Sydney Futures Exchange Clearing House Pty Limited

Sydney Futures Exchange Clearing House Pty Limited

CPJ10420.01O\CPJ SYDNEY FUTURES EXCHANGE CLEARING HOUSE PTY LIMITED ABN 91 050 615 864 30 - 32 Grosvenor Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Telephone (02) 9256 0555 Facsimile (02) 9256 0666 SFECH CIRCULAR: No. 45/01 ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF CONTACTS AT EACH PARTICIPANT'S OFFICE AS OF 20 APRIL, 2001 SYDNEY MARKET PARTICIPANT NAME TELEPHONE FACSIMILE AA ABN AMRO BANK N.V. Domestic +61 2 9259 +61 2 9259 A Level 22, NAB House Seth Deal (Mgr) 5135 5408 255 George Street Jason McDonnell (Spvr) +61 2 9259 Sydney NSW 2000 Marcus Tipping 5980 Anthony Cooper +61 2 9259 David Coats 5136 Stephen Morgan +61 2 9259 Offshore Melinda Joslin 5573 Andrea Latu +61 2 9259 5165 +61 2 9259 6336 +61 2 9259 5574 +61 2 9259 5041 +61 2 9259 5034 +61 2 9259 5920 AB St George Bank Limited Gary Swinburne (Mgr) +61 2 9320 +61 2 9320 A Level 12, 55 Market Street 5664 5589 Sydney NSW 2000 2 ANZ ANZ Futures Limited Greg Matsin +61 2 8232 +61 2 8232 Level 5, G.P.O. Building 3439 4412 No.1 Martin Place Sydney NSW 2000 BEL C, A & L Bell Domestic Commodities Sycom Enquiries +61 2 9255 +61 2 9251 Corporation Pty. Limited Heidi Abella 7155 7470 Level 33, Grosvenor Place Justine Lind +61 2 9255 225 George Street Jo Holloway 7227 Sydney NSW 2000 Nichole Fox +61 2 9255 Debra Duhna 7255 Overseas +61 2 9255 Heidi Abella 7210 Liz Emms (Mgr) +61 2 9255 7224 +61 2 9255 7224 +61 2 9255 7227 +61 2 9255 7239 BNP BNP Paribas Maurie Weller (STACS) +61 2 9236 +61 2 9236 Level 8, 60 Castlereagh Kyle Rusconi 0811 0889 Street George Antonakakis +61 2 9224 Sydney NSW 2000 8859 +61 2 9224 8827 BTC Bankers Trust Australia Clearing Limited Philip Gabriel +61 2 8232 +61 2 8232 Level 5, G.P.O. Building John Mahoney 6245 4511 No.1 Martin Place, +61 2 8232 Sydney NSW 2000 8411 3 CB Commonwealth Bank of Kathie Jordan (Exec Mgr) +61 2 9312 +61 2 9312 A Australia Laura Hitchon (Clearing 4609 4622 Level 1, 120 Pitt St Mgr) +61 2 9312 +61 2 9312 Sydney NSW 1044 Domestic 4615 4621 Tiina Fadjukov Kirstie Faulds +61 2 9312 Ann Jeffery 4616 Alex Montgomery +61 2 9312 Offshore 4614 Sue Hardjono (Mgr) +61 2 9312 Kim Dalziel(Spvr) 4618 Max Spigone +61 2 9312 Adam Robinson 4611 Warren O’Brien Day 2 /+61 2 9312 Commissions/Cash 4620 Luke Frappell +61 2 9312 Alan Courtney 4612 +61 2 9312 3238 +61 2 9312 4613 +61 2 9312 4617 +61 2 9312 4619 +61 2 9312 3238 4 DB Deutsche Bank AG Tony Burke(Mgr) +61 2 9258 A Level 21, Grosvenor Place Domestic 1249 225 George Street Sally Unasa +61 2 9251 Sydney NSW 2000 Paul Tipping +61 2 9258 6591 David Farry 1280 Ronny Sicurella +61 2 9258 Allaine Banzon (Comms) 1259 Virginia Elsholz (Cash) +61 2 9258 Overseas 1535 Lana Burdei (Clearing +61 2 9258 Mgr) 1286 Esther Fulton +61 2 9258 Tony Ryan 1291 Samuel Willis +61 2 9258 Sharon Sedman 1246 Denise Hollands +61 2 9258 1346 +61 2 9258 1251 +61 2 9258 1248 +61 2 9258 1277 +61 2 9258 1238 +61 2 9258 1464 FBA Credit Suisse First Boston Australia Securities Dominique Hill (Clear. +61 2 9394 +61 2 9394 Limited Mgr) 4750 4638 Level 22, Gateway Amanda Parker Building Darren Deacon 1 Macquarie Place Christine Stewart Sydney NSW 2000 Jane Guthrie Steven Bradley (Mgr) FCS Fortis Clearing Sydney Pty Mathew Burr (Mgr) +61 2 9223 +61 2 9233 Ltd Steven Park 9990 7847 Level 11, Sylone Chadwick 5 Elizabeth Street Sydney NSW 2000 5 FIM FIMAT SNC trading as Grant Smith (Clear. Mgr) +61 2 9230 +61 2 9230 FIMAT Australia Domestic 6824 6845 Level 23, 400 George Natasha Ryan Street Offshore +61 2 9230 Sydney NSW 2000 Mitar Djurisic (Spvr) 6820 Mark Lanson +61 2 9230 6846 +61 2 9230 6848 GSA Goldman Sachs Australia Conway Yeung +852 2978 +852 2978 Pty Limited (Hong Kong) 1524 1766 68th Floor, Cheung Kong Center, 2 Queens Road Central Hong Kong HK HSBC Bank plc Bernar Kari (Mgr) +61 2 9255 +61 2 9255 A Level 7, 1 O'Connell Colin McKenzie 2962 2597 Street Laura Knox +61 2 9255 Sydney NSW 2000 Kittee Yeung 2318 Patricia Crawford +61 2 9255 Amee Warwick 2254 +61 2 9255 2254 +61 2 9255 2254 +61 2 9255 2368 JBW J B Were Futures Pty Rania Notaras +61 2 9321 +61 2 9321 Limited Stephen Hair 8798 8644 Level 42, David Ridgeway (Mgr) +61 2 9321 Governor Phillip Tower 8797 1 Farrer Place +61 2 9321 Sydney NSW 2000 8765 6 JPM J P Morgan Australia Pty Henry Porter +61 2 9551 6245 +61 2 9551 Limited Clinton Allman +61 2 9551 6352 Level 20, 1 O'Connell Hi Shun Tan 6121 Street Lauren Hua +61 2 9551 Sydney NSW 2000 Scott Copeland (Mgr) 6130 Brendon Sweeney +61 2 9551 Offshore 6109 Chris Norriss +61 2 9551 Maria Azzone 6255 Emma Barrett +61 2 9551 6460 +61 2 9551 6367 +61 2 9551 6116 +61 2 9551 6160 LQF L Quay Futures Brokers Melinda Smith (Mgr) +61 2 9247 +61 2 9247 Pty Limited Julian Vincent 5999 6876 Level 7, 220 George Street Richard Huxley +61 2 9247 Sydney NSW 2000 5999 +61 2 9247 5999 7 MB Macquarie Bank Limited Chris Thompson (Mgr) +61 2 8232 +61 2 8232 L Level 5, G.P.O. Building STACS 3577 4412 No. 1 Martin Place, Karren Callaghan +61 2 8232 Sydney NSW 2000 Greg Matsin 4037 Ben Samy +61 2 8232 Chris Murray 3322 Lynda Paterson +61 2 8232 Lynda Foster 3439 David Marshall +61 2 8232 Offshore 4558 Edwina Beattie +61 2 8232 SYCOM® 3439 Lynne Del Cruz +61 2 8232 8422 +61 2 8232 8412 +61 2 8232 8418 +61 2 8232 3334 +61 2 8232 4118 ME Merrill Lynch (Australia) Heath John +61 2 9225 +61 2 9225 R Futures Limited Tweed Steadman 6853 6613 Level 49, M.L.C. Centre +61 2 9225 19-29 Martin Place 6852 Sydney NSW 2000 NA National Australia Bank Dianne Walton +61 3 8614 +61 3 8614 B Limited Rebecca Tann (Spv) 0690 0986 Level 10 Ross Wilson +61 3 8614 120 Spencer Street Richard Connelly (Mgr) 0690 Melbourne VIC 3000 +61 3 8614 0190 +61 3 8614 0899 NM National Mutual Funds Bruce Cooper +61 3 9617 +61 3 9617 F Management Limited Chamila Zacky 2991 2966 trading as AXA Australia Li Phan (Mgr) +61 3 9617 Level 13, Samantha Perera 2886 447 Collins Street +61 3 9617 Melbourne VIC 3000 2906 +61 3 9617 2910 8 OM Ord Minnett Jardine David Willis(Mgr) +61 2 9220 +61 2 9220 T Fleming Sandra Watson (Clearing) 3092 1315 Futures Limited Brendan +61 2 9220 Level 24, Grosvenor Place Sweeney(Clearing) 3075 225 George Street Siobhan Sweeney +61 2 9220 Sydney NSW 2000 Shane Hutchinson 1536 Lyn Bell +61 2 9220 3021 +61 2 9220 3064 +61 2 9220 3021 RO N M Rothschild & Sons George Pappas +61 2 9323 +61 2 9323 A (Australia) Limited Roy Padlan 2274 2306 14th Floor, 1 O'Connell Heidi Whittaker +61 2 9323 Street Andre Kopiec 2271 Sydney NSW 2000 Keith Stewart(Mgr) +61 2 9323 Switchboard 2277 +61 2 9323 2267 +61 2 9323 2260 +61 2 9323 2000 SSC Salomon Smith Barney (Clearing) Australia Securities Pty Daniel Allen +61 2 8225 +61 2 8225 Ltd. Jacqui McKeand 4365 5426 Level 15, Citigroup Centre Gino Poe +61 2 8225 2 Park Street 4371 Sydney NSW 2000 +61 2 8225 4373 SSB Salomon Smith Barney (Execution) Australia Capital Markets Rebecca Mulligan +61 2 8225 +61 2 8225 Pty Limited trading as Ann Mattick 4372 5426 Salomon Smith Barney Gino Poe +61 2 8225 Australia Futures Lisa Bakx 4370 Level 16, Grosvenor Place +61 2 8225 225 George Street 4373 Sydney NSW 2000 +61 2 8225 4366 THA Timber Hill Australia Matthew Board (Mgr) +61 2 9240 +61 2 9240 Pty Limited 5177 5144 Level 25, 56 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 9 TM TransMarket Pty Domestic G Level 1, Suite 3 Malcolm Gooden (Mgr) +61 2 8272 +61 2 9247 189 Kent Street Leanne Speranza 7502 4049 Sydney NSW 2000 Day 2’s +61 2 8272 Overseas 7503 Laura Knox +61 2 9255 Kittee Yeung 2254 Patricia Crawford +61 2 9255 2368 +61 2 9255 2254 +61 2 9255 2318 TSL Traderspace Limited STACS +61 2 9004 +61 2 9004 Level 7, Carrington House Alison Moffitt (Mgr) 1360 1478 50 Carrington Street Samantha Barber +61 2 9004 Sydney NSW 2000 Sama Mayya 1360 +61 2 9004 1360 +61 2 9004 1360 UBS UBS Warburg Australia Kate Alleyn +61 2 9324 +61 2 9324 Limited Todd Keenan 2241 2202 Level 23, Adam Morris +61 2 9324 Governor Phillip Tower Paul Abrey 2241 1 Farrer Place +61 2 9324 Sydney NSW 2000 3265 +61 2 9324 2241 10 NEW ZEALAND BASED ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF CONTACTS NEW ZEALAND MARKET PARTICIPANT NAME TELEPHONE FACSIMILE ASB ASB Bank Limited Radmila Raseta +64 9 306 0037 +64 9 359 Level 9, 135 Albert Street Dukic 9163 Auckland Paul Johnson Neil Saunders Chris Rust Marc Halfpenny CSF CS First Boston NZ Futures Helen Stevens +64 4 474 4425 +64 4 474 Limited Phillip Stevenson +64 4 474 4445 4051 Level 10, Caltex House 282 Lambton Quay Wellington FIB Fixed Interest Brokers (NZ) Marcus Hull +64 4 499 0009 +64 4 499 Limited Kenny Campbell 0074 6th Floor, 107 Kerry Wilkins Customhouse Quay Marcus Peacock Wellington NB National Bank of New Rebecca Ormsby +64 4 471 0286 +64 4 473 N Zealand Tim Olphert +64 4 471 0286 4928 Level 9, Southpac House Lee Matheson +64 4 471 0286 1 Victoria Street Den Petro +64 4 471 0286 Wellington Jason Crowe +64 4 471 0286 OR Ord Minnett Jardine Sonya Bartlett +64 9 356 1316 +64 9 356 D Fleming Futures -NZ- Brodie McNeill +64 9 356 6381 1311 Limited Belinda Nathan +64 9 356 6397 Level 8, Arthur Anderson Tower 205 Queen Street Auckland WP Westpac Banking Kirsten Schofer +64 4 381 1453 +64 4 499 C Corporation Robyn Marshall +64 4 381 1453 0838 Level 3, Westpac House Heather Duncan +64 4 381 1453 318-324 Lambton Quay Peter Tuiavii +64 4 381 1453 Wellington Pauline Phillips +64 4 381 1453 Glad Catley +64 4 381 1453 11 SYDNEY BASED ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF CONTACTS NEW ZEALAND MARKET PARTICIPANT NAME TELEPHONE FACSIMILE AA ABN AMRO BANK N.V.

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