Hightstown Gazette. VOLUME x crv HIGHTSTOWN, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1942 NUMBER 31 Post Office Will Be Open |44 High School NEWS Varied Services at Local from thtt All Day Saturday As Well Make Churches to Mark Opening Honor Roll Fighting Front As From 3 to 6 on Sunday Seniors and Jumors Of the Christmas Season Postmaster Clarence S. Grover place 13 in Upper Special Christmas services of mu­ ful music in the form of .solos, du^ti^ announced today that the post of­ sic an ddrama will feature local women’s chorus, men’s chorus, and aa This colanin will be demoted to news <rf men fice will be open until s p. mi. Satur­ Woman's Gliib Scholastic Brackets ensemble o l 18 voices. The choir has horn Hifhtstovn end eieiaitr who ere scrring church programs this w c c k and worked faithfoHy on their ora* hi the -ermcd lottieii.{.. JPacmts» rcUtires or day and parcel post and stamp win­ tmies, aoa this musical event will t>6 ikiMb are f^qnestM br 'tbU cwnmn to send To Distribute H^htstown public schools will close next in celebration of the birth of ia e a r. nears • provtdio|| it does not sMste dows will be open for the accom­ the climax of all their efforts. vartUMe censprsh^ S ^ ic e mar coop* Tbut^ay afternoon, December 24, for the Christ Child. ; erste br vritisc letters ia care of thu eolumn. Solos wdl be sung ^ James modation of the public from 3 to Dolls to Needy the Christmas holi^ys. Eager students At five p. m. Sunday t h e Rev. Bab<i!9ck, Mes. B s tb e ^ Mrs. 6 p. m. Sunday. w ill,resume their studies on Monday, Wilson Eveeu^ton, Miaa Peter Nagurny, third clasi petty Stanley K. Gambell, pastor of the The Cjiriitmas meetinir of theHigbts* J|in.;4, 1943, after enjoying 10 days of and Messrs. Ja -m e s Babeoelc. LcRcw To handle the anticipated record First Presbyterian Church, will present West, Chari^ J. Howard, Kemwth officdfi now> stationed somewhere in the town Woman’s Club was held Wednes- rfst and relaxation (and recuperation $outhwest Pacific helping to rep ^ the Volume of mail during the last wecK ftom holiday candies). as a dramatic reading his original ost- dinger, James DcRi«hec^, Addison Roii^ day-afternoon at the of Mrs. bins, and A^dtson B. Hunt. anti'social visits of the Japs, has taken before Christmas, four persons have 'Report cards were issued recently ting of “A Christmai Carol” by Charles Gustav H. Kimnach of North Kain c6vei^ng the pefiod between Oct. eZ part in seven naval/engageo^nts ac> been added to the postal staff. Oliver Dickens. The choir will furnish spe­ ManAera Aiw Kistodi street. The program was in charae of and Dec. 4. A total of 44 high .school cial music with Dr. C. Dunn Williains cording to word received by this column. Croshaw and Henry Hunt are substitute He writes, “I don’t need a wiist watch the music department with Mrs. Court- students made the honor roll with the directing and Miss Edith Erving at the Duets will be rendered \» Mr. and out l^re. W ho cares, what time it is! carriers,^ while Mrs. John W. Perrine nay H. Pitt as chairman. senii^rs and juniors tied for first place. console. Mrs. James Babcock, the Misires Anna Each had 13 pupils to gain honors. Money in this area is so much waste and Vincent Smith are substitute clerks. Each department of the club had The choir will sing two old English and Marion Disborough,. and James According to Postmaster Grover, lo­ charge of a section of the affair. Mrs. !Only two, Judith Kamen and Dorothy carols, “The Wassail Song of the Babcock and A. B. Hunt Mrs. Wal­ paper floating about on this 4nd that” Thau, both seniors, made first honor. He further writes, **1 miss all my cal residents have been mailing pack­ Clarence. Spencer, representing the lit­ Christmas Waifs” and “The Holly and ter Schanck, Mrs.^ Leon Babcock, and ages earlier this year, thereby coop­ erature and drama department, read the This signifies all A’s. the Ivy” by Boughton. Decorations will Miss i& n t also wiU ring a sdeetkm. friends and wish them the heartiest 61 'Seniors who made second honor, two season’s greetings." erating with the government in making old Russian legend, “Babushka,” a form an appropriate setting for the pre­ Mendiers of the choir are as fol­ sure everyone would receive such par­ charming Christmas story. A^s ^nd no mark below a B, are Ruth sentation. lows: Sofuanos—Mesdames James Bab­ P vt Alphonse Joseph Braun, who re* cels in time for Christmas. Continued Bolton, Katharine Ann Hertzog, Bev­ cock, John Brandt, and WHson Ever- ported for active duty with the Marines cooperation is urged in the mailing of Um« Toy Pbeao erley Mach, Gertrude Shutman, Rose The final service of the series of spe­ ingham, and the Misses Maty E sea t^ last week, has the following address: cards. Wyhnanez, and Janet W right Those cial services held during the season at Cora Ralph, Marion Disborex^ ana Platoon 1046, Rec. DeTOt, Marine Bar­ The American Home department of­ the First Presbyterian Church will be “Don't wait until Tuesday or Wednes- who made third honor, no, mark below Ruth Hunt; Altos—Mrs. Leon Babcodk, racks, Parris Island, S. C. fered Christmas suggestions in home a ■ B in academic subject^' are Adele held on Christmas Eve at 11 o’clock. Mrs. Walter Schandc, and Miss Anna ^ y of next week for your mailing of and place decorations as well as gih The service will end shortly after mid­ Apprentice Seaman Marvin F. Mar­ H|arhion, Mabel Mount, Elizabeth Wol- Disborough; Tenors-James Balxpck, Christmas cards,” Postmaster Grover wrappings. Mrs. John Probasco called night. The service, the theme of which ten Uiocated at this address: U. S. N., said. “Send them now." strorner. Henry Russo, and Paul Szig- Kenneth Heidinger, Clharles Howanlt members via a toy telephone and gave cti. is “Lights and Carols,” will end with and LcRoy Vi^st; B a s s e s —-James 2-M-59-W-19, Jacksonville, Fla. t an impressive candle lighting ceremony Biggest Day Markod party hints in games. Miis Dorothy Dougherty, Addison Robbins, and Ad­ James Corcodilos left Friday for New Stauffer described unusual and effec­ Jhiaion Am Listed in which everyone attending will have dison B. Hunt. York where he reported for induction The public is requested to refrain tive house decorations. Novel gift a part. The pastor will give a brief into the Coast Guard. He enlisted from phoning to ask if any parcels have wrappings were illustrated by Mrs. Pitt. Second honor juniors are Mary meditation on “Christmas Day.” CbUdrai w m Reidlte along with Albert Reese several weeks arrived. Patrons of the rural delivery Each member had brought a beauti­ I^andt, Kathryn Campbell, Ellison Da­ Snecial music for the service will in­ vison, Hazel Davison, Marie Dunphey, On Christmas Eve the Methodist ago;.- Rbese is waiting to be called. service are cautioned to purchase fully dressed doll, and the collection clude the organ music by Miss Edith revealed everything from a baby doll Jean Hancock, Margaret Hoffman, Erving and the choir numbers under Cliurch school will present its Christ­ Corpimil Melvin V . Dempster, son stamps in advance and not to place Henry Hunt, Phyllis Hutchinson, and mas program. Mrs. J. Burtis Parker unstamped letters in their boxes, ex­ in long clothes to a sophisticated Sonja the direction of Dr. C. Dunn Williams. of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dempster, R. Henie. These dolls will be given to Doris Webb. Juniors gaining third The choir will sing, "The Coventry has be^n directing the production, whiclb D. ly Robbinsville, was recently pro- pecting the carrier to place stamps on honor are Viola Krupowies, Barbara will begin at 7:30 p. m., and has been their mail. needy local children on Christmas, Carol” and “When the Crimson Sun.” m ot^ to sergeant. Dempster, who is Penrith, and Marian Schnell. Miss June Bird will sing “He Shall assisted by Mrs. Frank Norcross, Jr., assigned to Co. D» 15th Bn., 5th Regt, There will be no delivery of mail on Dolls for Needy Everett Craig, Myra Croshaw, and Mrs. Alfred Zinn, a n d Mrs. Walter Christmas Day. Feed His Flock,” by Handel. and serves as mess sergeant, was in­ Ruth Steward are sophomores w ho This is the third year that a mid­ Schanck. ducted April 10 a t Fort Dix and re­ November statistics reveal that re­ The second section of the afternoon’s made second honors. Stephen Mar- Included on the program besides car­ ceipts are up 10 per cent over the cor­ night Christmas Eve service has been ceived his basic training ait the Branch program was musical, and Miss Ruth tymik, Margaret Logan, Constance held in the church. ols for congregational singing, prayer Immaterial Replacement Training responding month last year. However, Hunt rendered several selections. A Rogers, Ancela Wright, Robert Wiley, Scripture reading, and offerini* are the Center. About two months ago he every other month in 1942 was the same quartet from the high school composed and Orel Vogt gained third honors. foltowring: — 10 per cent over last year. Presbyterian Sunday was-made a corporal. of the Misses Virginia Puglin, Betty Recitations by Roger Bemley, HI, Receipts for this month are expected Potter, Phyllis Hutchinson, and Lor­ Girls Outrank Boyt Conrad Decker, III, Claire Howell, Car­ Pvt.
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