Dungeon Module B1 In Search of the Unknown by Mike Carr INTRODUCTORY MODULE FOR CHARACTER LEVELS 1-3 This package (a cover folder with maps and descriptive booklet within) forms a complete module for use with DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® BASIC SET. It is especially designed as an Instructional aid for beginning Dungeon Masters and players, specifically created to enable new Dungeon Masters to initiate play with a minimum of preparation. In addition to descriptive and situational material, this module also includes special informational sections giving: background history and legends, listings of possible monsters and treasures and how to place them, a list of adventuring characters, tips on various aspects of play for the Dungeon Master, and helpful advice for starting players. If you enjoy this module, look for more releases in the D&D® family from TSR, The Game Wizards. Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random House, Inc. and in Canada by Random House of Canada, Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors. ©1979, 1981 TSR Hobbies, Inc. All Rights Reserved DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® and D&D® are registered trademarks owned by TSR Hobbies, Inc. TSR HOBBIES, INC. POB 756 7 5314 l W , GENEVA E LAK ©1980 TSR Hobbies. Inc. All Rights Reserved PRINTED IN U.S.A. ISBN 0-935696-04-0 DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® Basic Set list of pre-generated characters supplied here (including 1 #B e Modul n Dungeo l Instructiona l Specia possible retainers to accompany the player characters in IN SEARCH OF THE UNKNOWN their adventuring). by Mike Carr - de n dungeo d goo f o s point t salien l severa e ar e ther , Thirdly sign illustrated in this module which new DM's would be wise Introduction: This package forms a special instructional to note. Likewise, they should keep these factors in mind module for play of DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® Basic Set, and when they start to design their own game maps and situa- d an s player g beginnin r fo d designe y specificall s i , such s a tions: s numerou s ha t i , design l specia s it o t e Du . Masters n Dungeo applicationo t se and servicescommensurat ae multiplicitchalleng a yr of offe purposes o t t . importan s i t i e Sinc ) 1 the players' level, this two-level dungeon design is made spe- Most materiao t 3 f lo withiy npart thia n si moduls eplayer isg that containebeginnin y b n d in the D&exploratio Dr •fo y cificall l materia w ne , instances e som n I . booklet e gam t Se c Basi 6 adventurers (player and non-player characters com- , included s i ) etc. , items c magi , monsters l additiona s a h (suc bined). This is reflected in various ways: a e provid o t e mad n bee s ha t effor y ever , so s i s thi n whe d an a) In general, this dungeon is less deadly and more for- pertinent explanation of - importanplay d t aspectexperience s t antes d o effectst d . designe e on n tha g givin , however , challenging y fairl e b o t d designe s i t I . ers s thi g usin s player g beginnin e b o t d inten d woul o wh e Thos and is by no means "easy." Careless adventurers will module would be well advised to stop reading this now and pay the penalty for a lack of caution—only one of to avoid further examinatio! n of thdungeon ee modulth n ewithi detaild slearne o re b gam o t s e lesson y man e th map. The reason for this is that enjoyment of the module will be enhanced when the challenge of the unknown and unex- b) The dungeon is designed to be instructive for new o t e abl e b t no l wil o wh , participants e th s confront d pecte , map o t y eas y relativel e b d shoul t i f o t Mos . players benefit from any familiarity with the game situation other although there are difficult sections—especially on tha backgroune nth d provide refereee th y db d . Thian ss elemencavern tk roc r irregula e wher l leve r lowe e th of the unknown and the resultant exploration in search of un- passageways will prove a real challenge. known treasures (with hostile monsters and unexpected dan- c) The monsters encountered will generally be com- gers to outwit and overcome) is precisely what a DUNGEONS mensurate with the adventurers' ability to defeat " much o to g "knowin d an , about l al s i e adventur S DRAGON & them. For the few that are too formidable, the ad- can greatly spoil the fun of the experience that makes D&D venturers will have to learn the necessary art of flee- s thi n i r playe a e b o t g goin e you'r f i , So . special o s g gamin ing or else employ more powerful means against l wil h (whic n temptatio e th t resis , here g readin p sto , module them. be considerable) to go further in examining the contents, put the module aside, - anal d, waismall t foe b r y your Dungeogenerall l wil nd Mastefoun e b r to ot s get treasure e Th ) d ready to use this package e for gamingpossibl e ar s . Yofind e u won'tlucrativ be e sorrymor f o !e coupl a h thoug if the adventurers are clever or lucky. 2) The dungeon includes a good assortment of typical fea- R MASTE N DUNGEO E TH R FO S NOTE tures which players can learn to expect, including some in- e modul s thi d fin l wil u yo , Master n Dungeo g beginnin a s A : traps d an s trick g terestin helpful in many ways. First of all, it serves as a graphic exam- ple of a beginning dungeon. For this reason, it should prove a) Several one-way secret doors illustrative to fledgling Dungeon Masters whos will benefimouth c t fromagi md an s Illusion ) b e Thos " like. s "look n desig n dungeo r anothe t wha t a k loo a designing their ownd dungeonan s storche wilh l want textinguis o y notma e h variouwhic r s as- corrido d win A ) c pects of this dungeon which will give them valuable insights open flames r thei e formulat o t m the s allow h whic s proces e creativ e th o int d) A room of mysterious pools o t n o g goin e Thos . setting g gamin d an n dungeo e uniqu n ow - ad e b d shoul s campaign d an s dungeon n ow r thei n desig e) A room of doors vised of the various playing aids available from TSR as official f) A water pit trap which suddenly drops adventurers DUNGEONS & DRAGONS accessories—most notably the varil - leve r lowe e th o t ous sets of geomorphs (see the products list on the D&D Basic p ma e larg f o n preparatio w allo h whic ) details r fo t bookle t Se e th d behin p dro s bar l vertica e wher p tra s portculli A ) g areas with a minimum of time and effort. party in a dead end corridor h) A pair of teleport rooms to confuse explorers Second, this package provides an almost "ready-made" - play e mor r o e on r fo d utilize e b n ca h whic n situatio e gam i) Several magical treasures—most beneficial, some o t n additio n i y necessar s i n preparatio l initia e Som . ings cursed reading the materiar lfo throug s h oncontent f eo oy r morvariet e a time h swit befors e usincontainer gs Mysteriou ) j n fu d an g Interestin s i , however , preparation e Th . game a n i t i examination r (o r Maste n Dungeo a w ho s show t i r fo , instructional s a l wel s a - mon d an s treasure d assorte h wit n dungeo e th " "stocks ) DM 3) There is a legend or story explaining some details of the - mon f o s list e Separat . begins g adventurin y an e befor s ster setting and providing a background (i.e., why it exists, its sters and treasures to key with the various locations inside the background, how the characters became involved with it, dungeon w insurkno ey thaonl y t no twoprobabl l similawil s r modules will be players/adventurer th , e samcourse e f O . etc.) t tha e guarante o als l wil d an , DM's t differen y b p u t se n whe s dubiou f o s rumor y onl s perhap r information—o s thi f o s bit players will not know what to expect in any given room or lo- reliability. Most good dungeons (and indeed, entire game r thei e us n ca s participant , characters r playe r fo As . cation campaigns) rest upon a firm basis of interesting background own characters rolled up according to the guidelines within and "history" as set for the players by the game moderator, a m fro e choos r o k ruleboo c Basi S DRAGON & S DUNGEON e th .
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