DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT PANEL 17 DECEMBER 2012 Case No: 1201408FUL (FULL PLANNING APPLICATION) Proposal: INSTALLATION OF A MICRO GENERATION 10KW WIND TURBINE ON A 15M TOWER Location: MILL HOUSE LEIGHTON ROAD Applicant: MR AND MRS C PARK Grid Ref: 510077 276210 Date of Registration: 24.09.2012 Parish: OLD WESTON RECOMMENDATION - APPROVAL 1. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND APPLICATION 1.1 The application site relates to a field to the rear of Mill House, a two storey detached property which is located outside of the built-up framework of the village, on the road between Old Weston and Leighton Bromswold. The field is surrounded by hedgerows and trees, adjacent the site is open, larger fields; there are Public Rights of Way (PROW) in the locality. It is understood that historically there was a windmill within the grounds of Mill House. 1.2 The application seeks the erection of an Evoco 10KW (@ 11m/s) wind turbine which is to be mounted on a 15m high tower. It would have three blades with a diameter of 9.7m and subsequent swept area of 74 square metres. The supporting Design and Access Statement advises that no ancillary structures or buildings are required to house electrical equipment as these will be within the applicant’s existing buildings. 1.3 The location of the proposed turbine has been amended at Officer request; the original location was shown in the corner of the field but the siting now under consideration is approx. 50m from the northern, eastern and southern boundaries of the field. 1.4 The application is supported by an Acoustic Report (not site specific), Design and Access Statement, product specification sheet for Evoco 10KW turbine and a research article entitled ‘Foraging bats avoid noise’. 2. NATIONAL GUIDANCE 2.1 The National Planning Policy Framework (2012) sets out the three dimensions to sustainable development – an economic role, a social role and an environmental role – and outlines the presumption in favour of sustainable development. Under the heading of Delivering Sustainable Development, the Framework sets out the Government’s planning policies for: building a strong, competitive economy; ensuring the vitality of town centres; supporting a prosperous rural economy; promoting sustainable transport; supporting high quality communications infrastructure; delivering a wide choice of high quality homes; requiring good design; promoting healthy communities; protecting Green Belt land; meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change; conserving and enhancing the natural environment; conserving and enhancing the historic environment; and facilitating the sustainable use of minerals. 2.2 Planning For Renewable Energy - A Companion Guide to PPS22 discusses the planning and development of renewable energy schemes across England; whilst The National Planning Policy Framework (2012) has superseded previous Planning Policy Statements and Planning Policy Guidance documents produced at a national level, on 17 May 2012 in answer to a Parliamentary Question, the Minister Greg Clark confirmed that all current underpinning guidance remains in place, including companion guides. For full details visit the government website http://www.communities.gov.uk and follow the links to planning, Building and Environment, Planning, Planning Policy. 3. PLANNING POLICIES Further information on the role of planning policies in deciding planning applications can also be found at the following website: http://www.communities.gov.uk then follow links Planning, Building and Environment, Planning, Planning Information and Guidance, Planning Guidance and Advice and then Creating and Better Place to Live 3.1 East of England Plan - Revision to the Regional Spatial Strategy (May 2008) Policies viewable at http://www.go-east.gov.uk then follow links to Planning, Regional Planning then Related Documents SS1: “Achieving Sustainable Development” – the strategy seeks to bring about sustainable development by applying: the guiding principles of the UK Sustainable Development Strategy 2005 and the elements contributing to the creation of sustainable communities described in Sustainable Communities: Homes for All. ENV6: “The Historic Environment” - Within plans, policies, programmes and proposals local planning authorities and other agencies should identify, protect, conserve and, where appropriate, enhance the historic environment of the region including Conservation Areas and Listed Buildings. ENV7: “Quality in the Built Environment” - requires new development to be of high quality which complements the distinctive character and best qualities of the local area and promotes urban renaissance and regeneration. ENG2: “Renewable Energy Target” – the development of new facilities for renewable power generation should be supported. 3.2 Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Structure Plan (2003) Saved policies from the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Structure Plan 2003 are relevant and viewable at http://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk follow the links to environment, planning, planning policy and Structure Plan 2003. No relevant policies. 3.3 Huntingdonshire Local Plan (1995) Saved policies from the Huntingdonshire Local Plan 1995 are relevant and viewable at www.huntingdonshire.gov.uk/localplan95 En2:“Character and setting of Listed Buildings” - indicates that any development involving or affecting a building of architectural or historic merit will need to have proper regard to the scale, form, design and setting of that building En17: "Development in the Countryside" - development in the countryside is restricted to that which is essential to the effective operation of local agriculture, horticulture, forestry, permitted mineral extraction, outdoor recreation or public utility services. En18: “Protection of countryside features” – Offers protection for important site features including trees, woodlands, hedges and meadowland. En22 “Conservation” where relevant, the determination of applications will take appropriate consideration of nature and wildlife conservation. En23: “Conservation” – development which has a significant adverse effect on the interests of wildlife in an area will not normally be permitted. En25: “General Design Criteria” – indicates that the District Council will expect new development to respect the scale, form, materials and design of established buildings in the locality and make provision for landscaping and amenity areas. 3.4 Huntingdonshire Local Plan Alterations (2002) Saved policies from the Huntingdon Local Plan Alterations 2002 are relevant and viewable at www.huntingdonshire.gov.uk/localplan - Then click on "Local Plan Alteration (2002) No relevant policies. 3.5 Policies from the Adopted Huntingdonshire Local Development Framework Core Strategy 2009 are relevant and viewable at http://www.huntsdc.gov.uk click on Environment and Planning then click on Planning then click on Planning Policy and then click on Core Strategy where there is a link to the Adopted Core Strategy. CS1: “Sustainable development in Huntingdonshire” – all developments will contribute to the pursuit of sustainable development, having regard to social, environmental and economic issues. All aspects will be considered including design, implementation and function of development. 3.6 Policies from the Development Management DPD: Proposed Submission 2010 are relevant. The Local Planning Authority’s Development Management Development Plan Document: Proposed Submission 2010 (DMDPD) was reported to Cabinet and approved for submission on the 11th February 2010. It was published on 26th March 2010. This was preceded by three separate public consultation exercises: the details of which can be viewed in The Statement of Consultation for the DMDPD on the Council’s website www.huntingdonshire.gov.uk. The document was not submitted in view of the uncertainty regarding the Government’s intentions in respect of the East of England Plan and the publication of the National Planning Policy Framework. It is therefore considered that its policies should be accorded significant weight. C3: “Renewable and Low Carbon Energy” – proposals for free standing renewable or low-energy generating schemes will be considered in accordance with PPS22 and considered favourably where: careful siting and design ensures the scheme does not have an unacceptable impact on the environment and local amenity; where located outside the built-up area has regard to the capacity of the surrounding landscape and provision is made for the removal of redundant apparatus and re-instatement of the site to an acceptable condition should the site become redundant. E1: “Development Context” – development proposals shall demonstrate consideration of the character and appearance of the surrounding environment and the potential impact of the proposal. E3: “Heritage Assets” – proposals which affect the District’s heritage assets or their setting should demonstrate how these assets will be protected, conserved and where appropriate enhanced. E4: “Biodiversity and Protected Habitats and Species” – proposals shall be accompanied by assessments of the likely impacts on biodiversity and geology including protected species, priority species and habitats or sites of importance for biodiversity or geology. Development proposals should not harm or cause adverse impact on statutorily designated areas and non-statutory designated areas such as County Wildlife Sites. They should prevent harm to protected habitats and species, including direct and indirect impacts. H7: “Amenity” – development proposals
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