~ORCEMENT rBl BULLETIN SEPTEMBER 1982. VOLUME 51. NUMBER 9 Contents Crime Problems 1 Nuclear Security in a Sagebrush Environment By Harold J, Argyle Personnel 7 Family Therapy in Law Enforcement: A New Approach to an Old Problem By James T. Reese Police-Community 12 INCERT­The Citizen/Police Connection Relations By Kenneth L. Hollingsworth Operations 18 The Police Role in the Case of the Mentally Retarded Child By Martin A. Greenberg. J,D,. and Ellen C, Wertlieb. Ph,D. The Legal Digest 26 Reasonable Expectation of Privacy, the Employee- Informant, and Document Seizures (Conclusion) By Michael Callahan 32 Wanted By the FBI The Cover: Federal Bureau of Investigation Published by the Office of Congressional and A remote location in United States Department of Justice Public Affairs, Roger S. Young Idaho provides an Washington. D.C, 20535 excellent setting for Assistant Director a nuclear testing site. William H. Webster. Director Editor-Thomas J. Deakin See article p. 1. Assistant Editor- Kathryn E SuleWSki Art Oifector-KeVln J. Mulholland The Attorney General has determined that the publlcat.on 01 th.s penod.cal .s necessary In the transact.on 01 the W"terI Edllor- Karen McCarron public bUSiness reqUired by law 01 the Department 01 Production Manager-Jeff rey L. Summers Jusllce Use 01 lunds lor pnnllng thiS penodlcal has been approved by the Director 01 the Oilice 01 Management and Budget through February 21 , 1983. ISSN 0014-5688 USPS 383-310 Even to the untrained eye, the The Idaho National Engineering stagecoach trails are still visible. Yet, a Laboratory (INEL) was established by short sagebrush-covered distance the Federal Government in 1949, on away is a nuclear reactor complex the Snake River Plain between Idaho where electrical power is being gener• Falls and Arco, Idaho. Occupying a land ated from a liquid metal-cooled breeder mass of 270 square miles, it was first reactor. This is a facility where unused, known as the National Reactor Testing highly enriched U-235 nuclear material Station and was specifically selected as used in the nuclear Navy is being a remote location where new kinds of chemically separated and concentrated nuclear reactors could be built and Mr. Argyle from "spent fuel elements" behind tested without jeopardizing any -major massive barriers of. metal, earth, water, populated areas. Atomic reactors were and concrete and where irradiation ef• a new technology, and such an isolated fects experiments, which would normal• and large land area was desirable as a ly take years to accomplish, are being safety precaution for operating new de• conducted on materials in days to sign reactors. Success of the program weeks in a test reactor. The antelope, is evidenced by the fact that initially, no rabbits, coyote, eagles, rattlesnakes, more than four or five reactor facilities and a myriad of other large and small were scheduled to be built. Today, 33 animals and birds, along with grazing years later, of the 52 reactors at INEL, cattle and sheep, continue their unend• only 15 are still operable. The others ing quest for existence with hardly a have been shutdown and phased out second glance to these additions to of their research missions. Many of their environment. They are oftentimes their components have been "canni• seen grazing along the fence or even balized" for use in new projects or for on the lawns of the reactor and support maintenance or modifications to exist• facilities. An environmental park desig• ing ones. There have been more nucle• nation permits these animals and birds ar reactors and more different types of to continue this unusual, but totally reactors built at the INEL than in any compatible, paradox, with little inconve• other place in the world, involving nience. Some sage grouse are tagged some of the most advanced research with red-wing ribbons to study their programs known to mankind. The sig• migration, and instrument collars are nificant engineering and scientific put on a few antelope and coyote to achievements and breakthroughs are record their travels and locate their numerous and are recognized world• dens. Continuing studies have revealed wide. In 1966, President Johnson dedi• how well the animals have adapted to cated the first reactor facility built at this altered environment. As hazardous the INEL as a historical landmark be• as this nuclear laboratory environment cause it was the first in the world to may seem, the biggest danger to the generate electricity. animals are the vehicles driven by site The relatively flat, remote location employees. of the Snake River Plain was ideal for the necessary security precautions. The primary reasons for selecting this area were the existing headquarters 2 I FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin ___________________________________ area, a railhead, a Marine barracks, persons were required to have an iden• Today, unless the fuel is in a classified and Navy housing. These facilities sup• tification device issued by the Depart• configuration or is still associated with a ported a Navy program to test fire ment of Energy (DOE) security to verify classified program, it is unclassified. Inewly relined 16-inch gun barrels from this fact. All of these procedures are Because of the strategic importance of the U.S. fleet battleships during World still in effect. this material, security procedures often War II. Several years later, additional The isolation of the testing site has exceeding those required for classifica• desert land was acquired to provide been dramatically reduced by the avail• tion have been initiated. It is painfully the testing " buffer" for the INEL nucle• ability of helicopters and all-terrain vehi• evident that there are elements in our ar facility until the present total of 890 cles, including trail bikes and worldwide society who will pay almost square miles was involved. snowmobiles. Also, many of the pro• any price or go to any length to obtain The initial security program needed grams that were highly classified in the this material. Possession of this materi• to protect various kinds and types of 1950's have been declassified. The al by malevolent and irresponsible per• reactors was similar to that required for "Atoms for Peace" program shared sons could be catastrophic-entire the protection of both classified docu• many of our previously "secret" tech• nations could be held at ransom or ments and materials. This required well• nologies, including the special nuclear blackmailed. trained guards, 8-foot chain link fences materials used in the reactor operations, Accordingly, security programs with barbed wire selvage to define the with not only private U.S. interests have undergone dramatic upgrading operating area perimeters, security but also with international concerns. during the past few years. A combina- lighting, guard-controlled entrances, picture identification badges (to indi• cate authorized access and any limita• tions of such access), combination• locked repositories, safes and vaults for storage and key control, alarm sys• tems, and special vehicles. Idaho also had clearance program requirements to verify that permitting access to the clas• sified matter would not endanger the common defense and security. Security education programs were designed to keep employees constantly aware of their responsibilities and the potential consequences of straying from policies and procedures. Document controls re• quired marking, storage, accounting, transmitting, and destruction proce• dures. We also had a general adminis• trative security program to control the entire INEL land mass (exclusive of the individually fenced reactor areas) for employee and government property controls, area overflights, and contra• band, etc. Access within our bound• aries off the public thoroughfares was limited to "official business," and all Not too friendly citizen September 1982 / 3 Butte, adjacent to the south bound• aries of the INEL, is sometimes used as an excellent launching point by hang glider pilots, and it has not been uncommon for the INEL guard forces to stop several friends of a glider pilot who was last seen going " up" over INEL property. Indians from various tribes also have been apprehended in the area, exercising what they consider to be tribal treaty rights to hunt ante• lope and other animals. Both contract and DOE uniformed forces are involved in the INEL security tion of multiple barriers and fencing is the latest "state of the art" are replac• program. Generally, the contractor used, and improved alarms and lighting, ing older models to improve coverage guards control access within the indi• together with closed-circuit TV, provide and ensure operation under all condi• vidual plant facilities, while the Federal improved assessment capabilities. To tions. Guard forces are receiving in• force is responsible for the control of minimize the unauthorized introduction tensive training in the use of special the entire land mass outside of the of prohibitive items or removal of nucle• weapons, special armored vehicles, individually fenced reactor plant areas ar material, highly sophisticated per• night vision devices, and technical com• and is responsible for backup or sonnel monitoring and X-ray equipment munications equipment. Vaults are be• emergency response to any facility. As have been installed to check employees ing upgraded to better protect material a result, the Federal forces are specifi• and their lunch boxes, briefcases, etc., and control access. In general, while cally trained in Special Weapons and when they enter or leave work or mate• protection and control of classified mat• Tactics (SWAT). rial access areas. Plant entrance guard• ter is still a major concern, the basic The INEL falls within the provi• houses, communications centers, and thrust is now toward nuclear material sions of the State of Idaho emergency monitoring control locations are being protection, and we're making it as tough plan. The Idaho State Police are called "hardened" to ensure a secure and and as costly as possible for someone upon for assistance when a situation is uninterrupted operation.
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