Saint Lucia No. 79. Saturday, February 19, 2005 A publication of the Department of Information Services 26th Independence Anniversary kicks off this weekend - page 2 Fund for new hospital mounts - page 2 Governor General presents Charter for the Pitons to UNESCO Director General t. Lucia now has access to the many privileges that world heritage sites enjoy. Direc- tor General of UNESCO Mr. Tourism is key sector, keeps SKoichio Matsuura, who earlier this improving - pages 3 & 8 week led a UNESCO delegation to St. Lucia for the inscription ceremo- ny of the Piton Management Area as a World Heritage Site, said that designating an area as a world heri- tage site was an occasion for boost- ing national pride and increasing a society’s commitment to protecting and developing that area in a sus- tainable manner. He said the status of world heritage also brought inter- national attention to the site and its surrounding area, attracting inter- national funding and potential in- creases in tourism. Intangible cultural heritage encom- UNESCO has established a pro- $100,000 for Guyana fl ood victims “It may be noted that the world heri- cess for promoting an interest in and - page 7 passes among others, world traditions tage centre has established programs and expressions including language, respect for intangible cultural heri- for small island developing state to performing arts, social practices, ritu- tage called the masterpieces of the provide enhanced assistance in the als and festive events and traditional oral and intangible heritage of hu- preparation of nominations to UNES- manity. Given the fact that 12 coun- CO’s world heritage list. Our collec- craftsmanship. tries have already ratifi ed the 2003 tive work to conserve the diversity of “I believe that intangible cultural convention on intangible cultural the world’s heritage also requires new heritage is very important for St. Lucia heritage it is likely that it will come instruments to give greater protective and the wider Caribbean and therefore, into force in 2006. coverage to al types of heritage. As a I truly hope that your country and its According to the UNESCO Direc- complimentary instrument to the 1972 neighbours will soon be parties to the tor General, once the 2003 conven- world convention, which focuses on tion on intangible cultural heritage 2003 convention which opens up other the protection of cultural and natural comes into operation, the convention properties, we now have a new conven- avenues for the safeguarding of cultur- will have its own mechanism for in- tion for the safeguarding of intangible al and natural diversity in all its forms. scribing outstanding examples of in- One Day Internationals coming, cultural heritage, which was adopted in This is a duty we owe to future genera- tangible cultural heritage around the CWC 2007 in spotlight - pages 3 & 8 October 2003”, Mr. Matsuura said. tions”, he said. world. “Take 2 ” - A fi fteen minute news review of the week. Government Notebook A fresh news package daily Every Friday at 6.15 p.m. on NTN, Cablevision Channel 2. on all local radio stations 2 Saint Lucia Saturday, February 19, 2005 Aid funds for new hospital accumulates he European Union (EU) has St. Lucia, for its part continues to provided over EC $40 million receive high praise and rewards for its Tin new and additional funding ability to effi ciently utilize funds pro- to St. Lucia, following its recent mid- vided by the EU. term review of the country’s various St. Lucia received some EC$20 mil- funding instruments. The fi nancial lion, which will go towards the con- support is among the provision of struction of the new hospital complex funds by the EU to OECS Countries for the island, bringing the total EU and Barbados to the tune of EC $130 funding for the facility to over EC$60 million dollars. million. An additional amount of EC Two documents were signed Tues- $25 million will go towards Human day this week between the Govern- Resource Development and training ment, represented by Prime Minister under the SFA. and Minister of Finance, Dr. Kenny D. Grenada, which was devastated by Anthony and EU Ambassador to the Hurricane Ivan in early September OECS and Barbados, Amos Tincani 2004, has been provided with EC$27 for the provision of funds, following million in emergency aid. The Eastern the review of the National Indicative Caribbean States are among the high- Programme and funds earmarked un- est aid benefi ciaries of European Union der the 2004 Special Framework of assistance on a per capita basis. New Hospital Design being presented Assistance (SFA). cia Police Force has been in training over the last couple of days for the Call made for wide public participation staging of the keenly anticipated, In- dependence Day Parade on Tuesday in Independence Celebrations 22nd February at the Mindoo Philip Park from 9: 00 a.m. he Saint Lucian public is February, said all was in place to mark The National Ecumenical Service to Other activities include the Na- being encouraged to par- this great occasion in the development be held at the Minor Basilca of the Im- tional Sports Awards on Saturday ticipate actively, in the ac- of the nation. maculate Conception on Friday 18th at 19th from 7:30 p.m. at the Nation- T al Cultural Centre, the Concert of tivities to mark Saint Lucia’s 26th 3:00pm is open to the public and Saint A mix of celebratory activities will Praise and Inspiration on Sunday Anniversary of Independence. Lucians are being urged to turn out call attention to the strides made in 20th at 5.00 p.m. at the National Cul- The Standing National Indepen- the development of the nation, as well in large numbers to give thanks, and tural Centre and the Order of Saint dence Anniversary Committee at its as activities which will give thanks to to pray for the continued success of a Lucia Investiture Ceremony on Tues- last meeting ahead of the Indepen- God for sparing the island the ravages young democracy. day 22nd at Government House from dence celebrations on Tuesday 22nd of natural disasters. A group from the Royal Saint Lu- 3:00 p.m. Romulus cautions against mismanagement of Pitons Management Area iles Romulus, who spear- eas was being developed for the island. headed St. Lucia’s mission, He was at that time engaged in research Gwhich brought world rec- and saw the World Heritage recogni- ognition to the Pitons Management tion as an important designation for St. Area has thrown a word of caution Lucia and the majestic Pitons. to those who will manage the site. Mr. Romulus said the long road to Speaking to the GIS, following the Monday’s inscription ceremony of the offi cial Inscription Ceremony of the Pitons Management Area brought with Pitons Management Area on Monday, it immense challenges, but the success February 14, he said the nation must he said, would endure. ensure that this honour was never ham- The Piton Management area is some pered through bad management of the 11 square miles of land on the South area. Giles Romulus (C) recognised by Prime Minister Dr. Kenny West of St. Lucia, and includes the Pi- The dream for Mr. Romulus started D. Anthony (L) and Hon. Mario Mitchel (R) tons, Sulphur Springs and the Soufriere in 1989, when a system of protected ar- Marine Area. he Government of St. Lucia February 11, 2005) published an earli- has taken issue with a claim er statement issued by the Government in an editorial in the Voice Fact vs Fiction: T on Monday (the same day it published newspaper that claims that a Consti- the inaccuracy). However, it attached tutional Motion fi led on behalf of a below the Government’s statement an lawyer accused of rape was heard or Editor’s Note denying the paper said ruled upon by a Judge of the High Govt Again Disputes exactly what is stated in its article, and Court. which it was correctly quoted, word for The Tuesday, February 8, 2005 issue word, in the published statement. of the Voice newspaper, in a Guest Edi- The irreducible and incontrovertible torial, stated in part that: “It was argued Voice and Star claims fact is that neither of the two newspa- and upheld, that at least one section of pers can prove that the Constitutional the criminal Code is unconstitutional Motion was heard or that a ruling was and the paying client was allowed his made by Justice Redhead, because freedom based on that judgment.” that Constitutional it simply did not happen. The fact is This statement is as false as that in that the hearing is set for February 24, the Star newspaper of February 7, 2005 2005. which falsely stated as fact that: “Short- Accordingly, the Government of St. ly before two-o-clock in the afternoon, Motion was heard Lucia calls on both local publications it was confi rmed that that the accused was set free on $10,000, a related con- and Justice Redhead never pronounced The Government notes, with equal to do the right and decent thing – to acknowledge the inaccuracy of the re- stitutional motion by the lawyers of the on the constitutionality of Section 593 concern, that despite the passage of spective claims and apologize to their accused having been decided by Jus- of the new Criminal Code. enough time to verify and ascertain the respective readers for having misled tice Redhead in his favour.” The Government of St. Lucia notes facts, and despite the availability of the with concern that in both cases, neither them.
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