JOURNAL OF EUROMARKETING EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ERDENER KAYNAK Pennsylvania State University at Harrisburg ASSOCIATE TECHNOLOGY AND BOOK REVIEW PRODUCTION EDITOR E-COMMERCE EDITOR EDITOR EDITOR SVETLA MARINOVA KIP BECKER SHAUKAT ALI TALHA DOGAN HARCAR Aalborg University Boston University University of Wolverhampton Pennsylvania State University at Beaver EDITORIAL REVIEW BOARD MEMBERS J. SCOTT ARMSTRONG FREDERIC JALLAT University of Pennsylvania Paris Graduate School of Business SØREN ASKEGAARD (ESCP-EAP), France The University of Southern Denmark, Denmark MILAN JURSE GEORGE BALABANIS University of Maribor, Slovenia City University, United Kingdom JORMA LARIMO J. ENRIQUE BIGNE ALCANIZ University of Vaasa, Finland University of Valencia, Spain TOMMI LAUKKANEN DAVID J. CARSON University of Eastern Finland, Finland University of Ulster at Jordanstown, Northern STEVEN LYSONSKI Ireland Marquette University F. JAVIER RONDAN CATALUNA MARIN MARINOV University of Seville, Spain University of Gloucestershire, United Kingdom CHISLAINE CESTRE RITA MARTENSON University of Lausanne, Switzerland University of Gothenburg, Sweden LEO PAUL DANA LUIZ MOUTINHO University of Canterbury, New Zealand University of Glasgow, United Kingdom SRINIVAS DURVASULA DAVID MCHARDY REID Marquette University Seattle University YVONNE VAN EVERDINGEN DOMINIQUE ROUZIES RSM Erasmus University, Netherlands Groupe HEC, France PERVEZ N. GHAURI ARNOLD SCHUH King’s College, United Kingdom Vienna University of Economics and KJELL GRONHAUG Business Administration, Austria Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Norway BRUNO SERGI KLAUS GRUNERT University of Messina, Italy Aarhus University, Denmark D. DEO SHARMA NEIL HERNDON Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden South China University of Technology, China KENNETH SIMMONDS KARIN HOLSTIUS London Business School, United Kingdom Turku School of Economics and Business Administration, Finland NITISH SINGH HARTMUT H. HOLZMUELLER Saint Louis University University of Dortmund, Germany GREGORY SULLIVAN Advanced Marketing Systems Indexed and/or Abstracted in: EBSCOhost Products; Emerald Management Reviews; Gale Cengage; Business ASAP, Cabell’s Directory, The Standard Periodicals Directory, ASOS Journal of Euromarketing (ISSN:1049-6483) is published quarterly by IMDA Press, 1201 Stonegate Road, Hummelstown, PA 17036, USA. US Postmaster: Please send address changes to Journal of Euromarketing, c/o IMDA Press, 1201 Stonegate Road, Hummelstown, PA 17036, USA. Annual Subscription, Volume 23, 2014 Print ISSN: 1049-6483, Online ISSN: 1528-6967 Institutional subscribers: $600, Personal subscribers: $125. 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Permissions: For further information, please visit http://journals.sfu.ca/je/index.php/euromarketing/index June 2014 JOURNAL OF EUROMARKETING Volume 23, Numbers 1&2, 2014 CONTENTS GUEST EDITORIAL 1 Svetla T. Marinova ARTICLES International Branding: A Framework for Classification and Analysis 5 Carl-Arthur Solberg When Does It Pay off to Link a Brand Name to a Country? 22 Erik B. Nes and Geir Gripsrud Developing Brand Awareness via Social Networks as a New Sprout of Global Firms’ 37 Strategy on the Russian Market Andrei Panibratov “Made In Italy” Brands in the U.S. and China: Does Country of Origin Matter? 57 Donata Vianelli and Giovanna Pegan Climbing the Brand Ladder: From Fashion Accessory to Distinctive 74 Country-of-Origin Brand Đurđana Ozretić Došen Relationships between Brand Perception, Ideology and Consumer Ethnocentrism 85 in Post-Communist Romania Andreea Iacob, John Kuada and Lartey G. Lawson Do National Identity and Religiosity Antecede Customer Based Brand Equity in 111 a Developing Multinational Country? Selma Kadić-Maglajlić, Maja Arslanagić and Muris Čičič Retailer Brand Image Building: Evidence from Two European Retailers 124 Boryana V. Dimitrova and Bert Rosenbloom JOURNAL OF EUROMARKETING Volume 23, Numbers 1&2, 2014 CONTENTS GUEST EDITORIAL 1 Svetla T. Marinova ARTICLES International Branding: A Framework for Classification and Analysis 5 Carl-Arthur Solberg When Does It Pay off to Link a Brand Name to a Country? 22 Erik B. Nes and Geir Gripsrud Developing Brand Awareness via Social Networks as a New Sprout of Global Firms’ 37 Strategy on the Russian Market Andrei Panibratov “Made In Italy” Brands in the U.S. and China: Does Country of Origin Matter? 57 Donata Vianelli and Giovanna Pegan Climbing the Brand Ladder: From Fashion Accessory to Distinctive 74 Country-of-Origin Brand Đurđana Ozretić Došen Relationships between Brand Perception, Ideology and Consumer Ethnocentrism 85 in Post-Communist Romania Andreea Iacob, John Kuada and Lartey G. Lawson Do National Identity and Religiosity Antecede Customer Based Brand Equity in 111 a Developing Multinational Country? Selma Kadić-Maglajlić, Maja Arslanagić and Muris Čičič Retailer Brand Image Building: Evidence from Two European Retailers 124 Boryana V. Dimitrova and Bert Rosenbloom Journal of Euromarketing, 23: 1 - 4, 2014 Copyright © IMDA Press ISSN: 1049-6483 print / 1528-6967 online EDITORIAL The understanding of the role and im- marketplace, which can affect even powerful portance of brands and branding as an organi- companies that have become complacent with sational process has evolved in academic liter- market position, innovation, and brand en- ature and management practice over time. hancement. On the other hand, consumer There have been continuous analyses, criti- choice reflects a lot more their inner value cisms, and redefinitions of the significance of system, their identity, rather than being a mere branding as a platform used by firms for value satisfaction of needs. creation based on product/service functional Branding as a means of communication and emotional attributes and on the customer value and creating a perception in the con- perception of these. Their initial meaning has sumer mind is both material and ideational. A gone through a substantial move away from perception of superior value may be associat- traditionalism when brands were viewed as ed with quality and product/service perfor- part of marketing, facilitating only the vending mance, but also with image, allure, aspiration, of products. Brands have become one of the and sometimes, illusion and delusion. Brands most important assets of firms. They are fed are often creating a virtual world of imagery by the market-based perception of firms and full of feelings and experience, expectations their products/services that affect company and associations. reputation and consequently their sales and Brands and branding are not a prerogative profitability. Brands have been interconnect- of big companies only. They are a core ele- ed with a company’s R&D strategy, innova- ment of strategic business decision making tion, and organisational market position. They that is underpinned by fungible and context- have been associated with constant enhance- specific resources and capabilities of any ment of market engagement capabilities business that aims to create differentiated val- whereby value is co-created by suppliers, cus- ue-added offers to target customers. tomers, and end users. The current economic downturn has chal- Presently, positive brand creation and lenged the market position of well established brand building provides for the establishing brands originating from the developed econo- and sustaining of relationships with consum- mies of Europe. ers, forming of long-run sustainable competi- Some of them have refocused on their core tive advantage, and shielding businesses from business, others on their key customers and market turmoil and unpredictability. These target market definition, while some have cho- developments are no longer the prerogative of sen to look for alternative branding solutions changes in economically advanced countries, via innovation. but also in emerging, transition, and less- In the context of Central and Eastern Eu- developed economies worldwide. rope (CEE), throughout the transition period, On the one hand, firms’ products
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