to — MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. Oct. 15. 1985 MANCHESTER FOCUS SPORTS WEATHER KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by Larry Wright HOMES STORE AND FOR RENT IfUJrOFFICE SPACE Hearing turnout light, I iRetired editor likes lUConn’s Earl Kelley I ICIear, cold tonight; Manchester — Office or {faces school discipline Isunny on Thursday Retail Space, first floor, 5 Animal rbcenTly txsccveRebTtw but NU criticism heavy I jto cook for friends I rooms, full bath, parking, Chtb A teVELdFO) SENSE OF \MlNOp. ... page 12 ... page 2 Ashford — 3 and 4 room excellent sign visibility. fzROENroi2ies,cArs um itioX iU TibB E . homoricss, ... page 4 I I ... page 13 I I Frank SplleckI, 643-2121. Ranch. Remodeled. Tile M rr AFPeAK.TriAr'rHfe w a s BECAOSE Mo o n e bath, oak floors, rugs, *«BmodBilmi. WiD Ifte iR . BPANb i3F eKTePTAI N AAEffT large yard, heat supplied, 500 sq. ft. Office — E xcel­ F H B H fB UNtiuTHe AbVENT ©FTHE tAVlD U.Tl0?WANSHoW. no onimals. Lease, 423- lent locqtlon. $200 per fiOINlt 'BBTYl s p t 4190 evenings. month. Includes heat, jan­ lR8.IWHiWR<. itor and parking. 649-5334, F o m iiiin r 'pcior & Bxw ri ■There Yoo Have iT ^ lk s , [STORE AND 643-7175. AddlttBIMMRI^ i 8 i . m t " [OFFICE SPACE l W ill New mini office In down­ t k t r $ o iu rtf« iy . '<#•'" town professional bulld- ' W A M P ' Office Space — Excellent ■ Forront* locatlan with ample park­ Ing. Heat, air iU anrhpB tFr U m l h f u l l v I'dBU.r*IT, , ing. 000, 400 & 300 sq. ft. conditioning Included. Warren E. Howlond, Inc., f - a i S ' Esfabilsltadttir&MBms.-tgi's, room office suites are now >wR,M4.«MWPl.8y..Z.S....... esf.ii___________ ___ * \AioHnAAHAwVYednesday, OrtOct. 16, 1985 — Single copy: available. 649-2891. 643-1108. ■ titw c .S 'P -W S * mcffts (<|VBtL CollBg4»3D. Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm 259 BstinwifBs for ChOStBT FOthor onO 7 * ^ ; ~ Fro* Dlfntty LEOAL NOTICE i « o d <NKi. b r u s ii. < ^ ii .4t»p«ndob.lB In accordance with the provlilans of Section 128, Title 23, MMM 'F B in f ln E , U.S. Code as prescribed In the Federal-Aid Highway Pro­ Bowort gram M an u al, V o lu m e 7, Chapter 7, Section 5,doted Decem ­ MoviMi' LBOves, Moro opentnos Loon Cioszyn m a n ber 30, 1974 from the Federol Highway Administration, the L boyob.. $cli«<iul8i vow -lltw h o n SMMSbyNCA me Connecticut Department of Transportation has received on« cMlit ovor oo*>3 (XMl Report urges from the Division Administrator of the Federal Highway Ad­ loof ClMII uD now. Also ifltctikBy chltdrBt). Chiht* ministration, location and design approval for fhe Town of vino snow rotnovolBSti* rim wKti. soBdosI ntiNfs Ino IcxtiHlor oifd tidf- o^f^Mltnr l(tt< Manchesfer's recommended plan for the reconstruction of motBs. ColM»ortnirs lp«M- Hor, coHjlHp r«o«(r«d. dot«d, CBtllnins, CELEBRITY CIPHER Main Street from Charter Oak Street north to Ford Street, o woicom*. CxpertBACBd CilBbftty Clphor CfYplooramt btb crMtod from quolatlonB by famous i^loL$yvlcos)644-:g«1i,| profmional 64FMtt for Roferoncokfully tnsurtd,' dormars, rooflitG. ptoplQ, past and praaanl. Each latiar In tha dphar Btarxfs for distance of approximately 3,M0feet In theTown of Manches­ arsothar. Tod*y'$ ekt : D aQua/« C. ter Identified by State Prolect No. 76-135and Federal Protect inow": Nowino — odditonol informotten. Quality wo(;k. MUH’rHtt donttai or co 0 No. IXM-179S(1). nwrciol only. DipfffFKii-s ASattssoff, dv^n«H(,'649-,~6dM291. by CONNIE WIENER huge overhaul Included as part of this plan are reductions to the number ble. Insurgd. Answudno:: Topsoil Sand, (frovBl, of on-street parking stalls and a revision to the configuration Stong.' ioticGt/ bdcXhOB ^ vtce, flDv Hardy, i4S* I c o r p B n t r y “ F H LU I BHRCUWF PA of the remaining on-street parking within the prolect area, and tOG((»r rontol.^vlt the creation of new and the Improvement of existing, off- t t i - l Jln o 88TVI street parking areas, and also an Improved access drive to Construction, - '•^ham» rr- UJHREHRM PA QRI EHRT HF the east of Main Street between parking areas. Aesthetic Im­ H04^(f|iidn«t'''"^'' provements such as plantings, street furniture, and textured ironlna. <if»-?69l ForsafKdlZBd Ldwn O r t ., of the military pavem ents are part o f the proposal. SBifEIiiw BvIvri^ ^ : Wo w ill toko ear* of your XPCRT UP OWGT UP The proposal Is being recommended under the Interstate oportmonf, offlct. ig a v tt. Bake tlWmr bti»w: Robert E: Jarvls,|***'^' Trade-In Program, a federal, state, and local cooperative ttiom, haul tfwm. BoiiablB BuildlndrBemodeltno effort tow ard Im proved tra ttic circu la tio n and safety In ur­ Wttokly, bl-w««iy, <k os DPRACFHPR GRT other military factors have ban areas. BEfBCIitW. (M7Lta«tL - i Speciotlsf._______ Additions,___________ oar* By Eliot Brenner you wIPi, Hoi# $ vters changed. But, he said, "Our A public hearing was held on January 9, 1984. The public txpgrlonco, ex^Hont ref- BIkor’s — I'll ropalr on^-icicos, rootbto, sVdlhd/#'| , United Press International hearing transcript, detailed plans and other data pertinent Proncds. Somtone you condttlcm hoavy lockots.^jthons, bottwooms, rt-’f ® R « trlcai CRJQKKHRWFF." — YGBWF national security organization has to the development of the prolect are available tor public In­ not kept up with these changes.... spection at the following locations: «0D trust- Cqil tttter 5t>m, r w ia b t ziPiNirs, rtp d irfip I ,-a - c * « m ♦ '« WASHINGTON — A congres­ , torn SBams, Call OI(»ii(t.fJP»<R)w87dhors. 64I-6713. J UJCVXWV. sional report recommended today Change is needed in both the Town Clerk's Dffice 74J4MBI. .W g.T f, Coviter^^, .t,. ...> l «w<<hmtl Defense Department and Con­ 6 Monchester Town Hall PREVIOUS SOLUTION: "l( I hadn't been an actor, I a maJor overhaul of the U.S. 41 Center Street $Bwln« Oono#’* try,^ 0 W*i« uy,;! would have eaten and drunk myself to death long ago." military establishment, including gress, and I am hopeful this Manchester, Connecticut, 06040 — Roger Moore. abolishment of the Joint Chiefs of process will lead to that change.” M o n d a y-F rid a y, 8:30 a.m .-5:00 p.m. rotfiM )^ sdvlnb, ttHtrmo-sMs, dls-r • Staff, reorganization of the defense Goldwater and Sen. Sam Nunn of lo n y t lm B : | Connecticut Dept, of Transportation I f B N W ptovs. All- Season Fool, secretary’s office and restraint of Georgia, the committee’s ranking ' 4 ' Engineering Dffice P«>EmN8 Bolton, Large Dog House — meddlesome lawmakers. Democrat, had previewed the 160 Pascone Place, Room 414 Automotive massive report — two years in the Newington, Connecticut 06111 m t n K K w Brand new. Never been The report by the staff of the M o n d av-Frid av, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. making — in recent floor speeches. M R C0,< di . intertorbalntlnofn |»K' All types remodeltnG used. S70 or best offer. Senate Armed Services Commit­ per room. Inciudiil Coll 646-5160 after 6pm.o tee represented the first compre­ But Pentagon officials have not Commissioner (»(B(W.Cali fef r e p o r t ,r^ Q (> m p ie» .-‘ i S j 'r l CARS/TRUCKS Connecticut Department of Transportation iniRLW frilcoywinc m a i m hensive study in three decades of seen the report, although Defense G 25660 atattordObiorat - I s b im f ip n Ladles 26” three Speed FDR SALE the Western world's biggest bu- Secretary Caspar Weinberger was 026-10 .wdrk Gvoristtti J « ’ i5 *»r4»*s, fecks. NO Bicycle Deluxe quality. In reauracy, and will be the founda­ briefed on it last week. surod, reforencesi like new condition. S55. Pentagon spokesman Robert tion for congressional hearings Htrald photo by Pinto iyetwsex Foifitinsi Compair Call 649-1794 anytlme.n this year and possible legislation in Sims said the study's general TOWN OF MANCHESTER t m . ^ LEOAL NOTICE 1986. conclusions that reforms are Car Seat — Bobby Mac, 1979 Red Hondo A ccord — needed “don't match with our fits newborns to 40 lbs. In opening hearings today, com­ Open house at MHS At a meeting on October 7, 1985 the Planning and Zoning 4 door. Air, high mileage, mittee Chairman Barry Gold- recent experience" — a reference Commission mode the following decisions: Excellent condition. S25. runs well. $1,812 or best water, R-Ariz., said Congress must to last week’s U.S. interception of a ROBERT W. WEINBERG - SUBDIVISION - TOLLAND 643-7332.0 otter. 633-2479 between 5- MHS. MHS Principal Jacob Ludes estimated about 900 to Sofa — Dark green and start work now to correct “the ^civilian Egyptian Jet carrying the Davi(j Rohrbach of Grissom Road looks over books in the TURNPIKE (W-24) - Approved with modifications0 tour lot 7pm. 1,000 parents and students attended the annual event. subdivision totalling approxim ately 12.61 acres - 402and 428 STORE AND RESORT 10 9 ^ HOUSEHOLD gold tweed, 86'. S85. 643- For Sale — 2 men's bikes, serious organization deficiencies" ' four hiJackers of the Italian cruise Manchester High School library during Tuesday night's Tolland Turnpike. 2538.0 ship Achille Lauro. OFFICE SPAuE 1 PROPERTY | D £ l g o o d s 3 speed. Both In excellent 1974 Chew Wagon — One in the military system. open house. Rohrbach's daughter, Kristin, is a student at ROBERT W. WEINBERG - SPECIAL EXCEPTION - TOL­ I condition.
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