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Hardt (Antonio, Jolin, v,an der) pros. Diss.... qua demon- stratur regioncni ophir, quorsum tttlumo classem misit, esso Phrygiam ... quam ... defendet ... resp. G. F. Helm- kampfl. 4' Helmstadii, (1746.) W. 740/8. HARDT (DIETRICH) . --- N-hydroxyalkyl-substituierte Butansultame (1-4), N- diathylan;inoaEgI - subs tituierte Sultarne and einige Derivate. [Th. ] Bonn, 1954. Chern. Lib. HARDT (ERNS T) . --- Gudrun; ein Trauerspiel in fUnf Akten. 4te Aufl. 10. -21. Tausend. Leipzig, 1921.;; g 3 i 9 ^ 1^lavti. --- Schirin and Gertraude. Ein Sc::erzspiel. x3291 f-lave. Leipzig, 1913. : ;'. ;^;. gib. --- Tantris der Narr. Drama in 5 Aiiten. 42. -48. Tausend. -Y3241 f716V^ Leipzig, 1020. CSn 7.ib. Hardt (Hermann von der). In Origines Hebraicas cl. viri A. Schultens, e1r. 17' Helmstadii. 1724. (, P. 496/6. — Syriaca' lingua; clementa. Ed. 3`. 8- Helmstadii, 1718.: P. 496/1. — ed. ,See BIBLE. HOSEA. H F- BRI' W. 11uSCas. 17-15. — ed. See CONSTANCE (Council of). Magnum oectuneni- cum Com_Stantiense Concibum, efc. Hardt (Joannes Gottlieb) pnea. Do curpusculis indit-iduis ... disputabit autor-resp. C. I N . Fischer. 4 Lipsise, (1696.);_P. 1144/14. — praa.,. physicum quoad sonum in campao.t vulgo creditum ex(Licatum, quod ... sistit autor -n•.spu ideas M. F. Frietzsch. 4 Lipsiw, (1689.) i 11. 1144/16. Hardtman (Benjaminus). Diss. inaug. do aure hut,iaua. 8' Editt., 1807. Att. 8 2. 7. 7/17. -- Another copy. Att. 82. 7. 8/17. Hardtsehmidt tJohann \icolaus). See H&RTSCHMtntos. HARDUIJN (JUSTUS DE) . --- See DAIMBRE (0.). De dichter J. de Harduija. A,nT) nNS HARDT (HANNO). --- Social theories of the press; early German & American perspectives. Foreword by J.W. Carey. [People and Communication.] Beverly Hills [1979.] .0701(43:73) Har. HARDT (JOHN PEARCE). -- ed. Soviet economy in the 1980 t s; problems and prospects ... See UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. CONGRESS. JOINT ECONOMIC COMMITTEE. --- See TREML (VLADIMIR G.) and H. (J.P.). --- HOFFENBERG (MARVIN), etc. --- eds. Mathematics and computers in Soviet economic planning. Eds. and coordinators: J.P.H., M.H., N. Kaplan [and] H.S. Levine. [Yale Russ. and East Europ. Stud. 5.1 New Haven, 1967. .51078:.3389 Har. HARDT (MANIRED). --- Flauberts Spatwerk; Untersuchungen zu "Bouvard et Pechuchet." [Analecta Roman. Hft. 27.1 Frankfurt am Main [1970.] P .84384 Har. HARDUINUS (JOANNES) . J. H.... opera varia, etc. pia. 2' Amstelodami, 1733. *O. 15. 4. - J. H.... chronologia Veteris Testamenti ad Vulgatam Versionem exacta, et nummis antiquis illustrate 4' Parisiis, 1700. • D. 21. 45. - ed. Coneiliurun[ eolleeti o, regia nuuxinta (ab anno Ch risti xxx[v ad annum ntnccxiv), all 1'. 1'. Lahbei S P. G. Cossartit ... htbores haul rnodira aceessione facta, k emendationihuua phrrimis additie, pra•- sertim ex codicibus manuscriptiv, ruin novis ... undicihu.. 1 L torn. (in 12). 2 Parisiis, 1,15, 1 4 -15. Z. 1. 4-H). - Expositio de duohuts nummis Sama ri tanis ... nocnon epistola de nummis Samaritans. [Ugol. Thes. Ant. Vol. 28.] In A. 1. 28. - J. H.... prolusio de nummis Herodiadu[n. [Ugol. Thes. Ant. Vol. 24.1 In A. 1. 24. --- [Letter.] See QUENTIN (1-1.). Jean-Dominique Mansi et les ,rr ranc:es collections conciliaires; 6tuae ... suivie ... c e lettres c e Pier, e Moritz, H., ^:tc . O PORTUGUEZ. Hardung ( Victor Eugenio) ed. See ROMANCEIR Hardwich (Thomas Frederick). A manual of photographic "/s ^^^ chemistry, including the practice of the collodionom pro ^g , 8' Lond., 185:i. - 5th ed. 8' Lond., 1859. 77^f -- 8th ed. A manual of photography, founded on }{,' H^1 Photographic chemistry. By G. Dawson. Ill. 8' Lond., 1873. Yx. 10. 7. -- 9th ed. Ed. by J. T. Taylor. 8' Lond., 1883. 1. 9P.i1. ' Y-115 HARDWICK (A. ARKELL-). See ARKELL-HARDWICK (A.) Hardwick (Benjamin). The lock-out. Considerations on the recent struggle between capital and labour in the north. 8 Lend., 1865. QP. 511/5. - .4 nother copy. gP.657/4. Hardwick (Charles). Christ and of her Masters : an histo rical inquiry into some of the chief parallelisms and contrasts between Christianity and the religious systems of the aneiont world, etc. 4 pts. (in 1). 8' Cambridge, 1855-59. Y. 19. 50. -- A history of the Articles of religion. To which is added a series of documents from ... 1536 to ... 1615, etc. 8' Cambridge, 1851. X. 22. 6. - 3rd ed., rev. by F. Procter. [Bohn'8 Eccles. and Theol. Lib.] 8' Lond., 1876. B* 15/ 1 . 36. - A history of the Christian Church during the Reforma- tion. 2nd ed. rev. by F. Procter. 8' Cambridge, 1865. Za. 9. 6. - A history of the Christian Church. diddle Age. Maps. 8' Cambridge, 1853. X. 24. 26. - ed. A poem on the times of Edward u., from a 31S.. in the library of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. [Percy Sec. 28.] 8' Lond., 1849. RM. 7. - Twenty sermons for town congregations. 8' Cambridge, 1853. X. 24. 50. -- ed and tr. See fELFRtc, Orammatiew. An Anpin-Saxon passion of St. George. ADDITIONS HARDWTCK (CHARLES). --- A history of the articles of religion. To which is added a series of documents from A.D. 1536-A.D. 1615, together with illustrations from contemporary sources. New ed., thoroughly rev. Cambridge, 1859. New Coll. Lib. --- A history of the Christian church during the Reformation. 3rd ed. Repr. Lond., 1894. New Coll. Lib. --- A history of the Christian church. Middle Age. With four maps constructed for this work by A. K. Johnston. Ed. by W. Stubbs. 3rd ed. repr. Lond., 1894. New Coll. Lib. HARDWICK (DAVID F.). --- The Corn Earworm complex. [Mem. of the Entomol. Soc. of Canada, No. 40, 1965.1 [Ottawa, 1965.] Entomol. Lib. --- Taxonomy, life history and habits of the elliptoid-eyed species of Schinia (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) with notes on the Heliothidinae. [Canadian Entomologist, Suppl. 6.] [Ottawa] 1958. Entomol. Lib. HARDWICK (DOUGLAS A.). --- McINTYRE (CURTIS W.) and PICK (HERBERT L.). --- The content and manipulation of cognitive maps in children and adults. [Mon. of the Soc. for Res. in Child Devel. Ser. No. 166, Vol. 41, No. 3.1 Chicago, 1976. .152752 Har HARDWICK (ELIZABETH). --- Seduction and betrayal; women and literature. Lond., 1974. •80993 Har. HARDWICK (FRANCIS WILLIAM). --- and O t SHEA (LUCIUS TRANT.P). --- Notes on the history of the safety-lamp ... [Trans. of the Inst. Min. Engin. Vol. 51.1 Lond., 1916. .6224709 Har. HARDWICK (JAMES LESLIE). --- joint-ed. Advances in fluorine research and dental caries prevention. See EUROPEAN ORGANIZATION FOR RESEARCH ON FLUORINE AND DENTAL CARIES PREVENTION. Dentistry Lib. HARDWICK (JOHN MICHAEL DRINKOW). --- The Osprey guide to Gilbert and Sullivan. Reading, 1972. Reid Music Lib. [Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS EARDWICK (ELIZABETH). --- Sleepless nights. Lond., 1979• •8135 Har. HARDWICK (JOHN MICHAEL DRINKOW) [continued]. --- and HARDWICK (MOLLIE). --- The Charles Dickens companion. Lond. [1965.] Ref. .8238303 Har. --- Another copy. English Lib. HARDWICK (MICHAEL). See HARDWICK (JOHN MICHAEL DRINKOW). HARDWICK (MOLLIE). --- See HARDWICK (JOHN MICHAEL DRINKOW) and H.(M.) HARDWICK (.P.H.) --- The glory of descending love, and other addresses, New Zealand 1947. Kingston-on-Thames [1950.] New Coll. Lib. HARDWICK (PETER J.W.). --- See WILLIS (JOSEPH ROBERT McKENZIE) and H.(P.J.W.) HARDWICK (PHILIP). --- See FAWCETT (JANE) ed. Seven Victorian architects; William Burn, Philip and Philip Charles Hardwick ... HARDWICK (PHILIP CHARLES). --- See FAWCETT (JANE) ed. Seven Victorian architects; William Burn, Philip and P.C.H. ... ADDITIONS HARDWICK (JOHN MICHAEL DRINKOW). --- and HARDWICK (MOLLIE). --- Alfred Deller; a singularity of voice. With a foreword by Sir Michael Tippett. 2nd pr. New York, 1969. Reid Music Lib. HARDWICK (P.A.). --- Aspects of recreation amongst Salisbury's non-African population. [Zambezia Suppl. 1(F78.] Salisbury [1978.] C.A.S. Zim. Har. HARDWICX (VIALTER GEORGE). --- ed. Geographical dialogue; university viewpoints for teachers. With an introd. by G. S. Tomkins. [B. C. Geo r. Ser. No. 3. ] vanco 'lver [loo- 5.1 P . ^? Isar. --- Geography of the forestry industry o_' coastal British Columbia.. [Canadian Assoc. of Geographers. Occas. Papers i:. Geog. No. 5. ] Vancouver [1963. ] Geog. Lib. --- joint-ed. Occasional papers in geography. See CANADIAN ASSOCIATION G_-1 BRITISH COLUIVIDIA DIVISION. Geog. Lib. Hardwicke ( Herbert Junius). Medical education and prac- tice in all parts of the world. 8' Loud., 1580. • F. 10. 2u. [Hardwicke (Philip Yorke, let Earl of ) .] > discourse of the judicial authority belonging to the office of the Master of the Rolls in the High Court of Chancery. Arlon. 8° Loud., 1727. 'l:. 29. 22. - Ori ginal papers, consisting of a Lotter from the ... Earl of H. to a near relation, on the subject of a ministerial nego- tiation in ... 1763. And also a letter from the Honourable C. Yorke to ... Doctor Birch. 8' Lond., 1785. V. 19. 3/3. - The speech of ... Philip Lord Hardwicko, made by him ... upon giving judgment against Simon, Lord Lovat ... on the impeachment of high treason, exhibi tod against Win, by the House of Commons. 2° Lond., 1747. E. 15. 6/5. - Another copy. 9P. 486/30. - The speech of ... Philip, Lord Hardwicke... upon giving judgment against William, Earl of Kilma rn ock, George, Earl of Cromertie, and Arthur, Lord Balmerino ... the first day of August, 1746. 2° Lond., 1746. E. 15. 6/2.. - Another copy. CP. 486/32. - See CooxsaY (R.). Essay on the life and character of ... Philip, Earl of H. Yy. 12. 28. - Life. See HARRIS (G.) Barrister. R. 11. 30.3 2. --- See YuR '_K E (PHILIP CHESNEY). T1-' e life a..0 corresponuence of Philip Yoilce, Earl of Hardwic::e ... Hardwicke (Philip Yorke, 2nd F,arl of) ed. Miscellaneous state papers from 1501 to 1726. 2 vols. ax. 4° Lond., 1778. Xq_4_4Wy ^ E , g, F , q(9fZOSI- 07^ H -- Yorke (lion. Charles), etc. Atheninn letters ; or, the epistolary correspondence of an agent of the king of Persia, residing at Athens during tho Peloponnesian war. [By P. Yorke, 2nd Earl of Hardwicke, Hon.

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