2/EL MALCRIADO UFWOC TAKES A SECOND LOOK AT THE "BAN" "DDT BAN--A COLOSSAL FRAUDI" DELANO, November 21 -- "The lations do not even mention the dan­ nothing is being done about grapes federal ban on DDT as presently ger facing workers and consumers and other products now on the mar­ stated is a hoax," stated UFWOC alike from the use of pesticides kets which are saturated with DDT. general counsel, Jerome Cohen, re­ on field crops," said Cohen. "And "Te.sts by independent laboratories ferring to the U.S. Department of the California state regulations, is­ and by the supermarkets themselves Agriculture's much publicized "ban" sued earlier this year, call for have shown heavy residues of DDT on DDT. "phasing out" DDT on 47 crops, -­ on grapes. Yet the government After several weeks of advance not including grapes. Clearly the is doing nothing to protect the con­ publicity in which spokesmen for the federal and state officials Charged sumers," stated UFWOC Vice federal government reiterated the with protecting our health are more PreSident Dolores Huerta. "That evils of DDT, the Department of concerned with protecting the profits is Why we feel this whole thing Agriculture . yesterday officially of the DDT producers and the grape was a gigantic publicity stunt on the banned the use of DDT in only growers, than with protecting the part of the government and the four areas: in the home, on to­ consumers." growers to make the public think' bacco, in aquatic environments such UFW OC leaders also noted that that they were being protected. It as marshes, and~.. (if you guessed though the government has s:alled is nothing less than a colossal food, you are wrong..•) SHADE attention to the dangers of DDT, fraud! " TREES! The notice announcing the ban did not mention the use of DDT on field crops other than tobacco, nor did the notice contain any warnings against the use ofother economic poisons. UFWOC considers the ban to be severly limited, almost a joke. "In the first place," said Cohen, "the ban does not pertain to field crops. In the second place, even when DDT is banned in the fields, growers will switch to other pesticides, many of which are even more dangerous to farm workers and consumers than DDT. The federal and state govern­ ments must realize that DDT is not the most toxic of the chlorinated hydrocarbons. Dieldrin and Aldrin, both of which are used by grape growers, are even more dangerous. EL IlALCR IADO , The Voice of the F.... ceted .t the nort'-st corner of Ger­ And the pesticides classified as or­ Worker, II publlihed twIce _thly by cel.Hlqhwey .od !tettIn Ave,..,., Del.­ no, Cellfornl•• gano-phosphates, which operate in the UNITED FARIl·WDRKfRS ORr.AlllZlI1Il C~ITTEE, AFL-CIO. Subscrlptlonl In Addrell .11 correlpondence to: EL the same manner as nerve gasses, the united St.tel .nd ItI polleilloni IlALCR IADO , Post Office loll 130, Del.­ • re $3.50.per y..r, .nd forelqn, I~­ no, C.1Ifornl. 93215 . ar~ the most dangerous of all. cilldlftq Cenede.nd !teJCI co, US $5.00. Second class postage paid Delano,Ca. What are the state and federal gov­ SUlllcrlptlonl for ....rs of UFlICIC, AFL-CIO .re Included In _thly d~l. ernments going to do about regu­ Edltorl.1 .nd bU11rA11 offl~1 10- lating the use of pesticides other than DDT?" EL NALCRIADO Mor. and .or. p.opl. ar. findina out that • Cohen went on to explain that it P.O. BOX 130 .ub.cription to'EL MALCRIADO i. the b••t May 'DELANO, CA to k••p dp with the fa~ work.r Itru"I•• is especially necessary to ban the 93215· Don't b. left out··••nd in this coupon today' use of pesticides on grapes, because FILL OUT THIS CARD AND SEND IT WITH $3.50 TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS of the "bunch effect." To get to FOR A ONE-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION TO EL MALCRIADO, SENT TO YOUR HOME EVERY TWO WEEIS FOR ONE YEAR. the center of a bunch of grapes, growers must spray a dangerously NAME. _ ..1rge ammount of poison on the out­ ADDRESS· side of the bunch. CITY· -------_-::.~~.STATI· o.:.::.:::......_u, "Yet these recent federal regu- EL MALCRIADO/3 \ l DOCTORS WARN OF PESTICIDE EPIDEMIC SAN FRANCISCO, November 24-­ joined from finding out the poten­ signs of pesticide poisoning. The "It is our belief that a major yet tially lethal substances to which doctor said that 27 of the 58 chil­ unsolved problem in occupationa1 they migh t be enjoined," he said. dren he tested showed signs of pois­ disease in California has to do with Milby referred to court actions oning by organic phosphate pesti­ pesticides," stated Dr. Thomas Mil­ in Kern and Riverside Counties cides. The children were three to by, Chief of the State Department of where farm workers have been pre­ 18 years old. Public Health, testifying before a vented from seeing pesticide re­ "Some of the children, like their Congressional Subcommittee inves­ cords. parents, had been feeling sick: tigating occupational safety and In perhaps the most shocking said Dr. Mizrahi. "They may have health pr.oblems in farm labor. The testimony of the hearings, Dr. Lee had skin rashes, burning eyes or Committee also heard testimony to­ Mizrahi of the rural Salud Clinic nausea, vomiting, and dizziness." day from rural doctors, farm work­ said that nearly half of the farm Dr. Mizrahi said he discovered signs ers, and leaders of the United Farm children in Tulare County showed of low grade poisoning almost by Workers Organizing Committee. Continued on page ? Milby, testifying before the House CHARGES OF RE.SIDUAL .,.THE. SICKNESSES Subcommittee on Labor, chaired PE.STICIDE.S IN THE AND DEATHS BY by Rep.' Dominick Daniels of New CALiFORHiA GRAPE. FARM WORKERS ... INDUSTRY ARE 'Jersey, attacked the practice of RIDiCULOUS ... the State Department of Agricul­ -~ ture and County Agriculture Com­ missioners of keeping secret all statistics on pesticide usage. "The use of toxic (pesticide) materials should not be shrouded in secrecy," he stated. "It is unthinkable, that any worker should be (legally) en- G.I.s Face Punishment For Refusing , UEat Grapes" Order The following article is reprinted from the GIGLINE~ The Voice of the Ft. Bliss C.I.~ of El Paso~ Texas~ and gives a vivid example of how C.I.s are literally forced~ under threat of punishment~ to eat scab graves. If you knew that the meat being served in the mess it? -- but merely piled more grapes around it!) hall would make you sick, would you eat it? Would When it became evident that the "Let the grapes you tell others in the chow line about it? rot!" movement was gaining support (a small group If you were served table grapes in the mess hall of soldiers began cheering those who passed up the and knew that the Army's purchase of grapes from grapes and booing those who took them; about 4/5 scab labor vineyards was helping to keep thousands of the men passed up the grapes), SP/4 Williams, of Americans from earning a decent living, what an Ml-type WASP from A Co., began feverishly would you do? writing the names of the cheering soldiers on his .. On Wednesday, October 22, several DLISC students napkin. SP/4 Williams asked men coming through (somehow under the mistaken impression that freedom the' chow line if they wished to file complaints against of speech can extend beyond parroting the inanities the cheering men. When he found absolutely nobody of men named Nixon and Agnew, to include speaking Willing to do so, Williams ran to the mess steward, for the rights of men with names like Cruz and Chavez SP/6 Walker, with his napkin. and Rosario) asked their fellow servicemen not to By the time SP/6 Walker came out to assess the eat the grapes served at lunch. What followed shows situation, lunch was nearly over. There was one how much the Army is really interested in fighting lone PFC Sitting at a table next to the chowline, for the rights of ALL Americans. eating and asking those who passed by, "Please don't Men passing through the line put back the grapes, eat the grapes; the Army buys scab grapes." His or left them uneaten on their trays. A sign reading obvious success enraged the mess steward, who told "BOYCOTT SCAB GRAPES" appeared in the middle him to "shut up and eat, and come to my office when of the grape bin. (The mess steward, after looking at the sign, didn't remove it -- 'or couldn't he read continued on page 4 4/EL MALCRIADO FrancQ- Vasquez Marriage... At last! The United FarmWorkers Organ­ forced them to delay wedding plans izing Committee is happy to an­ Plans were again postponed when nounce the marriage of Carolina they were both asked to help out Franco of the Philadelphia Boycott in the boycott of table grapes and Committee to Mike Vasquez of the to inform the East about the struggle Connecticut Boycott Committee. of the farmworkers. They came Mike and Carolina met in Cali­ with th first group of boycotters. fornia in 1965, when they both joined They decided to put off any plans the grape strike and walked together of marriage until the strike was in the 300 mile march of won. But "LOVE POWER" won farm workers from Delano to Sacra­ out. They finally decided to wait mento. Mike had walked out on no longer. The wedding took place strike from the Marco Zaninovich at the Church of the Immaculate Ranch and Carolina had walked out Conception in Hartford, Connecticut on strike from the Anthony Bianco on November 29.
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