SsssasBBBB PAGES 1 TO 3. PAGES 1 TO 8. ESTABLISHED .TTTLV . 1M NO. 5878. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1901. SIXTEEN PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS FISH HONOLULU IS STILL GROWING. TO RESCUE If I Mill I ill i i i i f l Be nil i TIEJLLEN J My i i r-- I - &?P nt nnas 1 ifci ,i,tli fe if I Twe Salvation Army's S Honolulu LI C f AM New Special MarKct. Work. EXPERTS A .r rCI VALUABLE irwTcn- . a. m a av nul "i i i i INSTITUTION Other Interest- - Ha-w- Skilled Workers En Route aii II I I t.I.U to 7., ir Done. From the East to Take Charge. Ln the fact that the fish , have been in Honolulu Major Wood of the Salvatloa Army have already begun received some very good news by the i their different lines. Mariposa. In a letter from the Nation- m the fwhmarket dally In al Rescue Secretary in New Tork he ipecimens; the fishermen was informed that the expected rescue supply oC t to the this officers for the home In Honolulu were interested, upon the offer at last on the way, and might be ex- ,n U V. .... U lor uou wmj ui ti.t, pected by one of the next steamers. a scientific that have Many will doubtless remember the themselves are Srtnuemen agitation on the subject of providing So far, they f strcbea. a refuge for fallen women some months r Bixty or seventy va ago. The Salvation Army, in view of some six or seven are let the they some eighty the world, that had l scientific similar''thomes scattered around the j. Cofcb, the agent of the world, and were experienced in such iCamnission, said in speak-(i- wi matters, were invited to take hold of lat night, "We may the details, and accordingly a small a hardly begun our labors. cottage was taken and a woman officer got begin tne work upon placed in charge temporarily. report until this morning. It was, however, quickly seen that deration of the fish ques-- properly-traine- d workers were needed, from a commercial point km a.wu'iutp will hunrllfe and the major bent his energies to this The future fish laws of end, although everything at first seemed to conspire against it-- At first ned report. The United the headquarters had none to spare, a.- to avamm .a.i - usuni. ino and at last when they were able an ei Lit lsc i i . vi an wiit; furnish workers the money for their be under her protection, transportation was forwarded by the in is neutral waters. This ill-fat- ed Rio De Janeiro and lost; but st Government to make i after considerable delay this fund was i til protect the fishing- in secured, and now the workers are com- ns umiory . ing. Oil has attracted my The officers have been especially se- ouii - mesh that the fish- lected with reference to Honolulu's pe- a ftii nets here. They Dr. O. P. Jenkins, who is expected to come highly recom- !u js pur-- culiar needs, and a all practical arrive in Honolulu next week. mended by their superiors. Ensign aaNt to much moeauito The two eminent scientists will re- llaatiteolutely no chance THE FIRST COLLEGE HILLS Larrabee, who will be in charge, has main in the islands two or three been engaged many years in this work. 1 2 ate gets inside a net months, they will make a thorough la the States a net and She has been located with the army (taat smaller than an inch study of the fishes. Several other homes in New Tork, Philadelphia, Hi , : ... , j rrv.i.. - members of the party will remain un- Grand Rapids, Salt Lake City and Los probably a BOH snuarp ami fish th&t til the work is completed, RESIDENCE FOR P. M. POND Angeles. Lieutenant Tyrbohm, her as- at IDOd are allnwpri tn P - year. sistant, comes from Portland, Oregon, wi question or time under where fortunately she has had an op- RESIGNATION OF SHAW portunity of working amongst the Jap- ' - . effects of this meth- - anese women. Acting Governor Will Not Approve The present small quarters, where so far some dozen women and children of everything. If we New Appointment Yet. have been cared for and benefitted, will tare six new varieties in An unexpected turn of events has be given up as soon as a larger per- UVl hv TTtVirwlGf 0t In the matter of the ap- manent home can be secured, and any bi n.c mrLiwii come about W u&w Major Wood can get as to TTlllrh mnM wr.n1apfiil pointment of J. W. Pratt to the office information ian when we begin sein- - a suitable building will be appreciated. of Tax Assessor for the island of Oahu. He would appreciate fur- C OIA TV V also greatly 1 tush. When we get in place of Jonathan Shaw, who has ther subscriptions towards its enlarg- Bd beein to 8ur those resigned. ed needs, as he feels certain that an ld for... fnnH aiiunA aioualan rfoanit,va7 Wright, with whom the ap- appeal for the support of such a needed tan only conjecture Treasurer work will not go by charitab- as to approval unheeded the pointment lies, subjedt to the ly-minded people of Honolulu. al. our several experiences of the Governor, upon the resignation 50 Hlkr v rich A.n . n njl of Mr. Shaw, appointed J. W. Pratt, er West we found, all and referred the matter to Acting Gov- WHO HAS LOST lite forty-fiv- e varieties. ernor" Cooper for approval. But this fortv-etcr- 11CIC.llw. In n was not forthcoming. taout any effort, we have ! Mr. Cooper said that he did not feel A TOP BUGGY? sxty or seventy Bpecies, he could sanction Mr. Pratt's ap- Havirir 11.1 . 1 .. A l that pointment until he had thoroughly in- tetoM. of Stanford Uni- - Has He been vestigated the merits of Mr. Shaw's Camarinos One That detained at Palo resignation, which he had not yet ac- In his family, will be investiga- Thinks Has Been He la cepted. He is now making the greatest re- on the - tions. Mr. Shaw's resignation was flah of ibis re- Council, Stolen. ago he secured a. col- - quested by the Executive it tte market here. Nearly having been decided at a meeting held . new to me acien- - on Monday that be was incompetent; Camarinos, the King street fruiterer, f-- -- u, ue m tt,e interests or his Integrity was not questioned in any objects to being made a receiver of sto- oave h m - x. i ir, uiuj lie uua way; the complaint was merely of len property, and especially without his nented to come. Just loose methods employed. J. W. Pratt knowledge. He believes he baa bees - ue nnssneo is nam Works De- " as chief clerk In the Water victim of an attempt foist eranient wants a reoort an excellent record as a made tbe to . partment, has blame upon him, and, not to be caught ...u iry own individual competent official, ana to be broad redwood panelling for the walls. principal entrance on the front is DlWii- -- . systematic and The first residence built ji."n The napping, he has informed the police that wi wuuuaea oy ' inai ' Mr. Wright said that In looking about Valley. nejWith beam ceilings. The house consists protected by a vestibule and the steps property on premises . oi College Hills, in Manoa he has his that he the commission. -- out co , , a room " aenn:tt)y. for a man to straighten the . v. M..V..1.1, ...11.;.. W. i large living witn a ianaiare enclosed with rustic iicnen covered knows nothing of, and of which he is .; - - " 18 being fusion In the assessor's office. jpiT-iiui- Lnaiiinnu neau auu en- sione worK This stone work is car- anxious to be rid. He bas posted tbe greatly assist- - opened up in Honolulu, is that iuaru Mt- - the lo(a.l rtnh thought Mr. Pratt excellently qualfed design, witn sX&8s three chambers and jried clear across the front of the house, following notice at his store, and also Tirurr. Mc- - P. M. Pond, of firm j display c i rre is. o: course. for the appointment. ed for the of a culinary department. The structure which gives it a picturesque and solid carries a small placard for down & Pond, - fin-lan- ds on which appears following "nyining to wnicn There was a great deal of talk about Clellan who are handling the has been planned with special refer- appearance. It is to be very nicely town, the utorr ti Were it not the matter about the Government there. It is a bunalow style of jence to its location, advantage being ished. substantially built, and will prob-cottag- e. legend: .wicugc oi tne nsn Building yesterday. The appointment shingled on the exterior and taken of the slope of the ground to cut! ably be followed in many cases by oth-finish- Wanted To know who is the . ve would be very of Vivian Richardson to succeed J. WT. in rustic style on the interior, a covered way through under the house, jer intending builders. Dickey & New-th- e owner of tbe canopy-to-p, side-ba- r, Pratt Is at a standstill under the same principal rooms being finished in with a sheltered entrance in the rear. ! comb are the architects. piano-bo-x buggy left on the prem- i tooKing over circumstances.
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