COLORADO RIVER Sl'ORAGE PROJECT C 0 NSTR UCT I ON and INVESTIGATION ACTIVITIES I EO STATES OEPAR MEN OF' E I ER I OR BUREAU OF RECLAMATION COLORADO RIVER STORAG E PROJEC AND PARTICIPATING PROJ ECLS OVEMBER 1956 I I LEGE NO ... 1 STORAGE UNITS * PARTICIPATING PROJECTS c . .......... PROJECT PLAN A plan for the Colorado River Storage project and an initial group of participating projects has been formulated by the Bureau of Reclamation in cooperation with other Federal agencies and with the States of the Upper C olora do River Basin. The project report prepared in 1950 and a supplemental r:eport pre pared in 1953 were printed as House Document No. 364, 83d Congress, 2d Session. Reports on the participating projects in the initial group, s upple­ menta l to the 1950 report, were also completed in 1950 and 195 1. Since its introduction in the 195 0 re port, the project plan has been subject to modifi­ cations a s shown in the 1953 supplement, in the authorizing act, and in definite plan studies. Colorado River Storage Project ; The various da ms a nd reservoirs of t he Colorado River Storage project will regulate the flow of the river 1 thus permitting an expansion of irrigation and other water use i n the upper bas in within the limits of the Colorado River Compact. In most instances powerplants and s witchya rds will be installed at the dams a nd tra ns mission lines will be provided to transmit the power to load centers. Facilities will be provided a s appropriate for recreation and to mitigate los ses of , a nd improve conditions for 1 the pro­ pa, gation of fish a nd wildlife . Minor flood control and other benefits , largely onevaluated at present, are antic ipated from the storage project . The Colorado River Storage project as outlined in the 1950 report included ten storage units. Four of these were authorize d for construction by the act of April 11, 1956. It is anticipated that additional units will be authorized as they become needed. The four authorized units are the Glen Canyon, Flaming Gorge, Navajo, and Curecanti. Together they will provide about 34,570,000 acre-feet of reservoir capacity and about 1, 108,000 kilowatts of installed generating capacity. More than three-fourths of both capae1Ues will be provided by the Glen Canyon unit alone. Participating Projects Participating projects are those which will consume water of th~ Upper Colorado River system for irrigation and other purposes and which will require assistance from power revenues of the storage project in the repay­ ment of irrigation costs. An initial group of 11 participating projects was authorized by the act of April 11, 1956. These include the Paonia, Smith Fork, Florida, and Silt projects in Colorado; the Pine River project exten­ sion in Colorado and New Mexico; the Hammond project in New Mexico; the Central Utah project (initial phase) and Emery County project in Utah; and the Seedskadee, La Barge, and Lyman projects in Wyoming. The Pine River project extension has been excluded from the scheduled program of development. The remaining projects combined would provide water for a total of about 346, 460 acres, including about 115 ~ 440 acres of full service land and about 231,020 acres of supplemental service land. Summary of irrigation and power data Colorado River Storage Project and participating projects Average annual water Irrigable area {acres) Total supply (acre-feet) Supple- reservoir Installed Increase Increase Full mental storage powerplant in useable in service service capacity capacity irrigation Units and proJects st.ream land land Total (acre feet) (kilowatts) supply Storage Units depletion Glen Canyon 28,040,000 900,000 576,000 Flaming Gorge 3,789,000 108,000 Navajo 62,000 1,709,000 39,000 Curecanti 1,032,000 100,000 14,000 I Subtotal N 34,570,000 1,108,000 691,000 I participating projects Paonia, Colo. 2,230 13,070 15,300 21,000 20,100 9,820 Smith Fork, Colo 1,423 8,056 9,479 13,650 10,300 5,700 Florida, Colo. 5,730 13,720 19,450 40,300 25, 740 13,900 Silt, Colo. 1,900 5,400 7,300 10,000 10,100 5,800 Hammond, N • fv'i ex. 3,900 3,900 18,500 8,970 Central Utah (initial phase), Utah, (excl. Vernal unit) 28,600 117,100 145,700 1,625,700 61,000 l/157/300 177,600 Vernal unit 14,700 14,700 37,300 17,900 11,800 Emery County, Utah 3,600 20,500 24,100 57,000 32,400 15,500 Seedskadee, Wyo. 58,775 58,775 285,000 264,000 140,000 Lyman, Wyo. 401600 401 600 43,000 32,500 La Barge, Wyoming 8,000 8,000 24,300 14..~ 290 Subtotal 114,158 233,146 347 ,304 ~.£] 32, . _950 61 1 000 613,140 403,290 Total 114 , 158 233,146 347,304 36,702 , 950 1~,000 613,140 1,094,290 .!/ In addition, an average of 48,800 acre-feet annually will be made available for n unicipal, industrial, and miscellaneous uses under the initial phase of the Central Utah project. Colorado River Storage Project Approp_·iations .. summary 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 Sum Glen Canyon $9,325,000 $27,300,000 $47,960:000 $46,182,825 $23 : 535,.000 $154 1 302 1 825 Flaming Gorge 1,300,000 4,800,000 10,098,335 12 r 675,000 12 1 000,000 40/873:335 Navajo 800,000 1,800,000 7,000,000 9,696,375 11,776,000 31,072,375 .Curecanti 1,400,000 1,400,000 Transmission Division 100,000 205,000 702,000 5,318,000 6,325t000 Subtotal 11,425,000 34,000,000 65,263,335 69,256,200 54,029,000 233,973,535 Paonia 1,000,000 3,105,375 903,000 5,008,375 Vernal 1,000,000 1,950,000 2,189,000 5,139,000 I w Smith Fork 487 : 500 1,500,000 1,987,500 I Hammond 487,500 1,300,000 1,787,500 Seedskadee 1,320,150 2,000,000 3,320,150 Florida 750,000 750,000 Subtotal 2,000,000 7,350,525 8,642,000 17,992,525 Advance Planning 1,575,000 1,142,000 770,000 797,550 938,000 5,222 ,550 Slippage & Under financing -2,944,500 -2,209,000 TOTAL $13,000,000 $35,142,000 $68~033,335 $74,459,775 $61,400,000 $252,035,110 VER STORAGE PROJECT CANYON UNIT LOCATION: r Co lorado River Basin-- Northern Arizona in Coconino County a nd southeastern Utah in Kane a nd San Juan Counties. The dam is on the Colorado River a bout 4 miles south of the Arizona-Utah boundary . The reservoir will extend into s outheastern Utah . AUTHORIZATION: Public Law 485, 84th Congress, 2nd Session (70 Stat. 109) , approved April 11, 195 6, and Public Law 85-529 (Stat. 225), approved June 2 7, 19 60 • PLAN The primary purpose is the storage of flood flows of the Upper Colorado River and the generation of hydroelectric power . The stored water will allow compliance with the terms of the Colorado River Compact and will, by exchange, furnish an irrigation supply for the particip ating projects in the Upper Basin states.. In addition, there will be benefits from fish and wildlife conservation, a nd improved recreational opportunities a nd minor benefits to flood control and silt retention • COS!' S (Federal) Construction Section 5 (Ba sin Fund) costs_l/ Gle n Canyon Dam and Reservoir $ 173,236,887 Gle n C anyon powerplant & switchyard 119,536,000 Protection of Rainbow Bridge 25,000,000 General Property 7,931,000 Tot al $ 325,703,887 Section 8 costs National Park Service (recreation) 15,692,000 Bureau of Sports Fisheries & Wildlife 200,000 Total 15,892,000 Grand Total $ 341,595,887 Annual Operation, Maintenance, and Replacements Bureau facilities l/ 1,514 National Park Service (recreation) 1,532 Total 3,046 j/ Based on current value of awarded contracts and estimated value of completion contracts at January 1960 price level, including contingencies for possible increases in price levels. 1/ Based on 19 60 prices with replacements computed using 4l 2 7/8 percent sinking fund. -4- COLORADO RIVER STORAGE PROJECT GLE N CANYON UNIT (Continued) DISTRIBUTION OF ALLOCATED COSI'S AND REPAY !ENT (Unit- -$1, 000) Section 5 (Basin Fund) Section 8 Fish & Rec- Fish & wildlife reation wildlife lrri- enhance- enhance- gation Power ment ment Total Distribution Construction c o sts 1/ 42 ,·643 273,632 6,.386 15,692 200 338, 553 Reimbursable interest duri ng c onstruction at 2 7/8 percent 24,903 24, 903 Annual OM &R costs - Sec. 5 on 2 7/8 pet. and Sec. 8 on 2 1/2 percent 6 1,503 5 1, 532 3,046 Repayment Jd Construction costs 42,643 273,632 NR NR NR 316,275 Int. during canst. 24,903 24,903 Annual OM&R _y'6 1,503 1,509 l/ Excludes $2,415, 000 c ontribute d fund s and $628 , 000 CRDF expenditure. 1:./ Paid with Storage project pow er revenues . 1f Paid from Bureauts annual a ppropriat ion • .1/ Paid from Park Service's annual appropriation. NR Nonreimbursable • Explanation: The authorized units of the CRSP, including the Glen Canyon Unit, are considered as one project in the cost allocatio n and repayment studies. All reimbursable costs will be repaid from pow er revenues through the Upper Colorado River Basin .Fund.
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