/- FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17,1967 PAGE TWKNTy jManrljifHtw lEtti^nins 1|)fralb Average Daily NetRreee Rmi The Weather Members o f the Guild of French Club of Manchester For the Week Duded omu Our Lady of St. Bartholomew will sponsor a Whist and Set- W« Can't T«U A Un ^ Our Variety Is Tops! FMiniaiy 4, itEI Mostly cloudy and cold te** Abopt T " will meet tonight at 8:16 at the b,ack Party Monday at 8 p.m. LaBonne Charges day with some light snow, high SUMMER FRESH: Strawberries, Watermelons, UgU The executive committee of in Orange Hall. Tickets will be 25-30; clearing and cold to* John F. Tlemey Funeral Home, Honeydews, Papayas, Florida, Calif. Navel Qrangm, Bed, Nutmeg Forest, Tall Cedars of 219 rfJV. Center St., for' a reci­ available at the door. Refresh­ night, low In teens; fair and liebanon, will meet Monday at Blue, drapes, ludlan River Seedless Grapefruit, N e c t o ^ ^ 15,069 cold tomorrow, high in 20*. tation of the Rossury for the ments will be served. The event Issue Unsettled Fresh Ci&r, Tangerines, Bose, D’Anjou Pears; APPLES 7:30 pjn. at Masonic Temple. late William J. Cotter. is open to the public. from ttie COOLERS — Macs, Delicious, Northern Spies, Manchester— A City of Village Charm George (Ted) LaBonnfe of Glastonbury took strong Wlnesaps, Baldwins and Russets. The French Club of Manches-Manch_ ^ VFW Auxiliary will si>onsor issue t^ a y with reports that Howard Hausman of New VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 118 (FOURTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1967 (Classified AdverUshuc on Pace U ) PRICE SEVEN CENTS. te will meet tonight at Orange ^ Thursday starting Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bana- VEGETABLES GALORE; Belgium Endive, Boston Lettuce, Britain has enough votes in the 72-member State Cen­ BrooooU, jPoas, Green, Yellow Beans, Brussel Sprouts, Hall. TTiere will be entertain- ^ gj Mott’s Super vlge and daughter, Tammy, of Columbus, Ohio, are spending tral Commit)iee to elect him new state chairman. berries, Chinese, Savoy Cabbage, Leeks, Dandelions, WWte ment and refreshments will be j^gri^gj Those wishing to donate the weekend at the home of his LaBonne charged that the re- Sweet Potatoes, Cauliflower, Egg Plant, Black Radishes, _________- money or articles for the sale Asparagus, Spinach, Green and Yellow Squash. mother, Mrs. Sarah Banayige ports are being circulated “ to Central Committee will be clos- Chemical Plant Explodes , may contact Mrs. Keniieth of 38 Hudson St. create a band-wagon atmos- ed to the news media, but a TEMPLE ORANGES, Extra Large ... doz. 6 90 Aseltine, 764 E. Middle Tpke. RANGE phere,” and predicted that his press conference will be held FANCY BROCCOLI ................................bch. 3 9 0 The American t«glon Auxil­ supporters "wiU not allow them- following the elecUon of a new ANI> The meeting of the Mothers RED DELICIOUS APPLES .. .20 lb. avg. $ 1 .5 0 Mao ‘Nearly Controls’ iary will' meet Monday at 8 .selves to be influenced in this chairman. Club of Center Congregational POTATOES...................................50 lb. bag $ 1 .9 9 p.m. at the post home. Mrs. manner.” Pinney, in letters to LaBonne FUEL OIL Church scheduled for Monday CHERRY PIE FILLING.................. 3 cans $ 1 .6 0 Henri Pessini will be hostess. His statement is in answer to and Hausman, has laid the has been canceled. 2 Risk Death GASOLINE Members are reminded to bring one made yesterday by J. Brian ground rules for tomorrow’s By George—-What Variety \|j^e Have—^Wowl coupons, canceled stamps and Gaffney, New Britain’s GOP mass meeting, Open DaUy 6 A.M. to 9 P.M.—Sundays 7 A.M. to 8 PM . articles for an overseas pack­ town chairman. Gaffney said LaBonne and Hausman each BANTLY OIL FOR RENT age. — Hausman "is assured” of being will deliver a speech, to pre- All Inner Mongolia 8 and 16 mm. Movie Pro­ Speaks Sunday the new state Republican chair- sent their respective cases and To Save Girl ( OMl*ANY, INC. jectors—sound or silent, also Sunset Rebekah Lodge will man, and called upon LaBonne qualifications. Both then will "THE KING HAWTHORNE, N.J. (AP) — freezing temperatures waiting ;i:il M\IN S T H K K T S3 mm. slide projectors. have a supper Monday at 6:30 John E. Rogers Sr. of snpportera to join in a move for answer quesUons from the "Don’t leave me! Please don’t for news. p.m. at Odd Fellows Hall, be­ Ti;i,. (iiii-ir.iir. E. Middle Tpke. will participate unity. floor. leave me!” pleaded Sandy Kan- At Paterson General HPspltal, WELDON DRUG CO. fore a meeting at 8 p.m. Sup­ l% 4 L r PHODUCE!” in a program Sunday at 2 p.m. LaBonne released the follow­ tcr, a pretty lO-year-old labors, Peter Kanter planted a kiss on Hock \ illf H7rt-.'lii71 767 Main St.—Tel. 643-5321 per reservations close Saturday Pinney has ruled that there ing statement today: 276 OAKLAND STREET, MANCHESTER • 643-6384 tory worker pinned in the debris the forehead of his daughter, and' may be made with Mrs. at Hartford Public High School will be no speeches and no mo­ R^d Guards’ from a series of explosions that where she was reported in good Alice Wetherell, 33 Florence Auditorium in commemoration "As far as I am concerned, tions permitted from the as­ ripped a chemical plant. condition after being treated for St., or Mrs. Henry Starkweath­ I disagree with reports that sembled Republicans on the of Negro History Week. The T w o Workmen, 'despite the burns. Effort Fails er, 186 Lake St. There will be Howard Hausman is over the floor. event is sponsored by the High possibility of another explosion George Decker, 48, one of the a nominal charge for the sup­ top. Inasmuch as there has Pinney has said that the pur­ OF MANCHESTER at any moment, freed the girl In workhien who helped free Miss FLETCHER GLASS CO. per. Noon Club of Greater Hartford been no substantial change that pose of tomorrow’s meeting is In Two Areas and is open to the public. Many I can find among the voting to hear the two candidates and tfgAR MANCHESTBR CENTER the aftermath of the blast Fri­ Kanter, was at work some dis­ educators and heads of PTAs members of the State Central to expose them to questions EAEY PARKINS ^ day that left at least one man tance from the apparent center TOKYO (AP) — Radio **When You Think of Glass, to increase the knowledge of the known dead and 10 others miss­ of the explosions in the block- 649-4521 Committee since the vote In the from the audience. Moscow said Saturday that Public Records plan to attend. John B. Steward ing and presumed by authorities square comi^ex of the Morning- Think of Fletcher*’ 32nd Senatorial District, two He said that it is not, and he after a series of bloody Sr. of 2106 Main St., Hartford, weeks ago. emphasizes "not,” the purpose to be burled in the ruins. star Paisley Division of the In­ Warrantee Deed is general chairman of the ‘There has been a vigorous meeting to generate any i i n Eighteen persons were In­ ternational Latex Corp. clashes opponents of Mao Tse-tung had seized “ near­ 54 McKEE STREET Henrietta Ponticelli to Alfred event. effort on the part of those sentiment in either direction. MancliebteH LUMBER* jured. two seriously. Decker made Ms way through L. Ponticelli and Alyce W. Pon­ The purpose of the program is supporting my opponent to cre­ Sifting through the rubble tm- the dust and rubble to the exit, ly full control” of Inner ticelli, property on Chambers many aspects of Negro history ate a psychological bandwagon der floodlights and knocking where he saw other workers Mongolia. TUB ENCLOSURES & $HOWER DOORS St. to the Greater Hartford Com­ atmosphere. down foot-long icicles that had fleeing one of the three red The J a p a n e s e-language Marriage License Firemen Quell formed during the day, nearly brick, four-story buildings. broadcast said leaders loyal to munity, and to stress the im­ "I firmly believe that the from $25.00 to $45.00 300 volunteer firemen searched Some were crying out In terror, Mao had ordered three divisions Martin Elvin Fiendel, East portance of having educational solid thinking members of the Blaze in Car through the night for the miss­ some bleeding, some holding of the Peoples Liberation Army Hartford, and Bonnie Moore Institutions include Negro his­ State Central Committee will ing men. handkerchiefs to their faces. from Peking to support Maoist Now Is tile tline to bring In your screens to be repaired. Streeter, 86 Overlook Dr. tory in their curriculum. not allow themselves to be in­ Eighth District firemen this Wives and children of some of One girl was screaming, “Oh, revolutionary rebels. Storm window glass replaced. Building Permits Dr. Aaron Brown, special as­ fluenced in this manner. morning extinguished an appar­ paneltodan ^ missing men shivered In my God! Where’s my mother, The broadcast added that Mart Builders for Evan sistant to the provost for urban "As far as I can determine, ent electrical fire in a car at 107 where’s my mother!” Maoist Red Guards had failed In Nyquist, alterations to dwelling educational opportunities and AUTO GLASS INSTALLER I have more State Central Com­ Woodland St. Decker was told that someone efforts to take control in Shan­ at 40 Lyness St., $900. professor of education at Long mittee support today, commit­ was trapped on the third floor.
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