
1967 U.S. WOMEN'S CHAMPION Edith Lude Wear:!, lelt, pr.Hnllnq 11M cup .... hkh .hc donal~ In 1951. /9$1 U.s. Wornetn'. Champion Mrs. G/Hla Gro"er accept. lhe ClIp Im~kIfely followlno lhe toumomcml. S •• p. 190. ~ UNITED STATES ~ ._-- - - - --- -~ - ------ ---- -- -- . -- - - --~ -_. - Volume XXII Number 6 July, 1967 EDITOR: Burt Hochberg ------- --- --- --- -- CONTENTS Sarajevo 1967, by Dimitrije Bjelica .... ... ... ...... ... ...... .... ........... .............. 184 PRESIDENT Marshall Rohland Twa Games Fram Sara jevo, by Robert Byrne ... ... ......... ... ...... ................ 185 VICI·PRESIDENT Dutch Treat, by Bernard Zuckerman ............................ .... .................... 188 Isaac Kashdan REGIONAL VICE·PRESIDENTS Chess Life, Here and There, compiled by Wm. Go ichberg ......... ... 189. 203, 204, 207, 215 NEW ENCJLAND James Bolton Harold Dolldls Ell Buurdon Women's Chess, by Kothryn Slater ..... ......... ... ...... ............ .... ..... ............ 190 EASTERN Ii Obl'M LaBeU" Lewis E. Wood MIchael Raimo The College Column, by Mark L. Schwarcz ... ...... ...... ........................... 191 MID-ATLANTIC Earl Clary Steve Carruthers RObert Erk",. Observation Point, by Miro Rodojcic ... ...... .... ... ... .. ... ...... ... ... ............... 193 SOUTHERN Phlllp Lamb I-'w t H Lah.de Carroll M. Crull U. S. Open ... ..... ... ... ..... .. .. .. ........... .. ... ... .. ...................... ..... .................... 197 GREAT LAKES Donald W. Hlldlng Dr. Harvey M~ Clellan V. E. Vandenbur g Lorry Evans on Chess .... ..... .... .. ..... ...... ................... ... ... .. ....................... 198 NORHi CENTRAL Dr. ~or , e Tiers Robert Lerner K en Rykken Woodpusher's Sc rapbook, by Fred M. Wren .. ..... .. .... ............................... 199 SOUTHWESTERN W . W. Crew John A. Howen Park Bishop Upset of 0 Champion, by Edmar Mednis ... ... ...... .................. ................200 PACIFIC Burrard Eddy Kenne lh Jones Manhattan Chess Club Finals, by Pol Benko ... .. .... .. ..... ....... ................ 201 Col . Paul L. Webb The Rating System .......... ..... .......... ... ................... ... .... .. ... .. ..... ..............20 5 SECRETARY Dr. Leroy Dubeck The Organization of Chess in the USSR, by Honon W. Russell .............. 208 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR E. B. Edmondson From the Editor's File ................. ............. .. .... ...... .................................. 211 NATIONAL CHAIRMEN and OFFICERS Tournament Ufe, compiled by William Goichberg .......... ...................... 21 3 ARMED FORCES CHESS ..... ..... .. ... .Rob<.! r t Karch COLLEGE CHESS. ............... ..... .Ma rk L. Schwar<:~ INDUSTRIAL CHESS.. ....... ...S t anley W . D. lOng INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS... ........ .J"rry Spano Wome n's InternationaL. ........... Kathry n Slater JOIN THE UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION JUNIOR CHESS. ....•.... ...•..•....•.............. Rob" rl Erkes MASTERS AFFAIRS.. •.•........... .......... Robcrl Byrne USCF b a nou-proflt democratic organlu tion, the official governin( body NATIONAL OPEN ........•..... ..........lIerman F..strada Chen Federation) unit for ch&ss in the USA. Anyone Interested In ad\'anclna" -":~ NOMINATIONS ....•.................................Frank Skoff la ellflble for membersbip, with belletltlll which include a CHESS UF£ subscrlptloi.: RATINGS .. PAIRINGS .................... Arpad E . Elo for usa rating. RATING STATISTICIAN J ..........Wm . Golchberg 1 year, Steven Speneer 21 at ~ TAX DEDUCTIIIIL1TY....... .... ....... .H arold Dondis at UIie ume TOURNAMENT AOM • . .... Geor ge Ko lt a now ~ k l TOURNAMENT RULES ... .. ..... .. .J a mes Sberwin COUNSEL" TREASURER .... ... Osvld Hoffmann U. S. CHAMPIONSH1P .. ........ ........ M aurice Kasper U. S. OPEN .............. ................................ W . A . Scott annual WOMEN'S CHESS .... ............... ...........E va A ro n~o n yut's dues must .:.:" uphatkla.-- date. startIII over a,a ln at ye ar one ; rates an UJen In WORLD CHESS FEDE RATION CHESS LIFE hi published monthly by USCF and entered as second-elul matter" at E.u t (F.I.D.!::.) Dubuque, Mnois. NOD.member I·yr. subscription: $6..50 ($7.50 outside USA); ~ n"e cop)" SSt1' 17k oUWlde USA). Cha.... of address: Allow ab: week. noUce; please five us boUJ the DeW" addn'SIi Fred Cramer and the old Iddreu, including the numbers .nd dates OD the top line of your stenctl. Vice· President. Zone 5 (U.S.A.) Addren all communicatlonl, and make all checks p lYlble to: _._------ UNITID ,TATIS CHI., FlO.RATION, 10 Ellt 11th St,.. t, NEW YORK, N.Y. lMJ 182 CHESS LIFE 68th Annual u.s. 0 Twel.,. Rounds - At the Atlanta Americon Motor Hotel ATLANTA, GA. - AUGUST 13-25 * Tournament Director: International* * Moster George Koltanowski * * * $4500 GUARANTEED PRIZE FUND 1ST PRIZE $1250 pl., TROPHY CLASS B 1ST $100 plus TROPHY 2ND PRIZE 750 2ND 75 3RD PRIZE 400 CLASS C 1ST 75 plul TROPHY 4TH PRIZE 300 2ND 50 5TH PRIZE 200 6TH thru 10TH 100 each CLASS D 1ST 75 plus TROPHY 2ND 50 EXPERT 1ST 125 plul TROPHY CLASS E & 2ND 75 UNRATED 1ST 75 plus TROPHY 3RD 50 CLASS A 1ST 100 plul TROPHY WOMEN'S 1ST 100 pl., TROPHY 2ND 75 2ND 75 * * * Entry F •• : $20 plus USCF membership if not currentlv 0 member. M ••tlng. : A p ~ oyer s' meering will be held prior to tne beginning Registultion: Advonce entries urged. Send check or money order 01 the lir$1 round. payable to " USC F" to Attonto Chess Association, 2 10 Aubum Ave. The onnU(lI USCF Member$' meeting will be held at 2 p.m. on N.E., A!lonto, Go. 30303. Finol rtgiSlrolion at Atlonto American Tue$doy, AugU$1 15. The USCF o;recton' meeting will be held Hotel from 10 a .m. to 3 p.m., Sunday. "",uSI 13. at 2 p.m. on Wednndoy, Augl.l5 l 16. Pin" bring your chest clock, If you ha". one. W. furnish An oword$ breokfO$1 will be held 01 10 o.m. on Saturday, sets .nd bcNnb. Augu$1 26. * SCHEDULE* * Round 1_ 7 p.m., Sund.,., Au,u,t 13 Round 5--7 p.m., Thursd• .,.. Autust 17 Round 9-7 p.m., Tuesct • .,.. Augu't 22 2-7 p.m., Mond.,.. Au,ult 14 6-7 p.m,. Frid• .,., August 18 10-7 p.m., Wednesd • .,., Augu't 23 3--7 p.m., Tuesct • .,.. August 15 7_7 p.m., Sund.,., August 20 11 _ 7 p.m., Thursd.y, Augu,' 24 4-7 p.m .• Wednesct • .,.. Au,ust 16 8--7 p.m., Monti.,., August 21 12- 5 p.m., Frld• .,., Augu't 25 U.s. Speed Champion.hip on* Saturday* , August* 19 (the holfway point) In the convenient center of Atlonta ot Massey Junior College. * * * Our Ho,' Hote l, In the Center of Downtown Atlanla THE ATLANTA AMERICAN " h~f~ you stay at this friend· ~ . U.S. Open playing site . , bar, beauty and barber one roof. PLEASE MAKE YOUR RESERVATION NOW. Atlanta is mobbed when the Braves play at home, which they do d uring the first three days of our tournament. Write directly 10: THE MOTOR HOTEL Sprint Atlanta, Don't forget to tell them you're coming for the U.S. Open Chess Championship. JULY, 1967 183 An Exclusive Report from Yugoslavia by Dimitrije Bjelica When we speak of Sa rajevo, we re­ member that date in 1914 and the assas­ sination of Archduke Ferdinand which touched on World War 1. But Sarajevo is also very well known in the chess world. Already we have organized ten internalional tournaments. Sarajevo is in the heart of Yugosiaviu, and it is the heart of chess in this country. Sarajevo chess clubs have a great tradition which is fu rthered by these annual tou rna­ ments, and beginning next year we will have chess festivals similar to those held annually in Hastings, thaI is, with Re­ serve tournaments and other less strong events to be held concurrently with the Grandmaster tournament. The Sarajevo tournaments in the past had achieved a bad reputation because of the large number of draws, but this time it was a real bailie. The tenth Sara· jevo tournament boasted nine Grandmas· ters, among them the Soviet Champion, Leonid Stein. Stein is not as popular here a~ Tal, who last year tied for first with Cirie. although Stein is Soviet Champion for the third time. Winners lvkov (left) and Stein. This tournament had representatives from the Uni ted States (or the first time twice failed to qualify (or the Candi· played very weU in Saraje"o. too. al· - Robert Byrne and Pal Benko. This dates' Tournament in the last round of though he lost the most imponant game naturaU)' increased the interest in the the Interzonal. against Sicin. compctition. " I am wondering too," he replied, "but Se\'eral Grandmasters ..... ere big su r­ From the very beginning, Stein was the third time I must qualify. If I don't, prises. Ka\'alek, (or e",ample. will play in the leading position. His rivals for something is wrong either with me or in the Interzonal. but he made only first prizc (about 5500.00) wcre Ivkov, the In terzonal." seven points, the same score as Candi­ Byrne and Ciric. But Byrnc lost with a Bora lvkov was the only player who date·Master Vukic. ~ikolic and Vukic. as winning position against r-;"ikolie and lost did not lose a game. lie was not playing welJ as S3\'on. scored "'-ell enough to thereby his chance (or first. Cirie also especially well, bu t he took his chances earn the title of International Master. lost an important ga me against Stcin, and tied (or fi rst, Tringov. J anose\'ic. Duckstein and Pietz, but lvkov was very close. and when Benk'd played very surely. He scored sch were in the group of those (or Stein lost to Byrne three rounds before 6 Y.t points {rom the seven players at whom we expect more. the end, it became a very dramatic race. the bottom, but he lost to Nikolic and At the bottom are Ihrt'e players from After his defe)t by Byrne, Stein drew Kavalek. Sarajevo: Kozoma ra. Bogdanovic and with Tringov, and going into the final Vladimir Savon, the Soviet master Mestrovic. A s we ha\'e set'n. they werc round Ivkov was leading by half a point. from Kharkov, is very young (he was most politc and hos pitable. following But Ivkov bad a stronger opponent born in 1940). In the first two rounds he th eir guests to fill Ish ahead of them. in the last round than Stein-he had to lost two games.
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