DREXEL TRIANGLE Volume V—No. 12 FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1930 Single Copies, Five Cents PROFESSOR BILLINGS WOMEN’S A. A. TO SPEND DRAGON NINE HONORED AT WASHINGTON SPRING FESTIVAL DEPARTMISPLAN WEEK-END AT LODGE PROF. COMPTON NOSES OUT ST. JOE Wliik' attending the oOth anniver­ TO BE NORDIC FO RM A Y FEIE The annual Women’s Athletic As­ sary of the founding of the A. S. sociation dinner will be held May DELIVERS LECTURE M. I']., Professor Billings, head of 2.3 at six o’clock at the Drexel Win Exciting Ten-Inning Battle the Mcclianicnl Kngincering dci>art- Unknown May Queen To Lodge. At this tin>e there will also nient of Drexol, was given a dinner Mechanicals and Bus. Ads. he movies, speakers, and the giving TOPHYSICSSOCIErY From Ancient Foe in his honor. The dinner was given Be Crowned by Anne To Have Exhibits of awards. The two boards and 1) liv the Drexel Ahunni of Washing­ girls will remain at the lodge for Williams the night. *‘Whtt Things are Made of” ROBINSON STARS ton, I). C. Graduates were present from the class of 1898 to the class The Mechanical Kngineering De­ Invitations to the dinner are being SubJect of Interesting of 1928. Sixteen were present in PROGRAM BY DR. HALL partment of the Institute is planning sent to all girls having 25 points A thrilling two-run rally in the all. Professor Billings told them of a large exhibit for the May Fete. or to all active members of the Address tenth inning engineered by the the progress which Drexel is making Professor Billings, head of the de­ association. Invitations will also be Dragon team climaxed a game that and also some of the events which Plans for Drexel’s annual May partment, is directing the exhibit. sent to the presidents of the Athle­ was complete with thrills, have Just taken place. He said that Day are rapidly being whipped in­ He has as aides Mr. H. W. Johnson, tic Associations of Rosemont, Ur- DR. SHRAEDER PRESIDES to shape under the careful guidance sinus, Bryn Mawr, Hwarthmore, Drexel twice came from behind to they expressed great interest in the chairman of the Student Branch of progress of Drexel and are real en­ of Dr. Hall, the Physical Education, the A. 8. M. E., and Mr. Walter Temple and the University of Penn­ win the initial home game from a and the Home Economics Depart­ sylvania. All girls receiving invita­ About 900 people attended a lec­ formidable St. Joseph aggregation. thusiastic Drexelites. He said that Roberts. These men form the nu­ ture given by Professor Arthur two of our graduates are employed ment. tions are urged to attend this din­ Incident-ally the win brought to a cleus of a large group of mechanical ner to make it a success. Compton of the University of Chi­ close a' three-game losing streak. in the Bureau of Standards and The feature of most importance engineers who will help with the Margie Gilson has been elected cago in the auditorium of Drexel The Dragons put over the tying many others have important posi­ to the student body as a whole prob­ exhibit. Many of the students will Institute, on the evening of April tions. ably is the crowning of the May be in charge of the different ma­ captain for the 1930 Basketball sea­ and winning markers in the tenth son. She and Hilda Miller were the 14. The lecture followed a regular frame after Hawks had taken a one- Queen by Anne Williams, the queen chines which are to be operated and meeting of the Physics Society of of last year. Anne is a girl whom demonstrated. The exhibits of this two candidates for the position. run lead. Margie was formerly a student at Philadelphia at which Dr. Shraeder we all know and appreciate, so it is department as listed, are: presided. Capt. Ralph Robinson opened the with great pleasure that all see this West Catholic High School where final inning with an infield out but HOMEECDEPT.TO 1. Oxy acytelen welding and cut­ she was captain during her senior Professor Compton chose as his honor of crowning our new Queen ting pipe. “Lanky Tom” Calhoun brought the go to her. year. subject “What Things Are Made Of.” Dragon to life when he singled over 2. Various heat treating furnaces He said that the universe is com­ third. Kershner followed with a HOLD CONFERENCE Miss Williams’ winning smile and in operation. posed of three kinds of particles; pass, and the home team had men pleasing manner have won her other 3. H])ecial exhibits on what can be electrons, which are negatively on first and second with but one honors at Drexel. She will be re­ done with air jets. charged; and protons, which are away. The rally seemed to have lost Prominent Leaders to Give membered also as Proserpina of last 4. Gas and oil engines operating TOM DALY SPEAKS neutral. These particles combine to momentum when Redmond forced year’s program, which gave the story on dynamometers. form many hundreds of different Kerschner, but Thomas hit a sc-orch- Series of Lectures of the spring season as seen by the 5. Fifty K.W. steam turbo-genera- kinds of atoms, which in tui'n form ing drive to first that was too hot ancient southerners of Europe. tor in operation with steam Jet AT ASSEMBLY nmny millions of different kinds of condenser. to handle, Calhoun and Redmond Plans are being completed for the This year’s program will present molecules. crossed on the play, winning the series of departmental exhibits, one the Nordic spring festival as inter­ 6. Pelton water wheel operating in "Potb Wild and Tune" After explaining that it is only ball game. preted and written by Dr. Hall. a glass case to show action of through the effects they produce that of the features of the annual Spring The characters who will render Jets in buckets. Captain Robinson led on the at­ Festival. ProTcs Interestinf even the largest of these particles tack with four solid hits, one a this program will appear as the 7. Pumping water with hydraulic and groups may be observed. Dr. The most ambitious undertaking Nordic gods: Harper E. Adams as ram. double. Tyska had two, while the this year is the Household Admini­ (’ompton showed moving pictures of remaining six belts were scattered the Sun; Margaret Wood as the 8. Experiments with weirs and BROUGHT BY TRIANGLE phenomena which proved the exist­ stration Conference under the direc­ Moon; Morris E. Neeley as Tiw; water jets. through the batting order. tion of the Home Economics faculty. ence of each of them. Brownian David H. Dawson as Woden; Lewis 9. Operation of dynamic balancing movement and existence of mole­ “Bill” Mamie started the game This will be held May 2 and 3 in M. Spitznagel as Thor; Mary Bassett machine. The student body was entertained and mowed down the Hawks with the college auditorium. Members of at the Wednesday assembly April cules and C. T. R. Wilson’s cloud as Frigga; and G. Lewis Oddy as 10. Various hardness testing ma­ apparatus showed the existence of consistency for seven innings, guard­ women’s clubs in Philadelphia and Saturn. Charles K. Settle will be chines. 23rd by Mr. Tom Daly, the well ing a one run lead. In the eighth vicinity have been extended invita­ known poet and columnist, who was ironized atoms. By collecting a suf- 11. Metalloscope eJchibita. ficent number of alpha particles it inning St. Joe found “Big William” tions. (Continued on Page 4) 12. Precision nieasurine with light sponsored as the guest of the Drexel for two runs and another was scored TRIANGLE. can he shown that helium is com­ Men and women, nationally promi­ waves. posed of them. An alpha particle off “Red” Hansbury in the same nent in their respective fields, will Mr, Daly, who attended both Villa- frame. “Hans” pitched to the tenth, nova College and Fordham Univer­ on striking the neucleus of an atom address the guests of Drexel on the TENNIS MEN LOSE OPENER Business School will throw off hydrogen particles when he was taken out for a pinch two days of the conference. The sity, spoke around the subject of hitter. Roger Kean finished and , The exhibition offered by the which have a positive charge. Other first session will open at ten o’clock, TO HAVERFORD STARS P^-Hool of Business Administration “Poets, Wild and Tame.” He proved gases then are apparently made up received credit for the win. Friday, May 2, with Miss Grace God­ himself to be a poet of unquestion­ in this year’s May Festival will be able quality while tame, and ex­ of helium and hydrogen. Photo­ Drexel drew first blood in the sec- frey, Director of the School of graphs of the paths of alpha parti­ ong inning. Kerschner stabbed a Home Economics, as chairman. Long and Kingdon Make Only (Continued on Page 3) plained that he reserved most of his cles were shown. single to right, advanced to second The general topic at this session wild moments for attacks against the on Redmond’s . sacrifice and later Win in Doubles advocates of Free Verse, which he Dr. Compton introduced his audi­ will be “Personnel Management ence to the proton and explained the scored on a beautiful squeeze play. Problems.” Mrs. Wayne Babcock, described as a “medium in which a NET TEAM BREAKS EVEN theme unworthy of pure prose is de­ inter-relation between the wave The Dragons added another mark­ the presiding officer, is a member of The tennis team opened its season theory and the quantum theory er in the fourth.
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