SALFORD CITY COUNCIL 11th June, 2014 Meeting commenced: 9.30 a.m. “ ended: 11.40 a.m. PRESENT: Councillor Alan Clague (Ceremonial Mayor) - in the Chair Mr Ian Stewart - City Mayor Councillors Derek Antrobus, Howard Balkind Neil Blower, Adrian Brocklehurst, Eric Burgoyne, Val Burgoyne, Andy Cheetham, Christopher Clarkson, Stephen Coen, Jillian Collinson, Graham Compton, Peter Connor, Richard Critchley, Jim Dawson, Paul Dennett, Sareda Dirir, Peter Dobbs, John Ferguson, Karen Garrido, Jane Hamilton, Stephen Hesling, Bill Hinds, Ann-Marie Humphreys, Jimmy Hunt, David Jolley, Roger Jones, Joe Kean, Tracy Kelly, Jim King, David Lancaster, Bernard Lea, Iain Lindley, Charlie McIntyre, Ray Mashiter, Gena Merrett, John Merry, Margaret Morris, Joe Murphy, Stephen Ord, Bernard Pennington, Sue Pugh, Gina Reynolds, John Walsh, John Warmisham, Barry Warner, Michael Wheeler, Peter Wheeler, George Wilson, Paul Wilson and Ronnie Wilson 80. URGENT ITEMS OF WHICH THE CHAIR HAS BEEN NOTIFIED The Chair indicated that he had not been notified of any urgent items. 81. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Paula Boshell, Robin Garrido, John Mullen, Michelle Mullen, Brendan Ryan, Pat Ryan, Lisa Stone and Les Turner. 82. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. 83. MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS The minutes of the meetings held on 19th March and 14th April, 2014, were approved as correct records. 84. RECEIPT OF PETITIONS/COMMUNICATIONS Councillor Sue Pugh submitted a petition on behalf of residents of Swinton Park Road and Delamere Avenue, Irlam o’ th’ Heights, seeking action regarding the lack of any speed control on roads in the area, as well as congestion caused particularly by parents dropping off and collecting children from local schools. R:status\admin\omin\councilm110614 Councillor Adrian Brocklehurst submitted a petition on behalf of local residents objecting to the proposed closure of St. Paul’s Heathside Grove Children’s Centre, Walkden. Councillor Joe Kean submitted a petition on behalf of local residents seeking the retention of the Irlam and Cadishead Surestart Centres. 85. PUBLIC QUESTIONS The following question was received from a member of the public:- Salford Children’s Holiday Camp Karl Davison, on behalf of Nick Abbott, asked:- “I am a member of the Save the Jam Butty Camp Campaign. Our members have e-mailed every ward councillor and the City Mayor for many weeks and await answers to many questions:- 1. We call for an urgent inquiry into the management of the Camp, as the trustees are not meeting their charitable objectives and letting the children of Salford down. 2. Why will the City Mayor not respond to the members of this group, having rallied the community, local businesses, schools and voluntary groups like no other cause in recent years and showing the true Spirit of Salford?” The City Mayor said the Board of Trustees were the sole responsible body for the Children’s Holiday Camp and he accepted that the future of the Salford Children’s Holiday Camp was an emotive issue, which clearly many citizens had an interest in. He was confident that the Board of Trustees, who were responsible for the Camp’s management, were acting appropriately and ensuring the deeds of the charity were being met. The issue had already been referred to the Charity Commission and the City Council would be happy to take part in any investigations they may undertake, or subsequent inquiry. He concluded by saying that he was impressed by the community campaign which had been mounted by supporters of the Camp and suggested that they and all other interested parties, along with the Board of Trustees, needed to come together to bring about a hopefully mutually acceptable conclusion. He concluded by again advising the campaign supporters to transfer all money raised in relation to the Children’s Holiday Camp to the Board of Trustees who were the legally responsible body. Karl Davison responded by saying that, although what the City Mayor had said was acknowledged and members of the campaign had met with the Board of Trustees, it was felt their concerns, particularly their objections to the closure of the Camp, had not been fully recognised. In addition they had misgivings about the accuracy of attendance figures at the Camp, which had been provided by the Board. The City Mayor reiterated that rather than the City Council, these were all issues which were the responsibility of the Board of Trustees and encouraged the Save the Jam Butty Camp Campaign to engage with them. R:status\admin\omin\councilm110614 Mental Health Services in Salford A member of the public sought to ask a question in relation the provision of mental health services in Salford. The Monitoring Officer indicated that the question had not been received 12 days in advance of the meeting, as was required by the City Council’s Constitution and therefore could not be asked today, but it would be considered for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting. 86. URGENT KEY DECISIONS The City Mayor submitted a report detailing key decisions which had been taken in the period up to May, 2014, in accordance with the urgency provisions contained within the City Council’s Constitution. RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted. 87. EUROPEAN AND LOCAL ELECTIONS RESULTS 2014 The Returning Officer submitted a report detailing the results of both the European and Local Elections, which had been held on Thursday, 22nd May, 2014. RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted. 88. MEMBERSHIP OF COMMITTEES AND PANELS AND THE APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRS AND DEPUTY CHAIRS FOR THE MUNICIPAL YEAR 2014/15 INCLUDING THE COUNCIL AGENDA SETTING GROUP The City Mayor submitted a report containing details of the membership of committees for the Municipal Year 2014/15. It was reported that Councillor Graham Compton and Councillor Karen Garrido would take up the two opposition group places on the Equal Opportunities Forum. RESOLVED: THAT the membership of the committees and panels and the appointments of chairs and deputy chairs, as detailed in the report and subject to the amendments highlighted above, be noted. 89. APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVES TO OUTSIDE BODIES. The City Mayor submitted a report containing details of appointments to outside bodies and of nominations and appointments to the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA)/Association of Greater Manchester Authorities (AGMA). RESOLVED: (1) THAT the GMCA/AGMA appointments and nominations of the City Council, as detailed on pages 3 to 6 of the report now submitted, be approved. (2) THAT the GMCA/AGMA nominations and appointments of the City Mayor and detailed on pages 7 to 10 of the report now submitted, be noted. R:status\admin\omin\councilm110614 (3) THAT appointments made by GMCA/AGMA, as detailed on page 11 of the report now submitted, with the exception of that to the North West Regional Flood and Coastal Committee, which not be taken up, be noted. (4) THAT the non GMCA and non AGMA nominations and appointments of the City Council as detailed on pages 12 to 14 of the report now submitted, be approved. 90. SALFORD COMMUNITY SAFETY STRATEGY The Deputy City Mayor submitted a report summarising the development of the Salford Community Safety Strategy and how progress on its delivery would be reported. RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted and the Salford Community Safety Strategy, be endorsed. 91. COUNCIL CONSTITUTION (Previous Minute 68 - 19th March, 2014) The Deputy Monitoring Officer submitted a report detailing amendments to the following sections of the City Council’s Constitution:- Part 3 Responsibility for Council Functions Section C - Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel Part 3 Responsibility for Council Functions Section F - Scheme of Delegation of the Council’s Non Executive Functions to Chief Officers and List of Salford City Council’s Statutory and Proper Officers Part 6 Section B - Planning Protocol for Members and Officers Councillor Iain Lindley referred to the sections relating to the procedures for the referral of planning applications to the Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel by elected members (Part 3 Section C Paragraph 1(ii)(d)) and the taking of decisions on planning matters, which were contrary to officer recommendations (Part 6 Section B Paragraph 13). He said it was felt these both reduced the influence backbench members had and as a result the Conservative Opposition Group could not give their support to these particular sections of the proposed Constitution. Councillor Derek Antrobus, Assistant Mayor for Strategic Planning, replied that the procedures now submitted did not represent any restriction on the influence of elected members and merely clarified existing practices, with regard to the referral of applications to the Panel for determination. Similarly the requirement for decisions contrary to officer recommendation, to be clear and convincing, was in compliance with existing planning legislation and would guard the City Council from being open to legal challenge. Councillor Ray Mashiter, Chair of the Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel, commented that he felt the procedures would ensure transparency and allow for a robust decision making process when the Panel was determining planning applications. R:status\admin\omin\councilm110614 RESOLVED: (1) THAT, subject to (2) below the City Council’s Constitution be readopted as amended by (a) the revisions now submitted to Sections C (ii)(d) and F of Part 3 Responsibility for Council Functions, (b) the inclusion of Part 6 Section B - Planning Protocol for Members and Officers and (c) all references to the Council’s “Chief Executive” being replaced with “Council Director”. (2) THAT, in relation to Part 3 Responsibility for Council Functions, the discharge of executive functions and responsibility for their delegation rests with the City Mayor, be noted. 92. SENIOR MANAGER REMUNERATION The Assistant Director (Human Resources) submitted a report seeking approval, in accordance with Section 40 of the Localism Act 2011 and the City Council’s Constitution, to two new appointments whose remuneration was to be greater than £100,000.
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