.•_._..._-.--...-....-4-...-..----m-~~~~--~~ Section rosse Pointe ews A --------------------------------.- -~---_._-----~_. - ~-----------------------------_.- ~ Per Copy 38 Pages - Three Sections Publl.hed II s.c:ond ClII' M.n.r at the GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1982 "3 Per 'leer VOL. 43-NO. 28 P041 Offtce II Detroll, Mlchlgln Board elects Kennel; business director resigns tary. trustees that Director of Business By Joanne GOllJeche Affairs Larry Rankens had asked Before Monday's officer elec- that "his arrangement with the The Grosse Pointe Board of tions, former board vice-president Education welcomed its new pres- Grosse Pointe school system be Ronald Dalby asked those at the changed." Brummel said Ran- ident to office and silently said meeting for a moment of silent goodbye to an old friend at its an- kens, business affairs director prayer in rememberance of one- nual organizational meeting Mon- since 1978, will become a $22,000 a time school trustee Laurance J. vear consultant on school fin- n'l"--.I Trustees also approved 10 per- Harwood, who passed away Juiy ancial affairs, worklllg two Clays a cent salary increases for 37 ad- 4. week for the next year. Rankens' ministrators over the next two Trustees also adopted a resolu- salary was $44,337. years and accepted the resigna- tion recognizing Harwood's ser. "Larry is seeking a different tion of Larry Rankens, the vice on the Board of Education as kind of educational interest," schools' director of business af- "characterized by his deep and Brummel said, adding the res. fairs. abiding concern for others, his at- ignation will give board offices an First term trustee Dorothy titudes of compassion and fair- opportunity to seriously consider Kennel was unanimously elected ness, and his unique sense of reorganization of the ad. president for the 1982-83 school humor." ministrative staff. Brummel did year,. Elected to the board in 1979, Harwood was elected to the not say if Rankens would be re- Mrs, Kennel, a former kindergar- placed. ten teacher in the district for 13 board in 1973and served until 1981 years, has served previously as when he decided not to run for Later, Rankens said his one- board vice-president and sec- re-election. year consulting contract would retary. In recommerKHng two-year sal. enable him to pursue other con- ary increases for administrators, sulting interests with' 'educational Senior board member Joan and government institutions." PIlotob, To," G'_wood Hanpeter was elected vice-pres- Supt. Dr. Kenneth Brummel Thousands of runners zip through the Pointes eacb year during the Free Press Marathon and ident. She has held the office of pointed out Grosse Pointe should Other annual organizational is- president, secretary and treas- remain competitive with other sues approved Monday included rave about tbe beautiful stretch along Lakeshore Road and the friendly reception they receive in comparable school communities. tbe Farms, Thev'll be back tbis year under an agreement reached between the newspap~r, the urer. the reappointment of the law firm Hill, Lewis, Adams, Goodrich & Farms and local churches. Outgoing board president Jon Administrators will see a 6 per- cent increase in 1982-83 and a 4 Tait as the school system's legal Gandelot was elected treasurer counseL Trustees also approved after he was sworn into office percent pay hike in 1983-84leaving 24 full-time principals with sal- membership in the National School Monday to begin his second four- Boards Association, the Michigan year term after re-election to his aries between $39,000 and $54,000 a Compromise saves the race year. Administrators received a Association of School Boards, seat in last month's school elec- Metropolitan Detroit Bureau of tion. 10 percent salary increase in By Tom Greenwood field, St. Paul Catholic Church; Rector Rev. Edward 1981-82. School Studies, Inc. and the Michi- Cobden, Jr., Christ Church and Rev. George E. Trustees re-elected Catherine gan High School Athletic Associa- The pitter-patter of thousands of tiny feet running Schelter. St. James Lutheran Church_ Brierly to her post as board secre- Dr. Brummel announced to tion. the fifth annual Detroit Free Press International Marathon will apparently be heard again this Oc- While the race has been run four previous times tober after officials from the Free Press, Farms and through the Farms, with the blessings of the Farms four Pointe churches protesting the race sat down Council. it hasn't been accomplished without so'me and ironed out some of their differences. controversy_ De.lnocratic e.rilnaries While all involved in the controversv could claim Dr. Kiely appeared before the council two years at least partial vic~ory, the real winners appear to ago protesting the time and day of the race, stating be the thousands of runners involved in the race and that his church and its parishioners Iy,'ere virtually the tens of thousands of spectators lining the route. "land.locked" on church grounds by the thousands of Wisniewski, Hertel run in county A tentative agreement involving compromise was runners streaming by over a two hour period. By Mike Andrzejczyk the race, either Barbara Gattorn one down." He is quick to point reached at a meeting held June 30 at the Country In his appearance then and this year, Dr. Kiely or Ervin Steiner, Jr., the incum- out the differences between him- Club of Detroit. At that time, the Free Press, in stressed that neither he nor his church were opposed State Sen. John Hertel and 2nd bent. (The Republican candidates self and Hertel. effeel, agreed with the Farms thal lhe route, date to the race or sport on a personal basis, and ap- District County Commissioner will-..be_pr:ofiled .JleXLweekJ ,,-"-.- ..-.. "'I'he"only-thing'he k!JIl~bout +. and. time el tha_-I'8ee- would remaln~ _me.. _but_ plauded the..Free.Pr.ess and its marathon. The prob- Norbert Wisniewski Had: .them- I that the runners wo~ld follow the north sld~ of. Lake. lem was that the event disrupted church services on selves in familiar territory as they Wisniewski, a former Detroit the county is the Road Com mis- shore Road. allo~'mg for two-way traf.flc In the its traditional day of worship. The minister asked at begin stumping for the Aug. 10 police officer, is serving his third sian," WisQiewski said, referring southernmost portIon nearest Lake St. Clair. both appearances if the day, date. ~ime 0-': route !?f primary election. Both are vying term on the county board rep- to Hertel's part in a lawsuit The Free Press also agreed to confer with all in- the. ra~e could be changed to prOVIde reltef to his for the Democratic spot on the resenting from the now-defunct against tbe formation of a de- terested parties from the Farms in the future before parIShIOners. November ballot for county com- 2nd District. The northeast partment head union in the body. pla.n~ are ~ade for a 1~ marathon. At t~at tif"!le, In his protest to the Farms Council this year, Dr. missioner representing Grosse Detroit-Harper Woods area mir- "1 could have sworn he was run- offiCIals w~1Id!scuss vartables of the ra~e mv?lvmg Kiely was supported by the three previously men. Pointe and eastside Detroit's 1st rors portions of Hertel's 2nd sen- ning for county commissioner, but the day, ume and route of the race, WIth prtmary tioned ministers and the entire Grosse Pointe District. atorial district. the way he was talking, you'd _ think he was looking for a Road concern placed on the day of the week. 'finisterial Association. The council supported Dr. Wisniewski and Hertel have Hert~, a s,tate senator for eIght Commission appointment. The June 30th meeqng was attended by Diane Kiely, ~a,yi~~ it would not p~rmit the race through represented roughly the same years, IS hopmg to return to county Taylor, race coordinator for the Free Press: Farms {hell' cJt~ \\)thout the approval of the churches. constituents from their respective politics. He served 15 months on "What he's telling people he can will Chief ,~f Police R.obert K. Ferber: The H(v. Dr. "We fought as hard as we could and managed to offices. The primary winner the then-Board of Supervisors for do (about the Road Commission) face the winner of the GOP balf of the county before moving to the just can't be done," WisnieWSKi Ray K!ely, 'femonal Church; 'Isgr. FranCIS X. Can- (Continued GO Page 5.-\) Senate. said. "He could have done a lot .. more .as a senator than as a Both have mad~ !he C1l'C~lt of county commissioner." homeowner aSSOCIation candidate Midnights: Working while the city sleeps nights, but summer brought a Hertel said he served the county drop in speaking engagements, through the Senate and has dir- school. The lockers are dark miles will be added to its odome- operational. The big Remington By Tom Greenwood _12 guage shotgun between the something both candidates be. ected his concerns for the last green, beat up and jammed toget- ter. moan_ year against problems within the ~ights_ The skeleton shift. The her. ~10st are decorated with de- front seats is also checked. Hager checks the outside of the There's no shell in the chamber. county. "1 am angry and frustrat- graveyard tour. ~o matter what cals. posters. cartoons and a few Wisniewski dislikes the tone of ed with county government," he the name. for some it means car, scanning for new dents and That's good. In the excitement of nicknames. Most are funny. scratches. No need to be blamed the campaign, saying "people are said, adding as a senator, he has going to work while most other pulling out the weapon, a round playing people against people_ Hager is assigned car 34 this for somethin'g you didn't do.
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