Appendix I Table of Thermal Neutron Cross Sections of the Isotopes The following table contains measured values of the thermal neutron absorp­ tion, reaction, activation, and scattering cross sections of the isotopes 1. The data were taken from BNL-325, second edition 1958 and supplement 1960; only in a few places were more recent values used. The unit of cross section, unless other­ wise noted, is 1 barn =10-24 cm2• The first column of the table lists the elements to which the isotopes listed in the second column belong. After each isotope, its abundance in the naturally occurring element is listed. For radioactive isotopes, the half-life is given. The third column contains values of the absorption cross section (Ja at the neutron velocity Vo = 2200 m(sec. (Ja includes all reactions in which a neutron disappears (n, y; n, p; n, d; n, IX; fission). The listed values are the results of direct absorption measurements, i.e., pile oscillator measurements, pulsed and other integral experiments, or transmission experiments (the latter with a suitable correction for neutron scattering). The next two columns contain data on reaction cross sections. If neutron absorption leads to radioactivity, column four lists its half-life. Usually, this activity is caused by radiative capture of neutrons; in those few cases where other reactions lead to radioactivity, the symbol of the resulting nucleus is given after the half-life. Sometimes, radiative neutron capture leads to several activities owing to the formation of isomeric states. In this table the upper (metastable) state is listed above the ground state (where the order is known) and the cross sections refer to the direct formation of each state. Where the decay of the metastable state does not go completely to the ground state, the branching ratio is given. In some cases, reaction cross sections have been determined directly, i.e., not by measurement of the neutron-induced activity. This is the case for fission, for some (n, e) and (n, IX) reactions in which the protons and IX-particles emitted in the reactions were directly observed, and for some reactions leading to stable or long-lived nuclides in which a mass-spectroscopic analysis of the reaction products was performed. In all these cases, column four lists the reaction type. In column five, the respective activation or reaction cross sections are given. They refer to a neutron velocity vo=2200 m(sec with the exception of those, marked by an asterisk, which were determined in a broad "pile spectrum" of more or less well-thermalized neutrons. Finally, the last column lists the scattering cross sections. Most of these values are averages over a thermal neutron spectrum. Where this value was not available - denoted by a double asterisk - the bound atom scattering cross section was listed, i.e., ( A11 r times the free atom cross section observed in the ev region [cf. Eq. (1.4.7)]. 1 Scattering and absorption cross sections for the elements in their naturally occurring isotopic mixture are given in Table 1.4.1, p. 20. 408 Appendix! Ele- Isotope (%. T!) O"a(v,) [barn] T, O"act(v,) [barn] a; [barn] ment 11 1H HI (~100) (327 ± 2) . 10-3 H2 (0.015) (0.46 ± 0.10) . 10-3 12.4y (0.57 ±0.01) . 10-3 7±1 -- 2He He3 (0.00013) 5327±1O n,p 5400±200 1.0±0.7 He' (Ri 100) 0 0 3Li Li6 (7.52) 936±6 n,?, 0.028 ± 0.008 Li? (92.48) 0.890 sec 0.033 ± 0.005 1.4 ± 0.2** ,Be Be? (54 d) n,p 54,000 ± 8,000 n,OI: <I Be9 (100) 10 mbarn 2.7' 106 Y 0.009 ± 0.003 7±1 -- 6B B10 (19.8) 3,840± II n,?, 0.5±0.2 4.0±0.5** n,p <0.2 Bll (80.2) 0.03 sec <0.050 4.4±0.3** -- 60 0 12 (98.89) n,?, 0.0038 ± 0.0002 0 13 (1.11) (0.5 ± 0.2) . 10-3 5,570y (0.9 ± 0.3) . 10-3 5.5±1.0** 0 14 (5,570 y) <200 2.3 sec <10-6 ?N N14 (99.63) n,p 1.75±0.05 n,?, 0.08±0.02 I N15 (0.37) 7.4 sec 24±8 fLbarn I sO 0 16 (99.76) 0 17 (0.037) 5,570y(014) 0.4 ± 0.1 Ql8 (0.204) 29 sec I (0.21 ± 0.04) . 10-3 9F Fl9 (100) < lOmbarn 11.2 sec I 0.009 ± 0.002 3.9±0.2 loNe Ne20 (90.92) Ne2l (0.26) Ne22 (8.82) 38 sec 0.034 ± 0.010 -- - uNa Na23 (100) 0.528 ± 0.009 14.97 h 0.531 ± 0.008 4.0±0.5 l2Mg Mg24 (78.60) 0.034 ± 0.010 Mg25 (1O.11) 0.280 ± 0.090 Mg26 (11.29) 0.060 ± 0.060 9.39 min 0.027 ± 0.005 Mg27 (9.39 min) 21.3 h <0.030* 13Al Al27 (100) 2.30 min 0.21±0.02 1.4±0.1 u Si Si28 (92.27) 0.080 ± 0.030 Si29 (4.68) 0.28±0.09 Spo (3.05) 0.4 ± 0.4 2.62h 0.1l0 ± 0.010 15P p31 (100) 0.20 ± 0.02 14.3 d 0.19 ± 0.01 5±1 16S S32 (95.018) n, 01: I 0.0018 ± 0.0010 S33 (0.750) 25.1 d (P33) 0.015 ± 0.010 n,OI: <8.10-3 S34 (4.215) 87 d 0.26±0.05 S36 (0.017) 5.1 min 0.14 ± 0.04 17CI CI35 (75.4) 3.08,105 Y 30±20 87 d (S35) 0.19 ± 0.05 14.3d (P32) <0.05,10-3 01s6 (3.08 . 105 y) 90±30 0J37 (24.6) 1.0 sec 0.005 ± 0.003* 37.5 min 0.56±0.12 1sA A36 (0.34) 35d 6±2 ASS (0.063) 265y 0.8±0.2 A'o (99.600) 109 min 0.53 ± 0.02 A41 (109 min) >3.5y >0.060 19K K39 (93.08) 1.94±0.15 1.3 .109 y 3±2* IK40 (0.012) 70±20 n,p <I K41 (6.91) 1.24 ± 0.10 12.46 h 1.20±0.15 Table of Thermal Neutron Cross Sections of the Isotopes 409 Ele- Isotope (%. T!) "a(v,) [barn] T! "act (v,) [barn] a, [barn] ment I 20Ca Ca40 (96_97) 0_22 ± 0.04 3.1 ±0.3** Ca42 (0.64) 42±3 Ca43 (0.145) Cau (2.06) 164d 0.70±0.08 Ca46 (0.0033) 4.8 d 0.25 ± 0.10 Ca48 (0.185) 8.5 min 1.1 ±0.1 -- 21 SC Sc4S (100) 24.0±1.0 20 sec 1O±4 24±2 85d 12±6 20 sec + 22±2 85d -- 2zTi Ti46 (7.95) 0.6±0.2 2±2 Ti47 (7.75) 1.7 ± 0.3 4±1 Ti48 (73.45) 8.3±0.6 4±2 Ti49 (5.51) 1.9±0.5 1±1 Tiso (5.34) <0.2 5.8 min 0.14±0.03 -- 3±1 23V V50 (0.24) n,y 250 ± 200 VSl (99.76) 3.76 min 4.5±0.9 24Cr Cr"° (4.31) 17.0± 104 27.7 d 14.6± 1.5 Cr"2 (83.76) 0.76 ± 0.06 Cr53 (9.55) 18.2± 1.5 CrS4 (2.38) <0.3 3.6 min 0.38±0.04 -- 25Mn Mn5S (100) 13.2±0.1 2.587 h 13.2±0.1 2.3±0.3 26Fe Fes4 (5.84) 2.3±0.2 2.96y 2.7±OA 2.5±0.3** FeS6 (91.68) 2.7 ±0.2 12.8±0.2** Fe57 (2.17) 2.5±0.2 2.0±0.5** Fess (0.31) 2.5±2.0 44.3d 1.00±0.1 3.5 min <0.0015 (Cr"S) 27CO COS9 (100) 37.1 ± 1.0 lOA min 16.9 ± 1.5 7±1 5.28y 20.2± 1.9 lOA min + 36.3 ± 1.5 5.28 Y I (99.7% of 10.4 min --7 5.28 y) C0 60m (10.4 min) 1.75 h 100±50 ~~60 (5.28 y) 1.75 h -- 6±2 28N Nis8 (67.76) 4A±0.3 24A±0.5** 60 Ni (26.16) 1 2.6 ±0.2 1.0±O.I** Ni6l (1.25) 2.0± 1.0 Ni62 (3.36) 15±2 9±1** Ni64 (1.16) 2.56h 1.52±0.14 I Ni6s (2.56 h) 56h 20±2 63 29CU CU (69.1) 4.5±0.1 12.87 h 4.51±O.23 Cu6S (30.9) 2.2±0.2 5.15 min 1.8±OA CU66 (5.15 min) 59h 130±40* -- 30Zn Zn64 (48.89) 246.4 d 0.47 ±0.05 12.8 h < 10 fLbarn (CU64 ) n,1X 15 ± 10 fLbarn Zn66 (27.81) 80 y (Ni6S) <20 fLbarn Zn67 (4.11) n,1X 6±4 fLbarn Zn68 (18.56) 13.8 h 0.090 ± 0.010 52 min 1.10±0.15 n,1X <20 fLbarn Zn70 (0.62) 2.2 min 0.100±0.020 4.1 h 0.009 31Ga Ga6S (60.2) 2.1±0.2 20.2 min 1.4±0.3 Ga71 (39.8) 5.1±OA 14.2 h 4.3±O.3 I 410 Appendix I Ele- ment Isotope (%, T~ u.(v.) [bam] Tl Uact(V.) [bam] Ii; [bam] 3Z Ge Ge70 (20.55) 3.4±0.3 12d 3.42±0.35 Ge72 (27.37) 0.98±0.09 Ge73 (7.67) 14±1 Ge74 (36.74) 0.62 ± 0.06 48 sec 0.040 ± 0.008 82 min 0.21±0.08 Ge78 (7.67) 0.36±0.07 57 sec 0.080 ± 0.020 12h 0.080 ± 0.020 (R:i 50% of 57 sec -+12 h) s3As As75 (100) 4.3±0.2 27h 5.4±1.0 6±1 3,Se Se74 (0.87) 50±7 123 d 26±6 Se78 (9.02) 85±7 18 sec 7±3 Se77 (7.58) 42±4 Se78 (23.52) 0.4±0.4 Se80 (49.82) 0.61±0.06 57 min 0.030 ± 0.010 18 min 0.5±0.1 Se82 (9.19) 2.1 ± 1.5 67 sec 0.050 ± 0.025 25 min 0.004 ± 0.002 (None of 67 sec -+ 25 min) 3SBr Br79 (50.52) 4.6h 2.9±0.5 18 min 8.5±1.4 4.6h+ 1O.4±1.0 18 min BrBl (49.48) 35.9 h 3.2±0.4 -- 38Kr Kr78 (0.35) 34.5h 2.0±0.5 KrBo (2.27) 13 sec + 95±15 2xlOS Y Kr82 (11.56) n,,, 45±15 Kr83 (11.55) n,,, 21O±30 KrB4 (56.90) 4.4h 0.1O±0.03 9.4y 0.060 ± 0.020 (23 % of 4.4 h -+ 9.4 y) KrB5 (9.4 y) n,,, <15 KrB8 (17.37) 77 min 0.060 ± 0.020 KrB7 (77 min) 2.8h <600 -- 7Rb Rb85 (72.15) 18.7 d 0.85±0.08 Rb87 (27.85) 17.8 min 0.12±0.03 Rb88 (17.8 min) 15.4 min 1.0±0.2 -- SsSr SrS4 (0.56) <3 70 min <1 65d 1.1±0.3 (80% of 70 min -+ 65 d) SrS8 (9.86) 2.80h 1.5±0.2 SrB7 (7.02) SrBs (82.56) 53d 0.005 ± 0.001 SrSB (53 d) 19.9 Y 0.5±0.1 SrBo (19.9 y) 9.7h 1.0±0.6 StY YSt (100) 1.31 ±0.08 64.8h 1.26±0.08 3±2 Y90 (64.8 h) 61 d <7 40Zr Zr90 (51.46) 0.10 ± 0.07 Zr91 (11.23) 1.58±0.12 Zr92 (17.11) 0.25±0.12 Zr93 (1.1 X IOSy) <4 Zr" (17.40) 0.08±0.06 65d 0.09±0.03 Zr98 (2.80) 1.1 ±0.1 17.0h 0.10 ± 0.05 Nb Nb93 (100) 1.16±0.02 6.6 min 1.0±0.5 5±1 Nb" (2.2 X lO'y) 36d 15±4 Table of Thermal Neutron Cross Sections of the Isotopes 411 Ele- ment Isotope (%, P~ a4(v.) [bam] Pi aaot (v.) [bam] 0, [bam] 42Mo Mo92 (15.86) <0.3 6.9h <0.006 MOD4 (9.12) Moo5 (15.70) 13.9±1.4 Moo6 (16.50) 1.2±0.6 Mo97 (9.45) 2.2±0.7 MooS (12.75) 0.4±0.4 67h 0.50 ± 0.06 MOIOO (9.62) 0.5±0.5 14.3 min 0.20±0.05 4sTc Tc99 (2.1 X lQ5y) 22±3 5±1** u Ru RU96 (5.7) 2.8 d 0.21±0.02 Ru9S (2.2) RU99 (12.8) RulOO (12.7) RU101 (17.0) RU102 (31.3) 41 d 1.44±0.16 RU104 (18.3) 4.5h 0.7±0.2 45Rh Rh103 (100) 149±4 4.4 min 12±2 42 sec I 140±30 5±1 (99.9% of 4.4 min -+ 42 sec) -- 46Pd Pd102 (0.8) 17.0d 4.8±1.5 Pd104 (9.3) Pd105 (22.6) Pd106 (27.1) Pd108 (26.7) 4.8 min 0.26±0.04 13.6 h 1O±1 PdllO (13.5) 23.6 min 0.25±0.05 5.5h <0.05 47Ag AgI07 (51.35) 31±2 2.3 min 45±4 1O±2** AgI09 (48.65) 87±7 253d 3.2±0.4 6±1** 24.2 sec 110±1O (5% of 253 d -+ 24.2 sec) -- 106 48Cd Cd (1.22) 6.7h 1.0±0.5 Cd108 (0.87) 1.3y 1.41 ±0.35 CdllO (12.39) 49 min 0.15±0.05 Cd111 (12.75) Cd1l2 (24.07) 5.1 Y 0.030 ± 0.015 Cd1l3 (12.26) 20,000 ± 300 Cdll4 (28.86) 43d I0.14 ± 0.03 53 h 1.1±0.3 (None of 43 d -+ 53 h) Cd1l6 (7.58) 2.9h 1.5±0.3 50 min <0.008 llS 49 In In (4.23) 49d 56±12 72 sec 3.0±1.0 (96.5% of 49 d -+ 72 sec) In115 (95.77) 54.12min I 160±2 14.1 sec 42±1 (None of 54.12 min -+ 14.1 sec) oSn Sn112 (0.95) 112d 11.3±0.3 Sn114 (0.65) Sn115 (0.34) Sn1l6 (14.24) 14.5d 0.006 ± 0.002 Sn1l7 (7.57) Sn118 (24.01) 250d 0.010 ± 0.006 SnllO (8.58) I Sn120 (32.97) 400d 1±1 mhal'll 27.5h 0.14 ± 0.03 412 Appendix I Ele- Isotope (%, T~ a.
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