it is only Corinthians 12:12-31. ing to the concept of “designer genes.” an accessory. God has given us a pur- In Romans 12:6-8, Paul lists seven When we fail to realize our purpose or pose in life, but many times our life is different types of gifts: prophesy, serv- refuse to live by His design we will be focused only on the options. Since we ing, teaching, encouraging, giving, lead- empty and frustrated. are not living up to our potential, plan ing and showing mercy. Peter divided King Solomon experienced great spiritual gifts into two major categories. despair and worthlessness when he Are we fulfilling the “If anyone SPEAKS, he should do it as searched for meaning of life apart from purpose for which we one speaking the very words of God. If His Maker. While his pursuit for fulfill- anyone SERVES, he should do it with the have been called? ment was sought through his great wis- strength God provides…” (1 Peter 4:10) dom and unlimited riches, his life was Speaking gifts would include prophecy, meaningless and empty. His conclusion or purpose our life is merely wasted on teaching, encouraging. Service gifted was that a fulfilled life was found only the accessories. people would be those who serve, give, when we connect to the Lord and live While we are all created in the lead and show mercy. according to His purpose and plan, not image of God, we all have a unique Identifying whether you are comfort- our own. Solomon wrote his memoirs design and function that is needed able talking or speaking up in large or for us to read (the book of Ecclesiastes), in the body of Christ. Just as we are small groups or with individuals may that through them we would not have not identical physically, neither do help determine where your gift is. to make the same mistake. we think or act the same. Some are Another question to ask is, “Do I like We must understand what our pri- extraverts while others are introverts. working with people or do I prefer to mary purpose is. In recent years, Rick Some people talk a lot, others are quiet. work quietly on my own?” A couple of Warren has challenged us to think about Some prefer crowds, other are loners. years ago we developed a simple profile our purpose as a church and individu- Some like starting projects, others like to get people thinking about their area ally as disciples of Christ. It is easy to of gifts. be distracted from our primary goal and function. Since there is a spiritual war Preacher/Evangelist • Do you prefer to work with people raging around us (Ephesians 6:10ff), we Wanted or on a project? must not be distracted by worldly liv- • Would you rather use your mind Well established, self supporting ing. Paul challenged Timothy, “Endure or work with your hands? hardship with me like a good soldier congregation of 80 – 100 people requires evangelist dedicated to sound gospel of Christ Jesus. No one serving as a • Are you more of a talker or a preaching and teaching and able to relate to listener? soldier gets involved in civilian affairs all age groups. Starting time is negotiable. – he wants to please his commanding Elders & deacons serve. • Do you prefer teaching or officer.” (2 Timothy 2:3-4) So often we Carman is a rural community of approx. learning? get distracted and diverted in the “civil- 2,800 with excellent health & education • Do you enjoy being alone or with ian affairs” of life instead of remaining facilities (K-12) situated about others? focused on and fighting in the spiritual 1 hour from Winnipeg. battle. Please forward resume (tape of recent, • Do you consider yourself a leader typical sermons would be helpful) Are we fulfilling the purpose for or a follower? which we have been called? Imagine Mark: Attention of elders • Would you rather develop new someone purchasing the latest cellular Carman church of Christ ideas or follow instructions? telephone with digital technology, text Box 955, Carman, MB. R0G 0J0 continued on page 13 Page 2 Gospel Herald Leadership (#4): The Gender Issue Thayer Salisbury t is impossible to address the issue that a distinction is to be made. The not for the men (cf. Judges 4:4-9). If we of leadership today without saying apostle expects men to take the leading paid better attention to the epilogue of Isomething about the gender issue. role and women to fulfil a submissive the book, we would never think of the Past generations may have been satis- role. Of course there are certain aspects time of the Judges as an ideal era that fied to accept the idea of male leader- that are not fully clarified, but that does ought to be imitated (Jug 17:6; 18:1; ship in the church and the home, but not change the general tenor of the 19:1; 21:25). Priscilla’s role in Acts is today’s generation demands reasons. teaching. not clearly defined, and judging by the We have no objection to sincere First Corinthians 14:34 seems to fact that she and Paul seem to have questions, even when they are ques- indicate that there are times when a worked well together, we have no rea- tions we would never have asked. It is woman must be “silent.” First Timothy son to suppose that her actions were good that we re-examine the scripture’s 2:11 uses a different word, a word not in keeping with the role assigned teaching on this point. sometimes translated “silent” but to women in the epistles of Paul. As in the other instalments in this more accurately translated “quiet.” An First Corinthians 11 indicates that series, there will be no attempt to examination of Paul’s use of this word one way gender roles are indicated is reconcile the teaching of scripture in 1 Thessalonians 4:11 would lead us in the matter of dress. In particular, with modern leadership theories. The to believe that it leaves room for a fair women are to cover their heads, men church is in the midst of a leadership are to keep their heads uncovered in crisis precisely because it has taken too It is good that we re-examine worship. I can accept the idea that this is much advice from the world. The world the scripture’s teaching on a cultural expression of the principle of was never supposed to be our model for male leadership and female submission. this point. leadership (Matthew 10:25f). A world The covering or uncovering of the head that cannot solve its own leadership no longer expresses anything regarding problems is certainly not a fit model amount of talking, provided that the leadership in Western societies. Women for Christian leadership. attitude is right. who attend worship bareheaded are Some have claimed that the example not necessarily trying to take over. The teaching of scripture of Deborah in the Old Testament book Women who cover their heads are not Nor is there any attempt in this of Judges, or of Priscilla in the Book of thereby proven to be submissive. I do article to defend the fact that the Bible Acts, somehow sets aside the teaching know a few sisters who still keep to the commands male leadership. The com- given in 1 Corinthian and 1 Timothy.
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