IN W,VJN« K MOUSING, JUNE 7, 1875. $8.0» F«K JNXO. Amu. .ML v,„. PORTLAND, MONDAY _TKltMS A correspondent of the who ENTERTAINMENTS. Tribune, ANNUAL ENTERTAINMENTS. THE PEESS. he is disenchanted of the idea that wo- THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS BUSINESS DIRECTORY. INSURANCE. MEETINGS._ says men are angels, thfnks he should lower his Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the MONDAY JUNE 7, 1875 SEMINARY NOTICE. Centennial Tea MORNING, manliness and if he should call a Booksellers and Stationers. EXPERIENCE CHAMPIOiri)RILL~ Party. sell-respeet PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO„ HOYT, A FOGG No.Ol Middle Street. women “pet,” or “darling.” or “love,” and Every attache of the Press is tarnished T.P. McGOWAN, 354 Com grew Trustees of Westbrook Seminary are hereby regular that his wile does not At 109 Exchange Ml._ heiu COMMITTEE of Ladles will be at Bamini T. expect It. Probably St., Portland. THEnotified that tlieir annual meeting will be with a Card certificate countersigned by Stanley the sitter- Portland cadets A IInil from to G o’clock every afternoon ibis she doesn’t. Tn view of this man’s Book Binders, on Wednesday the 9th, inst., at 3 o’clock in Editor. All steamboat and hotel objection Terms: Dollars a To tne week for the sale of seats at tlie Table of Pullen, railway, Eight Tear in advf.nce. noon at the in lor Washington Room Printer'. Seminary Building Deeting, —And— to tenderness” it a mail subscribers Seven Dollars a Tear if in ad- WM. A. OUINCY, II, Better the Centennial Tea Party. Orders will also be taken managers will confer a favor upon us by demanding “gushing would be curi- paid No. 111 St. transaction of the following businss. vance Exchange, Exchange Theory! for Costlimes, and a list of suits for both Ladies and fo our 1st—For the choice of otlicers for the ensuing year. credentials of every person claiming represent osity to see the love-letters which he wrote in SMALL A No. 35 Plum NOT XOUR'iEU in- in the Gentlemen will be shown for selection SHACKFORD, DO WRONG by 2nd—To till any vacancies that may exist Guards ‘•bum- unre- Montgomery Per order of Committee. journal, as wo have information that several Street. suring w ith any Company presenting new and Board of Trustees. jy7dlw the days of his callow youth. They are, ot THE — MAINE STATE PRESS if not a — AT mers” are in tho name of the liable Fchemes, sure to prove unsatisfactory 3d—To transact other business that may prop- seeking courtesies to any course, free from endearing epithets. total failure in the but BE PARTICULAR and have no to even quite ia published every Thursday Morning at $2.50 a Confectionery. end, erly come before the meeting. MUSIC HALL. Press, we disposition be, pas- go into the M. STEVENS, June 1875. year, if iu at a J. PERKINS manufacturer of plain GRENVILLE City Hall, Tuesday, 8, a to such frauds. paid advance, $2.00 year. L. Trustees. sively, party It seems that Tail is chief of the nnd fancy Candies, 3S7 Congress St, juitd Secretary Board Spotted Tickets 50 cents; for sale at Hawes’and Stock- Rates of Advertising; One inch ot space, the Portland Me. Brule Sioux, Sitting Bull of the Northern bridge’s Music Stores. POSITIVELY ONE NIGHT ONLY, and communi- length of column, constitutes a “square.” NOTICE. Drill Wc do uot read anonymous letters week and Builders. to commence at 8 Ju2dCt Sioux, and Old Mau Afraid of his Hoiscs of $1.50 per square daily first week; 75 cents per Carpenters o’clock._ cations. The namo and address of the writer are in after; throe insertions, or less, $1.00; continuing A Pearl WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9tl». the is WHITNEY MEANS, Street, op all cases not tor Ogallalla Sioux. The Old Man, Ac., every other after first week, 50 cents. ANNUAL MEETING of the Proprietors of COSTU M E S indispensable, necessarily publication day posite Park. and Halt square, tlneeinsertions, or less, 75 cents; one THKMaine Wharf will be held at the office of G. A. but as a guaranty of good faith. very infirm, the authority over the tribe $1 50 cents week after. June 7th, — FOIt THE — UETERN OF T1IE FAMOUS week, 00; per Furniture—Wholesale and Retail. Thomas, 4} Exchange Street, MONDAY, Wo cannot undertake to return or reserve commu- is really held by Red Cloud, though the sou Special Notices, one third additional. at 3 o’clock P. Mm tor the choice of Officers, and the WALTER COREY A LIFE nications that aro not used. Under head of “Amusements.” and “Auction CO., Arcnde,No. MUTUAL transaction of such other busidess as may legally of the old chief has a hereditary claim. Ac- throe insertions IS Free Street. Centennial Tea Sales.” $2.00 per square per wook; come beforo them. Party. WASHBURN to the r less $1.50. GEORGE A. WHITNEY, No. 50 Ex- GEORGE A. THOMAS, Clerk. cording Washington correspondents St. of nil kind* Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State change Upholstering 31,1875. Red Cloud is troubled with a not un- Portland, May my31deod4t The ladies of Committee for the Cen- State Couvention. failing Press” (which has a large circulation in every part done to order. the Costumo Republican INSURANCE COMPANY, tennial Tea are to annouce that they common of the State) for $1.00 per square for first insertion, Party, pleased Last Sensation Troupe among white chiefs, a love of wins- have mado with MB. and 50 cents iter square lor each subsequent nsertion. Horse Shoeing satisfactory arrangements NOTICE GEOKGK HAYDEN, the well kaown Boston The Republicans of Maine aro invited to send dele- key. Address all communications to A after an absence of twelve months, during which the TIMOTHY SULLIVAN S. YOUNG, OF1 town all on Co. Costumer, and that ho will he in day, gates to a State Convention to be held in m PORTLAND PUBLISHING Horse nt 70 Fed- HEREBY GIVEN to the Proprietors of Port- time honored manager, Experienced Mlioer*, Juno furnish suitable Costumes of IS land Long Wharf, that their Annual Meeting MONDAY, The women of Provideuco are not minded ernl street.ma30ri3m» every.descrintion for the of These | will be held at Office at 120 Commercial St., on MON- evening thadday. CITY 1IALL, PORTLAND. dresses are of them made E. S. WASHBURN, to follow the advice at the convention DAY the seventh of June at 2 o’clock P. fresh aud handsome, many given BUSINESS CARDS. Pattern and Model Maker. NEW YOU IC. day next, for this from Standing special occasion, the prices ranging June 11 o’cl’k A.ITI., iu M., to choose Moderator, Clerk, Treasurer, has achieved odo of the greatest Financial successes Tuesday, 13,lSL5,al Boston. As the men of Rhode Island jr. I. HAKKOI K, ‘150 Fore Cor. ci as $2.50 upwards. Mr, Hayden will himself bo in at- Street; Wharf Committee, and such other Committee on recoid. The is the crowning tendance from 8 o'clock a. in., through the entire present organization took no to celebrate the ot I’roNM, Porilnud. may be requisite to manage the allairs of said Wharf branch of for tho purpose of nominating a candidate for steps anniversary r. P. BABCOCK. day, at Rossini Hall. All who have effort of thirty years experience. Every for t he Also to act upon any other jargons artists ot that F, S. WINSTON President. ensuing year. decide! will send their the profession represented by the sterling Governor, and transacting any other busiuess the bunting of the Gaspee, the women have business to said Wharf, that may upon CoBtumes direction, Photographers. appertaining with 556 merit in an original rogramme of unsual brilliancy, MODEL MAKER & JOBBER, at said chewt measure, to Mr. Geo. E. Hayden, may properly come before this convention. taken the matter in and are to have a A. S. DAVIS A- No. SO Middle Street, legally come before them meeting. introducing the 'S'.ileiitFd Coleman Sisiern, hand, CO., Washington Street, Boston, as soon as possible, when be as OF J. II. WEBSTER, Clerk, the Ureal Add Weaver and 8oa, the Tho basis of representation will follows:— MANUFACTURER J. H. RAMSON, 153 Middle St.,cor. Cross. dtlOt their w ants will be immediately attended to. c'am-bake, a*boat race, a military display, CASH ASSETS NEARLY my27 ITIoanrchu Mnuchester aud Jenurugs, the Each city, town and plantation will be entitled to Watch mid Chronometer Marker*’ Tools, Per order of Committee Powerful BliM ISrofberM, the Wonderful and a conflagration, all on next. one delegate and one additional for every 75 votes Thursday Mathematical, Optical and K*hilo- Plumbers. Wigs furnished hr Mr. Sherry. Kan yeah* and a host of others. Hophical fluMtrumeut*, School JAMES MILLER.No.Ol Federal Street. Maine Medical Association, ju5 dtd cast the Republican candidate for Governor in 1874, Apparatus' Arc., am the and Washburn en- A fraction of 40 votes, additional to the full number Twenty-third Annual Meeting of the Maine NOTE.—I original only News and Other Items. Real Estate in the show business in the and all 5fi Market Street, Printers Exchange, Agents. T1IEMedical Association will he held at the City MUSEUM. gaged world, for a delegate, Is also entitled to a delegate. others nsing that name do so without my knowledge Jeff Davis kissed all the girls at a Texas Jill POBTLAND, THE. dly JOHN C. PROCTER, No. 03 Exchange Building, Portland, commencing on TUESDAY, PORTLAND^ Delegates are authorized to fill vacancies ouly with I brand them as base Street.
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