PUBLIKATIONEN (PEER REVIEWED) ResearcherID: A-1367-2011 ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1681-727X H-index: 19 62) Bai S, Cui P, Wang H, Richter D, Carling PA, Hu K, Tang J & Liu D (in Begutachtung) China’s Great Flood did not destroy the iconic Lajia Bronze Age settlement. Nature. 61) Ben Arous E, Philippe A, Falguères C, Shao Q, Tombret O, Mercier N, Richard M, Richter D, Lenoble A, El Hajraoui M & Nespoulet R (in Begutachtung) An improved chronology forof the Middle Stone Age in El Mnasra cave. Quaternary Science Reviews. 60) Murari MK, Kreutzer S, Frouin M, Friedrich J, Lauer T, Klasen N, Schmidt C, Tsukamoto S, Richter D, Mercier N & Fuchs M (in Begutachtung) Infrared Radiofluorescence (IR-RF): An inter-lab comparison. 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Journal of Archaeological Science 41, 705-715 Publikationen (peer reviewed) 2 36) Zöller L, Richter D, Blanchard H, Einwögerer T, Händel M & Neugebauer-Maresch C (2014) Our oldest children –age constraints for the Krems-Wachtberg site obtained from various thermoluminescence dating approaches. Quaternary International 351, 83-87. 35) Richter D, Richter A, Dornich K (2013) lexsyg - a new system for luminescence research. Geochronometria 40, 220-228. 34) Zöller L, Richter D, Masuth S, Wunner L, Fischer M & Antl-Weiser W (2013) Luminescence chronology at the Grub-Kranawetberg site, Austria. E & G Quaternary Science Journal 62, 127–135 33) Dibble HL, Aldeias V, Jacobs Z, Olszewski DI, Rezek Z, Lin SC, Alvarez-Fernández E, Barshay-Szmidt CC, Hallett-Desguez E, Reed D, Reed K, Richter D, Steele TE, Skinner A, Blackwell B, Doronicheva E & El-Hajraoui M (2013) On the industrial attributions of the Aterian and Mousterian of the Maghreb. Journal of Human Evolution 64, 194-210. 32) Richter D, Dibble H, Goldberg P, McPherron SJP, Niven L, Sandgathe D, Talamo S & Turq A (2013) The Late Middle Palaeolithic in Southwest France: New TL dates for the sequence of Pech de l’Azé IV. Quaternary International 294, 160-167. 31) Richter D, Hublin J-J, Jaubert J, McPherron SP, Soressi M & Texier J-P (2013) Thermoluminescence dates for the Middle Palaeolithic site of Chez-Pinaud Jonzac (France). Journal of Archaeological Science 40, 1176-1185. 30) Richter D, Pintaske R, K.Dornich & Krbetschek M (2012) A novel beta source design for uniform irradiation in dosimetric applications. Ancient TL 30, 57-63. 29) Hérisson D, Airvaux J, Lenoble A, Richter D, Claud E, Primault J (2012) Le gisement acheuléen de la Grande Vallée à Colombiers (Vienne, France): stratigraphie, processus de formation, datations préliminaires et industries lithiques. / The Acheulean site of “La Grande Vallée” at Colombiers (Vienne, France): stratigraphy, formation processes, preliminary dating and lithic industries. Paléo 27, 137-154. 28) Richter D & Thieme H (2012) One first chronometric date for the Lower Palaeolithic occupation at Schöningen 13-I. In: Behre K-E (Hrsg.) Die chronologische Einordnung der paläolithischen Fundstelle von Schöningen / The chronological setting of the Palaeolithic site of Schöningen. Forschungen zur Urgeschichte im Tagebau von Schöningen 1, 171-182, Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, Mainz. 27) Dibble HL, Aldeias V, Alvarez-Fernández E, Blackwell B, Hallett-Desguez E, Jacobs Z, Goldberg P, Lin SC, Morala A, Meyer MC, Olzsewski DI, Reed K, Reed D, Rezek Z, Richter D, Roberts RG, Sandgathe D, Schurmans U, Skinner A, Steele T & El- Hajraoui M (2012) New Excavations at the Site of Contrebandiers Cave, Morocco. PaleoAnthropology 2012, 145-201. 26) McPherron SP, Talamo S, Goldberg P, Niven L, Sandgathe D, Richards MP, Richter D, Turq A & Dibble HL (2012) Radiocarbon Dates for the Late Middle Paleolithic at Pech de l'Azé IV, France. Journal of Archaeological Science 39, 3436-3442. 25) Richter D, Moser J & Nami M (2012) New data from the site of Ifri n’Ammar (Morocco) and some remarks on the chronometric status of the Middle Paleolithic in the Maghreb. In: Hublin J-J & McPherron S (Hrsg.) Modern Origins: A North African Perspective. Vertebrate Paleobiology & Paleoanthropology. Springer, Dordrecht, 61-78. Publikationen (peer reviewed) 3 24) Richter D, Alperson-Afil N & Goren-Inbaar N (2011) Employing TL methods for the verification of macroscopically determined heat alteration of flint artefacts from Palaeolithic contexts. Archaeometry 53, 842-857. 23) Sier MJ, Roebroeks W, Bakels CC, Dekkers M J, Brühl E, De Loecker D, Gaudzinski- Windheuser S, Hesse N, Jagich A, Kindler L, Kuijper WJ, Laurat T, Mücher HJ, Penkman KEH, Richter D & van Hinsbergen DJJ (2011) Direct Terrestrial-Marine Correlation demonstrates surprisingly late onset of the last interglacial. Quaternary Research, 75, 213-218. 22) Richter D (2011) Dating small heated flint artifacts: A new Thermoluminescence technique.
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