University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 12-4-1952 Sandspur, Vol. 57 No. 09, December 04, 1952 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 57 No. 09, December 04, 1952" (1952). The Rollins Sandspur. 921. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/921 Rollins Sandspur Volume 57 Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida, Thursday, December 4, 1952 Number 9 TARS OPEN SEASON Rollins Quintet Will Face Tampa Spartans In Inaugural Contest Which May Be Year's Toughest By Bruce'Lee Sandspur Sports Editor The Rollins Tars will launch their fourth post-war basketball season here Thursday night when they meet the perennial state championship contender University of Tampa. Fans got their first look at the Tars last Tuesday when the quintet downed Pinecastle Air Force Base, 82-59, in a pre-season charity game played for the Winter Park Hospital Fund. The Tars proved that they could hit the basket but the effect of Frank Barker's loss showed on the rebounding end. Coach Joe Justice thought that the overall parformance was 'ragged.' In the last game, Coarh Justice started a lineup of lettermen Bob MecHardy, Connie Mack Butler and Jim Bocobk, junior college transfer Julian Cunningham and freshman Nick Vancho against Cocoa, and with possibly one change, those five will take to hhe court against the Tampa Spartans. Justice was pleased with the showing in the first part of the MUSICAL EVENT fourth quarter of the Pinecastle game when the Tar scored 18 IS PRESENTED points in six minutes. The team seemed» to draw together and FRIDAY NIGHT flashes of the brilliance displayed Pictured above is the Rollins College Basketball Squad which will play its opener tonight against Tampa The Evening of Music Program, in previous years could be discern­ University at the Winter Park Gymnasium, 8:00 P.M. The Tars then will tackle Stetson here Wednesday. an annual event given by the Rol­ ed by the spectators. lins Student Music Guild, will be Tampa, who edged Rollins, 67- presented this Friday, December 5, Lee and Dunn-Rankin 65*, here in one of the thrillers of at 8:15 p.m. in the Women's Club. G. DEWITT SAUTE MODERATOR the 1950-1951 season, has three Head Convention A collection will be taken at that regulars back from the district , time for the benefit of the Conser­ Rollins students will take a lead­ NAIB champions, headed by the vatory Building Fund. OF THE SANDSPUR RADIO FORUM ing role in the joint conventions of great George M|ontz, two-year Participating in the program The Sandspur editors announced Dave vSprague. G. DeWitt Saute Florida Press and Student Gov­ all-state performer. Montz led will be several students who have this week the forthcoming presen­ is to be the moderator. Saute, for­ ernment Associations at Bethune- the Spartans in scoring last year Cookman College in Daytona appeared in concerts over the state, tation of a half-hour program, the merly news editor of the Sandspur, for the second time, notching438 Beach. including: John Philips, Dick Weil- Sandspur Radio Forum, over Rol­ has a wide background of debate points for a 16.8 average. At the last convention in Miami, enmann, Lynn Trokey, Dewey An­ lins station WPRK. and discussion experience. Chuck Jarczynski, 6-7 center who Bruce Lee, sports editor of Sand­ derson, Sallie Rubenstein, Betty The program will use either the At the state debate tournament is called the most-improved player for high school teams, G. DeWitt spur, was elected president of the Perkins, and Cecily Bartlett. ' techniques of debate similar to the on the Spartans, and Marty Brooks emerged from two years of com­ Florida Intercollegiate Press As­ "The Evening of Music" will con­ American Town Meeting of the Air are the other returning regulars petition with 10 wins and no de­ sociation and Jon Dunn-Rankin, sist of numbers from Bach, Chopin, or the possibilities of discussion who will be on the starting quintet feats. He was twice elected Most Sandspur columnist, was chosen Mendelsson, and other famed com­ implemented by the University of with Montz and lettermen John Valuable Speaker at National Fo­ president of the Florida Intercol­ posers. Chicago Round Table. O'Neil and Don Harrod. Instead of concentrating on pol­ rensic League Student Congresses. legiate Government Association. This marks the first of three itics, the Forum will dip into each He also won first place' in the No other school has held the two projects that the Music Guild Rollins has yet to win from the department at Rollins for a con­ State of Florida in the 1949 N. F. L. presidencies at the same time. undertakes annually. Others in­ Spartans in its three years of troversial subject. Everything Original Oratory Contest. The FISGA will focus its atten­ clude the sponsorship of a con­ basketball. After Tampa, the Tars from math to music will be dis­ DeWitt was awarded a scholar­ tion on discussing student govern­ cert by pianist - composer John will face Stetson on Dec. 10 in cussed. ship to the National High School ment value and station in respect La Montaine in February, and Winter Park and if they can man­ The first aeries, entitled "Is Ab­ Institute of Speech at Northwest­ to the college, the community, and "Spring for Sure," a musical age to start the season by knock­ stract Art, True Art?", will be ern where he studied debate and the campus. which will be given in conjunction ing off the two teams, they should presented by Ann# Frankeitberg, discussion techniques which he will Rollins will be host for the con­ with the Rollins Player in the be sitting pretty for a chance to Red Jackson, $mty O'Brieit, and use on the Sandspur Forum. ventions next spring. Spring. cop the state title. WHO'S WHO PICKS ELEVEN Dei, r<< 7* Dirkson Evans - Hunter pha Fraternity of the South. 1952-53 wbV^ who Amm% gttf- \M Secretary of the Chapel Staff, is a member of the Chapel Choir, Barbara Mack is President of dents in Amnion ( r,\\*e^ and nml run be seen as a cheerleader at Zeta Alpha Epsilon, Vice-President Unlversil -pre the basketball games. Diane is a of * the Rollins Scientific Society, sentation of M fcoflWs College B!#fBfe«f of Pi Beta Phi Sorority and Secretary of the Student Coun­ seniors. and has hold many offices within cil. She is Vice-President of the John DAr.r^ve fe the Preside International Relations Club and the KtiKi the group. serves as Treasurer of Chi Omega ODK. \ m Hunter is photographer for Chap* l.ofh the §ftnd§pU¥ and the Tomo- Sorority. Nelson Pinger Tiller of gigfna ilgg holds the position of Tally Merritt is a member of Phi year's Independent Women's Show. and a member of the Publications Beta, of Theta Alpha Phi, and is Judy is a member of Libra, the Union. He has held several po­ (al Di well kr i Business Manager. He sitions on the Sandspur Staff in his |. [ rowing with the Social Secretary of the Chapel Chapel Choir and also the Bach Em is a Chapel Choir. She was a past winner of Choir. past years. Dan is a member of . sod i member of Delta Chi the Theta Alpha Phi Award. Tally Tom Nelsjon is the present Stu­ Sigma Nu Fraternity. is well-known for her participation dent Comptroller, for the college. Bob Tiller is a member of the Chapel Staff, Student Council, and Kyle t§ the present Editor in Rollins theatre productions. She He "was a member of the Student- Race Relations Committee. He is • an, and Secretary of is also a member of the Chapel Faculty Disciplinary Committe and a Chapel Usher and Head Usher H member of the Rol- Staff. is Treasurer of the X Club. at the Annie Russell Theatre. Also '.n Union and of the Judy Munske serves as the Pres­ Dan Pinger is the Editor of the Bob is Lt. Commander of Sig­ Council, Clason ident of the Independent Women. Sandspur, a past member of the <>i the Kappa Al- She was Business Manager of last Rollins Constitution Committee, ma Nu Fraternity. Two The Rollins Sandspur Thursday, December 4, 1S52 NEED NATURALIZATION 'ROUNDJ ROLLINS It stands to reason students should def­ initely be interested in their college and the large variety of exciting lessons it has to of­ fer, both in the classroom and out. Especially at Rollins the interest should be sky high, because the ideals of this college By Jon Dunn-Rankin are of the highest sort. We are supposed to Short Notes?. Mystery surrounds the have the informal student—faculty relation­ ; ship—small classes and many individual stu­ number "66 ' in the freshman class , . , Prof. dent professor conferences, the guidance pro­ Don Reynolds, one of the Boiling new faculty gram—freedom of having a faculty advisor members, is forming a Stray Greeks to in­ of the student's own liking and freedom of clude both sorority women and fraternity working out the student's plan of study with men . Chapel Fund Drive, usually in action his advisor. around this time, has been postponed to a Do the inhabitants of this college really less hectic January ..
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