TRUTH JOUR THROUGH NALISM VOL. 4, WK. 34 THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 2020 $1.00 Despite in-person school closure, Heights has to think Sauk Prairie sees ten new COVID-19 cases, none for about possible referendum Mazo and Black Earth by JOE BLOCK expressed concern about ask- the meeting. Editor ing taxpayers for more money The administration discussed by JOE BLOCK Sauk City now averages For the month of August right now. Board member Cindy the plan for online schooling in Editor 6.02 cases per thousand, and Sauk City has nine new cases, In addition to wrestling with Beuthin noted that putting a ref- more detail. An email was sent Prairie du Sac 6.37. Dane Prairie du Sac seven five, an online model for the fall, COVID-19 cases across County averages 8.9, and and Mazomanie/Black Earth erendum question on the ballot out to parents after the meet- the area have leveled off in the Wisconsin Heights School would allow the district to get a ing, outlining expectations and nearby Columbian County, three. Board talked about the ten- Mazomanie and Black Earth, with a similar population, av- The two week period from good idea of where the residents resources. Middle School/High but continue to rise in Sauk ability of putting a referendum stand on the question. School principal Liz Dostal erages 4.97. The Mazomanie/ July 21 to August 3 saw the question on the fall or spring Prairie. Mazomanie/Black Black Earth area only aver- biggest increases in cases for During public input, two par- noted that last spring’s cur- Earth saw no new cases from ballot. The District has been ents spoke about the potential riculum and model was a “cri- ages 2.07 cases per thousand. the Sauk Prairie area, with 32 looking at a roughly $30 million August 10 to 17, a few weeks Sauk County had an in- cases in Sauk Prairie com- of having fall sports. Both sup- sis response,” but this fall is a after a state-wide mask man- facilities upgrade. ported having sports, and one “planned response.” crease of 68 cases. This bined. Sauk Prairie over the At the August 10 meeting, date went into effect. Sauk brings the case per thousand past two weeks is averaging noted that “things in life involve Class will take place from Prairie had 10 new cases, six board members Mary Beth risk.” Their comments were 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., with on- metric to 7.97, close to Dane roughly a new case every two Schall and Gary Damaschke in Sauk City and four in Prai- County’s 8.9. days. met with applause by those at SEE HEIGHTS, PAGE 4 rie du Sac. Black Earth board Prairie du Sac More restrictive bail conditions for man who allegedly sexually seat still vacant approves new assaulted six-year-old girl by JOE BLOCK The board accepted bids Editor and chose to go forward with curfew ordinance by JOE BLOCK as well as a family member’s Editor reconstruction of Cleary and house. O’Brien allegedly as- The Black Earth Village saulted her while her parents Maple Streets. Due to the nar- by JOE BLOCK Police Chief Jerry Strunz Board chose to not appoint a Curtis O’Brien, a Dane were out of the room, as well rowness of Maple, the contrac- Editor talked about the curfew at board member to the vacant seat County man who allegedly privately in the bathroom. tor and Village will work with the July 28 meeting. sexually assaulted a six-year- at their August 4 meeting. The Village of Prairie du O’Brien has pleaded not homeowners as construction “It provides legal grounds old girl in 2012, now has a GPS Prior to the regular meeting, Sac updated their curfew guilty to the charges. progresses to ensure access. [for an officer] to make con- monitor after a judge ruled on the board met with candidates in ordinance at their August On February 26, 2020, Construction will begin around tact,” said Chief Strunz. It his bail-jumping charge. There closed session. There are three 11 meeting. Board member provides “the authority to O’Brien was found competent Labor Day and finish around are new conditions to his re- candidates: Jared Brammerson, Abby Howell-Dinger, who contact” an underage indi- to stand trial. Halloween. lease. Ted Pritchett, and Scott Patchin. had opposed the ordinance, vidual, he continued. Chief O’Brien’s attorney objected A recent incident with an O’Brien, 25, allegedly as- Patchin did not show up for his was the only “no” vote. Strunz explained officers to the bail jumping charge. In Ash Tree falling in Veterans saulted the girl over the course interview, so the board put off The curfew ordinance ‘”accept the assumption that court notes, it says “[The at- park and nearly hitting a child has been discussed at three of two years. O’Brien first ap- the appointment. James Coyle if [the underage individual torney] speaks to the media and their mother--according to meetings now--starting July peared in court in 2018. and the small town watching and Mary Scott opposed the is] out they’re violating cur- board member Scott--led to a 14 and 28--and discussion O’Brien’s alleged assaults [O’Brien].” motion to delay filling the seat. few.” He continued, “the discussion of what to do about continued at this meeting. of the girl included touching, Updated bail conditions in- With the resignation of their assumption is correct until kissing, and oral and sexual diseased trees. Professional re- The Prairie du Sac ordinance clude: Public Works director, Black proven otherwise.” intercourse without consent. moval and treatment for trees now matches Sauk City’s. SEE PRAIRIE, PAGE 4 SEE BAIL, PAGE 4 Earth is in search of a replace- SEE SEAT, PAGE 4 It occurred at the girl’s house, ment. A job description can be found on the village website at: https://www.blackearthwiscon- sin.com and at the end of the article. Picture postcard from Vermont Township NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS: Due to the upcoming Labor Day holiday, DISPLAY AD DEADLINE for the Star News issue of A blue sky contrasts against a restored prairie in Vermont Township last weekend. Sept. 10 will be WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 2 at 1 pm PHOTO BY JOE BLOCK Classified ad deadline will be Wednesday, Sept. 2, at noon PAGE 2 STAR NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 2020 Wisconsin sees 14,000 unemployment claims for the first week of August by MICHELLE PHILLIPS week prior (week ending Aug. Adjudication is the investiga- vidual’s specific situation). Individuals with limited re- Approximately 484,560 News Publishing Co. 1). There were 179,169 weekly tion and resolution of eligibility PEUC: A temporary program cent work history; and claimants have been paid over claims filed the week ending issues raised on unemployment that provides up to 13 additional Other workers not covered by $3.35 billion since March 15. The Department of Work- Aug. 8. The continued high vol- insurance claims. Adjudication weeks of payments to individu- regular UI. The Weekly Claims in Pro- force Development (DWD) ume of weekly claims plays a is a manual process that re- als who have exhausted their Federal Pandemic Unemploy- cess column in the table below today released information large part in the sustained level quires interested parties be pro- regular UI benefits. ment Compensation (FPUC): A represents approximately related to the total number of of “Weekly Claims in Process”; vided due notice to respond to Extended Benefits (EB): A temporary emergency increase 98,025 unique claimants with unemployment calls received, issues that arise from those the eligibility issue. Eligibility temporary program that pro- of $600 per week in unemploy- around 162,900 issues requiring applications filed, claims pro- claims must be reviewed and issues arise from several places vides up to 13 additional weeks ment benefits. FPUC provided adjudication. A claimant could cessed, and monies distributed addressed. including the initial claim, of payments to individuals who an additional payment to indi- have one issue or many holding in Wisconsin as of the week Unemployment Insurance weekly claim, employer contact, have exhausted regular UI and viduals who are collecting regu- up a week or many weeks. In ending Aug. 8. is a joint state-federal program claimant contact, and tips from PEUC. lar UI, PEUC, EB, or PUA. It press releases issued July 20 and The Department announced, that provides benefits to eligible the public. Under normal con- Pandemic Unemployment was automatically added to the earlier, the number of unique based on preliminary numbers, workers. Each state adminis- ditions, adjudication typically Assistance (PUA): If you are weekly benefit rate. FPUC ben- claimants supplied included there were 14,119 initial appli- ters a separate UI program with takes 21 days to process. not eligible for regular UI, you efits ended on July 25. all who had filed an initial ap- cations filed the week ending state-specific laws and rules, Regular UI benefits: If may be eligible for PUA. This “Although initial claims have plication since the beginning of Aug. 8. Of those new applica- but states must also follow the you’re out of work through no is a temporary federal program dipped week over week, weekly 2020, including individuals who tions, 1,402 applications are same guidelines established by fault of your own, and you’ve that provides up to 39 weeks of (recurring) claims remain his- have not filed weekly claims. from claimants who have ex- federal law. Any answer given worked for a covered employer unemployment benefits to indi- torically high,” DWD Secretary The current number reflects hausted their Unemployment on a claim raising a question (an employer who pays UI tax) viduals who are not eligible for Caleb Frostman.
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