2-THE"RHODEISLANDHERALD,THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1979 Denhoff of Providence, and Mrs. Lillian grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Grau of St. Petersburg, Florida; a brother, The funeral ·service was held December -Obituaries-· - Irving Zachary of Paterson, N .J .; two 20 at the Max Sugarman Memorial Chapel. sisters, Mrs. Anna Zaritsky Dcutch and Interment took place in Lincoln Park ANNA SILVERMAN She leaves two sons, Daniel and Murray Mrs. Estber Peskin, both of Passaic: 12 Cemetery. PROVIDENCE-Anna Silverman, 81, of Kaplan. both of Cranston; two daughters, 155 Elmwood Avenue, died Monday. She Mrs. Faye Maldavir of Warwick and Mrs. lived in Providence over 60 years. Ava Shanfield of New York: three brothers, Edward Gottlieb Dead at 81 She was born on March 22, 1898, a Dr. Nathan Korman of Princeton, New By Haskell Cohen Blue Laws were eliminated in the state of daughter of the late Abraham and Dora Jersey, Melvin Korman of Pawtucket, and Pennsylvania. (Berger) Silverman. She was employed as a Arnold Korman of California; three sisters, PHILADELPHIA (JTA) - Funeral The late Connie Mack, president-man­ jewelry worker. Mrs. Rosalie Bloom of Schenectady, New services were held here for Edward Go11lieb, ager of the famous Philadelphia Athletics. She is survived by two brothers, Louis York, Mrs. Ann Fine of Rehoboth, one of the pioneers of professional basket­ wrote Goulieb a leller in which he said: Silverman of Cranston and Henry Silver­ Massachusetts, and Mrs. Lois Fine of ball in this country, who died at the age of ''I'll never forget what you did to make it man of Nova Scotia; and' one sister, Mrs. Florida; two stepsons, Stanley Kaplan of 81. A day before his death he was elected to possible for major league baseball to be Lillian Hourgil of Providence. Cranston and Harold Kaplan of New the Jewish Sports Hall of Fame and will be played in Philadelphia." The young, dy­ Private funeral services were held York; and eight grandchildren. enshrined ultimately in the Wingate School namic Goltlieb. at that time. traveled wide graveside on Wednesday at Lincoln Park A graveside service was held December of Physical Education in Netanya, Israel to­ and far to have the Blue Laws eliminated, Cemetery. Arrangements were made 23 in Lincoln Park Cemetery. Arrange­ gether with other Jewish sport's greats of albeit they were to his advantage in that through the Mt. Sinai Memorial Chapel. the past and present. ments were made through the Max Sugar­ they gave him time to expose his famous man Memorial Chapel. A member of the Basketball Hall of semi-pro · baseball team which was com­ HENRY D. SCHMIDT Fame, a founder of the National Basketball prised of many players who ultimately went CRANSTON - Henry D. Schmidt, 68, of SHIRLEY ROSS Association, and a member of the U.S. up to the big leagues. Golllieb was the first 30 Fairview Avenue, died December 21 . He CRANSTON - Shirley Ross. ,77. of 143 Commillee Sports for Israel Board of Di­ promoter to employ the double header pro­ was the husband of Trudy (Strauss) Hoffman Avenue, died December 22 . She rectors, Goulieb donated a dormitory to gram in basketball. As a mailer of fact , Ned Schmidt. was the wife of Joseph Ross. former owner the Wingate School several years ago. He Irish. who later went on to fame as the pro­ He was a manufacturing representative of Modern Office Supply Company. was instrumental in promoting professional moter of collegiate basketball in Madison for the jewelry industry. Mrs. Ross was a member of Temple Sinai basketball in this country to the extent Square Garden. learned about double Born October 20, 1911 in Germany, he and its Sisterhood; a life member of the where it vies with baseball and football for header basketball programming by watch­ was the son of the late Joseph and Johanna Jewish Home for the Aged and a member of national recognition as the number one ing the famous Sphas play their Saturday sport in the nation. (Devries) Schmidt. He moved to Cranston the National Ladies Auxiliary of the Jewish night twin bills, while he. Irish, allended the in 1950 and had been living there since. He War Veterans of the United States. Goulieb started his career in promoting University of Pennsylvania. Once Irish got moved to Providence in 1936. Born in London. England. on November sports al the age of 19 in Philadelphia when to the Garden he immediately installed the Mr. Schmidt was a member of Temple 11 , 1902, she was a daughter of the late he started the famous Philadelphia Sphas, double header program which is fashioned Emanu-EI Men's Club, Jewish War Morris and Anna (Berg) Cohen and had standing for the South Philadelphia He­ after the late Golllieb's idea. Veterans, the Jewish Home for the Aged, lived in Cranston since 1960. She had brew Athletic Society. Fielding teams both The Philadelphia Warriors. the first NBA and Rhode Island Self Help. He was also a previously lived in Providence. in baseball and basketball, the Sphas for League C hampions in 1946-47. was coached World War II veteran. many years ruled the roost in the American to 1ha1 status by Goulieb. Subsequently he Basketball League and his semi-pro Spha was 10 take over !he role of general manag­ Besides his wife, he is survived by a sister, ZELIG A. GORDEN baseball team used to play major league er and owner of the club and eventually Liesel Grausz of Sacramento, California. WARWICK - Zelig A. Gorden. 62, of92 learns on Sunday afternoons before the sold the learn to interests in San Francisco. Metropolitan Drive, a salesman and a World War II Army veteran, died December IRVll'iG PREBLUD 20. He was the husband of Helen (Ades) Anti-Semitic Vandalism Campus over the same weekend . Anti-Black EAST PROVIDENCE - Irving Gorden. graffiti was a lso found on the wa ll s of the Preblud, 65, of 2928 Pawtucket Avenue, a Mr. Gorden was a member of Congrega­ In Ithaca, N. Y. Ujuma dormitory which houses many Black former produce manager. died December tion Shaare Zedek-Sons of Abraham. the ITHACA. N.Y. (JTA) - The first in­ and Third World students al Cornell. 23 after a six-week illness. Jewish War Veterans Post 23 and the South cidence o f anti-Semitic vandalism has He worked at a former Big G Store. Last Providence Hebrew Free Loan Association. a ro used community-wide concern in this yea( he worked at Fruits and Nuts in the A son of the late Samuel and Sarah (Fein­ Recognition of the PLO college town of 26.000. Police Chief James Wampanoag Mall. berg) Gorden. he was born in Providence on Herson has assigned two members of hi s Debated in U.N. Born in Providence July 30, 1914, he was May 25. 1917. He li ved there until six and a deparlmenl lo head up an invest igati on of GENEVA (JTA) -So me 500 high a son of the late David and Rebecca (Cor­ half years ago. recent swastika smearings in downtown school students between lhe ages of 16 a nd tick) Preblud. He lived in Providence most In addition to hi s widow he leaves three Ithaca. 18 met fo r l wo days of di sc ussions modeled of his life, until he moved to East sons. Mark Gorden of San Francisco. Alan The Nazi symbol was spray-pain ted on on United Nations General Assembly de­ Providence three years ago. Gorden of Warwick. and Scoll Gorden of fo ur business eslablishmenls. two of them bates. One of lhc lengthy debates was on a He is survived by two sons. Dr. Stephen Rutland. Vermont: and two brothers. Jewish- own ed and on the wa ll s of Temple mo ti on proposed by some " delegations" to Preblud of Atlanta, Georgia, and Harry Morris H. Gorden of Cranston and Irving Beth-El and a municipal ga rage ea rli er i°his recogni ze !he Palestine Liberation Organi­ Preblud of Providence. and three sisters. Gorden o r Providence. mo nth . So far. no clues o r witnesses have zation as 1he o nl y legal represent ati ve of the Mrs. Belly Mastroianni of Pawtucket a nd Funeral services were held December 23 been found. Palestinia n people. Mrs. Sylvia Samson of Cranston. al the Max Sugarman Memorial C hapel. According to Beth Randall . New York When the motion was rejected. the "dele­ · Burial was in Lincoln Park Cemererv. Funeral services were held the following Stale Regional Directo r of the A nl i­ gates" supporting the motion stalked out in day at the Max Sugarman Memorial Defamalion League of B' nai B'ri1h. this is protest. Their anger did not last long. After Chapel. Burial took place in Lincoln Park !he firs I kno" n instance of anti-Semitic graf­ a quick cigarelle smoke, they returned Cemetery. ALICE BROOKLYN TRILLING PROVIDENCE - Alice Brooklyn Trill­ fiti in Ithaca which has a Jewish population quietly to the assembly ha ll. The assembly. ing. 85. of Charlesgate. 670 North Main of about 1000. She said the A DL would in another action, declared itself in opposi­ LEAH KAPLAN Street. widow of Max Trilling, died Decem­ work with lhe local Interfaith Commillee tion to the policies of the Iranian govern­ WARWICK - Leah Kaplan. 58, of 75 ber 18. Her first husband was the late Alex­ and the Hillel directors al Ithaca College and ment but expressed approval of having the Gillooly Drive, the proprietor of the Rain­ ander Brooklyn. nearby Cornell University to prevent a Shah brought to trial.
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