The Telegraph ALTON TELEGRAPH CLASS 01 082021 Friday, August 20, 2021 7B LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS Wanted Apartments / Townhouses STATE OF ILLINOIS NOTICE OF PUBLIC CIRCUIT COURT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Driver To Drive Me CIRCUIT COURT HEARING THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Around To Run My Er- MADISON COUNTY, MADISON COUNTY, M A D I S O N C O U N T Y , rands 618-301-2958 ILLINOIS ILLINOIS I L L I N O I S Notice is hereby given JUVENILE DIVISION Three Clean Responsible RESQUEST OF by the Board of IN THE MATTER OF THE LORNA SALONOY PRICE ESTATE OF T O : M O T H E R , N O R A Adults Looking For House, Education of School THOMAS H. CURREN, III, ADAMS, FATHER, PHILLIP 2 or 3 Bedrooms, Garage Case No 21 MR 762 District No.13 in the DECEASED A D A M S , A N D T O A L L Optional, Rent With Op- County of Madison, NO. 21-P-403 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN tion, 618-462-2883 FABULOUS NOTICE BY State of Illinois, that a AFFORDABLE PUBLICATION tentative budget for said CLAIM NOTICE IN THE INTEREST OF: LEVI NAME CHANGE (ADULT) ADAMS, OSWALD ADAMS REAL ESTATE SALES MUST SEE School District for the DATE LETTERS WERE A N D Q U I N N A D A M S , APARTMENTS! An order was entered for a fiscal year beginning ISSUED: August 5, 2021 M I N O R S ★ Playground court date on my request to July 1, 2021, will be on REPRESENTATIVES: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ★ Community Room change my name from file and conveniently Ashley N. Cheng, CASE NUMBERS: 20-JA- THE 3RD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT ★ LORNA SALONOY PRICE to Independent Administrator 268, 20-JA-280 AND 20-JA- COUNTY OF MADISON - Security the new name of LORNA available to the public 281 EDWARDSVILLE, ILLINOIS ★ Much More ROMANOS PRICE. The for inspection at the NOTICE is hereby given to WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A.; Court date will be held on creditors of the death of NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 2 & 3 Bedrooms Board of Education Plaintiff, Rent & Security Based September 23, 2021 at 9:00 Office, 210 E. St. Louis THOMAS H. CURREN, III. vs. a.m. at 155 N. Main Street, Letters of Office were issued Take notice that on DECEM- MICHAEL J. OGLE AKA MI- On Income. Edwardsville, Madison Ave, East Alton, Illinois, to the above named on said BER 8, 2020, a petition was CHAEL OGLE; PNC BANK, NOW ACCEPTING County, Illinois, in Courtroom in this school district date and the address is filed under the Juvenile Court NATIONAL ASSOCIATION; APPLICATIONS TBA. from and after 8:00 a.m. stated below. The attorney Act by Thomas A. Haine in Defendants, 21-0673 8/13 8/20 8/27 on the 20th day of and resident agent for the the Circuit Court of Madison 19 CH 668 Call Bissell Legal Representatives is County entitled "In the In- NOTICE OF SALE Apartments Today!!! August, 2021. Notice is ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ STATE OF ILLINOIS Bassett Law Office, 16 West terest of LEVI ADAMS, OS- PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF further given that the Lorena Avenue, Wood River, WALD ADAMS AND QUINN given that pursuant to a Judg- 1300 Klein Ave. • Venice, IL THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIR- Board of Education will IL 62095. ADAMS" CASE NUMBERS: ment of Foreclosure entered (618)451-7902 20-JA-268, 20-JA-280 AND in the above entitled cause In- CUIT hold a public hearing on TTY/TDD MADISON COUNTY Claims against the Estate 20-JA-281, LEVI ADAMS, tercounty Judicial Sales Cor- 711 said budget at 6:15 may be filed in the Office of O S W A L D A D A M S A N D Equal Housing poration will on Wednesday, Opportunity RHONDA ROLOFF p.m. on the 21st day of the Circuit Court, Probate QUINN ADAMS, minors, and September 29, 2021, at the Plaintiff September 2021, in the Division, Madison County that on AUGUST 24, 2021 at hour of 12:00 noon in the of- Board of Education Courthouse, Edwardsville, the hour of 1:00 PM or as fice of Community Title & Es- and Illinois 62025 or with the soon thereafter as this cause crow, Inc., 2600 D State Now Accepting Room at East Alton Agent for the legal may be heard, an adjudica- Street, Alton, Illinois 62002, SHELBY LEFLER Middle School, 1000 representatives above tion/disposition hearing on a sell to the highest bidder for Applications Defendant Third St., East Alton, IL named, or both, on or before petition to terminate parental cash, the following described in the County of February 25, 2022. ANY rights will be held upon the mortgaged real estate: ---------------------- CASE NUMBER: 21 OP 625 CLAIM NOT SO FILED IS petition to have the children P.I.N. 13-2-21-23-13-301- Madison, State of BARRED and copies of said declared to be wards of the 002. STOREY NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Illinois. claim filed with the clerk must court under that Act. The Commonly known as 20 Pine MANOR be mailed or delivered by the court has authority in this pro- Lake Drive, Collinsville, IL APARTMENTS Notice is given you, SHELBY claimant to the ceeding to take from you the 62234. Kacie Bamert representative and to the custody and guardianship of LEFLER, defendant, that this Secretary The improvement on the ---------------------- cause has been commenced attorney within ten days after the minors, to terminate your property consists of a single Board of Education it has been filed. parental rights, and to ap- Appliances, w/d hkup, against you in this Court ask- family residence. If the sub- rent & security deposit ing for a STALKING CIVIL East Alton School point a guardian with power to ject mortgaged real estate is NO CONTACT ORDER and THOMAS McRAE consent to adoption. You may a unit of a common interest based on income. District #13 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT lose all parental rights to your other relief. Unless you file 21-0702 8/20 community, the purchaser of ---------------------- your response or otherwise COURT children. If the petition re- the unit other than a mort- file your appearance in this MADISON COUNTY quests the termination of your gagee shall pay the assess- Call today cause in the office of the Cir- 21-0704 8/2 8/27 9/3 parental rights and the ap- ments required by subsection cuit Clerk of Madison County, pointment of a guardian with (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the 618-462-5626 Courthouse, Edwardsville, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT power to consent to adoption, Condominium Property Act. ---------------------- Illinois, on or before the 21st THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT you may lose all parental Sale terms: 10% down by cer- rights to the children. Equal Housing day of October, 2021 at 2:30 M A D I S O N C O U N T Y , tified funds, balance within 24 Opportunity I L L I N O I S (SEAL) hours, by certified funds. No p.m., a STALKING CIVIL NO Wood River, 248 Park Lane TTY/TDD CONTACT ORDER and oth- JUVENILE DIVISION THOMAS McRAE refunds. The property will 711 8/21 & 8/22, 8a-2p,Esate Clerk of the Circuit Court NOT be open for inspection. er relief may be granted as Sale. Knick Knacks, For Hearing prayed for by the Plaintiff. TO: ANY AND ALL UN- 8220-917016 For information call Sales De- Impaired Only Furniture, Clothes, etc. Inside KNOWN FATHERS AND TO 21-1188 8/6 8/13 8/20 partment at Plaintiff's Attor- Sale, Rain or Shine, Cash ALL WHOM IT MAY CON- ney, Manley Deas Kochalski, Thomas McRae App, Venmo and Cash Clerk of the Circuit Court CERN IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF LLC, One East Wacker Drive, Payments Accepted. Home is THE 3RD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Chicago, Illinois 60601. (614) 8220-916925 also for Sale. 21-1185 8/6 8/13 8/20 IN THE INTEREST OF: KAR- COUNTY OF MADISON - 220-5611. File Number 19- LEY GENE COATNEY AND EDWARDSVILLE, ILLINOIS 043728 Motorcycles CHEYANN RAIN COATNEY, WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A.; INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL LEGALS MINORS Plaintiff, SALES CORPORATION vs. intercountyjudicialsales.com 2004 Harley Davidson CASE NUMBERS: 17-JA-279 MICHAEL J. OGLE AKA MI- I3174383 Hertiage Soft Tail Clas- PUBLIC NOTICE AND 17-JA-280 CHAEL OGLE; PNC BANK, 21-2100B 8/20 8/27 9/3 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION; sic, Show Room Like NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Defendants, Condition, Less Than IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE THIRD 19 CH 668 15,000 Miles, Beautful NOTICE OF SALE JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, MADISON COUNTY, Take notice that on OCTO- A Division of Busey Bank Motorcycle with Lots of ILLINOIS, Case No. 2019TX7, JICTB, Inc. BER 8, 2019, a petition was PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby A Division of Busey Bank filed under the Juvenile Court given that pursuant to a Judg- MADISON CO. Chrome, One Owner, Act by Thomas A. Haine in ment of Foreclosure entered MADISON CO. $8,995, 618-806-2125 To: Marty Byrd; Occupants of; Madison County the Circuit Court of Madison in the above entitled cause In- LAND AUCTION Clerk; and all other persons/entities UNKNOWN County entitled "In the In- tercounty Judicial Sales Cor- LAND AUCTION 2007 HONDA MOTOR- having or claiming any right, interest or title in the terest of KARLEY GENE poration will on Wednesday, CYCLE, 1800 VTX-N1 COATNEY AND CHEYANN September 29, 2021, at the • 80 Acres, Minutes North of BLACK, XLENT CONDITION, following described real estate: • 80 Acres, Minutes North of RAIN COATNEY" CASE hour of 12:00 noon in the of- Edwardsville, Fort Russell ALWAYS GARAGED & Edwardsville, Fort Russell NUMBERS: 17-JA-279 AND fice of Community Title & Es- Township ROUTINE MAINTENANCE, Lot 19 in Block 10 in Victory Gardens, a 17-JA-280, KARLEY GENE crow, Inc., 2600 D State Township 16,900 MILES, • Auction Location: COATNEY AND CHEYANN Street, Alton, Illinois 62002, • Auction Location: $4,500 OBO 618-717-0711 subdivision in the Northwest Quarter of the Fox Creek Golf Course RAIN COATNEY, minors, and sell to the highest bidder for Fox Creek Golf Course Northwest Quarter of Section 21, Township 5 that on SEPTEMBER 14, cash, the following described 6555 Fox Creek Drive 6555 Fox Creek Drive North, Range 9 West of the Third Principal 2021 at the hour of 1:00 PM mortgaged real estate: Edwardsville, IL 62025 MARKETPLACE or as soon thereafter as this Lot 20 in Pine Lake Subdivi- Edwardsville, IL 62025 Meridian, in the Village of East Alton, Illinois, as • August 24th At 2:00 P.M.
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