WEEK 27 Men and Women Vol. 20 Issue 4 of Florida Fourth Quarter s-w.co/FL4-27 Contemporary Men and Women of Florida Welcome, boys and girls, to another issue of Florida Studies 0$WKDOLH5DQJHZDVWKHSUHVLGHQWRIDORFDODQGFRXQW\3DUHQW Weekly. In this issue, you can learn about some of the great people Teacher Association (P.T.A.) for 16 years. During this time, she fought who have helped make Florida such a great state in the last 100 years. IRUHTXDOULJKWVLQHGXFDWLRQIRUPLQRULWLHV6KHEHFDPHWKHÀUVW$IULFDQ There are all types of citizens from many walks of life. There are American woman to be elected to the Miami Board of Commissioners, government employees, athletes, educators and people who were or are ZKHUHVKHIRXJKWIRUVWULFWHUJXQODZVXSGDWHGÀUHFRGHVVHFXUHGD still involved in many different aspects of life in restriction on the sale of glue to minors and created Florida. park and play areas. In 1970, she was appointed to As we read this issue of Florida Studies Weekly, serve as secretary of the Department of Community we’ll learn about these contemporary (modern day) $IIDLUVEHFRPLQJWKHÀUVW$IULFDQ$PHULFDQ men and women who are powerful, intelligent and to serve as a head of a state agency important. They represent all the character traits in Florida. In her lifetime, she we have learned about this year. All of them received more than 125 helped in one way or another to make Florida awards and honors. the state that it is today. (UQHVW+HPLQJZD\·V We can start with Lenore Carrero home is located in 1HVELWW1HVELWWZDVWKHÀUVWIHPDOH Old Town, Key West. judge appointed to the U.S. District Hemingway is known Court for the Southern District for his novels and great of Florida. She worked many stories, many of which different jobs, including serving are about Florida. A as a research assistant to the stamp was issued in his chief judge of Florida’s First honor in 1989. District Court of Appeals. She Many other men and ZDVWKHÀUVWZRPDQWRKROGWKLV women have helped make position. Florida the great state Jimmy Buffet is a great that it is and deserve the contemporary singer from Key West, front page, but we just Florida. He is known for his humorous don’t have enough room and upbeat songs. Many of his songs for them all. So keep on tell of areas that he has lived in WXUQLQJWKHSDJHVDQGÀQG and experienced in Florida. Some out more about some of people like to think of him as the the greatest contemporary wealthiest beach bum in the world. men and women of our state. Future Famous Floridians You’ve been reading all about fabulous Think again! have you try out for the Florida Youth Orchestra. Floridians who are making quite a splash in Florida is the perfect place for you to grow into They’ve been at it since 1988, and with seven the world. You know who else is set to make a whoever you want to be. Is basketball your talent? GLIIHUHQWOHYHOVRISHUIRUPDQFH\RX·UHERXQGWRÀW difference out there? You. Check out the Orlando Magic basketball camp. right in! That’s right, the next great American from Who better than your favorite NBA team to coach Maybe you like getting your hands dirty. Great. Florida could be looking back at you from a mirror you into stardom? every morning. You don’t think you’re special? Not for you? Let’s get into music. In fact, let’s CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 Camp Kennedy Space Center Florida Next Generation Sunshine State Standards: SS.4.A.1.1: Analyze primary and secondary resources to identify significant individuals and events throughout Florida history. SS.4.A.1.2: Synthesize information related to Florida history through print and electronic media. SS.4.A.6.3:'HVFULEHWKHFRQWULEXWLRQVRIVLJQLÀFDQWLQGLYLGXDOVWR)ORULGDSS.4.A.8.1: Identify )ORULGD·VUROHLQWKH&LYLO5LJKWV0RYHPHQWSS.4.A.9.1: Utilize timelines to sequence key events in Florida history. SS.4.C.2.2:,GHQWLI\ZD\VFLWL]HQVZRUNWRJHWKHUWRLQÁXHQFHJRYHUQPHQWDQGKHOS solve community and state problems. SS.4.G.1.1: Identify physical features of Florida. SS.4.G.1.2: Locate and label cultural features on a Florida map. SS.4.G.1.4: Interpret political and physical maps using map elements (title, compass rose, cardinal directions, intermediate directions, symbols, legend, scale, longitude, latitude). ida Flor Contemporary Men and Women of Florida Here are a few great women and men from Florida. Who will be Florida’s great men and women of the future? with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s looks like the magic of discipline (hard work) paid Janet Reno: Guy Bradley Award. The award was given to off for Shula and his Miami Dolphins. Highest Attorney Kuncir for his role in protecting America’s wildlife resources. He was a great criminal investigator ,Q0DUFK-DQHW5HQRPDGHKLVWRU\ZKHQ Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and has done a great deal to keep threats such as VKHEHFDPHWKHÀUVWZRPDQ86DWWRUQH\JHQHUDO ,OHDQD5RV/HKWLQHQZDVERUQLQ0LDPLLQ environmental hazards and contaminants (which This meant she had the highest government position 6KHZDVWKHÀUVW+LVSDQLFZRPDQWRVHUYHLQWKH make the environment unclean or expose it to available as an attorney (lawyer). Florida legislature. harmful chemicals) away from wildlife. 5HQRZDVERUQDQGUDLVHGLQ0LDPL$VD\RXQJ Service Director Steven Williams says that girl, she used to go to work with her father, who Kuncir has done things to protect the bald eagles, Gloria Estefan was a newspaper reporter for criminal trials. This migratory birds and many other species that *ORULD(VWHIDQLVDIDPRXVFRQWHPSRUDU\VLQJHU H[SHULHQFHPDGHDJUHDWLPSDFWRQ5HQRDQGVKH Americans treasure and love. who moved from Havana, Cuba, to Miami as a ended up serving as Dade County’s district attorney The award that Kuncir received—the Guy young child. When she was 18, she joined a band IRU\HDUV'XULQJWKDWWLPH5HQRZRQDUHFRUG Bradley Award—is named after, and presented in FDOOHGWKH0LDPL6RXQG0DFKLQH(VWHIDQUHFHLYHG 103 death sentences against criminals whom she a psychology degree from the University of Miami prosecuted (accused, brought charges against). KRQRURIWKHÀUVWZLOGOLIHDJHQWWRORVHKLVOLIHLQWKH line of duty. Guy Bradley was killed in 1905 trying when she was 21. In 2001, she received a Grammy This was especially amazing because she does not to protect America’s wildlife. Kuncir is now retired. for Best Traditional Tropical Latin Album. believe in the death penalty. Williams says, “We’re proud that one of our agents has won this prestigious award and join the Marjorie Kinnan Rosemary Barkett: foundation in applauding the contributions that law Rawlings: Writer HQIRUFHPHQWRIÀFHUVPDNHWRZLOGOLIHFRQVHUYDWLRQ Florida’s First Female throughout this country.” And we’re proud, too! Florida is a beautiful state. Have you noticed the Supreme Court Justice beauty around you? Maybe you’ve written a poem or sung a song to remind yourself of the wonder you 5RVHPDU\%DUNHWWZDVERUQLQ0H[LFRLQWRD Don Shula felt. Well, if you’ve done anything like that, you family of nine children. When she was 7 years old, Where were the Miami Dolphins before coach PLJKWEHWKHQH[W0DUMRULH.LQQDQ5DZOLQJVRQH her parents moved the family to Miami. At the age Don Shula? Who’s Don Shula? Have you ever of the most famous female writers of all time. She of 17, she became a nun. Later, she decided to serve ridden on the expressway in Dade County? Well, was born in Washington, D.C., and when she was 11 humanity (mankind) in another way. She chose a Shula helped the Dolphins win so many games that years old, she won a $2 prize for a story she wrote. ODZFDUHHUWKDWHYHQWXDOO\OHGKHUWREHFRPHWKHÀUVW the people of Miami named one of their biggest and The story appeared on the children’s page of the female judge on the Florida Supreme Court. busiest expressways after him. Washington Post. As an adult, she moved to Florida Shula won 347 games as an NFL head coach, to get away from the busy city. She wrote about Frank Kuncir more than any other coach in NFL history. If that nature and the people around her. It all paid off, too! When you think about a special agent, you isn’t amazing enough, Shula is the only coach to In 1938, she published her most famous novel, probably think about James Bond or maybe some have a perfect season in NFL football history. In “The Yearling.” The book was awarded person who works for the FBI or the CIA. But not 1972, he coached the Miami Dolphins so well that the Pulitzer Prize, one of the most all special agents work for these groups. One special they won every single game, including the Super important awards for literature. agent, Frank Kuncir, worked for the United States Bowl. It was also made into a movie Fish and Wildlife Services. What magic helped him win so often? When he and was translated into 13 Kuncir worked in the Fish and Wildlife Services was inducted (enrolled) into the Pro Football Hall languages. And here’s the best RIÀFHLQ)RUW0\HUV)ORULGD+HZDVDVSHFLDODJHQW of Fame in 1997, he said, “…There are things that part: “The Yearling” is probably for more than 20 years and was honored in 2003 will never change; you’ll always need discipline.” It in your library. Check it out! Images at right, Back row: Don Shula, Frank Kuncir. Second row: Rosemary Barkett, Paula Hawkins, Gloria Estefan, Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings. Front row: Janet Reno, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Zora Neale Hurston Mary McLeod Columbia and Bethune: First Lady Suwannee of Education Counties "TBMJUUMFHJSM JOUIFT .BSZ Columbia County:$PNFTFFUIFnJQTJEFPG .D-FPE#FUIVOF 'MPSJEBBUUIF4UFQIFO'PTUFS4UBUF'PML$VMUVSF picked cotton. $FOUFS4UFQIFO'PTUFSXSPUFPVSTUBUFTPOH i0ME 8IJMFTIFXPSLFE 'PMLTBU)PNFwUIBUTUBSUTXJUI i8BZEPXOVQPOUIF she chanted to 4VXBOOFF3JWFSyw"UUIFDFOUFS ZPVMMFYQFSJFODF herself, “I’m goin’ UIFTUPSJFT DSBGUTBOENVTJDPGPMEBOEOFX'MPSJEB to read, I’m goin’ to read!” It wasn’t 5IFDPVOUZTFBU -BLF$JUZ IBTUIFSJHIUOBNFGPSB WFSZDPNNPOJO UPXOJOUIJTi'SFTIXBUFS$BQJUBMPG"NFSJDB wXIFSFZPV those days for DBOEJWF TXJN DBOPF SBGUPSKVTUUVCFEPXOBMB[ZSJWFS "GSJDBO"NFSJDBOT with no theme park attached.
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